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Official Smashing Pumpkins thread


I just came into say that Thirty-Three is my favorite
Pumpkins song and one of the most charming music
videos ever made.


Macam said:
I usually let Pumpkins albums spin for two weeks nonstop in my car just so I can adequately wrap myself around the new songs and sound. By that time, I'm all in. Point in case, I love Zeitgeist, especially when you add in the nonstandard tracks like Ma Belle and, the title track, Zeitgeist. Those tracks round out the album's sound more and give it a bit more range. Every now and then I just get an urge to crank Bring the Light.

I threw on Zeitgeist the other day for the first time in months and it's really not so bad. The song Zeitgeist is probably one of the 3 best songs Billy's written since reclaiming the SP name (Though I do have a soft spot for the slow songs on an album so some might disagree). And since you mentioned Bring the Light, I love the way the song starts out with the quiet guitars, but once the chorus hits the first time there's no turning back and the song just stays loud the entire time and never goes back to that so I feel like it isn't as good as it could have been.

Also, Machina 2 > Machina 1
machina 2 is awesome because it's so stripped down. they need to get back to that. i liked zeitgeist a lot, but there's just too much production. there has been too much production on the past 2 albums and it has hurt some of the songs which had a lot of potential (blue skies bring tears being the worst offender when compared to the machina 2 version).

also, SP needs to ramp up their live show. i know billy isn't 25 anymore, but come on man, it just doesn't seem like he has much energy on stage. truth be told i haven't seen the band in over a year (videos or in person), so maybe it has improved, but it is hard to go from seeing a band like Muse to the pumpkins.


Machina 2 is what Machina would have been if it wasn't so heavily overproduced. I think a lot of the problems with Billy's albums this decade is not entirely his fault. Chamberlin has made it very clear that he only cares for pre-masters, I'm sure Billy feels the same.

G.L.O.W. is okay, but I agree, they've done better.

Infinitemadness said:
Someone in passing mentioned the song is related or came from Zoom on the Pastichio medley?
It probably is related to Pastachio Medley stuff. Tarantula is so obviously an evolution of the Harmonio riff. Billy's finishing off a lot of those sounds from the MCIS demos, it seems.

Orellio: Zeitgeist is a great album. The production could be better, but the songs are good for the most part (save Death From Above and For God and Country, two of the worst songs Billy's ever written in his career. Every songwriter has these moments). I think people were too critical of it; basically Zeitgeist was more of a "we're back" kind of record, Billy even admitted it himself. The epic megaton Pumpkins we've come to know and love over the many years will likely be present on the next album, which the band has also indicated a couple times. Look at American Gothic -- it's good stuff. Sunkissed is a seriously underrated Pumpkins song. Damn, is that song good...


Diablos said:
Orellio: Zeitgeist is a great album. The production could be better, but the songs are good for the most part (save Death From Above and For God and Country, two of the worst songs Billy's ever written in his career. Every songwriter has these moments). I think people were too critical of it; basically Zeitgeist was more of a "we're back" kind of record, Billy even admitted it himself. The epic megaton Pumpkins we've come to know and love over the many years will likely be present on the next album, which the band has also indicated a couple times. Look at American Gothic -- it's good stuff. Sunkissed is a seriously underrated Pumpkins song. Damn, is that song good...

Holy crap do I disagree. I totally understand WHY you don't like these songs, but I love them. Studio For God & Country has some great tones in it (Don't like the acoustic live version at all, coincidentally) and reminds me of some of the better parts of Billy's solo album (Which also gets some unnecessary hate, but there are a couple of trash songs on it). And the lo-fi-ness of Death From Above reminds me of oldschool MCIS C-sides like Autumn Nocturne (Also one of my personal faves. Lovelovelove this song) and Methusela. That alone gets the song a pass, but Billy's vocal melody is actually really good too. You just have to take the song at face value, I think. I dunno, maybe that's just me.

American Gothic is pretty ace too. Aside from the beginning of the Rose March with the chorus of Billy's, there isn't a bad moment on the album. Again, Again, Again is my favorite off of that.

And I can't wait for the Halloween show in Columbus. I can't believe it's only a week away :D There's something to be said for keeping a tour under wraps until a month beforehand.


