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Official MLB 10 League: Zep's a No Show....again


BigAT said:
As I'm new to the series, can someone explain why we're playing without the strike zone on? I'm pretty awful at pitching to begin with, and I had a rough time of it without the strike zone in my one (and only) tournament game. I'm guessing it is prevent people from constantly painting the edges of the zone for strikes? It seems to me though that even if you can aim it, actually executing the pitch is hard enough, online especially, that having the strike zone up isn't a huge advantage.

The strike zone looks stupid and the rumble makes it redundant.
LJ11 said:
Zep and I planned to set up a dummy league, but again it would only be a couple of people playing with sliders and basically dictating to the group.

I know FMT mentioned hitting troubles, so decreasing solid hits would make it even more difficult for a guy like him.

My AIM is LJ11370, Frank (or anyone for that matter) you're more than welcome to message me so we can discuss this more or just offer suggestions.

I'm definitely messing with reaction and speed, still mulling over hitting/pitching.

Edit: Fuck it, we'll do a quick dummy league tonight Frank. I can play after 9pm or so, or you and pistol can set one up, play a game or two, and we'll do one later tonight.
Ok I'll finish eating and be ready by 9. Keep your AIM open. Actually everyone should get on AIM then... too bad I can't UStream the baseball game :C
eznark said:
The strike zone looks stupid and the rumble makes it redundant.
By putting Swing/Pitch Info ON you can see the outline anyway.

I would actually prefer if as many of you guys logon to our AIM group as possible so we can chat. I'm not the only one who ghosts OS, plus we can discuss crap about how the sliders work as explained by veteran simmers/the devs.
really eznark? Couldn't be pulled away from the Duke/Butler blowout to logon and accept the invite? 3 minutes of you time too much? Some of us (LJ11/pistolpete/Doytch/Rors) have interrupted our time to attempt to test these sliders...


Any night owls want to play a faux league game in 30 mins? Or tomorrows I'll be available almost all day. :]

[edit] Oh guess the roster isn't finalized!


Rorschach said:
Any night owls want to play a faux league game in 30 mins? Or tomorrows I'll be available almost all day. :]

[edit] Oh guess the roster isn't finalized!

We just need one more guy to log in, minimum is 6 guys.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
how can i sign in!?

p.s. i'm out of town from april 5 - april 9 :(

It's just a test league for now, working out some issues with sliders. Official League will be up on Monday, any chance you can sign in during the week?
LJ11 said:
It's just a test league for now, working out some issues with sliders. Official League will be up on Monday, any chance you can sign in during the week?

am i able to sign in on the website?

if not i can ask my gf to sign in for me
Mets - 000 000 03X - 3 - 11 - 0
Padres - 001 000 000 - 1 - 6 - 1

Recap - http://www.theshowcommunity.com/boxscore/1021465

Highlights -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K-DyXTHJpY

gg N1ghtz, your only mistake was leaving Young in 3 batters too late in the 8th. His Endurance was shot and that pitch to Wright hung. Surprised you kept him in to face Jacobs, then Bay hit the solo shot later.

Regarding the sliders, The fielding ones had a definite impact. Blooper down the line, I'm waiting for Jason Bay to kick it into gear... it never happened. Went for a double, I'm uploading it right now. :lol -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYqdn2ZsOww

The solid hits one gave a few choppers and the bloop I mentioned. Solid hits doesn't change hitting, just the variety you see. Everything will be uploaded to YouTube by morning.


The Frankman said:
really eznark? Couldn't be pulled away from the Duke/Butler blowout to logon and accept the invite? 3 minutes of you time too much? Some of us (LJ11/pistolpete/Doytch/Rors) have interrupted our time to attempt to test these sliders...
Had people over dude, not going to turn off the TV to nerd out and accept a video game invite.

I accepted your buddy list request, didn't get a league invite. No need to invite me, I'm heading to Milwaukee in a few minutes and won't be back til Tuesday morning so just invite me to the real league.


The Frankman said:
gg N1ghtz, your only mistake was leaving Young in 3 batters too late in the 8th. His Endurance was shot and that pitch to Wright hung. Surprised you kept him in to face Jacobs, then Bay hit the solo shot later
Whoops sorry went right to bed after our game, but yes GG. My gut was telling me to put in a reliever in the 8th, but the greedy side of me was hoping for a complete game shutout. Definitely paid for it.

As for the sliders, I don't really have any complaints. The fielding was a bit harder, but you can't expect to chase down every ball that was popped in the air. There were a couple of grounders where the game assigned me to an infielder I wasn't expecting to be assigned to, and by the time I switched to the right guy it was too late to make a play. Not that big of a deal though.

Hitting was ok for me. This was actually the first time for me playing without a strike zone so it was a bit different, but I like not having it though. Gets me even more focused when batting instead of relying on the box.
Ok to all the guys I PMed, we have all the testers already. Sorry if I was a little crazy in the e-mails, some of you guys were logged on at that time/recently so I asssumed you were posting.

