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Official PC/PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Thread. GODLIKE


plagiarize said:
Unreal Tournament 3 Deathmatch/Team Deathmatch tips.

Just based on a lot of what I've seen playing yesterday, a lot of people are obviously new to the series and unaware of a number of key things about UT that make it different.

First and foremost a game as fast paced as UT, if you aren't looking over your shoulder every few seconds you're as good as dead. Get a mouse and keyboard if you can... and once you do, be sure to turn the mouse sensitivity up until it seems slightly too fast. As soon as you get used to it, turn it up again. Keep doing that until you've hit 20 which is the maximum.

I'm not saying you can't be competitive on a pad... you absolutely can. I know I've been beaten by pad owners... but the fact remains that there are things you can do on a mouse and keyboard that you cannot do on a pad. Try whipping around and shooting someone behind you on a pad. Try pulling off pinpoint alt fire goo shots or shock combos.

If you absolutely can't bear to play on mouse and keyboard, stick to the rapid fire high damage weapons like the primary fire of the link gun and the alt fire of the chaingun. Make sure you aim ahead of players. IE, where they are going to be by the time the projectile hits them. Don't waste time trying to get shock combos on a pad. Your rate of damage with those two other weapons, plus the fact that you won't need to stand still to fire them, more than makes up for the lesser damage.

Both those weapons eat through health at an alarming rate. The games I played on pad only servers those easily served me the best. If you can get good enough on a pad to hit headshots with the sniper rifle in a game as fast as UT then you are a pad god.

Learn all the weapons and their alt fires. Learn where they are on each map. Learn where the ammo is on each map. Learn where the power ups are on each map.

Can you see a power up way up high that you can't figure out how to reach? Jump boots may help, but if there's no jump boots, look to see if there is a lift nearby. There is a trick in UT games called lift jumping. Jump when you're going up on a lift, and the momentum of the jump is added to the speed you're going up on the lift. There are a lot of items and power ups that can only be easily reached by mastering the lift jump.

The shock rifle has a powerful combo. If you fire off one of the slow moving alt fire balls, and shoot it with the regular fire beam, it explodes in a very deadly small black hole. Definately useful, but practice it offline. Trying it against real people when you can't do it just going to get you dead.

Everyone underuses the goo gun. EVERYONE. There is always ample ammo for it, there is almost never anyone camping out trying to kill people that go to the weapon spawn and it is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. Most people try it out briefly, kill themselves, or fail to get kills with it and never willingly pick it up again. The meat of the weapon is the alt fire. Hold it down to charge up a bigger, slower moving, shot of goo. If you hit your opponent with that, it will stick to them and very rapidly burn through their health. Even better, unlike the rockets, you can hold a charged goo shot indefinately.

It WILL kill them. If there is someone running around with a tonne of health and shields, the googun is your quickest bet to kill them, but again, hitting goo shots at anything but close distance takes a lot of practice, and is even more difficult on a pad.

The Rocket Launcher alt fire stores up to three missiles and fires them out at once. There is an important, but useful, trick here too though. Normally it fires them out in a horizontal spread, but if you hold down the primary fire as you let go, they instead fire out in a tight cluster. This doesn't come in handy often, but often enough that it can make the difference between death and a kill in certain situations.

Don't overlook the dual enforcers either. If you're pretty good at aiming at an enemies head, dual enforcers alt fire is a good enough weapon that you'll probably be surprised at how much of a fight you can put up with them. Damn cool to get kills with them too.

The flak cannon ricochets twice. You need to be wary of this for your own safety first and foremost, but secondly it means that you'll often be able to bounce shots off walls and ceilings to tag enemies that aren't even within line of sight of you. That usually means they can't shoot back... which is a good thing. If an enemy is further away, your best bet is using the alt fire and trying to arc a shot to land near them. The nearer to 45 degrees above horizontal you aim, the further it goes. Practice to get a feeling for the range of shots.

