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Official Madden 2005 Thread


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
It better be for a decent price :(


You now belong to FMT.
<--- does not really like madden, but will love online leagues if they do it right.... **Prays**

whats sad is that, Espn released it early in hopes of people falling in love with the game and forgetting about madden, but in turn I think it just Built up the anticipation with all the bugs....


works for Gamestop (lol)
Gamespot has some Madden 2004 pics. Probably old but what the hell












Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
lol I just saw the new Madden commercial on ESPN (of course). It shows the Ravens playing the Titans, and then before a play Ray Lewis looks at the camera and yells stuff like "summer vacation is over" and "time to get out of the pool" or something to that effect. Then EA Guy starts talking while Ray crushes a Titan RB.


What WON'T be in the Announcement


I can tell you that we won't have:

- Cross platform play. Sony and Microsoft will never allow it. Playing PC and a console is still problematic with cheating (on the PC side).
- No challanging calls online either...

Sorry for the wait guys but hopefully it will be worth it.
Nathan Fahrenthold
EA SPORTS Community Producer

Damn him! Announce leagues already! :(


They're not going to let us view replays online, will they? It's bad enough we can't save replays....but not being able to even control them ourselves is a real pain the ass. NCAA didn't let us do that, and I haven't heard of an EA game that gave you that power. Not Challenging calls kind of sucks, but IMO it doesn't take away from the fun of the game like not having replays does. 99% of the time people skip auto replays, but I want to be able to see a once in a lifetime play from any angle, like ESPN lets you do, and like Madden lets you do....offline.


I think its mainly not in so dickheads cant just fuck around with it when your beating their ass.Probably,I dunno! :p


for league or tournament games I wont mind not being able to view replays because it breaks the flow of the game but in exhibition or unranked games or whatever where youre just messin around with a friend it would be nice to be able to laugh at a replay together or talk smack about how hard someone just got hit.


Fifty said:
Maybe it's shipping! :D ......We can dream, can't we?

Im going to email them about this, they say that they only charge you once the product ships. I dont want none of this "Were charging you ahead of time to make sure you get on time."


Heh,I liked that commercial,even though I don't like Ray and those bastard ass Ravens he's got me fired up to play the game :p

MTV had a video preview of it on today with some guy from Gamepro,looked good...



Receive FREE Overnight Shipping on any version of Madden NFL 2005 when you use Coupon Code: 1DMDDN (See below for coupon details)

"Madden is the King of Football Video Games" - Game Informer Magazine

Ships 8/9 - Madden is the game that EVERYONE plays and this year will be no exception. For the first time in video game football, you'll have to play both sides of the ball - now defense matters and is fun to play. For more information or to order your copy click here!

Coupon Details: Must use coupon at checkout where prompted and click "ACTIVATE". Limited time offer. One discount per customer. Continental U.S. customers only

go this in my email today :)


Hail to the KING baby
hgplayer1 said:

Receive FREE Overnight Shipping on any version of Madden NFL 2005 when you use Coupon Code: 1DMDDN (See below for coupon details)

"Madden is the King of Football Video Games" - Game Informer Magazine

Ships 8/9 - Madden is the game that EVERYONE plays and this year will be no exception. For the first time in video game football, you'll have to play both sides of the ball - now defense matters and is fun to play. For more information or to order your copy click here!

Coupon Details: Must use coupon at checkout where prompted and click "ACTIVATE". Limited time offer. One discount per customer. Continental U.S. customers only

go this in my email today :)

It sucks that this is coming out only a few days before I go back to school. Oh how I would love having the last week of vacation to play this freaking game all day. :/

Musashi Wins!

Monday Night!!!! Wheee!

