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Official Smashing Pumpkins thread


Diablos, so do you know anything about the official downloadable shows?

I want to hear some of these new songs but not sure which show to download >_<


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Okay, after the whole "I'm not going to make cd's anymore!" by Billy, when are they going to pull a Metallica and come back? I've been listening to a lot of their music lately and one of the most obvious problems are the vocals. It just seems like he doesn't care about how he sounds. I'm not even talking about production, but the fact that he seems to not even care if he hits a wrong note. Don't get me wrong, they are one of my favorite bands, but it's very apparent to me that Billy is being lazy when it comes to vocals and just settling. Billy, if you're listening, people can tell. Is he being cheap and he doesn't want to spend the money to get the vocals right in the studio, or does he generally just not care and only wants to make a few bucks? I'm leanong toward the latter. I want to hear epic songs like Soma, SilverF*ck and Starla, he's just not delivering! To have a hit, everything has to be right. There is so much potential in every song starting with Mellon Collie where they let the ball drop and started to go downhill. I would totally settle for one song at a time if they did them right. Afterward they could release another Piesces Iscariot which was a great album. Make it happen SP.
as a longtime pumpkin fan, i can honestly say that after seeing them live and listening to the new material, that im happy the direction this band is going currently.. GLOW kicks more ass than almost any new song with the absence of a guitar solo.
they seem hell bent on touring and putting out new releases in the coming years and thats all any SP fan really wants, is a fully functioning, hardworking Billy Corgan + Jimmy Chamberlin. fuck the haters for real.
i really just hope for them to put out a slew of singles in a year's time that can resonate with people as much as the singles for siamese dream and mellon collie did. i think that time is mighty close.


There's a rumor floating around that Butch Vig may once again produce some songs for SP. Could be totally false, but most of the time these things end up being true. Time will tell!
Accor&#8203;ding to the PR Newsw&#8203;ire,&#8203; Hyund&#8203;ai will debut&#8203; a serie&#8203;s of Super&#8203; Bowl ads this upcom&#8203;ing weeke&#8203;nd for their&#8203; new sport&#8203;s coupe&#8203;,&#8203; the “Gene&#8203;sis” (&#8203;ooooh&#8203;,&#8203; take that,&#8203; God)&#8203;.&#8203; The ad is sched&#8203;uled to run immed&#8203;iatel&#8203;y befor&#8203;e kicko&#8203;ff and will featu&#8203;re the Smash&#8203;ing Pumpk&#8203;ins:&#8203;

The Smash&#8203;ing Pumpk&#8203;ins band membe&#8203;rs [&#8203;Billy&#8203; Corga&#8203;n and Jimmy&#8203; Chamb&#8203;erlin&#8203;]&#8203; and celli&#8203;st Yo-&#8203;Yo Ma will each perfo&#8203;rm songs&#8203; to accom&#8203;pany uniqu&#8203;ely edite&#8203;d 30-&#8203;secon&#8203;d spots&#8203;,&#8203; tailo&#8203;red to their&#8203; brand&#8203; of music&#8203; by edito&#8203;r Hank Corwi&#8203;n.&#8203; Hyund&#8203;ai selec&#8203;ted the Smash&#8203;ing Pumpk&#8203;ins spot to be featu&#8203;red immed&#8203;iatel&#8203;y befor&#8203;e the kick off of Super&#8203; Bowl XLIII&#8203; on Sunda&#8203;y,&#8203; Febru&#8203;ary 1, 2009.&#8203;

Smash&#8203;ing Pumpk&#8203;ins score&#8203;d a new track&#8203; title&#8203;d “FOL,&#8203;” to serve&#8203; as the sound&#8203;track&#8203; for its versi&#8203;on of “The Epic Lap.”

come on billy :/



Oh and nice avatar there FMT!

"The combination of Hyundai's exciting new Genesis Coupe matched with music performed by Smashing Pumpkins offers the perfect 'kick-off' to Super Bowl advertising," said Joel Ewanick, vice president, Marketing, Hyundai Motor America. "From rock to classical, our Genesis Coupe ads demonstrate the two personalities of the car, which was designed for all types of driving enthusiasts."
:lol :lol :lol :lol

Here's a clip:
Sounds like a Zero spinoff.

Release As Rome Burns as a fucking single already, ffs.


Okay, so, after some thinking, even I'm starting to get a little weary.

GLOW goes to Guitar Hero, FOL goes to a 30 second car ad. What's next?

