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Official Smashing Pumpkins thread



Well, Jeff and Ginger are in the lineup.

SP is currently jamming/rehearsing/whatever at the Music Garage in Chicago (http://www.musicgarage.com/). Netphoria's community is pretty sad, so that's why I'm always so surprised that the biggest news almost always leaks there. Check it out:

ok, this is the deal:

the pumpkins are definitely there. but don't bother going because you can't get into the building without an access code. with that said:

i got there around 9:30, and i could see lights from the fifth floor. but i didn't go up until me and my friends were done jamming because, well, that was more important honestly. after we were done, we went exploring. the whole floor is definitely for billy and the gang, and there were crates sitting here and there. one of them had "s.p." written on it, another had "PUMPKINS FOH", and we found two huge ampeg bass heads just sitting out. i didn't check the model, but they looked like they were pushing some serious wattage. after gawking at that, i went down more hallways and found a section of the floor devoted to someone named Mark Newman. who the hell is Mark Newman? i kept looking around, and there were signs on doors like, "dressing room", "rehearsal room", etc.

but the best find of the night is this: the last door i checked had a strip of tape on it with tiny writing like so-

Jeff   |  Jeff   |    Jeff  |      BC    |   Ginger
GTR132 | GTR 57  |   Vox    |     Vox    |     Vox

there you have it. jeff and ginger ARE in the band. i took pictures of the crates and the door, but they're on my phone and i don't have a cord to get them on a computer anyway.

that's my story.
He later sent the pic to his e-mail address.

That's some serious detective work. Some Netphorian knew that SP was jamming there, so this guy took it upon himself to sneak up to where they were after his own band practiced, and took a pic of that. :lol Awesome.


Jeff Schroeder (new guitarist) of The Lassie Foundation (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmvqpW8xrdo, red and black stripes)... as for Ginger (bassist)... I can't understand why she's in the band. Jeff seems like a good fit, he loves Gish and Siamese Dream, and plays shoegaze-like stuff. Ginger... eh. It may be an image thing, but still, I don't get it. I'm not trying to insult Ginger herself so much as I'm questioning if she really is a good fit for the band. It just doesn't seem right!




Diablos said:
That's some serious detective work. Some Netphorian knew that SP was jamming there, so this guy took it upon himself to sneak up to where they were after his own band practiced, and took a pic of that. :lol Awesome.
Great work!
And, just one question: I've read somewhere that the first single would be out on 15th of May. It seems to me rather unlikely, but maybe you can tell me more.


Some more info:

i just got this sent to me. its more vague stuff, but its good and interesting.

the guy i keep mentioning who heard the cd says the following things, (keep in mind i havent gotten to ask him any questions yet personally:

"the first 5 tracks on the album are as good as anything the pumpkins have ever done."
(no word on the tracks following that, but he likes all of them, i guess the first 5 stood out to him.)

"very dense heavy guitarwork on most of the tracks"

"its all billy and jimmy on the album"
(like we already knew)

"they are currently practicing around 30 songs"
(ill ask if he mentioned any specifics)

"billy and jimmy cant remember how to play some of their old material but loves playing the old material and theyre working out new ways to play things, so it might all sound different" (i thought this was pretty funny)

"billy has lots of roy thomas baker stories for some reason" (must have had a good time working with him i guess)

"the other musicians are pretty much nobodies" (might still be the people we have in mind, or might not be, who knows, either way its not anyone we like yet)

im pretty excited about all this. knowing this man not only has a very good knowledge of the pumpkins and billy and everything hes done, but also just an outstanding music taste in general, hearing him say that its on par with their best work is really amazing.

Alright, well, I have never posted here before, but I read shit quite frequently. I heard about the Pumpkins rehearsing at the music garage so i decided to go there yesterday. here is what happened. Me and my friend rented out a room for 40 bucks. We figured, if nothing else, we could get my acoustic EP done. So as soon as we got to our room on the first floor, we could hear the bass and drums from the fifth floor. At this point, it became 100% clear to us that they were playing Untitled. No doubt, people, it was Untitled.

So then we went up the stair well. As soon as we got in there we heard Cherub Rock loud and clear. We went all the way to the top and could hear the rehearsal loud and clear right outside of the fifth floor door. After Cherub Rock, they played a new song that was very heavy. It started with drums, very similar to live versions of BWBW. Also, very Mellon Collie esque, and catchy, too. We heard one new song that was similar to a live version of To Sheila, and one other new one that was very mid temp pop/rock. It was good shit. We also heard 1979 and Muzzle. Muzzle was ****ing awesome. Jeff wailed on the leads at the end. Just as good, if not better, than James. Gingers backup vocals were spot on for Cherub and 1979. Billy's vocals sounded so good, right on key, better than any bootleg i have ever heard/watched, and I do have a lot.

It was THE best $40 i have ever spent, also one of the best days of my life. The last time we went up, we got discovered by this big guy who claimed to be there manager and he was PISSED!! After I explained that we were just fans and not trying to snoop around and steal shit, he lightened up and was very understanding but also said that if we did it again, we would be arrested for tresspassing, which is bullshit, considering the guy didnt say anyhing about not going up there when we checked in.

According to one of the guys who worked there, the band is supposed to be packing up and moving out today, but he probably just said that incase i spread the word and others went scavanging. I also got some other great info you guys would probably cream over but I could probably get in huge trouble if I posted it. Anyways, thought i'd let you all know what songs to expect live and how awesome the new band sounds. later.

