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Official Smashing Pumpkins thread


TheDrowningMan said:
Okay, Corgan's never been a particularly gifted lyricist, but they must be a joke. They have to be. :lol

Don't worry, you're right. I love SP, but if you're listening for lyrics, then Dylan is your man. However, the music was (and hopefully will be) great, and that's why I listen.
wow, billy corgan is a bad lyricist? everyone is entitled to their own opinion but wow... you can knock his vocals and his recent choice in music, but his lyrics have always been pretty awesome in my book.

yeah i know, you can probably pull out some lame line in a song and say "see? lolz" but i can do that to any artist as well. bottom line is he writes some pretty incredible lyrics


FrenchMovieTheme said:
wow, billy corgan is a bad lyricist? everyone is entitled to their own opinion but wow... you can knock his vocals and his recent choice in music, but his lyrics have always been pretty awesome in my book.

yeah i know, you can probably pull out some lame line in a song and say "see? lolz" but i can do that to any artist as well. bottom line is he writes some pretty incredible lyrics

I agree.

And ****, I just noticed Youtube has pulled the VH1 Storytellers vids with SP. Anyone have them?
Luna104 said:
I agree.

And ****, I just noticed Youtube has pulled the VH1 Storytellers vids with SP. Anyone have them?

Track down the full audio recording, it's much better than what VH1 edited and aired. I'll try and dig up my CD copy and make a set for you if you'd like.


distantmantra said:
Track down the full audio recording, it's much better than what VH1 edited and aired. I'll try and dig up my CD copy and make a set for you if you'd like.

I'd appreciate that very much.
Luna104 said:
I'd appreciate that very much.

It's a three CDr recording with loads of cool tidbits and a performance of Let Me Give the World to You. I remember getting the set from a fellow AMSPer long before it ever aired on VH1.

Let me see if I can find it one of my numerous CD binders-o-Pumpkin shows.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
wow, billy corgan is a bad lyricist? everyone is entitled to their own opinion but wow... you can knock his vocals and his recent choice in music, but his lyrics have always been pretty awesome in my book.

yeah i know, you can probably pull out some lame line in a song and say "see? lolz" but i can do that to any artist as well. bottom line is he writes some pretty incredible lyrics

"Life's a bummer / when you're a hummer."

I don't mean to make too much fun of him, because I do think he gets slighted when they speak of the big alterna-rock gods. Kurt "Voice of a Generation" Cobain gets away with "Aqua seafoam shame," so Billy should get away with "coil my tongue around a bumblebee mouth" too. And, I thought the words to "Cherub Rock" were pretty good, but I can't think of another example of good lyrics. Most of all, I think you like the sound of the words. "Thirty three" is one of my favorite SP songs, but those lyrics don't mean ANYTHING. They just sound pretty, and trying to find anything serious in them is pointless and high school-ish.
so i have a handful of SP songs on my ipod:

Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Tonight, Tonight
Ava Adore

and i like them all (in that order).. when i was younger i listened to Melane Cholie all the ****ing time, but since then sort of dropped out of the SP universe.. songs like Perfect and 1979 i think are okay, but i'm more in the mood for their harder stuff

are there any songs similar to those above that you guys would recommend i check out?


Mike Works said:
so i have a handful of SP songs on my ipod:

Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Tonight, Tonight
Ava Adore

and i like them all (in that order).. when i was younger i listened to Melane Cholie all the ****ing time, but since then sort of dropped out of the SP universe.. songs like Perfect and 1979 i think are okay, but i'm more in the mood for their harder stuff

are there any songs similar to those above that you guys would recommend i check out?

Eh... Heard Cherub Rock?


distantmantra said:
Track down the full audio recording, it's much better than what VH1 edited and aired. I'll try and dig up my CD copy and make a set for you if you'd like.

I would love to have this too. Good luck on the hunt!
kingofrod said:
"Life's a bummer / when you're a hummer."

I don't mean to make too much fun of him, because I do think he gets slighted when they speak of the big alterna-rock gods. Kurt "Voice of a Generation" Cobain gets away with "Aqua seafoam shame," so Billy should get away with "coil my tongue around a bumblebee mouth" too. And, I thought the words to "Cherub Rock" were pretty good, but I can't think of another example of good lyrics. Most of all, I think you like the sound of the words. "Thirty three" is one of my favorite SP songs, but those lyrics don't mean ANYTHING. They just sound pretty, and trying to find anything serious in them is pointless and high school-ish.