Try to get another game or two in tonight, also it looks like we won't be able to activate the league until Tuesday since eznark won't be back by then. :C


The Frankman said:
Ok to all the guys I PMed, we have all the testers already. Sorry if I was a little crazy in the e-mails, some of you guys were logged on at that time/recently so I asssumed you were posting.

Try to get another game or two in tonight, also it looks like we won't be able to activate the league until Tuesday since eznark won't be back by then. :C
If that is really a hold up ill give bob my login info so he can accept the invite for me.
eznark said:
If that is really a hold up ill give bob my login info so he can accept the invite for me.
Actually that would be great! We at least want to activate the league the minute rosters update, either tonight or Monday 1:00. Mets still had friggin' Josh Fogg on the roster. :lol
Doytch said:
Frankman lets play a bs league game. Get yo ass on.
Goddamnit just when I want to play I got people over. This sucks. :lol

Gimme 1 hour, hopefully things have calmed down.

EDIT: Just so you know, you can flex to whatever opponent you have on the sched.


The Frankman said:
Trust me, if you want detailed explanations over each slider I gave I'll provide it here.

Fielder Reaction: 10 - Increases initial IF reaction/range, though impact is not as big as last year. - This is an INF slider, it helps initial reaction time and reduces the amount of the "WTF ball went under the fielder's glove!" moments.
Fielder Run Speed: 1 - Fixes speedy OFs who catch everything. - As PistolPete can attest to, this slows down Slow OFs to what they should be at. Bay was looking like Andru Jones circa 1996 in my game. :lol
Fielder Arm Strength: 4 - Slight tweak.
Reliever Stamina: 3 - I put this at 3, but it really could be set to 2.
Solid Hits: 1 or 2 - It increases hit variety (bloopers/choppers/etc.) - I cannot stress this one enough. Every hit online is a bullet liner, that's not real life. Most of us have this set to 0 in our Franchises, though maybe you want it on the setting I listed.
Contact: 4 - Slight tweak, it's already proven you can hit with the slider set at 1 and 0.
Pitcher Control: 6 - Not a real control slider, it increases meatball pitches when lowered and decreases meatballs when raised.
Pitcher Consistency: 6 or 7 - Raising pitcher consistency pretty much increases the chance of the pitch going in the area where the pitcher wants it and decreases the chances of the pitch missing by a lot. How many times have you only missed the meter area and yet the ball is 5 feet away from where you want it? This slider also has a big impact on wild pitches and hit batters, so this will reduce that a bit.

I went the slider adjust route to try and add realism in areas it was sorely lacking. If you want we can make up a quick BS league and play like 2-3 games using the sliders. Anything else, just ask.
You know.. most of these seem unchanged from default settings. Only ones changed are:
Contact -1
Field Running +1
I did leave some unchanged (kept contact/power at default) but trust me, I made a few noticeable ones. Fielder run Speed is usually 5, same as Fielder reaction. They currently are at 1 and 9 respectively. I also lowered Solid hits down to 1 instead, but the pitching/fielding ones are the biggies. Some sliders have more/less impact than others though.


The Frankman said:
I did leave some unchanged (kept contact/power at default) but trust me, I made a few noticeable ones. Fielder run Speed is usually 5, same as Fielder reaction. They currently are at 1 and 9 respectively. I also lowered Solid hits down to 1 instead, but the pitching/fielding ones are the biggies. Some sliders have more/less impact than others though.
Weird. FRS is 1 for me on default. Was this on HOF?
Doytch said:
I assumed you rage-quit at the sight of Johnny Mac getting a hit.
Yes, nothing shows your staff sucks more than seeing McDonald line a single to right.

EDIT: IT GAVE ME A FOREIT LOSS??? Oh Sony... We'll try again.
Mets - 004 010 00X - 5 - 7 - 0
Blue Jays - 210 000 000 - 3 - 8 - 1

Recap - http://www.theshowcommunity.com/boxscore/1041727

gg doytch, geez I cannot for the life of me pitch 3 scoreless innings. Jacobs saved my butt with the 3-run bomba.

Regarding the sliders... I never made a change to hitting but why does it feel like homers are flying out?? Maybe I should've lowered power... I will say the Jacobs one was on a mistake pitch though, Lind destroyed an inside cutter and I was like "really?" Other than that I'm pretty happy with the arm strength/OF speed, OFs actually had to motor to get to balls and balls did drop in untouched on the warning track realistically. Pitching has been tweaked to be more consistent also.

EDIT: Dammit I saw your PSN message Doytch. Will you stop making me remember the Mets-Yankee game?


The Lind jack was just middle-of-the-plate, and low outside the zone, but I had the PCI fully down so I covered it. Don't remember the Encarnacion one. And srsly bro, KRod on the mound, final out being an IFFB to Castillo? "Most realistic baseball ever", pfft.

