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Official MLB 10 League: Zep's a No Show....again


Might be a case of wired versus wireless. Ever since I bought my cable my online games have been near offline experiences.


Rors we play next.

I can get a game in tonight after the HAWKS hockey matchup.


So the league is back in business then? Great! :D

LJ I think we're set to go soon, I'm free tonight until 7PM and most of the day tomorrow until 6PM. Sunday is out unless we can play around 8 or 9AM.


LiveWire said:
So the league is back in business then? Great! :D

LJ I think we're set to go soon, I'm free tonight until 7PM and most of the day tomorrow until 6PM. Sunday is out unless we can play around 8 or 9AM.

Can't today, probably be able to play tomorrow afternoon though.


I'm here, been just waiting for my name to pop-up...I can play whenever. Just reply here or send me a PM or message on PS3.


Mrbob said:
Rors stop hiding. :(

Won't have time to get a game in until after the LOST festival tomorrow night now.
I'm not hiding. Been on AIM this whole time. And it's not my fault that you're Bobbing. Now you have absolutely no time until Wednesday? Jimminy Christmas. Just take the wins, I don't mind.


I'm here if any of my opponents want to get a game or two in. I'd call them out, but I'd have to get up, cut the playstation on, put the disk in, start the game...and I'm lazy right now. Just pm me or post here. I'm ready for my butt whooping! Er...


Out of town until Monday evening. If anyone of my scheduled opponents wants to play Monday or Tuesday evening lemme know what time works best (after 8pm EST).


And yeah, the online is generally as smooth as playing someone sitting next to you so long as both players are on a wired connection. The game needs to have a connection rating for other players so you know what you're getting into before a game starts. I've had to quit in the first inning a few times against random people because the lag was unbearable. That's just a sloppy way of having to deal with it :(


LiveWire said:
Anyone around right now to play against the Nats in the league schedule?

My upcoming opponents:

LJ (Orioles)
Vabrave (Marlins)
TheKranz (Brewers)
FMT (Rays)
JambiBlum (WhiteSox)

Anybody on this list available to play right now lemme know.


Mrbob said:
Yeah I'm not at home right now.

And I'd would rather beat you into the ground in MLB than take the wins. :D
smh. You're playing RDR instead. You can just take the wins. Not gonna play cat and mouse all week and then have you accuse me of "hiding." Gonna be busy anyway.

[edit]Playing Netflix
Watching Party Down: Season 2

smh again


Rorschach said:
smh. You're playing RDR instead. You can just take the wins. Not gonna play cat and mouse all week and then have you accuse me of "hiding." Gonna be busy anyway.

[edit]Playing Netflix
Watching Party Down: Season 2

smh again


Rorschach said:
smh. You're playing RDR instead. You can just take the wins. Not gonna play cat and mouse all week and then have you accuse me of "hiding." Gonna be busy anyway.

[edit]Playing Netflix
Watching Party Down: Season 2

smh again

Yeah sorry I had people over who wanted to see the game. And they also like to watch Party Down too. I'll be gone again tomorrow too all day till Losties comes on. :D I gave you my schedule, deal with it.


How is that my fault? I didn't force him to quit. I'm guessing his 1-15 record did. I want to play my games. He confirmed to me on aim he doesn't want to play this game anymore so he attempted to use this situation and me as a scapegoat for him leaving the league. Keep that drama crap in the Madden thread. He could have said he just didn't want to play anymore, quit and that is it.


Yeah, no drama. Sorry, guys, I just have to much shit going on to try to get these games in let alone a series in because you never know how long it's gonna take. I certainly have the hour it takes to get the game in, but I don't know how often I can string together a couple hours trying to get the game to work and try to get the people to play. MRBob's usual douchebaggery isn't the reason I quit (and neither is the record... hell, 3 or 4 of those losses were just conceded losses and 1 was a random CPU assigned loss). It just made me realize I was in over my head. My mom has been in and out of the hospital and this weekend was she was getting out so I had to help out with various things and Bob skirting around and then blaming me somehow really pissed me off, then he eludes me and acts like a d-bag to boot afterwards. I did manage to play with rareside while he was doing whatever he was doing, but I'm not going to be able to chase people to like Bob to play or whatever and then wade through the menus to try to get the game in.


Sorry about your mom, but you are still jumping overboard. I've been the one looking for you for days to get our games in. Sent you aim messages, messages in this thread, and finally caught you in the madden thread. I told you my availability each day so you wouldn't have to hunt me down. Stop using the tired schtick of me not getting my games in. Fact is I've been one of the best in madden the last couple seasons getting my games in every week, and I'm hunting this thread, other threads, aim to try and get my MLB games in.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
This league needs some serious re-tooling.

