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Official Smashing Pumpkins thread


Alright, I'll type out what I can remember.

I got the tickets to Endfest from No Name at the Beach House on the last day. I went specifically to get the tickets and to hang out on the last day for the End-a-roke. As a bonus, I got a meet and greet with the Bravery.
No Name came through and I picked up my tickets and meet and greet info at the station a few days later.

I show up about an hour after they opened and got there to hear the last End-a-roke song and it was over. (That was THE last show, by the way, Jim doesn't have enough time to be in the band anymore) That's ok, I've done it a hell of a lot of times anyway.
I start greeting all my friends that I see around and my friend Travis (Who I met the week before at the Safeco Field Ivar's Clambake End-a-roke) comes up.
We chat for a bit and we each have a meet and greet. His is for the Smashing Pumpkins and mine is for the Bravery. He gets super excited, because wanted mine. He even brought one of the covers from their album to sign.
Meet and greets come in pairs, to take your friend with you and neither of us had anyone else to go to either with, yet. So we basically traded our spares with each other.
I later found out he got his by asking one of our friends at the station for one. (I don't want to name who, just in case)
Throughout the day we would hide our SP passes, because we knew the demand for them. It turns out later only 6 pairs were given out. Other one had DOZENS.
We watch a few bands, like Shiny Toy Guns, but start lining up for the Bravery MnG. Waiting... waiting... it got delayed. To RIGHT BEFORE the SP MnG. We're paranoid because we already missed a few bands we wanted to see and now we'd have to choose between the two?
Travis jokes about revoking our trade because of the high demand and we kill time by winning ourselves some free colored condoms, but no STDs. (planned parenthood wheel you got to spin. STD = tickets n prizes)
So after a long period of waiting, the time gets close and it turns out we can go to both. We got to go to the front of the Bravery MnG line, Joe (one of the guys at the station, the moderators' boss) hands us spare Endfest posters for the Bravery to sign if we didn't have anything else. Perfect.
Then we quickly get in line behind a bunch of the tour buses and a few more people join us, the SP MnG people. We knew like half of them. Kind of funny, because outside of 6, that means that people in know get more. ;)
Some rules are given to us and in no uncertain terms stated that if Billy Corgan doesn't feel like doing this, he isn't doing this. Just having a CHANCE to be near him is lucky enough for us.
So the twelve of us are in a line. Two security guards get in the front and two in the back and they walk us out of the parking lot field. We go inside the stadium, and we're being closely monitored the entire time. Once we're about halfway inside the stadium, we're told to wait against this plain white wall.

The rules are stated again:
DON'T get over excited
Only ONE item to sign
Pictures YES, Posing with them NO
Don't touch them
DON'T get over excited

It's pretty serious. Eventually we hear a little golf cart running down the hall and the band is driven by. A lady tells us that Billy's writing the setlist right now and will be out shortly after. We all get handed Zeitgeist posters, but a few people already had some things, like the Zeitgeist LE Art Book.

Eventually they come out. We're all given pens, as are they and they proceed to work opposite sides of the line, to do it faster. I try to be courteous, while at the same time realizing the rarity of what is happening.

One kid next to me is completely ignoring the rules and he got to pose with everybody in the band in a photo, except Billy. When Billy got to him and the kid asked for the picture, Billy said "I'm not a fucking clown." and that was the end of that. Kinda scary because otherwise it went VERY smoothly and everyone seemed relaxed and happy.

So once we start breathing again, we're escorted right back out the same way we came in.
Then we just had to wait for the concert to begin. I was there nearly the whole day and my legs were killing me. At one point I sat down and one guard said to sit AGAINST the wall and another said to get AWAY for it. So I just walked away.

Anyways, I heard the important songs, had fun, and left like 2 or 3 before the end, because I was REALLLLLLY tired and didn't want to get stuck in traffic.
diablos, im glad to hear you had a good experience. i see them on their last date for this tour, november 11th in miami. hopefully they bring out the big guns.


AOL Sessions. Haven't gone through it all, but there are some good interview clips and Superchrist is here:)

EDIT: Holy balls@ the revamped Heavy Metal Machine. That 12-minute long puppy is an absolute gem. On the up side, WireTap Studio is working just fine, so I'll be recording the tracks for my own personal use until (if & when) they show up in iTMS gets them up for sale...if anyone's interested, ask me later.



I'm really hoping that a bootleg surfaces. It's always nice to have one of a show you went to, and not to mention, this is also the first show where P+C was played.

The Sessions@AOL songs are amazing. One thing that strikes me as being really interesting is that Doomsday Clock and That's the Way sound 1000x better than they do on Zeitgeist. I really don't like Doomsday Clock at all, and That's the Way is pretty good, but not a highlight.