I basically fucked myself with stupid button presses while running though. I tapped L1 with JMac trying to take an initial lead just when you stepped off the mound so he ran, and I have no clue why Wells was running with someone on 2nd. :lol I probably hit L1 there by accident too.
The thing that bothers me is that I've hit like 3 jacks and only had a power swing on one of them. It's actually possible to hit a homer using Contact with the setting at 0, so I may rework the contact slider to 4 instead of 5 like I initially talked to LJ11 about doing.


rareside said:
Anyone wanna play a game? Will be around for the next 30 min or so... Opening Day tomorrow!

I'll play a game. You're Octomom or whatever your username is, right? :lol


good game rareside. I just finished 4 games with rors where I was hitting nearly everything (in 3 of the games) and I came up pretty terrible against you. Although I did start seeing some tendencies in your pitching that helped me get into a spot where I could have tied the game with 1 swing, but nerves got the best of me...


Good game Mig. Yeah, was a pretty lousy game for both of us offensively. You practically gave me the 1st run with the 2 wild pitches. Towards the end of the game I was starting you down and away each time and hoping you'd hit it to one of my guys. You scared me with 2men on in the 9th. Patience is a killer.

We'll meet again.
Rosters updated. I also will post a slider explanation here:

- This is purely a check swing slider for the User because the slider is for plate vision and discipline. Since you swing the bat for all your players, your players' vision and discipline is completely tied to YOU. Raise to make check swinging easier, lower to make check swinging harder.
- This slider effects how far balls are hit, this is your ideal HR slider. It will not increase extra base hits other than HRs. Raise for more distance, lower for less distance.
- This slider adjusts the window you have to make contact with the ball along with the window for making solid contact (increase/decrease extra base hits). This is the only slider that directly increases/decreases hit totals. This slider will also increase/decrease strikeouts. Raise for a bigger window (easier to hit), lower for a smaller window (harder to hit)
- This slider obviously increases/decreases foul balls. More importantly it'll effect strikeouts as increasing the slider will let you and the CPU slide a bit on 2 strike counts allowing the batter to stay alive instead of striking out at times. Raise for more foul balls, lower for less foul balls.
Solid Hits
- This slider effects how hard batted balls are struck that ARE NOT hit squarely. So, if you put a good swing on the pitch, the ball will be hit hard no matter what this slider is set at. Lowering this slider just increases hit variety on balls that aren't hit well, that is all. If you find yourself having a hard time hitting extra base hits, raise this slider to 1 or 2. I would not recommend going past 2 or you'll see pretty much every batted ball hit hard. If you are still having trouble hitting extra base hits at 2, increase the timing slider or lower pitch speed. Raise for less hit variety, lower for more hit variety.
Starter Stamina
- Increases/decreases the number of pitches a starter can throw.
Reliever Stamina
- Increases/decreases the number of pitches a reliever can throw.
Pitcher Control
- This IS NOT a proper pitcher control slider. This slider does nothing but increase meatball pitches when lowered and decrease meatballs when raised.
Pitcher Consistency
- This slider is basically your pitcher control slider. Raising pitcher consistency pretty much increases the chance of the pitch going in the area where the pitcher wants it and decreases the chances of the pitch missing by a lot. This slider heavily influences the amount of wild pitches and hit batters. Lowering this will make pitchers less accurate (idea for meter pitching) and will allow for more wild pitches and hit batters.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I am not certain we should be tweaking sliders just yet. Without all teams having a chance to play many games against one another, I suggest we get more data and leave the default settings in place.

In addition, I think the strike zone being on helps pitchers and makes the game more balanced. It seems the developers have already put in place a system that prevents perfect placement all the time even if the meter is nailed. But given that the strike zone one sees is not always representative of what the strike zone should be but what is inevitably called, having it visible helps pitchers frame pitches and set up breaking balls better.


Roster update doesn't have the rookies, or so I hear. I don't really give a shit at this point to be honest.

Definitely adjusting sliders, Global Field Reaction going up to 9 and Speed to 1. OFers are pretty fast even on 1. I'll tweak pitching as well, make it a bit easier, and turn down solid hits. Played a bunch of games yesterday against the CPU, game felt great.

Unless you guys want to wait until next Monday, and enough of you complain, this thing is going up tonight.

Edit: Frank, I didn't see an option to upload any rosters when I was messing around with a test league. Not sure, maybe if I download them and try to create the league it will recognize his rosters, doubt it.
LJ11 said:
Roster update doesn't have the rookies, or so I hear. I don't really give a shit at this point to be honest.

Definitely adjusting sliders, Global Field Reaction going up to 9 and Speed to 1. OFers are pretty fast even on 1. I'll tweak pitching as well, make it a bit easier, and turn down solid hits. Played a bunch of games yesterday against the CPU, game felt great.

Unless you guys want to wait until next Monday, and enough of you complain, this thing is going up tonight.
Which ones did you touch? I uploaded a slider set with the same changes you made, you can use that. NeoGAF 2010-OS Sliders is the name.

Also I guess I'll cancel the BS league. Let's start tonight, did mrbob get eznark's PSN info? He said he'd give it to him since eznark won't be back until Tuesday.
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