Try to always be aware of where the nearest health or ammo for your weapon of choice is. If you're in the same room as it and you need it, you should be able to walk backwards into it so you don't have to take your aim off of your enemy. This is even more important on a pad where turning is much slower.

Learn to glance at your health and ammo regularly and often. If nothing else, it should be the first thing you do after killing anyone in the near vicinity. Last thing you want to do is get caught with your pants down without ammo, or be running around trying to kill people with 3 health when you could be running to the nearest health.

Remember, health vials can put your health over 100. If there are health tanks and health vials in the near vicinity take the tanks first, then the vials.

Practice dodging, wall dodging (dodge away from a wall you're touching when in the air) and double jumping. The more unpredictably you move the harder you are to hit. Also, you might find some alternate and unexpected routes through the level, letting you clear jumps you wouldn't normally be able to. That gives you more options and greater ability to get where you need to be.

High ground is your friend... but should you be stuck on low ground, either use a weapon that arcs downwards like the flak alt fire or the biorifle alt fire, or if there is a suitable ceiling, use the flak cannon primary fire.

I recommended it earlier for pad users, but the alt fire on the spiker is very powerful. You just have to be able to lead your shots. As a big plus, it really throws a player back when it hits them, and if they're near a wall it will pin them too it making them a stationary target. I'm a big fan of the spiker.

Anything that disorients your opponent is good. The shock rifle's primary fire tosses people about pretty nastily. If they're stood on or near a precipice, consider blowing them off the side with it. Saves ammo. Espescially nasty in low grav situations.

Don't be afraid to stand still, but do it sparingly. Most people don't expect someone that's been jumping all over the place like a mexican bean to just randomly stop. Don't always double jump. Don't always dodge the same way. Don't always wall jump when you can. Mix it up.

Always be thinking about shields and powerups. Picking up shields is never a bad idea no matter how much health you have. Move from shield/powerup spawn to spawn, taking different routes each time (heading towards combat whenever you can hear it, people already fighting are likely to have less health) and make sure your route brings you past ammo for whatever you need on the way.

All that is just the basics. Be creative. As fast paced and hectic as UT3 is, your best weapon is your mind. If you can convince another player that you're better than them, even if you aren't, they'll probably go to pieces around you. Never forget that.

Awesome advice plagiarize! Just bringing this up to the new page!

PS: Some overheads of some of the maps with weapon placements.


Distinguished Air Superiority
prelude514 said:
I'm fucking pissed right now. I played a few games using my USB keyboard and mouse, quit the game to answer some messages, start the game up again, and no more fucking mouse. I tried EVERYTHING. I quit multiple times, deleted both the installed game data and the save/settings file twice, and still nothing. I used a Logitec MX 510 mouse when I played, I've tried another Logitec mouse, and some cheap generic mouse. They all work in the XMB, but none work in the game. Keyboard still works fine.

Right now the game is useless to me, there's no way I can play with a controller after playing every Unreal game on PC.

Anybody else have this problem? I'll start looking through this thread, but with my luck I'm the only person on earth with this issue.

That happened to me too, is it a wireless mouse? what i did was pull a battery out and put it back in right away and it worked. so odd, but it happened to me a few times.


Roxas said:
so...are there lots of people playing online on the PS3 version? I'm importing it and fear in a week or so, the lobby will be like Calling all Cars was or something...

Oh and if you folks want to add me, so i can join in on the fun...

PSN : Goonboy


Well from my experience in the last 2 days, there have been tons of people & games to join. No worries on that front, I expect it will grow steadily as well as more copies hit retail. Apparently the game was in "limited supply" at launch, and I know my local game shop sold out UT3.


