I'm ok with thisRead some reviews for them, they sound not great, especially True Detective. Show is not for me at all, but I was surprised to see bad reviews.
Ballers sounds just like Entourage, but I like Rob Corddry so I'll be watching.
I had to leave yesterday when you guys were going back and forth at a each other's rax. Figured you won, but you never know in those cases.Won 3 ranked solo games in a row with clutch Jakiro skillz. I am a golden god.
True Detective cant live up to season 1. But i need to know.
You're starting to hate everything, like eznark.TD season 2 looks like fucking trash but i'll still watch
in other news.... time to finish the order! #4Splat
TD season 2 looks like fucking trash but i'll still watch
in other news.... time to finish the order! #4Splat
You're starting to hate everything, like eznark.
Screw True Detective. Bar Rescue starts again tonight.
Bar Rescue and Ballers will be a brotastic night of TV viewing.
Finish the Order? How did you not finish it when you first started it?
You're starting to hate everything, like eznark.
This accurately describes me in worms last night, for half the time
Hey guys, was TD or Ballers any good?
bahahaha just watched the video, it took Johnny so fucking long to tweet that phone number. Amazing that he didn't rethink it during all that time....
Oh my god Boyes' reaction. This is the fucking best thing ever
bahahaha just watched the video, it took Johnny so fucking long to tweet that phone number. Amazing that he didn't rethink it during all that time....
Oh my god Boyes' reaction. This is the fucking best thing ever
I was in tears that entire segment, was one of the best moments in giantbomb E3 history, so good.
I think it's called being drunkI don't know that I have ever seen a person more fitting of the description of buffoon. It took him like 45 minutes to delete it after he put it up.
Nightz. Cali brehs.
I am stepping foot into the state of California for the first time. Specifically San Diego . I need restautants. Things to do. Scenic highways to drive on. Will probably take a trip up to LA for a day or two. I already feel dirty stepping into Laker territory (or is it Warriors? lul).
I done talked shit about Cali but now I will see if it is indeed Best Coast or nah
I think it's called being drunk
Where is my Boston friend Sanjuro at?
Is he banned forever? D:
The Zoo. Go to the zoo. Every day. All day. The mothafuckin zoo.
Nightz. Cali brehs.
I am stepping foot into the state of California for the first time. Specifically San Diego . I need restautants. Things to do. Scenic highways to drive on. Will probably take a trip up to LA for a day or two. I already feel dirty stepping into Laker territory (or is it Warriors? lul).
I done talked shit about Cali but now I will see if it is indeed Best Coast or nah
I don't even mean just at E3, more as a whole. Even when sober he's just kind of a dope. He's clearly the butt of most jokes for that group of friends.
Do you think Jeff's "I can think of only one worse thing that happened on stream" was Ryan's Lantern Run incident or Leigh's E3 to remember?
I missed the Ryan thing. Did he pull a mastershake? I feel like Leigh's E3 thing is hard to top.
What part of San Diego are you going to? It's a big city/county.
In general, any Mexican place with a "berto's" at the end is good. There's a place called Lolita's that I'm fond of. First place my wife and I went to when we flew in. You must have carne asada fries (basically fries covered in guacamole, sour cream, cheese and carne asada). Or a California burrito, which is carne asada fries inside a burrito.
Besides Mexican, Phil's BBQ is a popular place. Hodad's, Slater's 50/50, Stacked if you're into burgers. There are also a bunch of good all you can eat Korean BBQ places.
I'm not too fond of the zoo myself. Just seems like every time I go, the animals are sleeping/hiding out of sight. I would say the Wild Animal Park is better. Balboa park is nice if you're into museums and stuff. Gaslamp and Old Town are tourist spots. If you want to do the beach thing, go to La Jolla. Sunset Cliffs in Ocean Beach is nice too.
Except that Ryan felt bad about it, and didn't continue to do it over and over and over!
I missed the Ryan thing. Did he pull a mastershake? I feel like Leigh's E3 thing is hard to top.