Why even bother making music if you are just going to use it as a means of advertising and not much else? Some bands do this from the start, but not all. SP was one of those bands that had integrity even when their popularity was fading. Instead of grasping for straws, they really did put the quality of the music first. Sure, they had to "sell out" to some extent as they met more success in the early days, but the music ALWAYS came first, as did sacrificing gained commercial success for the direction of upcoming albums, etc. So whatever happened to the music coming first? I know Corgan said recently that making a full length album isn't the best idea anymore, but I thought he implied that the future of the band would lie in singles/EP's/etc. And it still may (let's hope so), for the most part, but this is ridiculous. Releasing a song to the public by means of a video game or car commercial isn't what I had in mind, and it certainly isn't what he seemed to be hinting at late last year.

It all looks ESPECIALLY stupid since just last year Billy says in the "If All Goes Wrong" DVD that "it goes beyond sales and it goes beyond if someone fucking gets it." And then just a few months later he does this shit? Really? Does he even realize how dumb he looks? He's basically saying: "We're so pure that we won't release new songs on albums anymore; the music comes first. But we have no problem letting Hyundai advertise with new material!" That's the whole idea of using catchy new songs in commercials -- so people, you know, are attracted to the product. To make them "fucking get it".

The really sad thing is, they still put out amazing songs, despite all the vile coming from the hipster Pitchfork-y crowd that's just as pretentious as they have made Corgan out to be over the years. FOL has a good, even if simple riff. It's just the means of distribution that I find appalling.

What the fuck is Billy thinking? I have pretty much stuck up for every decision he has made post-MCIS when fans started running away, because he was so ahead of the curve, it's just that people didn't see it. And for what? To evolve into this? Now he's giving those mud slingers some real ammo for what I feel may very well be the first time they can legitimately do it.

Everyone who knows of my history of being a rabid SP fan should be a bit worried if even I'm starting to form these opinions. It's depressing, too, because the band sounds just as tight (if not tighter) than they EVER have live, even without James and Darcy. They sound outstanding. They still write AMAZING songs even if there are now some turds here and there (that's to be expected, particularly since Corgan's output was basically flawless throughout SP's initial run in the 90's).

Also, if Corgan decides to inject religion into his music any further, SP should sign to a Christian label. I'm serious. I'm sure Ginger could help him with that one.


Yeah, I've kind of bailed on SP at this point. I was with them until the new album hit and I really liked the album and the shows, but everything post-album release has been wtffffff :(


Bebpo said:
Yeah, I've kind of bailed on SP at this point. I was with them until the new album hit and I really liked the album and the shows, but everything post-album release has been wtffffff :(
Most stuff post-album has been amazing.

First three songs off the top of my head... As Rome Burns, Gossamer, reworked Heavy Metal Machine. Sunkissed, too. But yeah, the band still has it, but Billy doesn't seem to care or something. I'd rather see Gossamer instead of Silverfuck the next time I see them -- the song is that awesome.

It's just that he's being such a fool about how he tries to expose people to his music now.

Infinitemadness said:
Haha, you were at the LA shows right? He doesnt seem shy about cashing in. Fuck it, hes 41 sell out!
What did he say?
Diablos said:
Okay, so, after some thinking, even I'm starting to get a little weary.

GLOW goes to Guitar Hero, FOL goes to a 30 second car ad. What's next?

Why even bother making music if you are just going to use it as a means of advertising and not much else? Some bands do this from the start, but not all. SP was one of those bands that had integrity even when their popularity was fading. Instead of grasping for straws, they really did put the quality of the music first. Sure, they had to "sell out" to some extent as they met more success in the early days, but the music ALWAYS came first, as did sacrificing gained commercial success for the direction of upcoming albums, etc. So whatever happened to the music coming first? I know Corgan said recently that making a full length album isn't the best idea anymore, but I thought he implied that the future of the band would lie in singles/EP's/etc. And it still may (let's hope so), for the most part, but this is ridiculous. Releasing a song to the public by means of a video game or car commercial isn't what I had in mind, and it certainly isn't what he seemed to be hinting at late last year.

It all looks ESPECIALLY stupid since just last year Billy says in the "If All Goes Wrong" DVD that "it goes beyond sales and it goes beyond if someone fucking gets it." And then just a few months later he does this shit? Really? Does he even realize how dumb he looks? He's basically saying: "We're so pure that we won't release new songs on albums anymore; the music comes first. But we have no problem letting Hyundai advertise with new material!" That's the whole idea of using catchy new songs in commercials -- so people, you know, are attracted to the product. To make them "fucking get it".

The really sad thing is, they still put out amazing songs, despite all the vile coming from the hipster Pitchfork-y crowd that's just as pretentious as they have made Corgan out to be over the years. FOL has a good, even if simple riff. It's just the means of distribution that I find appalling.