Lefty42o said:
what, it says you played halo 3 2 days ago. the lies just keep coming. you played gears last on july 5th. halo 3 dec 9th. you only have 100 and some change in gears of war so it shows you have played it very little and likley none of the new maps.

so please just stop

next i have no issues with the af in gears. 100 feet ? the maps are not nearly that big. once again your embellishment. so stop
:rolleyes: Yes, I took my box to a friend's place this past weekend to get the dashboard update and play some Halo. I played through Gears once on campaign and put several dozen hours into social multiplayer, hence the low gamerscore. It was all I played for a month straight last November. I don't know why you care so much to stalk me through my gaming record, but it's a moot point because despite its flaws it's still a great looking game and UT3 is easily one of my favorites of the year.

Anyway, picked up the PS3 version yesterday and put about 4 hours in last night. So incredible. The keyboard/mouse support runs like a dream. If the mods really take off I may have no need to pick up the PC version.


Updated the Op again, tips from plagiarize added :)
I'm waiting for Broadbandito to update the PSN id list.

Game hasn't arrived yet, hope to play with you guys soon :)
plagiarize said:
he Rocket Launcher alt fire stores up to three missiles and fires them out at once. There is an important, but useful, trick here too though. Normally it fires them out in a horizontal spread, but if you hold down the primary fire as you let go, they instead fire out in a tight cluster. This doesn't come in handy often, but often enough that it can make the difference between death and a kill in certain situations.
There is a second alternative firemode for the RL! just click prim. firemode twice to change to grenades! Then you'll shoot grenades instead of rockets, which bump around and explode after a while. Just try it.


plagiarize said:
thanks joey!

Okay :)

I have a feeling that the PS3 version has more players than the PC version. Numerous people have stated in this thread that the PC version is kinda dead, how about the PS3 version? Are there lots of players and are the servers full? On the PC warfare is played most I think. Whats the most popluar gamemode on PS3?

I know the game has just been released :)


Just picked up the game last night and I'm slooooowly getting better.

Anyway, PSN Trevelyan/GAF Trevelyan. Hope to see you all online!

....just don't kill me too much :lol


Played longer than I anticipated last night. Loved it. After a couple solid months of Halo and Cod4...it was nice to get back to playing some "old-school" death-matching.

First I tried the pad and wasn't too good with it despite being mainly a console playing FPS guy. So I switched to KB/M. Felt twitchy but I messed with the settings a little bit...still needs some tweaking though because I can't get it to feel just right. I blame this on not having an ideal gaming KB/M set-up though. It just feels weird resting it on my lap or my coffee table. Oddly enough, I went back to the pad on my final few games (with my KB/M sensitivity settings) and it felt a lot better. I'm still kinda torn on which to use. But it is nice to have both as an option.

Are there any third party PS3 controllers out there that have off-set analog sticks like the 360 pad? I think that is my biggest problem with the DS. My thumbs feel too close together. :-/

On the mic subject, I heard one guy talking last night and I don't think he could hear me. I would really like to join up with some of you guys that have mics. I don't get how people can play team games w/o them to be honest.

I'll go through and add some of you guys when I get home from work...feel free to do the same in the meantime. PSN ID is Z_Y

plagiarize, thanks for the tips!


bad-joey said:
Okay :)

I have a feeling that the PS3 version has more players than the PC version. Numerous people have stated in this thread that the PC version is kinda dead, how about the PS3 version? Are there lots of players and are the servers full? On the PC warfare is played most I think. Whats the most popluar gamemode on PS3?

I know the game has just been released :)

So far so good. If you don't filter on mode, there's a nice, long list of well-populated servers.

At least last night, Vehicle CTF had a lot more servers than Warfare.


theBishop said:
So far so good. If you don't filter on mode, there's a nice, long list of well-populated servers.

At least last night, Vehicle CTF had a lot more servers than Warfare.

There was tons listed for TDM & regular CTF last night as well.

For those playing with KB/M, I tried it out last night for one TDM, and got slaughtered! I just feel uncoordinated clumsy like on KB/M, can't get used to it! I don't know how some of you guys do it!
Had some awesome matches last night, mostly played CTF. Great looking game overall that moves at a very good pace and is just alot of fun to play. It's UT though, so by now everyone should know pretty much what to expect out of the game....

