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Official October 2008 NPD Results

Vast Inspiration said:
This is so fucking sad. Everytime someone makers a point, Nintendo fans respond with...well that other company does it tooo!!!!

:lol :lol I'll say this, Microsoft's Gears of War or Microsoft's Fable or Sony's LittleBigPlanet have done more for the industry and influenced their respective genres more than anything Mario Galaxy has done.
When did this happen?

And of course, nothing Nintendo has EVER done has influenced a thing in the industry. Clearly.
Vast Inspiration said:
This is so fucking sad. Everytime someone makers a point, Nintendo fans respond with...well that other company does it tooo!!!!

:lol :lol I'll say this, Microsoft's Gears of War or Microsoft's Fable or Sony's LittleBigPlanet have done more for the industry and influenced their respective genres more than anything Mario Galaxy has done.

I love Gears of War, but have you ever played a Namco game called Killswitch? I mean it isn't as good as Gears, but it had the cover system first if I remember correctly.

Gears is the reason why every game has a cover system.
LBP is the reason (since its announcement) that companies are scrambling together to put Web 2.0 features in to their games.
And Fable's technically simplified combat mechanics are something that many devs are leaning towards.

So please, you ignorant babies can save the drivel.

Jaded Alyx said:
And of course, nothing Nintendo has EVER done has influenced a thing in the industry. Clearly.

Are you purposely dodging the argument and making yourself look like a brainless shill?

Rhazer Fusion said:
I love Gears of War, but have you ever played a Namco game called Killswitch? I mean it isn't as good as Gears, but it had the cover system first if I remember correctly.


Yes, I am so sure that it was fucking Kill Switch that influenced all other games.

There isn't a rolleyes.gif large enough for some of the crap some of you spew.

Eteric Rice

Vast Inspiration said:
Gears is the reason why every game has a cover system.
LBP is the reason (since its announcement) that companies are scrambling together to put Web 2.0 features in to their games.
And Fable's technically simplified combat mechanics are something that many devs are leaning towards.

So please, you ignorant babies can save the drivel.

What are these web 2.0 games?

And Fable? Are you fucking kidding me? As much as I loved Fable II and Fable, both of their combat systems sucked. If you want to give them credit for something, give them credit for the marrage system or something, but the combat?
Any chance we can get the opening post updated to reflect other sales data we've picked up over the past few days? (i.e. MotorStorm 2, Wii Music, Guitar Hero: World Tour, etc.)
Eteric Rice said:
What are these web 2.0 games?

You think its a coincidence that after LBP's announcement many games have come out with the ability to edit and share content? Everything from Halo 3 to Banjo.
Unlike you, I don't just post rhetoric.

And Fable? Are you fucking kidding me? As much as I loved Fable II and Fable, both of their combat systems sucked. If you want to give them credit for something, give them credit for the marrage system or something, but the combat?

WTF is the "marrage" system? Peter has given numerous keynotes about context-sensitive combat and simplified combat that is easy to pick-up-and-play but is still deep in its implementation. And that was 2 years ago. More and more games ARE leaning towards that approach. Only the likes of you is too stupid to realize that.

Unless Nintendo is shoving PR speak down your throats, you guys can't think for yourselves or what is happening in the industry around you.


Vast Inspiration said:
What the hell has Nintendo put out in the past few years? Another Mario? Another Metroid? Another Zelda? Another sloppy fucking mess of a casual game? What have they produced for the hardcore gaming community that they didn't have their name attached to 10 years ago?
Wii Sports. For me, it's the game of the generation.


I think the reason you don't see many big 3rd party efforts on Wii is not that the publishers think that 3rd party games don't sell as well on Wii.
I think it has more to do with developers not wanting to put their games on Wii, DESPITE the potential to make big money (especially with the rather core-game starved Wii owners).
I believe most developers think that putting their game on Wii would make it an inferior product. Money isn't everything to these guys. Developers want to push the envelope - no, not only in graphics, but graphics are really important too. The next-gen consoles provide more in terms of graphics, sound, AI, physics and online community features. I don't think the Wii control scheme makes enough of a (positive) difference in most games to make it worthwhile over the next-gen advantages. Some great concepts like Trauma Center, Boom Blox and Excitetruck can only work on Wii, but the rest are better off on a next-gen console - including Nintendo's own core games.

I can't help but feel that the Wii is somewhat of a "Golden Cage". Imagine if the teams that made Mario Galaxy and Twilight Princess could have made those games on a next-gen console. Even better, imagine if those incredibly talented teams weren't FORCED to make sequel after sequel, forever destined to jack the nostalgia dicks of Nintendo fans.
It's really amazing to see people here defending the Wii by saying the next-gen systems have "recycled, generic shooters and sequels", but at the same time happily swallowing Mario and co. in EVERY SINGLE GAME. You'd think that the Nintendo-fetishism would stop in Smash Bros., but there are so many Mario games it's ridiculous. With all their "revolution" talk, Nintendo are playing it really safe (or really bad, as in Wii Music). Just look at Animal Crossing - tons of missed potential to move that series forward (it should have remained on portables anyway IMO).