Yet the Sessions@AOL performance of Doomsday just rocks a lot harder, and the vocals are way better. That's the Way really shows its shoegaze influence, whereas the album version is a bit too poppy sounding, and it sounds awesome. The album version should sound like this.

I've said it a million times before, but SP just needs to record an album in a more live type of setting.


Oh, I did. I still think about it...

Haha, look at this!


MY ZEITGEISTS, LET ME SHOW YOU THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol

Zeitgeist got more attention than Britney, har.

Man, I already paid for the lossy iTunes one so I could get a good ticket (well worth the price), and also, the booklet version. I really don't want to spend more money on the same album, unless this DVD is really awesome.


I assume that's for next week's ad since it's not in the current one, although BB has it listed on their website. The hell are these 3 new songs, now? Superchrist? The new Heavy Metal Machine? It's impossible to read that text.
but what are the 3 bonus tracks? if its zeitgeist, DFA, and stellar ill pass. if it's signal to noise... !!!!!

release billy you fucking prick

also, does anyone have a good quality mp3 of peace & love? awesome song


I'm sure it's just the definitive Zeitgeist album. The CD, DVD, plus all the bonus tracks -- Death From Above, Stellar, and Zeitgeist. Hopefully the DVD has some live performances and a "making of" beyond the myspace vid, otherwise I'm not buying it. Jimmy promised their best version of Gossamer to be on an upcoming release of theirs, so maybe it's this.

Macam: It looks like it says...

DVD bonuses include (the?) Zeitgeist's "making of" look at the album that includes in depth interviews with Billy Corgan and Jimmy Chamberin.

That's what my eyes told me, anyway.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
if it is gossamer they can have my $9.99 now

Well, if we're playing that game, if it's Goassamer, Heavy Metal Machine, and Superchrist, I'll buy the whole rainbow set of Zeitgeist CDs;-)


Superchrist. Awesome music. Short, semi-lame religious lyrics (but it still kicked my ass on 10/9, wowowowow, would see again, 10/10).

I'm getting worried about SP, though. Are they turning into a Christian rock band? Mostly all of the new songs Billy wrote during the residencies and whatever else have religious or spiritual references. One even has Psalm in the title; splendid! Jeff Schroeder and Ginger Reyes are both from Christian bands. Lisa Harriton also used to be in some Christian music organization. To be fair, they are all great musicians, especially Jeff. His guitar playing kicks ass and he seems like a really cool guy that anyone could get along with.

I'm not turning on my favorite band evar, I only question because I care.

Although, FWIW, I have read that Bring the Light is supposed to be mockery of god's power by lucifer. If so, that's pretty awesome. But I don't know if that's true.


I like the cover. I think that should have been the original because the actual one is too RED, although that was part of the idea.
pumpkins could be potentially turning into a religious band, but i dont think they would ever get TOO far into it. i don't mind as long as the music is good, and not EVERY song is about god/jesus/etc. also lisa harrington seems like a big time prude/religious fanatic, like those weird ass church moms. i saw an interview with her and it was like "Everything has been so MAAAAGICAL. we are learning and growing together."

i would definitely motorboat those sweet tittaaaaaaaaays though


I'm not a huge pumpkins fan anymore, but they were my favorite band in high school-- got to see them play in Chicago on the Mellon Collie tour.

Just posting to say that it's awesome they played Drown. :D


FrenchMovieTheme said:
also lisa harrington seems like a big time prude/religious fanatic, like those weird ass church moms. i saw an interview with her and it was like "Everything has been so MAAAAGICAL. we are learning and growing together."
The Smashing Pumpkins' Zeitgeist will be re-released and packaged with a full-length DVD documentary titled Inside The Zeitgeist. Also included on the disc are 3 bonus tracks, included an un-released song titled Ma Belle. The other songs included are Stellar and Death From Above.

This special version of Zeitgeist features an all new metallic silver color scheme as well.

The Zeitgeist re-release will be sold exclusively at Best Buy stores and can be pre-ordered HERE.

i got that myspace bulletin post today. come on man... 1 new song? why can't they put 3 unreleased? download confirmed


Junior Member
I saw the pumpkins last night. Corgan has a hilariously huge ego and solos all time time, but its worth it just to see Chamberlin drum, he's great.

They covered "born on the bayou" for new orleans...and ended the show with a stupid cover of "i love rock n roll."


If anyone is interested in tickets to the Dallas show, I have a pair I'm willing to part with at face value due to some last minute plan changes. Just PM me.

The BC has an "hilariously huge ego" blah blah blah stuff is ridiculous btw.


