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Official: Shenmue Online


works for Gamestop (lol)
Meier said:
50 bucks says most of the people in this thread will never play it (if it gets an American release) or have never played an MMORPG before. Translating a series like Shenmue to an MMORPG is going to SUCK. The only thing it could possibly be is a poor man's City of Heroes or something.. and if you want to go around doing missions, just make a Ryu character in that.

I think most of us are excited by the fact that Sega is actually making a NEW SHENMUE GAME...but online, what the hell! Give us Shenmue 3!
Certainly not the new Shemue news I was hoping for, but if this is legit, I guess it might be good... I doubt that it'd be PC only...but maybe multi-console and PC. Still, where's Shenmue III?

Kumiko Nikaido

I'd laugh if Shenmue Online turned out to be just a collection of parlor games and QTE events. :p

Yay for online darts and arm wrestling! :p


Meier said:
Uhh Sega isnt making it though.
It sounds like they are co-developing it -- i.e. maybe outsourcing some of the production tasks to the Korean company to cut down on development costs.

This still sounds a bit dubious though. Sega has been focusing mostly on developers in China. I doubt Korea offers that much of a cost-advantage over developing in-house.


$25 million on an online Shemnue game? WTF? Have the koreans seen how "well" the franchise has done financially? :p

I want Shenmue 3, not some stupid MMORPG.


Like everyone else here, I have no idea how it could become an MMORPG. Maybe they're just slapping the brand name on or something to gain some profit.
It's obvious Digital Rex/Am2 aren't doing it though

Of course they are. www.shenmue-online.com is registered to Digital Rex.

50 bucks says most of the people in this thread will never play it (if it gets an American release) or have never played an MMORPG before. Translating a series like Shenmue to an MMORPG is going to SUCK. The only thing it could possibly be is a poor man's City of Heroes or something.. and if you want to go around doing missions, just make a Ryu character in that.

1. Despite what you seem to think, this game is made by Sega, we've finally found out what Digital Rex has been doing all this time.

2. City of Heros didn't have a budget anywhere near this, neither does any other MMORPG I can think of.

Ok, if you're skeptical, here's the WHOIS info on shemue-online.com:

Domain Name.......... shenmue-online.com
Creation Date........ 2004-04-14
Registration Date.... 2004-04-14
Expiry Date.......... 2005-04-14
Organisation Name.... digitalrex Co., Ltd.
Organisation Address. 1-2-12, haneda
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. Ohta-ku
Organisation Address. 144-0043
Organisation Address. Tokyo
Organisation Address. JAPAN

Admin Name........... Masaya Saida
Admin Address........ 1-2-12, haneda
Admin Address........
Admin Address........ Ohta-ku
Admin Address........ 144-0043
Admin Address........ Tokyo
Admin Address........ JAPAN
Admin Email.......... dommaster@mark-i.jp
Admin Phone.......... +81-3-5736-7320
Admin Fax............ +81-3-5736-7321

Tech Name............ Tetsu Nakamura
Tech Address......... Les Belles Modes bldg.
Tech Address......... 3-3 Kojimachi
Tech Address......... Chiyoda-Ku
Tech Address......... 102-0083
Tech Address......... Tokyo
Tech Address......... JAPAN
Tech Email........... dommaster@mark-i.co.jp
Tech Phone........... +813.52752789
Tech Fax............. +813.52767537
Name Server.......... fixer.sega.co.jp
Name Server.......... ns2.sega.co.jp


26 million dollars for an online Shenmue game? Wtf. Are people going to walk around asking each other where Fuku san is or something? This sux. Just give us Shenmue 3 damn it. 26 million on an online shenmue game spells doom. How did AM2 even the green on this? Mustve took the sega heads out and gotten em drunk.

Sho Nuff

Neutron Night said:
Of course they are. www.shenmue-online.com is registered to Digital Rex.

That's nice, but whoever owns the domain doesn't necessarily develop the game. The press release indicates that this company, JC Entertainment, is doing it.

edit: for giggles, here are some screenshots of their other games:





According to their website, "You can find the substantiated dream in the 'Joycity'"


A Shenmue Online chat window:

<Connection to Server Established>
<Please Wait . . .>
<Negotiation Complete>
<Welcome to Shenmue Online>
<Ryo4Us>: Hey man!
<SailorMan>: Hiya!! What are you doing today?
<Ryo4Us>: I was on here for three hours last night camping that damned old lady.
<SailorMan>: Yeah, she's a bitch. I was doing that quest and I got in there and she kept telling me her cat wasn't even hungry!
<Ryo4Us>: Catowned!
<SailorMan>: It sucked, I'd sat there waiting for her ass to show up from the grocery store to feed her damn cat then it doesn't need it. I had to call a GM to set the flag correctly.
<Ryo4Us>: So what are you doing while I brave feeding the cat?
<SailorMan>: I need to get rank 7 so I think I'm going to do the promotion quest for that.
<Ryo4Us>: What's that?
<SailorMan>: I have to win three levels of Space Harrier, find the girl at the dock a red balloon, and then up my "slap ass" count above fifty by finding four more sailors.
<Ryo4Us>: L33t.
<SailorMan>: Definately, once I'm rank 7 I'll be able to ride a bike!
<Ryo4Us>: Wicked!
That's nice, but whoever owns the domain doesn't necessarily develop the game. The press release indicates that this company, JC Entertainment, is doing it.