Orellio said:
Also, Machina 2 > Machina 1

Machina 2 is probably my least favorite "album". There are some great songs on there (Go, in particular, comes to mind), but I just didn't care for many of the songs there all that much. I'm having to track it down again though, as I lost my Machina II years ago.

Also, I have no idea what a C-side is or what those songs you just referred to are (Autumn Nocturne?).


Eh when I said C-side I meant demo. That's just an epithet I guess I came up with.

http://www.rspaa.org/rspaa/ <--Website with a bunch of hard to find Pumpkins material (Under the Demos section).

Autumn Nocturne is here: http://www.rspaa.org/rspaa/Demos/MCIS Demos I/MCIS Demos I - 09 - Autumn Nocturne.mp3

And Methusela: http://www.rspaa.org/rspaa/Demos/MCIS Demos II/MCIS Demos II - 11 - Methusela.mp3

And FWIW, my shortlist of great Machina 2 songs: Slow Dawn, Vanity, Lucky 13, Speed Kills, Dross, Innocence, Home, Blue Skies Bring Tears (Heavy), In my Body and Here's To The Atom Bomb (New wave). That's more than a third of the album and there's still at least 4 or 5 songs I feel like I should be listing there.


On second thought, I may have jumped the gun on my judgment of Machina II, as I forget Dross (right up there w/Jackboot for me) was on there, along with some of those others you listed. In my defense, I lost it years ago, so thanks for those links.


What is UP with Billy's voice these days?

The gothy affectation and weird britpop vibrato at the end of every vocal phrase are one thing. The onset of "croakiness" -- the sound of his vocal cords being dried up and resistant to producing any tone at all -- started in the Zwan days, and I am somewhat used to and think it's just part of aging. But I DO NOT GET what he is going for when he sings like he does in that Starla video, halting words unnecessarily in sort of an odd huff.

"Star.. d'EAH" (Starla dear?)
"I... 'eAH" (I'm here?)
"t'akes amat IIIEEE" (Takes so much time?)

WTF. Seriously the weirdest shit I've ever heard any singer do, who natively speaks English.

After it gets loud, he forgets to do all this shit and basically sounds like himself. Is it insecurity, or...?
Can't put my finger on it but he does sing differently when you compare Gish and now but I guess that's to be expected....I wonder if it's a concious decision by Billy or something that came naturally?

Anyone know if the Pumpkins are going overseas for the upcoming tour?
terrene said:
Woot, a pre-Gish fan? *fist-bump* for sure.

I had an influential older cousin who was into them back in the day, got me hooked at 10 years old.

Also, how come we haven't hung out yet? :p

That's a good question. I guess you used to live really close to my house in Greenlake, but you're over on Capitol Hill now, right?

Article about SP at the Guitar Hero launch. It was a fuckin loud, rockin show. I loved it. Who needs the hits?

Memo to Activsion: Next time you have a launch party for the newest version of Guitar Hero, book the happy-go-lucky Foo Fighters (oh yes, they too are available for video game launch parties, for the right price, that is). The Smashing Pumpkins aren’t in any mood to send blue-eyed, blond-haired marketing minions home humming "Today."

Billy Corgan’s message Saturday night to partygoers at a private Guitar Hero World Tour launch party? He is no corporate shill. Sure, the Smashing Pumpkins ringleader cashed the $100,000+ check his band surely received for performing at the bash, which was co-sponsored by Best Buy and took place just blocks away from the Minneapolis-based big box retailer's La Brea Avenue store in a massive sound studio -- but that doesn’t mean he played nicely.

Things started out promisingly enough as Corgan took the stage around 10 p.m. The band tore through "Tarantula" with efficiency and grace before performing a perfunctory version of “G.L.O.W.” (which is featured in Guitar Hero World Tour as a single, the first time a band has recorded a new song exclusively for the franchise). But the second half of the set left the curious crowd, heavy on Best Buy execs and contest-winners, feeling confused, used or worse.

(Full set list plus more of the review after the jump)

"Old School...1979!" one man a decade or so removed from the frathouse yelled out, perhaps unaware that the band had just offered up a blistering rendition of "Siva," from Smashing Pumpkins’ debut "Gish."