Yes. They sound good, but for the most part they're nothing special.

I lived by The Smashing Pumpkins for the majority of my teenage years but you know, in retrospect lyrics were not his strong point and I find so much to cringe over now. I can think of dozens of better lyricists, from Tom Waits to Nick Cave to Bob Dylan to Morrissey to Mark Oliver Everett etc, etc.

He's far from the WORST lyricist out there, but you'd be hard pressed to find much genius in that aspect of his work, fantastic musician though he is. I actually think Adore is his most consistent effort on that level, perhaps because, for the most part, its lack of bombast reigned in some of his more ridiculous attempts.


TheDrowningMan said:
Okay, Corgan's never been a particularly gifted lyricist, but they must be a joke. They have to be. :lol
Corgan has always been a particularly gifted lyricist. :p


kingofrod said:
"Life's a bummer / when you're a hummer."

I don't mean to make too much fun of him, because I do think he gets slighted when they speak of the big alterna-rock gods. Kurt "Voice of a Generation" Cobain gets away with "Aqua seafoam shame," so Billy should get away with "coil my tongue around a bumblebee mouth" too. And, I thought the words to "Cherub Rock" were pretty good, but I can't think of another example of good lyrics. Most of all, I think you like the sound of the words. "Thirty three" is one of my favorite SP songs, but those lyrics don't mean ANYTHING. They just sound pretty, and trying to find anything serious in them is pointless and high school-ish.

Well, wait a minute: I've loved every single second of Mellon Collie back in 1995, and still love it. Twelve years ago i was fifteen and I listened to MCIS lyrics in a way totally different in comparison with today. MCIS songs like Galapogos, Muzzle, To Forgive, In the Arms of Sleep have such a deep, they have changed with me, all these years. Now they are telling me something different, not better, than what they used to tell me twelve years ago. The same thing can be said of a lot of Corgan lyrics and Smashing Pumpkins song: Soma, Silver**** (!), Once Upon a Time, Stand Inside Your Love, Age of Innocence, With Every Light...
I don't mean to make too much fun of him, because I do think he gets slighted when they speak of the big alterna-rock gods. Kurt "Voice of a Generation" Cobain gets away with "Aqua seafoam shame," so Billy should get away with "coil my tongue around a bumblebee mouth" too. And, I thought the words to "Cherub Rock" were pretty good, but I can't think of another example of good lyrics. Most of all, I think you like the sound of the words. "Thirty three" is one of my favorite SP songs, but those lyrics don't mean ANYTHING. They just sound pretty, and trying to find anything serious in them is pointless and high school-ish.

like i said, you can say anyones lyrics suck or that they don't mean anything to you. why is your favorite lyricist better than billy corgan? because you identify with his words better or they make more sense to you or whatever the case is. trying to find anything serious in any lyrics is pointless and high school-ish because anyone can break down any song and make it trivial or make a joke about it or whatever, so then that brings us back to square 1 where you just say fug it


Mike Works said:
so i have a handful of SP songs on my ipod:

Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Tonight, Tonight
Ava Adore

and i like them all (in that order).. when i was younger i listened to Melane Cholie all the ****ing time, but since then sort of dropped out of the SP universe.. songs like Perfect and 1979 i think are okay, but i'm more in the mood for their harder stuff

are there any songs similar to those above that you guys would recommend i check out?
If you're in the mood for something that ****ing rocks, check out Marquis in Spades.


Tre said:
but Corgan's lyrics are pretty laughable.
Everyone's guilty of writing lyrics that don't hold much weight or are just plain dumb, especially in the realm of alternative rock. But Billy's proven with every single album he's done, be it Pumpkins or otherwise, that he consistently does turn out songs with good lyrics.

I could name songs from every single band I know of that have bad lyrics. For example, I love QOTSA, but they have some terrible lyrics. I listened to "In My Head" all last week, even though the lyrics suck. I still love listening to that song.

"Hummer" is a personal term Corgan used to describe his old girlfriend, when she wasn't interested in him or just about anything.