A couple questions:

1. Can you run a dedicated PC server for the PS3 version?

2. Do you have to buy the PC version to get the modding tools?

(im sure these were answered, just could not find it looking back through the thread)
I really like playing this game online, but the lack of teamplay is driving me crazy! kids taunting "asshole, that was my raptor" "<insert any other bad words here>" and driving around without sense.
On the other hand there are some camping with the tank near the flag on suspense.

And the biggest problem are the good players, not doing teamplay to get the flag, but to frag around just for their frag-count.

Perhaps I should start a Clan :D


SuperEnemyCrab said:
Had some awesome matches last night, mostly played CTF. Great looking game overall that moves at a very good pace and is just alot of fun to play. It's UT though, so by now everyone should know pretty much what to expect out of the game....

A couple questions:

1. Can you run a dedicated PC server for the PS3 version?

2. Do you have to buy the PC version to get the modding tools?

(im sure these were answered, just could not find it looking back through the thread)
Yes and yes.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
From what I see, the PC version is already dead while the PS3 version is very much alive.

Played my first match online and ended up second with nine frags. Nice!!!


Caesar III said:
I really like playing this game online, but the lag of teamplay is driving me crazy! kids taunting "asshole, that was my raptor" "<insert any other bad words here>" and driving around without sense.
On the other hand there are some camping with the tank near the flag on suspense.

And the biggest problem are the good players, not doing teamplay to get the flag, but to frag around just for their frag-count.

Perhaps I should start a Clan :D

Are you playing the PC or PS3 version. I haven't experienced any lag so far on the PS3, I've only had one problem with one disconnect the first night of release. What was the ping of the match were you had lag?


Firewire said:
Are you playing the PC or PS3 version. I haven't experienced any lag so far on the PS3, I've only had one problem with one disconnect the first night of release. What was the ping of the match were you had lag?

He clearly means lack of teamplay.


Lefty42o said:
see lefty right there. i need to play more and catch plagiazie

Umm remember guys I'm totally new to UT (Searches for more excuses, but comes up empty!) And I think placing in the top 10,000 is pretty good! :(

Damn I suck!


Just played about 6 games, got my rank up to 284 :D. Go Go Aeon Effect

Firewire said:
Umm remember guys I'm totally new to UT (Searches for more excuses, but comes up empty!) And I think placing in the top 10,000 is pretty good! :(

Damn I suck!
I cleared a spot on my psn, you sooo need to accept. My spots are hot commodities.


I gotta go take 2 finals so I put up a dedicated server. It's 10 players TDM, I added all the mid-sized maps. Server name is [GAF]TDM-Mid, Itll be up untill 3:30 EST. I doubt it'll get a lot of play time since no one seems to be on during the day. But if you are on, could you drop in and just run around and see how it's running?


Man...this is the best controller implementation for a FPS on a console, period! It just feels oh so right.

Tried the kb/mouse (used a MS IME 3.0) and it was great! Gonna try the G5 tonight...


Unlimited Capacity
the game didnt record my 40 kill, 3 death match last night :(

on a side note, this game is brutally awesome. i cannot WAIT for the bombing run and double domination mods to be put in, so that the game is rightfully unreal tournament.


Aeon712 said:
Just played about 6 games, got my rank up to 284 :D. Go Go Aeon Effect

I cleared a spot on my psn, you sooo need to accept. My spots are hot commodities.

Thanks Aeon! I won't be able to accept it till latter tonight! Save that spot for me! :D


Aeon712 said:
Just played about 6 games, got my rank up to 284 :D. Go Go Aeon Effect

I cleared a spot on my psn, you sooo need to accept. My spots are hot commodities.

174 rank baby

360 kills
283 deaths.

rocking my sixaxis like a fool

first time i am playing a unreal game. and loving it
*** This game plays so smooth its pretty unbelievable.