I have series with Fixed, DCX, and I believe PistolPete coming up. While I am not a big fan of playing ahead of series that are scheduled earlier, I may not have a choice with this league. I should be available to play this evening around 930EST.

I am not available to play after 11EST during the week. I have to get up early for work and it is simply not feasible for me to stay up late to play these games. Also, if you have AIM, please set it so you can receive offline messages.


Mrbob said:
Sorry about your mom, but you are still jumping overboard. I've been the one looking for you for days to get our games in. Sent you aim messages, messages in this thread, and finally caught you in the madden thread. I told you my availability each day so you wouldn't have to hunt me down. Stop using the tired schtick of me not getting my games in. Fact is I've been one of the best in madden the last couple seasons getting my games in every week, and I'm hunting this thread, other threads, aim to try and get my MLB games in.
WTF? When did you send me any messages. Don't make shit up. And I'm not using a schtick about you and your games. I'm using this experience I just had with you and nothing else.

Anyway, whatever. You're not the reason I quit. It's a cumulative thing and I apologize to the league and LJ.


Nah, I knew you were going to quit dude. Not because you're a quitter, not because of your record, but because getting your games in has been nothing but trouble. When you actually manage to connect they're not enjoyable because of the lag, I wouldn't want to play either. Totally understandable.

This brings me to another point, if you feel you no longer want to play in the league, feel free to drop out, won't feel slighted. Point is to have fun and if you aren't having any, please feel free to move on.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I think the league would be better served by all of us playing within the same week and having played the same amount of games. One of the best aspects of baseball is a pennant race and right now, this league has very little with regards to that. That is what is sapping the joy of this league out of me (along with the sporadic patch/internet issues that the stoners at Sony SD can't seem to work out). Clearly, there are a couple of elite teams who have run away from the pack already, and it will be pretty soon where some of us will be mathematically out of it despite having played few of our games. Not to take away from those teams at all, but it does take away the enthusiasm when you feel out of it before the all-star break and you have no shot at making a run.
DenogginizerOS said:
I think the league would be better served by all of us playing within the same week and having played the same amount of games. One of the best aspects of baseball is a pennant race and right now, this league has very little with regards to that. That is what is sapping the joy of this league out of me (along with the sporadic patch/internet issues that the stoners at Sony SD can't seem to work out). Clearly, there are a couple of elite teams who have run away from the pack already, and it will be pretty soon where some of us will be mathematically out of it despite having played few of our games. Not to take away from those teams at all, but it does take away the enthusiasm when you feel out of it before the all-star break and you have no shot at making a run.
One thing that was in last year's league was no flexing unless ok'd by commish, so everyone played their games in the same timeframe. Too many people are on game 21 or 24 while most of us are on game 15 or something. I think we need to get back to everyone playing the same series at the same 5-Day frame time.

There may need to be the same "no flex unless opponent is completely AWOL for 2-3 days" rule.


Rorschach said:
WTF? When did you send me any messages. Don't make shit up. And I'm not using a schtick about you and your games. I'm using this experience I just had with you and nothing else.

Anyway, whatever. You're not the reason I quit. It's a cumulative thing and I apologize to the league and LJ.

I sent you a couple offline aim messages. Maybe you didn't get them? Doesn't matter I sent you plenty of them in various places. Lets go back to my "douchebaggary" towards you this past weekend.

I sent you an aim message Thursday night about us playing. I sent you a message in this thread (two times, go back and read) and the madden thread about us playing. Thats four messages total. You must have seen one because you finally checked in here.

Let me spell out my schedule clearer for you. I told you for Friday I could play after the Hawks game. I worked 12 to 8 that game, caught up after and never saw you online. I told you then I couldn't play till Sunday. Both these posts are right here in the thread. You over reacted and had a fit about the situation. Not only did you over react, but you decide to throw a tantrum here publicly instead of messaging me on Xbox Live or aim. I worked 8 to 5 Saturday, had some friends over Sat night. Shown them Red Dead, one episode of Party Down and then we went out for the night. On Sunday I was up mowing the lawn at 8am...got done around 10am. I got ready to work at 11, got back around 4:30 and saw the end of the Hawks game. Then I got on aim about 5 and asked if you wanted to get a game in before Lost started. You tell me you are sick of the game and quit. Then I watched Lost at 6 and was free after. I didn't realize you needed every single detail of my weekend but there you have it, that is how I was "avoiding" getting our game in. Even though I had been trying since late last week to get it in. I'm not going to beg someone to play who doesn't want to be in the league anymore.

Didn't realize you had such thin skin. If you are gonna dish it out, learn how to take it.

PS- Nice use with the name calling. You too Frankman.

PPS- This is my last post on the topic because its a check mate.
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