Happy Birthday Smokes. Hope you enjoy the 25 cents Ms gives you!
They dont give you that anymore. they give you a print out paper cake.
Happy Birthday Smokes. Hope you enjoy the 25 cents Ms gives you!
They dont give you that anymore. they give you a print out paper cake.
Az can't go tonight.. Bros kicking off bday weekend earlier than I expected
Unless you stay up. I played Matrix drunk one time in one of the finest games in my career
CB you wanna play tonight?
How late are we talking here?
Post when you can play
prob around 10 EST
What a scrubFucking Shake. Abandoning piece of shit, enjoy low priority asshole.
Fucking Shake. Abandoning piece of shit, enjoy low priority asshole.
What a scrub
I always knew shake was a scumbag
goddamn headache
Sup guy. I'm on a work call but I can try to go.
i'll be avail for most of the if that's better
i can go now, but if you're working i can wait
when is the advance
i'll be avail for most of the day if that's better
i can go now, but if you're working i can wait
when is the advance
Hey man, I should be good to go in about 15-20 min.
Rors would enjoy that.
Gg Bren!
I'm trying to maximize my muffin intake, ok?
Yeah, that kr was huge, first one I've had this game. I'm still struggling a little with hitting the wrong buttons after the platform switch, caused one of my picks and probably should have caused a couple more but I got lucky.great game. that was a really fun one. especially after the lagfest last week. we had like 0 latency, really enjoyable game
That kick return for TD and then me throwing a pick on the next play was a real spirit crusher, but getting it to a tie game was fun
GG, Smokey.
I really hate that my muscle memory is tuned to the xbox controller. On my last pick, I saw that X was open so I threw it to X (well, X on the xbox controller). Sadly that was square on PS4 and you got an easy pick.
same thing was happening to me. there were a few times i had guys wide open and dat muscle memory caused me to throw it way to late to where keenum got hit or it was a sack. i kept trying to figure out how to make adjustments on offense. i didn't know how to do the defend option call on defense until mid 3rd
shits ruff man
now it's time to dump on FMT
can't wait to fuck you up. league vances at 6, when can you play?
most likely tomorrow
get on nba2k!
Game is trash.