JC10001 said:Here we go with the Kerry attacks.
utterly ridiculous. i can't believe what i'm seeing. someone bumrush this shill.
JC10001 said:Here we go with the Kerry attacks.
Part and parcel. What good does "conviction" do? Why it defeats terrorism and keeps you safe at night!HalfPastNoon said:don't forget his conviction. he's unwillingness to change his mind. he's just so stubborn, and that's we need!
Wellington said:When he said that just after the planes crashed into the WTC on 9-11, that he grabbed Bernard Kerig's (the then police comissioner) arm and said "Thank God George W. Bush is our president" made me gag.
Wellington said:Rudy was a great mayor, yes, but this speech is all sorts of garbage.
When he said that just after the planes crashed into the WTC on 9-11, that he grabbed Bernard Kerig's (the then police comissioner) arm and said "Thank God George W. Bush is our president" made me gag.
JC10001 said:Here we go with the Kerry attacks.
Respect for Giuliani -1,000,000.
You know... hypothetically speaking.aparisi2274 said:if a Democrat was speaking at the DNC and he attacked Bush
aparisi2274 said:So wait, because Giuliani attacked Kerry, you lost respect for him. Whereas in the same speech he said he respects Kerry for his service to his country.
Also, I have a question, if a Democrat was speaking at the DNC and he attacked Bush, or even RUDY, would you lose respect for them? Somehow, I think the answer would be NO.
During Bush's campaign he assured the voters that he would not raid the Social Security fund except in cases of war, recession or national emergency. Shortly after 9/11 it was reported that Bush commented to Budget Director Mitch Daniels, "Lucky me, I hit the trifecta." I cannot imagine a context where a remark like that could be interpreted in any way other than callous and insensitive.
Unfortunately, Bush doesn't see it that way. Bush has been using "I hit the trifecta" to this day. He repeated it at a fundraiser in Ohio and got this response from his crass supporters - laughter. Bush considers 9/11 a stroke of luck for him. He and his supporters find this amusing. I find it appalling.
During the 2000 campaign George W. Bush often pledged to maintain fiscal responsibility. Right up to the passage of the 2001 tax cut his people said they could cut taxes, pay for new programs like prescription drug coverage, and still pay off most of the federal government's debt.
As soon as the bill passed, those rosy budget projections fell apart. Then came Sept. 11. "Lucky me, I hit the trifecta," declared Mr. Bush, claiming falsely to have said during the campaign that his budget promises didn't apply in the event of recession, war or national emergency. But until this week officials insisted the deficit was temporary.
Wellington said:When he said that just after the planes crashed into the WTC on 9-11, that he grabbed Bernard Kerig's (the then police comissioner) arm and said "Thank God George W. Bush is our president" made me gag.
Okay, just so long as we're clear.JC10001 said:And yes, if someone attacked Bush I would not lose respect for them. In fact it would increase. Bush deserves it.
Kobun Heat said:Okay, just so long as we're clear.
Dems attack Bush: okay;
GOP attacks Kerry: not okay.
Wellington said:Rudy was a great mayor
So far the republicans have done nothing but wrap themselves in the flag shouting "freedom, freedom, freedom, patriotism, patriotism, patriotism, 9-11, 9-11, 9-11, ad nauseum
Eric-GCA said:And all the democrats (and people on this board have done) is wrap themselves in hate shouting "F*ck Bush! Bush Sucks! Bush = Nazi! etc. etc.
Eric-GCA said:And all the democrats (and people on this board have done) is wrap themselves in hate shouting "F*ck Bush! Bush Sucks! Bush = Nazi! etc. etc.
Interesting stuff, thanks!Father_Brain said:Interesting articles on McCain's and Giuliani's endorsements of Bush:
(username & password: forktimes)
Giuliani took titty bars away. He is thus the WORST MAYOR EVER
When he said that just after the planes crashed into the WTC on 9-11, that he grabbed Bernard Kerig's (the then police comissioner) arm and said "Thank God George W. Bush is our president" made me gag.
Eric-GCA said:If you want to live in a dump, move to San Francisco, or a European city.
aparisi2274 said:So wait, because Giuliani attacked Kerry, you lost respect for him. Whereas in the same speech he said he respects Kerry for his service to his country.
Also, I have a question, if a Democrat was speaking at the DNC and he attacked Bush, or even RUDY, would you lose respect for them? Somehow, I think the answer would be NO.
For the same reason that he found the speeches thrilling.eggplant said:Uh why do you call European cities dumps?
I thought McCain, the three women who lost family members on 9/11 and Rudy did an awesome job.
Rudy was a great Mayor. Rudy in 2008? Maybe.![]()
Eric-GCA said:If you want to live in a dump, move here to San Francisco, or a European city.
It brought a tear to my eye actually.![]()
eggplant said:A putative Giuliani administration would have a heavy load on its hands trying to reverse the Bush administration's course on abortion, gay rights, and gun control. Not only would he have to deal with what the Bush administration has already set into place, he would have to deal with the party's base.
PS2 KID said:I'm secretly hoping either Rudy (or McCain, etc.) can move the republican party to the more moderate mainstream.
HAOHMARU said:He couldn't take the heat.
Hitokage said:efralope: CNN covered the DNC similar to how you describe it(actual or not). Bob Dole always got first comment, and they frequently turned to some GOP campaign director.
efralope said:I also noticed that seconds (yes, SECONDS) after Guliani's speech, CNN started rehashing the whole "Bush says we can't win the war on terror" story from the Today show. It's like they couldn't wait to go back to that story.
Why am I not surprised that Centuryon equates titty bars with dumpy cities? If Giuliani wanted to crack down on the prevalance of arcades(if arcades were still prevalent) or close down a video game history museum, I'm sure you'd be in revolt. Nice to know that your priorities are straight, kid.Eric-GCA said:If you want to live in a dump, move here to San Francisco, or a European city.
I watched the reaction on Fox News from their panelists during some of the Democratic convention, and they didn't start giving the Republican reaction or start rehashing negative stories, they had a varied panel (from conservative to moderate, just like right now you'd see Mara Liasson and Cici Connalley) reacting to the speeches and talking about the convention.
Delegates to the Republican National Convention found a new way to take a jab at Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's Vietnam service record: by sporting adhesive bandages with small purple hearts on them.
Blackwell is president of the Leadership Institute, a nonpartisan educational foundation he founded in 1979. According to its Web site, the institute prepares conservatives for success in politics, government and the news media.
Personally, I hope that someone touches on something related to 9/11 tomorrow. There just hasn't been enough about that
reggieandTFE said:Hahahaha, they fucking cut away from Barack Obama's speech (you know the tuesday night keynote address at the DNC) to go to some breaking story about Kerry's wife being a "crazy bitch" or something. Some people are willfully blind.
btw, did anyone else see this story from the convention floor? Despicable.
No surprise here, look at the guy who organized it.
Except this stuff has the potential to change the world. Pretty important stuff.Dreamfixx said:Why do people get so damn worked up over this shit? It's like you all are watching sports or something.
Or at least sticking with accurate ones. The $87 billion one is so played out and easy to explain.JC10001 said:Until the republicans can come up with something besides the whole "flip-flop" bullshit. Yes.