He's far from the WORST lyricist out there, but you'd be hard pressed to find much genius in that aspect of his work, fantastic musician though he is.
Bah, nevermind. I can't read today. Still, I think you're a bit inaccurate in labeling him as a mediocre lyricist at best.


Netphoria delivers. Damn.

hopefully the guy who knows the XRT program director or whatever will respond. BlissedandGone2, you out there?

Anyway, I heard this morning that Billy visited XRT's weekly staff meeting with a copy of the CD. He showed up, and played it for everyone who works at XRT (or at least everyone who attends the staff meeting).

Afterwards, Lin Bremer (may have spelled the name wrong) said it was the best SP material they have ever heard. She said its all Billy & Jimmy...and unlike Gish or SD, this time they want everyone to know it...and they are super PROUD of it.

I Know this doesn't reveal much, but its great to hear more positive comments...take if for what you will.
The news just keeps getting better.


Mike Works said:
so i have a handful of SP songs on my ipod:

Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Tonight, Tonight
Ava Adore

and i like them all (in that order).. when i was younger i listened to Melane Cholie all the ****ing time, but since then sort of dropped out of the SP universe.. songs like Perfect and 1979 i think are okay, but i'm more in the mood for their harder stuff

are there any songs similar to those above that you guys would recommend i check out?

**** You (An Ode to No One) and Jellybelly are both great hard songs, both off Mellon Collie. I'm also quite attached to Hello Kitty Kat (this one being one of my top favorites) and Pissant off Pisces Iscariot (which are back to back on that album, which is otherwise fairly mellow), Geek USA and Quiet off Siamese Dream, and The Everlasting Gaze and Heavy Metal Machine off their final Machina album. Cash Car Star off the freely available Machina II album is also fairly hard...and if you can track down Dross and/or Jackboot in particular, those are nothing short of great, hard, guitar riff-centered tracks though neither is on any album.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
maybe im being too much of a conspiracy theorist this seems more like a viral marketing ploy because there are other pictures leaking apparently from the same set well after the fiasco. something about it seems a little off
Missed your post.

Actually, while he only *posted* a few online, he stole 39. The band is going to have to re-take them all now.


Joshua Kuhl of Madison, Wisconsin, and Simon Brown of Rockford, Illinois, allegedly broke into a Chicago rehearsal space being used by the Pumpkins on Friday night and made off with three guitar picks and 39 photographs that police suspect the men may have tried to sell online, according to Chicago Police Department spokesman Marcel Bright. The pair were arrested Monday and charged with felony burglary after other tenants of the building provided a description that led police to the suspects.

Bright did not know how many of the photos — which were briefly posted on Pumpkins fan site Netphoria.org — were discovered during the arrests. According to Netphoria webmaster Andrew Pakula, one of the two suspects posted the photos along with information about the theft. Among the allegedly pilfered shots that Bright said police suspect were slated for use in the album packaging and promotional materials are images of Paris Hilton posing in front of an exploding bomb, the grim reaper at a podium featuring the presidential seal with a black-and-white Pumpkins flag in the back, a person in a business suit wearing a devil mask while being crucified, five blond children saluting, a close-up of Corgan in a hoodie and another of him standing next to a topless woman.
$100,000 bond.

The band will have to retake the photographs, the sergeant said. "They [the band] were pissed," police Sgt. Vidal Vasquez said.
I received a small audio clip of what is supposedly the new 2007 Pumpkins. It's pretty distorted, so it's hard to tell if it's a live clip or studio material. It's much like a snippet from Pastichio Medley. In any event, the drums sound a lot like something Jimmy would do, and the guitars are convincing, but I still doubt it's legitimacy due to the lack of vocals.


Some Pumpkins fans can be extremely picky, others not so much. It just depends on the person. I think Billy and Jimmy are going to turn out one of the decade's best rock albums.
Diablos said:
Some Pumpkins fans can be extremely picky, others not so much. It just depends on the person. I think Billy and Jimmy are going to turn out one of the decade's best rock albums.

I'm one of those picky old timers, then. I have very very low expectations. This will never compare to the heyday of the band when I was following their every move and traveling all over the west coast catching shows.



Nick: Honestly? Just browse the Netphoria Pumpkins/Corgan/Zwan forum for five minutes. It's quite amusing.