With that kind of crowd staring back at the frontman, you can hardly blame Corgan for saving the entire second half of the set for working out new material, and dark, experimental feedback-laden noodling. Was this the 41-year-old's way of rebelling against "fake" guitar heroes playing the video game on one of the multiple screens set up just steps away from the stage?

"I feel like Sarah Palin up here," he deadpanned at one point during the set, perhaps referencing his comfort level at being the evening's cheerleader. Although Corgan seemed in good enough spirits (wearing a silver skirt and a tight, black shirt with a spider on it...the same exact outfit he wore to the Scream Awards earlier this month: See picture above), it was clear he wasn’t in the mood to play the hits.

Instead, fans who stuck around (many retreated to the bar area after they realized Corgan and Co. weren’t going to play "Zero" or "1979") were rewarded with a compelling, almost-jazz-like riff fest from Corgan and his longtime drummer Jimmy Chamberlin. The imposing guitarist played with vitriolic fury during the latter half of the set, as if to show wannabes what a real guitar hero looked like.

Corgan spat on the stage as he unleashed wall after wall of dissonant, driving riffs that sometimes devolved into extended feedback loops. He broke strings, played kettle drums, hissed and sang into "the heart of the sun," as he droned in a mantra-like moment during their cover of the classic Pink Floyd song "Set The Controls For The Heart Of The sun."

I was beginning to think I was at a Liars show, and damn if it wasn’t compelling for those willing to make the journey with Corgan. And while the Pumpkins have been doing this shtick on stage since at least 2000, something felt different Saturday...perhaps as a result of a new sound emerging from rehearsals (the band is getting ready for their 20th anniversary tour, beginning Friday in Columbus, Ohio; and a new "concept" record).

Even as the band embarks on a backward-looking 20th-anniversary jaunt this fall, the lanky Illinois-born songsmith proved there is plenty of gas left in the Pumpkins' songwriting oven. Case in point? Check the new song we heard last night, "As Rome Burns."

Full lyrics from "As Rome Burns" below (I grabbed the lyrics sheet off the stage post-gig). Avert your eyes, Pumpkins fans who are partial to tunes like "Tonight, Tonight": This is not a love song:

“We are the new gods/same as the old gods/we’ll take all your blood/and turn it into mud/as Rome burns/one by one/two by two/together they ride/side by side/into love/together they die/and still they want to weather the tide/as Rome burns.”

“Forgiveness all your days/to count what you can’t save/we’ll take out one good eye/and leave a world to fall behind/as Rome burns.”

“I see them everywhere out shaking to the beat/cursing out their elements/with chaos, chaos bleats/and what seemed urgent then turns wicked in the heat/as Rome burns to the mother (expletive deleted) ground”

Full set list:

Speed Kills
As Rome Burns
Sounds of Silence
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun

The Smashing Pumpkins DVD documentary and concert film from their 11-night stand at San Francisco's Fillmore last year, "If All Goes Wrong," hits stores Nov. 11.


Infinitemadness said:
Who needs the hits?

Very much agreed :D I'll bust a nut if they play Siva and Speed Kills in Cleveland on Saturday.

And yeah, As Rome Burns sounds pretty wicked.


“We are the new gods/same as the old gods/we’ll take all your blood/and turn it into mud/as Rome burns/one by one/two by two/together they ride/side by side/into love/together they die/and still they want to weather the tide/as Rome burns.”

Those are some fuck-awesome lyrics too :D


Their set from the Bridge School Benefit is up on archive.org



99 Floors (Split into 2 tracks)
The Rose March
A Song for a Son (Also in 2 tracks..)

Owata and A Song for a Son are both new songs as well. And it should be noted they played with a trumpet, trombone and violinist. Billy is playing the harmonica. And that's Josh Groban doing the vocals on Disarm.


And since I'm here.. a new blog post from Billy.

Billy Corgan said:
Observations from a delayed traveler

Sitting now at the San Jose airport, waiting for a flight to Los Angeles seeing as my other flight was canceled. I love airports! Their fake security, their non-stop noise, their Starbucks addicted minions milling about like a khaki apocalypse. Reminds me why I love America so. Remember: America, love it or leave it!

Last evening we were able to play for the first time as a 9 piece version of the band, which is very exciting. The more we let go of how the band is supposed to appear numbers-wise and more of what it is supposed to sound like heart-wise, the closer we get to a present kind of truth. It is very exciting to be making music again for the times we are living in. Playing live is such a big part of that. I had forgotten that in the fallow years of non SP, that connecting with the diverse backgrounds of our audience that has everything to do with finding that voice. I cannot thank those who attend our shows enough.