Diablos said:

Good thing she is not an official band member. Does the phrase "touring keyboardist" ring any bells? :D

Edit: Also, the latest rumormongering is that the Pumpkins will be playing the Aragon in Chicago in mid December.
siamesedreamer said:
Fuck The Pumpkins

Tonight's show is postponed...tomorrow's is still on. Fucking bullshit.

Sorry, dude. Are you going to tomorrow's show, too?

I was at Best Buy today, and didn't even think about checking out Zeitgeist release #46,324. Whoops.




The Smashing Pumpkins have been forced to postpone tonight's sold out show (10/30) at the Fox Theater in Atlanta after drummer Jimmy Chamberlin was admitted to a hospital after experiencing some chest discomfort. Chamberlin will rest at the hospital tonight and is expected to be released Wednesday.

Information about Wednesday's show in Atlanta is TBA--updates for ticketholders will be made available as soon as possible.

Not good. I hope he's ok. :(

I'm really sorry siamesedreamer, that sucks.

You'll see them someday. They are going on another tour next year, and recording their new album (as well as Jimmy doing another solo album) in between the end of this tour and the start of the next.

edit: This is REALLY NOT GOOD. This was posted at SP.com:

I arrived at the fox tonight, parked at the Varsity and began my walk...Something strange, no cars, no fans, no crowd. My wife and I were greeted at the back door of the Fox by a man who sadly reported to me that Jimmy is asleep and he won't wake up...I don't know how to take this... The statement from the band reports heart trouble. The man who I spoke with was exiting the back door, band entrance/exit. The man appeared to be sad and uncomfortable so we wished him luck. I said a prayer as I walked to my car. When I got in the car the radio station 99x reported that a statement was just released from the band that he is experiencing heart trouble. The man I spoke with mentioned nothing of this sort. He only said jimmy is asleep and they can't wake him up. Is this good news or bad news? I hope that he wakes up from this "sleep". I am worried because I have mixed emotions. My source says one thing and the radio says another. I believe the man was being honest. I was so excited tonight to finally see the band perform, none of this matters any more. I send my prayers to Jimmy and hope that he will be ok. I am upset about the show, but that is not important. I hope that God blesses Jimmy and the band. And I hope that the news I received is false and the radio news is true. my wife and I send our prayers and we will continue to pray for good news... Thank you smashing pumpkins, and take all the time you need. we waited six years and we can wait longer, no problem. With all my love I send the band my prayers.
Oh geez, don't die on us Jimmy. You can't. You just can't.

I don't wanna say this, but I fear Jimmy's days of reckless drug abuse is catching up to him... I'm worried.

It says "discomfort", but if he had to wait until today to do anything, that tells me it's beyond "discomfort".



Anyway, the Best Buy CD-DVD has "Ma Belle" as a bonus track. Studio.
It also has the music videos and some misc. bonus making of stuff.


Here's to hoping Jimmy is fine. As far as his drug days catching up to him, I doubt that's the case and it's probably not related. That just strikes me as paranoia -- otherwise, someone explain to me why Scott Weiland is still running around willy nilly.

SP's Austin show is Friday and their Dallas show is on Saturday. I'd love to see them, but given that my own plans for the Dallas show have completely fallen apart and I'm trying to sell the tickets, I won't be upset if they postpone the shows, especially if it means Jimmy getting better. He's half the show for me.


Macam said:
Here's to hoping Jimmy is fine. As far as his drug days catching up to him, I doubt that's the case and it's probably not related. That just strikes me as paranoia -- otherwise, someone explain to me why Scott Weiland is still running around willy nilly.
Paranoia? If you can't wake up because of "chest pains" that's not a good thing. I'm not really being paranoid, just a bit worried, that's all.


Macam: The Dallas show has been rescheduled for the 18th based on what I've been reading. I don't know if you're still going to be busy, but I figured I'd let you know.


Yeah, I saw the notice this afternoon. They also reschedule the Austin show and a couple of others (their website has the official changes). I'm kinda glad since I can get a refund on the tickets rather than having to deal with Craiglist and eBay...ugh.


People were being real assholes about there being a lack of an update from the band, both on the official site and on a particular message board. So impatient. The official statement initially said he was having some chest pains (which I agree could have been worded better), and dates were being pushed back. It only took a couple days for Jimmy to actually say something. WTF do people want, a blog with real time updates from his hospital stay? I'm so glad he is doing better.


Diablos said:

lolllllll :lol

Billy what have you donnneeee

The cool thing about that is, if you get a purple Ford Focus and say "Smashing Pumpkins", it plays Death From Above. Or, if you get a black one, it'll play "Ma Belle". :: insert canned laughter here ::

For what it's worth, the new SE Zeitgeist album is $9.99 at Best Buy, but like hell if I'm buying it again. Also, Tuesday is their newly rescheduled date here in Austin, so I'll finally get to see them on this tour.
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