I'm getting together with a couple friends to make some Unreal Mods.
We're not sure what to make yet but it will be something interesting for certain.

Why isn't everyone on top of this game? Its a legendary multiplayer game on the PS3 which has an open system for creating your own maps / characters / weapons / storyline?

BTW... Epic has said that as long as you don't "Sell for profit" then they don't care what kind of MOD you make.


UntoldDreams said:
*** This game plays so smooth its pretty unbelievable.

I'm getting together with a couple friends to make some Unreal Mods.
We're not sure what to make yet but it will be something interesting for certain.

Why isn't everyone on top of this game? Its a legendary multiplayer game on the PS3 which has an open system for creating your own maps / characters / weapons / storyline?

BTW... Epic has said that as long as you don't "Sell for profit" then they don't care what kind of MOD you make.

I have a friend making a Star Wars type of map or something, it takes allot of time to but a good mod together though!


plagiarize said:
yay snow getting me sent home from work early.

i'll be playing in a bit... trying to see if i can crack the top fifty!

lucky for you. you got a mic yet?

will likley try to join you once i am done my lunch. i am right behind you so better be sharp.


Lefty42o said:
awww. sucks to be you :lol

you gotta find job that lets you work from home. its the only way to be a gamer :D

I'm self employed & I do work from home, but I'm at a clients business right now, printing off huge ass posters for their after x-mass sales. Only 10 more to go, but I have to trim them & set them up, so his dummy employees can hang & mount them easily!


Firewire said:
I'm self employed & I do work from home, but I'm at a clients business right now, printing off huge ass posters for their after x-mass sales. Only 10 more to go, but I have to trim them & set them up, so his dummy employees can hang & mount them easily!

there ya go. i would not be able to game as much as i do if i did not work from home. :D


My import site Movietyme just sent me an email saying they hadn't received their ordered shipment of UT3 and dont know when they will.

"Limited Quantities" indeed :(


I really like the way Unreal Championship 2 played out on the xbox (that is the last unreal game I played). I liked it a lot more then the Unreal Tournament games in the past.

Is there any hope that they are going to make another game in the same style as UC2 with the way the Melee was utilized? Is this anything like it at all?

Does this have a single player mode where I can pick the map, rules of the match and play against Bots? I know you play against bots in the story mode, but this is different....


Kingpen said:
Is there any hope that they are going to make another game in the same style as UC2 with the way the Melee was utilized? Is this anything like it at all?
No, there is nothing even remotely resembling the UC2 melee system in UT3. (I liked UC2 as well)
Does this have a single player mode where I can pick the map, rules of the match and play against Bots?
This was in the PC demo and UT2004, I can only imagine that it's also in the full version.


Lefty42o said:
there ya go. i would not be able to game as much as i do if i did not work from home. :D

Well I'm pretty well home everyday after this till Jan 10th. But I'm already getting calls from clients "OMG emergency!"

And to boot its snowing like crazy here now, the drive home in rush hour is going to be crazy!


Lefty42o said:
174 rank baby

360 kills
283 deaths.

rocking my sixaxis like a fool

first time i am playing a unreal game. and loving it
315 kills
165 deaths

Must get better, wanna break 200.
SUCCESS. 26th.

taking a break to check out the burnout demo.

good games Lefty... hope you get your stride back on soon.

i'll be getting a headset when i can afford one. not sure when that'll be. hopefully this weekend but we'll see.
NOOOOOOOO I can't play yet and I'm falling behind : ( My final is at 530 and Ill pick up a copy on the way home. I'm trimming my psn list so UT3 ps3 people add me.

Aeon: are you using the controller? How is it?
I <3 the biorifle. i'm pretty sure that i can honestly say that i'm the best person online with it right now. no one else in the top 100 has anything close to more than 33% of their kills with it.


to anyone that doesn't know... i used to write for 3dactionplanet back in the day that they had writers under the name of Dr Foxy.

i wrote this


and this


which is why this whole biorifle business means so damn much to me.
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