Of course, last night was not 'our show', more importantly it was 'their show', a concert to raise funds and awareness for the students of the Bridge School. We are really proud yet again to have been able to contribute to this wonderful school thru the dedication of Neil and Pegi Young, and of course, Elliot Roberts (our good friend and one-time manager of Zwan). Bridge School is the kind of place that makes me smile the biggest smile I can.

The night before we played the new Guitar Hero release party, which was great fun. I swore I kept hearing someone from the crowd yelling over and over, 'where are the Smashing Pumpkins?'. I think I imagined it but either way it made me chuckle to myself.

So two very different shows over 2 days, and we were able to play 4 new songs: Owata, A Song for a Son, As Rome Burns, and a 2012 version of Simon and Garfunkels 'The Sounds of Silence'. We've rehearsed now for 3 weeks for the 20th Anniversary tour, so I trust we have a few more suprises in store. That is, if you dare come to watch us piss on our own grave.

I've noticed in the run-up to the tour a few indications that seem to think that we are sentimental in announcing our 20th anniversary extravaganza. When you see the total set-list, particularly for the black crosses and white sunshine shows (or is it the other way round?), I don't think terms like 'harkening back' or 'sentimental' will be the words that will come to mind. This tour is a celebration of where we are, not where we've been. We are HERE! (With a big smile and a foot in your back) Enjoy it if you will, we realize its not for everybody. For that you have a whole army of fellaciators (is that even a word?) to gratefully service you. These are not angry words, by the way. We are having fun. Yes, who would have thunk it that after 20 years (or 21, who's counting?) we would not only be alive, but also loving our jobs and our shows and our experience of being in this group. The rest can go play their sad games of dominion and bridge-burning (meaning ubiquitous band 101 and 102). We have been there and have learned the lesson that there is no joy in it. Its a dead man's dance. Saying something as simple as 'we are real' is not grandiosity, it is fact. We are all real. We are all here. Life is an opportunity. We choose our opportunities wisely. Believe it or not we know what we are doing when we don't get along, don't play nice or fake our way thru the oblivion. So what about the consequences!!? What is life for if you don't make some waves or save a soul here or there? If anyone comes to this tour expecting a hand-holding, teary-eyed tribute to a dead band, forget it. That is long gone. Outside of 9 shows in 1999, that band hasn't existed whole since 1996.

Let me take this pause then to say a few things about our former bandmates...

We absolutely, without reservation, honor James and D'arcy. There is no qualification to that statement. We honor them IN FULL. They were there, then. And together we did some incredible things. But let me go one step further. When Jimmy and I decided to move forward and begin again with SP we very openly addressed the question of James and D'arcy returning. We spoke honestly with each other about our feelings and personal reservations, and decided together that the door was open to them to return. Because it was the right thing to do. Honestly though it wasn't suprising to us that they didn't want to return, because that was consistent with their general position to date (and continues to be I might add), which is they see the band as something that they got away from for their own reasons. There were no conditions ever put on a return. They simply didn't even want the conversation with us.

I can now say definitively that they aren't ever coming back. Period. There is no maybe. If the door was once open to at least have the conversation and consider the possibility, it is now closed. For good. We have moved on. We love them, and we wish them well.

The Smashing Pumpkins are now whoever is standing on that stage, on any given day, with a willingness to play those songs. Not just any songs, those songs. Because its not just what we play, its how we play them. The music MUST come first. And that's just the way it is. And to the credit of Bruce Hornsby on the whim of a memory, some things will never change. We are who we are. I know what I see. I see what I know. And nothing I know compares to you...

I am not crazy. I am just free. The Smashing too now are free, and in that we are truly insane from the mad beat.

God Bless, with love from the 7th ray and the rainbow at the end of my heart,


ethic said:
i wonder what D'arcy looks like nowadays...

There was a picture of her from last year or maybe 06.. she doesn't look like a rock star anymore, let me put it that way. Naturally, I can't find the picture, and www.darcywretzky.org has disappeared so who knows if it'll ever turn up again.