That's one thing I like about SP's fanbase, though. We all have different opinions or see the band in a different way, opposed to some fanbases *cough*Tool*cough* where everyone follows their favorite band like sheep.

edit: I have also heard the clip distantmantra mentioned. The drumming at the beginning sounds a lot like I Am One from around 1994. If only the quality was better, I could hear the snare to determine if it's Jimmy.

edit: hoho, look at this:

Hey everyone,

I've been a lurker for a long time, but never felt like getting in the middle of any flame wars. But, I sent an e-mail to 89x in Detroit asking about the new single and here's what I got in response:

Hey Brandon,

I did hear the new Pumpkin's song.

It's pretty heavy and reminds of something off their first disc. We should have it very soon.


Jay Hudson
If this sounds like Gish... I'm gonna faint. Well, not really, but you get the idea.


Go ahead and post a link to the clip. Can't hurt much since we don't even know if it's authentic.

pm me if you'd rather play it safe.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
i expect nothing less from a seachickens fan :D

Nothing will ever compare to seeing the original lineup back in 1991 and 1993. Just can't compare.

But, who am I kidding... once this hits I'm sure that fanboy I've tried long and hard to quell will once again rise up and consume me.


Macam said:
**** You (An Ode to No One) and Jellybelly are both great hard songs, both off Mellon Collie.

right on. nothing gets me worked up like Jellybelly. It's *always* on my workout playlist.

off MCIS I would also pick Bodies and XYU.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
like i said, you can say anyones lyrics suck or that they don't mean anything to you. why is your favorite lyricist better than billy corgan? because you identify with his words better or they make more sense to you or whatever the case is. trying to find anything serious in any lyrics is pointless and high school-ish because anyone can break down any song and make it trivial or make a joke about it or whatever, so then that brings us back to square 1 where you just say fug it

But that's like saying you can compare Stephen King's Cell to the Great Gatsby. It's no contest, PLUS I don't really have a favorite lyricist. Well, maybe Ghostface.


well not really...yet
Luna104 said:
right on. nothing gets me worked up like Jellybelly. It's *always* on my workout playlist.

off MCIS I would also pick Bodies and XYU.
Bodies was ass kickingly awesome. Loved the hell out of that track!

But as far as heaviest Pumpkins songs, my favorite would probably be Marquis in Spades...


Nick said:
Hey Diablos/distant/Macam, answer my question.

I don't know if other Pumpkins fans will dig the new album -- the extent of my conversation with anyone else with anything more than a passing interest in SP is what you see here with Diablos. Personally speaking, short of the earlier 1989 sound (which is reminiscent of Gish with less of a fleshed out of a sound), I like just about anything Billy puts to disc (or Jimmy, or James, etc). There's a quality to their stuff that I can't find anywhere else, but honestly, you give Jimmy a drum set and let Billy write a bit of his guitars, and I'm set.


Macam said:
There's a quality to their stuff that I can't find anywhere else, but honestly, you give Jimmy a drum set and let Billy write a bit of his guitars, and I'm set.
Yeah, and this is why I think Zeitgeist is going to kick so much ass. The last time these two worked in the studio like this was Siamese Dream.

edit: I guess the album is going to be released on 7/10 now. Boo.


Can't ****ing wait for this. I've camped out overnight many times for Pumpkins events.

One worry: Anyone get the feeling Zeitgeist will may be a Pumpkins version of American Idiot? I hope they do their own thing and don't try to copy Green Day's album.


Rindain said:
Can't ****ing wait for this. I've camped out overnight many times for Pumpkins events.

One worry: Anyone get the feeling Zeitgeist will may be a Pumpkins version of American Idiot? I hope they do their own thing and don't try to copy Green Day's album.

Unless you're trying to paint a picture of "90s alt-rock band creates politically tinged modern day album" as an American Idiot knock-off...no. Besides, if anything, those albums have been nothing short of fantastic. American Idiot was, as was Pearl Jam's latest. Just turn off your expectations, and when we hear something, as in an actual song, we can start talking about what form the album may have.


Besides, if anything, those albums have been nothing short of fantastic.

Agreed, American Idiot is in my top 3 of the 2000's.

And I think a politically tinged Pumpkins album could be awesome--I just hope that if that's the direction they're taking, they aren't doing it to be trendy/increase sales, but out of true artistic motivation.
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