Please post a link that works. I'm getting tired of seeing "The Site you are looking for "http://www.jceworld.com/eng/main.asp" is not available."

JC Entertainment is contributing the game, of course DR would need help on things like online infastructure. They're probably also adding their resources and funds and programmers and such. But obviously Yu Suzuki is in charge, it's his baby. Do you think Digital Rex has been doing absolutely nothing? The press release states than this game has been in development since Feb. of LAST YEAR. That explains the complete lack of anything from Digital Rex.

This is the only way Shenmue can get made, fucking Sammy sure isn't going to allow a huge project like this. Apparently this companie's games are fairly good actually, with Sega calling the shots they sure as hell can't fuck this up. They're certainly never done a project this big before.
this is ****ed. I mean it. I thought the whole point of the shenmue series is the story? What the point. As good as I though SM was, this whole online thing is just


shame on the stupid fanboys. tsk tsk
Neutron Night said:
Please post a link that works. I'm getting tired of seeing "The Site you are looking for "http://www.jceworld.com/eng/main.asp" is not available."

The link DOES work. Check your browser settings.


Certainly not the new Shemue news I was hoping for, but if this is legit, I guess it might be good... I doubt that it'd be PC only...but maybe multi-console and PC. Still, where's Shenmue III?

My thoughts exactly.
Wario64 said:
I can't access the site either, and some pics aren't showing up as well

Maybe it's cause me and Sho Nuff are in Japan; I dunno.

Just of this network outage as a bit of foreshadowing! Mwahaha.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Shenmue's development took hundreds of people (300 at its height, most weren't even from SEGA). Digital Rex was a small team, so a collaboration with another company like is being claimed in this situation certainly fits the bill. "Shenmue Online" also sounds like a possibility for a "cinematic online game" premise as much as any.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Whoa, and how exactly would something like that work? How about just making Shenmue 3 but with online elements. Maybe like having an online dojo for practice, but thats it.

I don't know how to feel about this...


Drinky Crow said:
Haha, there'll never be a sequel to AM2's greatest turd series.

Sho Nuff said:
Trust me when I say I know the people involved on the AM2/D.Rex side and that there will NEVER BE ANOTHER SHEN MUE (unless it's like a GBA game or cell phone game or something)
If the battles were instanced, it might work well with the Shenmue-style of FREE battles...but still... This is Yu Suzuki's baby, and as such, I think it might just be cool enough. Perhaps, Suzuki and Co. are doing the 'small design-team using major outsourcing' thing.
So, who do you think the target audience for this MMO is?

I'd put mainland China as #1 ... I think Sega is convinced this is their way to break into the Chinese market.

Korea is #2; MMOs are huge there and it's a Korean developer.

Japan is #3, as this is Yu Suzuki's baby and he'll want it in his home country.

So, I guess Americans will be getting it fourth, if they get it at all!


The ghost of Dreamcast past
JCEntertainment CEO's Greeting:

Welcome to the JCEntertainment.

In 1998, JCEntertainment published the 'Warbible', the first SF MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) made in Korea, Since then, JCEntertainment has served characteristic and marketing-leading on-line games, like 'Redmoon', 'Joycity', 'preist' to domestic market and U.S.A, Taiwan, China, Europe.

JCEntertainment do business focused on to maximize the stock holders' interest, the human resource quality ,the technical superiority, overseas market share.

JCEntertainment do it's best to overwhelm the on-line game industry in Korea as well as in the world. To accomplish that goal, JCEntertainment has 4 distinctive business policy, maximizing the stock holders' interest, upgrading the human resource quality , maintaining the technical superiority, broadening overseas market share .

JCEntertainment promises to produce more interesting and exciting games with endless challenge, diligent research and sound management.

We are waiting for your warm criticism and constant love.
Thanks for visiting JCEntertainment.
1.January, 2004
JCEntertainment Corp.
CEO Yang-shin Kim


JackFrost2012 said:
So, who do you think the target audience for this MMO is?

I'd put mainland China as #1 ... I think Sega is convinced this is their way to break into the Chinese market.

Korea is #2; MMOs are huge there and it's a Korean developer.

Japan is #3, as this is Yu Suzuki's baby and he'll want it in his home country.

So, I guess Americans will be getting it fourth, if they get it at all!