Sometimes the old pictures make me crazy sad and nostalgic for the "good old days"...




Billy said:
I love airports! Their fake security, their non-stop noise, their Starbucks addicted minions milling about like a khaki apocalypse.
:lol :lol :lol :lol

terrene said:
What is UP with Billy's voice these days?

The gothy affectation and weird britpop vibrato at the end of every vocal phrase are one thing. The onset of "croakiness" -- the sound of his vocal cords being dried up and resistant to producing any tone at all -- started in the Zwan days, and I am somewhat used to and think it's just part of aging. But I DO NOT GET what he is going for when he sings like he does in that Starla video, halting words unnecessarily in sort of an odd huff.

"Star.. d'EAH" (Starla dear?)
"I... 'eAH" (I'm here?)
"t'akes amat IIIEEE" (Takes so much time?)

WTF. Seriously the weirdest shit I've ever heard any singer do, who natively speaks English.

After it gets loud, he forgets to do all this shit and basically sounds like himself. Is it insecurity, or...?
Billy has always done that (well, he's been doing it for quite some time). I think his voice is just a bit different and it alters the way he sings. He's getting older.

+1 Corgan for sticking it to Best Buy and co., I applaud him for doing whatever he wanted.

I'm going to have to check out these new songs.

Wow, Billy's blog post was actually very interesting, especially when he talked about James and D'Arcy. It's confirmed now, they didn't want to come back (they didn't even want to talk to them about it), and they will never come back.
yeah i dont like that he does that shit with his voice now either. its like he wont pronounce the entire word sometimes either. oh well!

p.s. i like rome burns!


Just watched the Rome Burns video... killer fucking riff, Jimmy in top form as usual. This is what I'm talking about. Fuck GLOW, this song rocks.


Just got back from the Columbus show. It was wonderful :)

First hour was all acoustic covers:
set 1 (acoustic)
1. Louie, Louie
2. Hang on Sloopy
3. The Monster Mash
4. Wipeout
5. The Gambler
6. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida

They came out all in costume

That's Ginger in the lizard suit.

Then Billy staged this huge thing where he got pissed off at Jeff and the crowd for being assholes and left the stage. The house lights came on like the show was over and no one was onstage for at least 15 minutes. People were confused as fuck and finally when they came back onstage in normal dress they played 2 more hours of some ROCK AND ROLL!!

set 2 (electric)
1. Tarantula
2. G.L.O.W.
3. Siva
4. Speed Kills
5. Superchrist
6. As Rome Burns
7. The Sounds of Silence
8. A Song For a Son
9. Today
10. Bullet With Butterfly Wings
11. Heavy Metal Machine
12. Set the Controls

Tarantula, GLOW and Siva were fucking KILLER. I can't really say I've ever seen the new Pumpkins play with that much energy before, it was unreal. Jimmy is fucking INSANE on Siva. Even during the slow quiet parts he's doing like 100 things and you just have to shake your head at how unbelievable he is. Great show was great. Since it was billed as an acoustic show it would have been cool to hear some actual Pumpkins tunes acoustic, but, I guess that's what tomorrow night's show is for :D I don't really expect any of the other setlists for the rest of the tour to be similar to this (The electric portion anyway). Though I get the impression As Rome Burns and Song for a Son are going to be fan favorites and will get played a lot in the future. That's definitely a good thing.
I see them on Monday in Toronto

I really hope they play Bullet and United States and Today and Cherub Rock and 1979 and other awesome stuff :p

And I need to see this inna-gadda-davida


SmashingPumpkins.com said:
The Smashing Pumpkins will be releasing G.L.O.W. and Superchrist on iTunes tomorrow as the first ever Digital 45.

G.L.O.W. will be sold together with Superchrist as a digital 45 at a discounted rate on iTunes starting tomorrow.

We will have a direct link to iTunes first thing tomorrow so you can all get your hands on this first. The digital 45 will include all new album art for both songs.

Good to know we can at least buy legit versions of the song now;-)
What an amazing show tonight

Here is what I remember them playing......not in order

Some song that sounded like it was from the 50's surfer era
United States
Tonight Tonight
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Set the Controls to the Heart of the Sun
2 songs from American Gothic
The Beginning is the End is the Beginning
We Only Come Out at Night (Kazoo version)
Heavy Metal Machine
Speed Kills

I'm sure I forgot a few songs.....