In other news...some dude came in the GS the other night trying to sell one!!! Apparently, EA prints some games at a plant here in MI though that was the first I heard of it. He didn't say he got it from there of course. It was just the disc, no book material. The manager wouldn't buy it because it wasn't in the system yet, haha, but I wanted to rush outside and offer him 40 bucks for it. No go :(



I'm confident now that they will have him. I'm just curious as to what the cost is, if there is one. Once we have the details we can begin preparations for a GA league :D


Man Im gonna be so dissapointed if ain't leagues,especially the way they have kept it under wraps and everything like its a big deal =\
Guileless said:
lol I just saw the new Madden commercial on ESPN (of course). It shows the Ravens playing the Titans, and then before a play Ray Lewis looks at the camera and yells stuff like "summer vacation is over" and "time to get out of the pool" or something to that effect. Then EA Guy starts talking while Ray crushes a Titan RB.

This commercial made me want the game even more. I've seen it twice and I can't wait until next week.


Nathan pretty much confirms its online leagues

Originally Posted by deejay8595
Online Leagues And Spectaor Mode Is The Annoucemnts....

No Spectator Mode or Online Challenges. I think I said that before...

Annoucnement should be Thursday afternoon.



DMczaf said:
Nathan pretty much confirms its online leagues


"Online Leagues And Spectaor Mode Is The Annoucemnts....

No Spectator Mode or Online Challenges. I think I said that before...

Spectator mode would be freaking awesome. Often times 3 people are online and this way we're all involved somewhat :)


Keep dreaming. Maybe Cmac will actually play like himself in this game, and not like a mindless drone as they did in ESPN.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Fifty said:
Keep dreaming. Maybe Cmac will actually play like himself in this game, and not like a mindless drone as they did in ESPN.

You mean he won't stop and do a 360 around the WR while the ball is in the air?


Haha,I just got done playin Konex a minute ago...I'm still trying to figure out why Joey Porter and Kendrell Bell are getting fuckin run over by Garrison Hearst,hahaha,I hate this game :D


dskillzhtown said:
You mean he won't stop and do a 360 around the WR while the ball is in the air?

That's what I'm counting on. Or do as Ed Reed did last night and wait till the ball is almost there (in the air)...run 4 feet forward and swat at the air while the (now open) reciever catches it and goes 70 yards for the score.


Ramirez said:
Haha,I just got done playin Konex a minute ago...I'm still trying to figure out why Joey Porter and Kendrell Bell are getting fuckin run over by Garrison Hearst,hahaha,I hate this game :D

Tell me about it, the shoulder charge button is WAY too effective when Garrison fucking Heasrt can push over Derrick Brooks for an extra 3-4 yards.



marino13: passing defense is entirely different than NCAA. In NCAA, the DB's have superhuman recovery speed (in my opinion), and I couldn't exploit a hole properly. Not so in Madden so far. I've seen a matchup I wanted and gotten the result I expected. I've played zones on defense and shut offenses down...then I had the Rams starters come in and proceeded to have Holt, Bruce, and Faulk/Jackson light me up. So far I've had a nice mix, and never felt cheated in the passing game.

NJL: Well, I've played about 45 games of ESPN, and only 4 of Madden. However, so far Madden is my choice. I've been a fan of ESPN since its inception on Dreamcast, but this year I feel they faked some momentum through animations and did some bizarre alterations to the DB AI that really start to upset me. It's hit or miss, as sometimes I have a lot of fun in ESPN, and other times I want to throw my controller through a wall as my safety tries to jump a ball with a horrible angle and gives up 6 in a full cover 2, nice "safe" defense. If I had to pick 1 game right now, it would be Madden, and that's very strange for me.

Mintsa: NO SLOWDOWN while running the rock, or any other time that I've seen. I couldn't stand it in NCAA, so I was definitely happy. Haven't tried online yet, nobody's been on when I checked the lobbies

Wsv771: XBox version DOES have custom soundtracks. Not in-game like ESPN's stadium music, but when you're flipping through music you can hear any tunes you have on your XBox as your background music. 'Bout time, too.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Hopefully it isn't based on Sega technology.

Dayum, I guess we will have the "Dodge halftime report"

think the good news is for users that Dodge stepped up and paid for the development team for this year, and we'll see how it goes going forward.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


I'm about to go to the store and pick up my copy!! :D Thanks to FMT for the heads up....My EB has over 40 copies in stock. :D Praise the lord.
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