Purple Cheeto
Dcx and Pimpwerx getting recognized: http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1326874&page=100000#footer
Star Wars was almost as good as the Christmas present Bowser commissioned my friend to make for Mrs Bowser. Almost. I'd show it off but Bowser hasn't seen it yet and it's unfinished so I can't. But god damn is it amazing.
I need more Jedi Donnie Yen
I am very nervous to see what that is.
Regardless; been working way too much, didn't even make it home from the office last night. Finally getting some time off tonight and this weekend. Would anyone like to play some doter
Somnia did you receive a Halo War DE code. I'm still waiting hoping to win the lottery so I get one.
MS has done some good work with BC on XB1. Can't believe how many games I have from 360 on XB1 now. At the very least if Nintendo screws over Bayonetta and doesn't make it and Bayo 2 playable on the Switch I'll have the original Bayonetta to play on Xbox One.
Madden thread, since we're in GSC why not stop by the NFLGAF thread once in awhile <3
Madden thread, since we're in GSC why not stop by the NFLGAF thread once in awhile <3
Madden thread, since we're in GSC why not stop by the NFLGAF thread once in awhile <3
Madden thread, since we're in GSC why not stop by the NFLGAF thread once in awhile <3
Madden thread, since we're in GSC why not stop by the NFLGAF thread once in awhile <3
Holy shit, you saw it?!Star Wars was almost as good as the Christmas present Bowser commissioned my friend to make for Mrs Bowser. Almost. I'd show it off but Bowser hasn't seen it yet and it's unfinished so I can't. But god damn is it amazing.
I wish. That would more be a gift to myself.It's a sculpture of a tongue deep in da booty, is it not?
I wish. That would more be a gift to myself.
Something equally artistic and beautiful that will become a fixture of our new home (and all future homes).
95% sure fmt is just a magic 8 ball of movie opinions
kas knows about this thread?
Looks like a game CB will love, people are saying the combat is on par or better than Metal Gears Revengance.
Watching some Nier Automata Twitch streams, everyone download this demo tomorrow!
Looks like a game CB will love, people are saying the combat is on par or better than Metal Gears Revengance.
This Shazaam thing is kinda blowing my mind. I am apparently a crazy person. Mostly expected the article to end "haha of course it exists don't trust fake news dummy"
I don't really watch much college basketball outside of March Madness, but that Grayson Allen kid seems like a real dirtbag.
That kind of shit happens all the time on the internets now. Before, everyone in the real world, would just tell you that you're crazy and move on. Now, other people feed into it and legitimize your false memories because theirs were similar and probably spawned from the same source.
it just came out today!did they release it on flip yet?
When you're spending time with your families this holiday season, please be sure to remember the less fortunate and keep them in your thoughts.
This is the year cody stops believing in santa.
TinyCar the GOAT
wow nier is pretty awesome. never paid attention to the game so i didn't realize it mixed 3rd person with bullet hell stuff. i thought it was a sequel to nier, which is way different than this. will buy!
Who has Super Mario Run. I need some leaderboards.