What the fuck is Billy thinking? I have pretty much stuck up for every decision he has made post-MCIS when fans started running away, because he was so ahead of the curve, it's just that people didn't see it. And for what? To evolve into this? Now he's giving those mud slingers some real ammo for what I feel may very well be the first time they can legitimately do it.

Everyone who knows of my history of being a rabid SP fan should be a bit worried if even I'm starting to form these opinions. It's depressing, too, because the band sounds just as tight (if not tighter) than they EVER have live, even without James and Darcy. They sound outstanding. They still write AMAZING songs even if there are now some turds here and there (that's to be expected, particularly since Corgan's output was basically flawless throughout SP's initial run in the 90's).

Also, if Corgan decides to inject religion into his music any further, SP should sign to a Christian label. I'm serious. I'm sure Ginger could help him with that one.

well this is one of those interim periods between albums, or "eras," so i really wouldn't scrutinize the band too much at the moment. i think they're just simply dicking around before the next big release/tour, and that's it.

that said, i'm not really feeling what the band is doing right now. this is probably the first time in the band's history when i'm not really excited about what's to come. surely that'll change though.

and corgan writes like 10000 songs every five minutes. so attaching one to a car or taco bell commercial isn't that big of a deal. though it does raise eyebrows.


Indeed he is a prolific writer and for that I still have a great deal of respect for him. SP will always be my all-time favorite rock band because there's a ridiculous amount of depth to the discography, and the live show is sick. As I said, he still puts out amazing songs. I'm not saying he sucks in that regard, what I'm saying is that he's putting his best material on the backburner for the sake of a video game and commercial; if he does it with something else it might as well be a trend.

I only hate because I care. <3


You could draw an interesting analogy between Billy's recent business habits and Nintendo's.

GLOW, FOL::Wii Sports, Fit
Gossamer, As Rome Burns, Song for A Son::Mario Galaxy, Zelda, Metroid Prime

It doesn't hold up that well (Though like Nintendo Billy has been seriously ignoring the hardcore fans lately), but it's fitting enough. Maybe I'm sugarcoating a little, but while it is disappointing having new songs show up in commercial products all the time, Billy is just doing what he needs to do to bring in new fans, no matter what avenue it is from. He knows the dedicated fans will stick around and there will be something to enjoy in the next album/tour.


Thanks for FOL, Oreillo. Does FOL stand for anything?

I really need to keep on top of SP's newest stuff, including the live SP site. Lots of goodies rolling out of late.


FOL = Feel Our Love

And shit, yeah, this song owns. Really, it does. It literally sounds like a Mellon Collie song, vocals and all. Very impressed. Still not sure why he wanted to give it to Hyundai so bad. :\

edit: omgwtf, this is vintage Billy, dudes. Stop teasing us like this, Billy.


Is this video everyone's whining about online? I don't really mind the commercial stuff because, frankly, I'm hard pressed to think of any artist I like that hasn't done so in some form or another. If it keeps food on BC's table and his music on my iPod, so be it.
my problem isn't that the pumpkins are in a car commercial. i mean they were the "theme" song for the world series twice on fox (cherub rock and tonight tonight), but if he wrote the song JUST to sell it to a car company for the commercial that is bogus. i'm sure that is false though.

i like FOL a lot, it starts off like it would be a typical "new" pumpkins song (which doesn't mean bad) but it goes back to some (as diablos said) mellon collie change ups. good song.

also, does anyone know where i can get THIS performance in MP3 format?


fucking awesome


No clue, FMT.

Hahaha, Mike Potential hates Billy now:

Yeah, I've known the dude since we were twenty. I put out his first single, helped hook him up with Butch Vig for Gish, hooked him up with Sub Pop for their single of the month, basically got him his deal with Virgin by virtue of the "I Am One" single landing on the right desks back when Caroline was distributing our crap...

And since then, have watched him systematically alienate and outright fuck over every single human being who ever did him a favor or said a nice thing about him (which, okay, granted, is like five people in total). As a human being goes: this guy is the most fundamentally fucked up piece of shit I have ever encountered, EVER - and I actually still LIKE the guy. Just an absolute joke of a basket case, this guy is, and now that he's found "god..."

Oh, people, please, just quit buying and listening. There are REAL artists out there.

:lol :lol :lol


I listen to all kinds of stuff. I seriously think some people picture me as listening to nothing but SP all day. :lol

edit: Song for a Son is so awesome.