Very cool :)
edit: The guy (in this post, not to be confused with the guy from my previous post) who said he heard the band playing might be lying about everything.


I want one! :D


Images of the album's artwork (either that or stills from a video) have leaked. That guy who I said may have been lying definitely is not. He seriously did sneak into the band's lounge area and stole these pics!


Do not post or ask for the images in this thread. Someone who works with the band has made it very clear they will attempt to track down anyone who posts them. I'm really not trying to be an ass, just looking out for my fellow members. I wouldn't go posting tracks when Zeitgeist leaks, either.


It's not like I made up a list of everyone who I thought wanted the pics and sent them out, Mike.

And, generally speaking, there's quite a difference between a private message and posting in a thread that anyone can see. I never posted any pics in this thread, even when I had them. The pics are likely everywhere now, so if someone wants to take it upon themselves to post them, that's their problem. I'm not. I just gave a friendly warning.


Diablos said:
Some more info:

Great work pal. Good ol' Billy made 30 songs... I'm expecting some great b-side as has always been with the Pumpkins. And yes, I also need one of those flags: just to make my old Honda Civic more "Pumpkinesque". :)
Keep'on posting new infos and buzzes and whatever about Zeitgeist. :)
Diablos said:
Jeff Schroeder (new guitarist) of The Lassie Foundation (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmvqpW8xrdo, red and black stripes)... as for Ginger (bassist)... I can't understand why she's in the band. Jeff seems like a good fit, he loves Gish and Siamese Dream, and plays shoegaze-like stuff. Ginger... eh. It may be an image thing, but still, I don't get it. I'm not trying to insult Ginger herself so much as I'm questioning if she really is a good fit for the band. It just doesn't seem right!



To be honest, Smashing Pumpkins were primarily an image based entity during the Machina era, and nothing seems to have changed with this latest set-up. It's kind of disappointing but I'm not expecting much from this record....If it's good, I'll be pleasantly surprised but at the moment, certain signs point to the desperation of an aging rock star. I'm in the minority who liked Zwan and didn't think the Corgan solo effort was too bad, either.

I'm not one of these people who think OMG, JAMES AND D'ARCY NEED TO BE IN! but I'm not sure about reviving middle-aged rock stalwarts of the 90s with a couple of 20 somethings....that kind of thing usually works out badly and occurs in bands who have nothing relevant to contribute any more.
doesn't matter who is in the band (old or young), i just want good music. ignore the image and concentrate on the music. the jury is still out on that of course.

p.s. the lyrics for tarantula were leaked. not sure what to think about this...

The tarantula,
Time for the massive come sing ya
Blad tarantula
Don't play with my style I might sting ya
Blad tarantula
You want me inject me bacteria
And if ya body goin’ stiff
And your spine goin’ numb
Now come fi get some...

Massive! Time to fix you up something here right now!

Shotter, hitter, serial killer
Go-a your funeral and all drink out your liquor
When you are bury we a-stand next to the vicar
Fling on some dirt and make your bury a little quicker
Shouldn’t test the youth them in the Tommy Hilfiger
Hug up ya mama, say sorry to ya poppa
All-a get number for ya little sister
It true we cold like alaska, freezer





[Chorus] x2


FrenchMovieTheme said:
doesn't matter who is in the band (old or young), i just want good music. ignore the image and concentrate on the music. the jury is still out on that of course.

p.s. the lyrics for tarantula were leaked. not sure what to think about this...

WTF? 50 Pumpkins Cent?! Mmm, so unusual for the "standard" Corgan lyrics...
FrenchMovieTheme said:
doesn't matter who is in the band (old or young), i just want good music. ignore the image and concentrate on the music. the jury is still out on that of course.

p.s. the lyrics for tarantula were leaked. not sure what to think about this...

that shit doesent make sense

reminds me of cash car star


I listened to Mellon Collie on the way to work today. That album is just so untouchable in terms of what it achieved. Not even Smashing Pumpkins ever came close to making an album as creative and overall as wonderful as MCatIS.

Bodies is still one of my favorite SP songs to date.


Yep. Things are not looking good for him and his buddy. Go figure, his username was "thisistheend". For him, yes. :eek:

Based on what's been discussed at Netphoria, the police think that this is a misdemeanor crime, but the band wants to take it a bit further (felony).

Speaking of Netphoria, members have been mass e-mailing who even knows how many radio stations. 96.5 "The Buzz" in Kansas City says they will be playing the single by the end of the week. Time will tell.
maybe im being too much of a conspiracy theorist this seems more like a viral marketing ploy because there are other pictures leaking apparently from the same set well after the fiasco. something about it seems a little off


Luna104 said:
That actually kind of disappoints me.
Yeah, I dunno. Someone basically broke into their lounge area and stole their stuff. It's a bit different than your everyday song/album leak, because it's so... personal.

On the other hand, is it really a good idea to leave pictures to be used for your upcoming album in a lounge area?

That said, the kid who decided to steal all of this stuff is a fool. Why did he go online and brag about it? Use a proxy and send the pics to buddyhead or something, don't go bragging about getting the pics, and explaining, in detail, how you stole them. How ****ing dumb can you be?


Luna104 said:
That actually kind of disappoints me.

I doubt the band will be able to convince them to turn into a felony, given the relatively petty nature of the crime. That said, whomever stole the stuff is a dolt for thinking he was entitled enough to take it and deserves what he gets.


Luna104 said:
I agree, he stole something and that's not right. What disappoints me is that the band is playing judge.

Well, to be accurate, they're playing lobbyist, if anything.
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