And Europe/Australia last as always!
JackFrost2012 said:
So, who do you think the target audience for this MMO is?

I'd put mainland China as #1 ... I think Sega is convinced this is their way to break into the Chinese market.

Korea is #2; MMOs are huge there and it's a Korean developer.

Japan is #3, as this is Yu Suzuki's baby and he'll want it in his home country.

So, I guess Americans will be getting it fourth, if they get it at all!

I'm pretty sure it'll be available here in the West...well, at least, I really hope so. I wish that they'd get on the ball and just have everyone speaking their own languages (where appropriate), with subtitles... The english dub job is still unintentionally funny at the wrong moments...wrecking potentially really great scenes.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
MaddenNFL64 said:
A MMO? Why not just spend that money on the god damned sequel!?


I guess you haven't been taking notes in SEGA Economics 101. Doing something like that would be too easy and almost make sense :p
So, who do you think the target audience for this MMO is?

I'd put mainland China as #1 ... I think Sega is convinced this is their way to break into the Chinese market.

Korea is #2; MMOs are huge there and it's a Korean developer.

Japan is #3, as this is Yu Suzuki's baby and he'll want it in his home country.

So, I guess Americans will be getting it fourth, if they get it at all!

Uh, no. According the descriptions of JC Entertainment that I read, they are heavilyconcerned with the western market.

Considering that Shenmue sells more in the US than it does in Japan (just like almost everything else except Dragon Quest these days) you have no idea what you're talking about.


Neutron Night said:
Uh, no. According the descriptions of JC Entertainment that I read, they are heavilyconcerned with the western market.

Considering that Shenmue sells more in the US than it does in Japan (just like almost everything else except Dragon Quest these days) you have no idea what you're talking about.

Actually they're about even in both territories, but in the US's favor to be fair.
Neutron Night said:
Uh, no. According the descriptions of JC Entertainment that I read, they are heavilyconcerned with the western market.

Considering that Shenmue sells more in the US than it does in Japan (just like almost everything else except Dragon Quest these days) you have no idea what you're talking about.

I've taken you to task for this in the past, but: could you TRY disagreeing with people, even strongly and passionately disagreeing with them, WITHOUT stooping to personal attacks? Of course everyone here loves games and feels strongly about them, but every post of yours where you disagree with someone, you call them an idiot, say they're clueless, tell them they're a moron, demean them and try to make them look stupid for not agreeing with you/reading your mind.





The only people who still care about Shenmue are the hardcore fans who want to find out what the fuck happens next! NOBODY WANTS A SHENMUE MMO GAME. WHAT'S THE FUCKING POINT?

God damn, fuck them. Just put a steak through my heart, Sega.

Just put the rest of the story on your website, and stay the fuck out of my life forever. Unforgivable.


And you know what? I'm not done venting yet.

This is just asking to bomb. 25 million on an almost certain financial disaster. Sega, ... you want to die, don't you? You want to be sliced in two by a rusty chainsaw, thrown into a maggot filled casket, buried in one of New Jersey's dumps, dug up, kicked around some more, pissed on by the local wildlife, thrown into the river, eaten by a shark, and finally rest on the sea floor as nothing more than bits of shark shit. YOU WANT IT TO HAPPEN, DON'T YOU??


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Docpan said:
And you know what? I'm not done venting yet.

This is just asking to bomb. 25 million on an almost certain financial disaster. Sega, ... you want to die, don't you? You want to be sliced in two by a rusty chainsaw, thrown into a maggot filled casket, buried in one of New Jersey's dumps, dug up, kicked around some more, pissed on by the local wildlife, thrown into the river, eaten by a shark, and finally rest on the sea floor as nothing more than bits of shark shit. YOU WANT IT TO HAPPEN, DON'T YOU??

Aside from VF4 and VF4: Evo, SEGA hasn't really done much for me this generation. The only game I really want from them is based off pure nostalgia, Sonic Mega Collection Plus for the PS2...and they even messed that up by not including Sonic CD.


I just need them alive for Virtua Fighter, otherwise they can go to hell. And Im one of those people that really enjoyed the original Shenmue. Eugh, Im just getting sick of them failing at everything...I dont know how much money they are making or anything like that, and I dont care either. They just haven't produced anything that has me even the least bit interested in a very long time.

I don't know what the big plan behind this Shenmue Online is, but its starting to look like a bad idea. $26 million isn't chump change, there are some sure fire hits that could be made with that much. This MMO idea seems very risky, hopefully there are some details behind it that will put me at ease...but I doubt it.


Sega could have made a worse decision/allocation of resources, but not by much. Maybe an Alex Kidd mmorpg or something.


where exactly does it say massively multiplayer?

I only see "online"..

Imagine this: an online co-op mode, where you can play through the story mode of what would be shenmue 3. with 4 players (a la PSO) and huge fist-to-fist battles.

I could imagine something like that to work as a game...
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