Rhazer Fusion said:
I love Gears of War, but have you ever played a Namco game called Killswitch? I mean it isn't as good as Gears, but it had the cover system first if I remember correctly.


But then you get into the question of which is more important - the initial innovation or the product that brought it to the masses.

Elvis Presley didn't create Rock and Roll, but he put it in the limelight, and that's why he's the King.

SMB wasn't the first platformer, but it was the first to hit really big. I don't think you'd find anyone who wouldn't agree that SMB is a landmark title.


Gold Member
Shogmaster said:
To be fair, I think you are now just spouting shit for shit's sake.

This my friends is always the answer you receive when you don't like a game others think is god's gift to gamers.

It happened with Halo, Metroid Prime, and many more games, and it will keep being an answer you/we'll get for a long time, if not forever when not liking the same game as others, when the game have gotten good reviews and scores.


Amir0x moving on to stage 5 is awesome.

Your criticism of Nintendo and their lack of new hardcore IPs this gen is noted and accepted, though.


Vast Inspiration said:
You think its a coincidence that after LBP's announcement many games have come out with the ability to edit and share content? Everything from Halo 3 to Banjo.

Does the PC no longer exist or did you start playing games in 2006 or something?

Also your arguments might be better received if you weren't being a gigantic dick about it. That's no better than standard Nintendo fanboys.


RJT said:
Wii Sports. For me, it's the game of the generation.

Wii Sports is such an excellent game. It's fun and easy to pick up and play. Most importantly though it changed the perception of people coming to my house from "oh, you play videogames..... ugh" to "oh you have videogames, let's play!"

I don't see what is wrong with that but GAF finds something terrible about it.

There are awesome games on all three systems but people are so dead set against things that they will discount a whole console's lineup out of spite and miss out on some great experiences.


Vast Inspiration said:
You think its a coincidence that after LBP's announcement many games have come out with the ability to edit and share content? Everything from Halo 3 to Banjo.

Yes, I'm sure LBP influenced Halo 3.


Gold Member
Cromat said:
I can't help but feel that the Wii is somewhat of a "Golden Cage". Imagine if the teams that made Mario Galaxy and Twilight Princess could have made those games on a next-gen console.

But that would just be the same old same old but with prettier graphics. I don't think the gameplay would have changed just because it's on a next-gen hardware.

We all drool about what crazy games Nintendo could have done if the Wii have had better hardware specs a.la Ps360.

Those who lives will see what happens in the future with "Wii 2".
Vast Inspiration said:
You think its a coincidence that after LBP's announcement many games have come out with the ability to edit and share content? Everything from Halo 3 to Banjo.
Unlike you, I don't just post rhetoric.

I've asked this before, but what in the world happens in these PS3 hype threads to breed such...insanity? WTF is going on here


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I heard that after LBP was unveiled Obama realized he needed to emphasize change to win the election.

There you go- LBP led to our first African-American President.


Who cares what LittleBigPlanet caused or is causing other games to do?

It's so on a different plane than ANY game on any console that developers would be stupid not to emulate it.

If you haven't played LBP, you can't appreciate how much more it does compared to any console game ever made.

You can't even name an announced game with a creation system as robust.


Speevy said:
Who cares what LittleBigPlanet caused or is causing other games to do?

It's so on a different plane than ANY game on any console that developers would be stupid not to emulate it.

If you haven't played LBP, you can't appreciate how much more it does compared to any console game ever made.

You can't even name an announced game with a creation system as robust.

Oh lord here we go again...


Time Traveler
Vast Inspiration said:
You think its a coincidence that after LBP's announcement many games have come out with the ability to edit and share content? Everything from Halo 3 to Banjo.
Unlike you, I don't just post rhetoric.


I politely ask you to leave this thread.


Amir0x said:
No offense but that's just bright-eyed fanboy gibberish. And it meets the criteria for fanboy plushie hugging. Yes, you're right: some of these games might meet some arena of "standard quality", and you may appreciate once again fucking King Bowser with a turtle shell. That's nice. You can probably continue doing that for the rest of your days until you die. If you're the type that believes Nintendo makes some sort of "magic" unachievable by other developers, than it doesn't matter what I or anyone else writes.

But it's fucking lazy. Microsoft, if they're not making it themselves they're ordering dozens of the best developers in the world to make it for them. They're paying that shit out. And they're securing it as exclusive. Sony has tons of old IPs AND new IPs aimed at hardcores in the pipeline, first-party wise. Some of it is bad, some of it is great. But no one can say they're not trying in that regard.