They were on stage for 2 hours and 40 minutes though

This dude in front of me kept yelling for Cherub Rock through most of the show so Billy flipped him the bird at one point, then at the end he was like this guy over here keeps yelling cherub rock cherub rock cherub rock like I'm deaf....I wrote that song on the way to work one day when I had nothing better to do

He kept going on about Cherub Rock and said that they'd be playing it at the 2nd Toronto show

And then Billy noted that not many bands without beards can still play 48 songs over 2 nights

And that he is the king of the world and the Pumpkins still rock harder than 99 percent of bands on the planet lol

Incredible show though :D

The whole Pink Floyd-ish part was nuts in the awesome way

Oh and the double violin fucking pwned!


BigJonsson said:
This dude in front of me kept yelling for Cherub Rock through most of the show so Billy flipped him the bird at one point, then at the end he was like this guy over here keeps yelling cherub rock cherub rock cherub rock like I'm deaf....I wrote that song on the way to work one day when I had nothing better to do

He kept going on about Cherub Rock and said that they'd be playing it at the 2nd Toronto show



I just got home from the second Toronto show.

What the hell did I just watch? If Smashing Pumpkins want to play for 2 and a half hours then I am totally fine with that because I love every album they have made. However to play an hour and a half of jamming out is just ridiculous. The audience was very unimpressed and even as a huge Pumpkins fan I cant blame them.
To make matters worse they ended the set with a jam song for the encore! What the hell?

I think Billy corgan was kind of taken back that the crowd wasn't as in to it as he thought. I'm guessing he will update the set a bit and make it better for the next shows because if he doesn't I would expect a similar reaction in the upcoming cities.

PS yes they played cherub rock

PPS the good parts were SO good but the jamming was for more than half the concert so it sours my whole mood about the show.
Was it the jamming with the birds and the tympani?

I thought the jamming the first night was awesome, but I like crazy things like that


jibblypop said:
I just got home from the second Toronto show.

What the hell did I just watch? If Smashing Pumpkins want to play for 2 and a half hours then I am totally fine with that because I love every album they have made. However to play an hour and a half of jamming out is just ridiculous. The audience was very unimpressed and even as a huge Pumpkins fan I cant blame them.
To make matters worse they ended the set with a jam song for the encore! What the hell?

I think Billy corgan was kind of taken back that the crowd wasn't as in to it as he thought. I'm guessing he will update the set a bit and make it better for the next shows because if he doesn't I would expect a similar reaction in the upcoming cities.

PS yes they played cherub rock

PPS the good parts were SO good but the jamming was for more than half the concert so it sours my whole mood about the show.

Dude the setlist for the 2nd Toronto show was INSANE. I'm so jealous I wasn't there. They busted out a LOT of songs they haven't played in a while. I'm surprised to hear you talk down about it.
Orellio said:
Dude the setlist for the 2nd Toronto show was INSANE. I'm so jealous I wasn't there. They busted out a LOT of songs they haven't played in a while. I'm surprised to hear you talk down about it.

Where can I get this setlist?


Yeah dude I went to Columbus and Cleveland and half the Cleveland set was the same as Columbus and the August tour. Billy saved all the best songs for one night instead of spreading them out better.

...It just makes me want to go to a 3rd show that much more..


Orellio said:
Dude the setlist for the 2nd Toronto show was INSANE. I'm so jealous I wasn't there. They busted out a LOT of songs they haven't played in a while. I'm surprised to hear you talk down about it.

I loved the parts where they were playing actual songs. When I heard Crestfallen come in I was blown away. Soma was awesome too. The track selection was great and that isn't what I'm complaining about.

It was just the amount of time spent noodling around with echo pedals and random solos that I just can't accept. The idea of jamming out wouldn't bother me as much if it was for a much shorter amount of time and more importantly if it seemed to have any relation to their songs.

It was still worth going to the show though because the half I liked, i REALLY liked.
bums me out that corgan either wont or doesn't sing with much emotion anymore. i saw the performance of soma and he just kind of says the words. watch the vid off earphoria for soma and this performance to see the energy difference.

still pumped to see them in december! guess ill just have to accept that the pumpkins that were are no longer, but still a great band regardless :/
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