Nintendo is just fit to sort of exist in terms of hardcore properties. Their catalogue neither shows the same brilliance as old Nintendo or the same drive for creativity as the old Nintendo. They're just existing. They're just touching some sweet spots for their hardcore slavish fanbase who will eat whatever the fuck they make up, and then allow those same individuals to construct a defense for them because they'll defend anything.

I'm not saying it's not a winning strategy. It IS a winning strategy. How many times have I purchased the latest and greatest Mario game? But at least I am self-aware, I don't make excuses for their pretty absurd laziness. Sony and Microsoft may not have the focus and drive of the best Nintendo efforts, but they certainly have the drive to push material to hardcore gamers that is both new, creative and gutsy. And marketed. And fucking bells up with huge budgets. It's not lazy, at least, they put the effort in.

Post of the thread.

It's absolutely disheartening to see a company as versatile and talented as Nintendo, come up mostly short as far as flexing their creative juices with new IPs, on a console who's main purpose was to do just that. Instead we get retread after retread (and I don't think anyone is arguing the quality of said retreads, but we'd like to visit new kingdoms along side the old ones).

It's maddening when you see something like Metroid Prime 3, Batallion Wars, or even Disaster, get treated like Ubisoft shovelware (scratch that; Ubisoft puts more effort into advertising their shovelware), while stuff like Wii music is brought center stage.

Folks saying, "we'll see great new IPs, just you wait" are no different to me than those sorry PS3 apologists making the claim, "Wait till THIS game comes out!".

We're almost 3 years in for crying out loud. It's kinda sad that the 3rd party efforts have eclipsed Nintendo in providing new compelling software that makes me realize WHY I was excited for this console to begin with.

Zelda is fine, Mario is nice, Smash is fun.....but I can only take so much.

I can't believe that in their most successful situation, I like this company the least I ever have. Nintendo during the gamecube days; I miss you.
LBP can lean on an editor so hard cause it is on a system that is going to have a HDD 100% of the time.

That should of been standard this gen, but I do dislike how it is a crutch to patch fix things later and not getting it right from the start.


_Alkaline_ said:
Ugh. As much as I love LBP, I don't feel the same way about some of its fans, that's for sure.

I said it before, but the overhype is actually making me like the game less because it's forcing me to pinpoint flaws that I wouldn't notice otherwise.

Tiktaalik said:
Jesus christ anyone who thinks Little Big Planet is just a level editor needs to wake the fuck up.

The sharing/community aspects are indeed fresh and should be emulated by later game makers, but that's as far as I'm willing to go.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Speevy said:
Who cares what LittleBigPlanet caused or is causing other games to do?

It's so on a different plane than ANY game on any console that developers would be stupid not to emulate it.

If you haven't played LBP, you can't appreciate how much more it does compared to any console game ever made.

You can't even name an announced game with a creation system as robust.

Unless, you know, the format doesn't end up being rewarding.

Not calling LBP a failure commercially, but it's still too early to say it has to be emulated at all costs.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Amir0x said:
Don't try to discredit Gears of War. It has already ACTUALLY influenced a bunch of games, and it is a brilliant blend of gameplay.

Damn do they need to hire the EA Redwood guys or some japanese to design decent bosses
It's like some of you live in a vacuum. Ok, I take it back. LBP's insane hype since the very day it was shown has done absolutely nothing to influence ANY of these other games that have included the very features it was touting.

Nope, nothing at all.



Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Vast Inspiration said:
You think its a coincidence that after LBP's announcement many games have come out with the ability to edit and share content? Everything from Halo 3 to Banjo.
Unlike you, I don't just post rhetoric.



Speevy said:
CONSOLE GAMES, I even specified as much.
They're all games. I've pulled all-nighters making wads for Doom. Tonnes of fun.

I should probably have quoted Vast Inspiration's clanger though rather than you. I don't really have anything against LBP. If the PS3 was affordable I'd buy LBP in a flash.


Vast Inspiration said:
It's like some of you live in a vacuum. Ok, I take it back. LBP's insane hype since the very day it was shown has done absolutely nothing to influence ANY of these other games that have included the very features it was touting.

Nope, nothing at all.


Well, it's highly unlikely it influenced Halo 3 seeing as it released a mere six months after LBP's announcement. Unless of course you think Forge was conceived, designed, implemented and tested within 6 months of the game's release, in which case I need Bungie's address so I could send them a letter congratulating them on being the most efficient software developers on the face of the planet.
Amir0x said:
To shift the argument a bit, nobody sees a problem with this?

The other day we were going through Nintendo's first party lineup for Wii, and the amount of stuff that relies on, say, Mario to sell is really obscene. I know Nintendo fans can absorb that shit like the spongey fanboys they are, and they love hugging their Princesss Peach plushies, but Mario's world and universe has been abused to hell. Why do they need to always plaster him in every product they make or at least in some way relate him?

Smash Bros., Mario Strikers Charged, Mario Baseball, Wario Ware, Wario Shake, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, Mario Kart Wii, Mario Party 8, Dr. Mario WiiWare... this is just the first two years of the system.

My other argument about Wii has always been that Nintendo themselves don't put in the required effort to push NEW HARDCORE IPs alongside their traditional franchises or their non-gamer garbage. Who knows how much money they put into advertising Wii Music... but if they put some of that same effort into establishing a new hardcore IP, it must just thrive. They have so much fucking money, yet Microsoft and Sony are practically shitting out compelling new hardcore IPs (or at least attempting new shit), while Nintendo just whores the old crap and dedicates new resources to WII-FU

How many games does SONY or Microsoft produce that have had the effort of Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, or Smash Bros.?

Yes I know they make stuff like Heavenly Sword and Warhawk but do any of those games even compare to Nintendo's top-tier? The only games that I can even think of are Little Big Planet and Resistance from SONY and I don't even know what from Microsoft (I guess Gears? But EPIC isn't owned by Microsoft.)

Nintendo doesn't launch new IP's for the same exact reason why Blizzard and Square-Enix rarely launch new IP's. They already have a broad and vast away of big hit franchises. Nintendo just does what they always do, they launch their big budget top-tier while experimenting with little new games. And if a little new game does well THEN Nintendo gives them the uppty. Super Smash Bros. was suppose to be a Japanese only release, it wasn't until it blew up that Nintendo decide to take it aggressively. And Animal Crossing was in similar shoes. I can even go all the way back to the SNES with this, NES even. The only recent exception I can even think of is Pikmin in which I don't think that met Nintendo's expectations.

SONY and Microsoft however DO NOT have that strong of a first party line-up at all. SONY has Gran Turismo as well as clings on to Naughty Dog and Insomniac (for good reason too because they are both excellent developers). As for Microsoft well they have Halo, Gears, and Forza but outside of that they usually just merely publish games. My point is that Nintendo rarely releases new IP's because well they don't need to. They have over a dozen "big" game series to release in which that cover all spectrums but the RPG. SONY does it because well face it they really didn't have anything, SONY mostly relied on third parties because the PS2 and PSX had god-tier libraries. The PS3 is the first time in a while that SONY has to fend for themselves and even after all this time they don't have much to show for it in terms of "ground breaking mass production games".

I mean I see where you are going here. But in the world of business it's not wise to kill a success in order to replace it with a risk, nor is it wise to bet too many wagers at once.

I'm not saying that it isn't right that Nintendo won't launch a new "hardcore" IP for its fanbase to enjoy (the last one was Pikmin and before that...Star Fox?). I'm just saying that there is an "excuse" for your topic.

Just my 2 cents.

Sorry for quoting you so much but your posts are so interesting. :(


jman2050 said:
This distinction is and always will be stupid.

I'll tell you why it isn't.

The reason consoles exist is because they offer convenience and accessibility.

PC games have for years offered editors, mods, stats, and generally a way to tweak your gameplay experience to your liking.

The reason they usually don't make console games this way is both the method of input and because players don't want to spend hours in boring menus. They want to get to the gameplay.

In LBP, the tweaking is accessible, fun, and it bridges the gap between those two worlds.

You need to work to make a worthwhile level, but the endeavor doesn't require a programmer's knowledge or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Changing console games makes a difference, because the editors and tools of PC gaming's past will be long forgotten when accessible replacements for them are seen on consoles. It's only a matter of time.


jman2050 said:
The sharing/community aspects are indeed fresh and should be emulated by later game makers, but that's as far as I'm willing to go.

That's about as far as I'm willing to go as well, though the features you just described are the biggest step forward that any game developer has made so far with regards to a new direction in gaming.

edit: this gen I'm referring to of course.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Vast Inspiration said:
It's like some of you live in a vacuum. Ok, I take it back. LBP's insane hype since the very day it was shown has done absolutely nothing to influence ANY of these other games that have included the very features it was touting.

Nope, nothing at all.


Yup thats about right

Ami mentioned Gears. Clearly it has influenced a lot of games, especially those with cover systems. However that influence was only felt after the game launch and the cover system proved to be an excellent mechanic. Halo 3 was never influenced by LBP


Time Traveler
Vast Inspiration said:
It's like some of you live in a vacuum. Ok, I take it back. LBP's insane hype since the very day it was shown has done absolutely nothing to influence ANY of these other games that have included the very features it was touting.

Nope, nothing at all.


What insane hype??

In PS3 forums, yes.

In GAF sure.

Everywhere else: what the fuck is LBP?

If the game had insane hype (which is the level of hype of a MGS, GTA or Halo game), it would have sold MUCH better in it's first two days.
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