SP needs to make an EP with this, As Rome Burns (AND MAKE IT A SINGLE GOD DAMMIT), FOL, some other songs, and make it an EP. ASAP.

Orellio: Do you have As Rome Burns?


I fucking hate that they’re now releasing songs randomly. I’m can never keep myself up to date (case in point: I don’t know what the hell you guys are talking about in here).

Can’t they go back to making albums, even if they’re only released digitally? The only thing this will do for Corgan and co. is make them even less relevant than they already are these days.


Hope this hasn't been posted yet. From Billboard:

Iha, Carlos, Hanson, Schlesinger Form Band

February 17, 2009 05:32 PM ET

Jonathan Cohen, N.Y.

Former Smashing Pumpkins guitarist James Iha, Cheap Trick drummer Bun E. Carlos, Hanson's Taylor Hanson and Fountains Of Wayne bassist Adam Schlesinger have formed a new band, Tinted Windows.

The group has recorded its debut album at Stratosphere Sound Studios in New York, which Schlesinger and Iha co-own with Ivy's Andy Chase. The set is expected this spring on a label to be announced.

Tinted Windows will play its first major show at Billboard's South by Southwest showcase, to be held March 20 at Pangaea in Austin, Texas.

Uhhhhhh. I'm still having a hard time believing this is real. From A Perfect Circle to Hanson? Interesting musical trajectory, James.
Day 1 purchase
Diuretic said:
Hope this hasn't been posted yet. From Billboard:


Uhhhhhh. I'm still having a hard time believing this is real. From A Perfect Circle to Hanson? Interesting musical trajectory, James.
Day 1 purchase
...Taylor Hanson? A few years ago, I'd be shocked and kind of disgusted, but thinking about it I'm actually really interested in hearing what he can do now. If Justin Timberlake can be relevant post-boy band, than I'm sure Hanson can do it.
eh, i wouldn't call hanson a boy band. did they appeal to 12 year old girls? sure. but they all actually play instruments and weren't really a "dancing" style boy band.


Diuretic said:
Hope this hasn't been posted yet. From Billboard:

Uhhhhhh. I'm still having a hard time believing this is real. From A Perfect Circle to Hanson? Interesting musical trajectory, James.
Day 1 purchase
Beat me to it.

Oh man, :lol
I seriously cannot believe James. Seriously. You know, Billy, for as hard as he is to work with, DID offer James an opportunity to come back... and he decides to do this instead. Ahhahahaha.

This is totally anti-vintage Pumpkins and it does hurt a bit to say this, but Jeff Schroeder seems to be a much better guitarist than James. MUCH better.

Thanks for the MP3 Oriellio. The AUD sourced ARB that I have somewhere is a better performance, too bad the quality sucks though. :\


Orellio said:
The drummer of Cheap Trick eh? Billy must be jealous, Cheap Trick/Rick Nielsen is one of his biggest influences.
I'm sure Cheap Trick thinks Billy's crazy. He's been talking mad shit on James over the years, yo.

Regardless, Jimmy Chamberlin > *

I was listening to Superchrist in the car today, and honestly, it's scary how flawless of a drummer he is. Note how especially in this song, he rides everything on the hi hat. It's insane, the shit he is able to pull off while consistently hitting the hi hat. His sound is so authentic.
so assuming billy didn't take his "anti-album stance" and actually compiled these songs we have seen since american gothic, how would the album look?

rome burns
song for a son
gossamer (yes im including it!)

what am i missing? not a bad foundation for an album. i hope he has one of his trademark change-of-minds. i was listening to zeitgeist today and it stands the test of time (if you consider a year and a half the test). still sounds pretty good to me!
i was listening to adore for the first time in about 4 years. apples and oranjes is fucking amazing... not that i'm just now finding that out or anything.

as for the next album i'm hoping there's a clean state from zeigeist. i felt like that album tried to play it too safe, and the newer stuff doesn't really veer from that formula, even though it is good. but i want to be excited about SP again


GoutPatrol said:


GoutPatrol said:
bbbwwaaahahahaha :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

FrenchMovieTheme said:
tinted windows song isn't that bad. not great, but a lot better than james' solo stuff.


Look, it's very possible that Billy is making up half the shit he talks on James. Regardless, he's a fucking imbecile for turning down the Pumpkins for this. I've lost a huge amount of respect.


I was all ready to come in here and tell Diablos that he's been too judgmental and ridiculous, but then I listened to it and...yeah, he's right. That was like a bad Blink 182 song, which is saying something.

...more like Broken Windows, lolamirite?
Billy Corgan: The song I wrote, “Today,” which ended up being a pretty big song–that song literally saved my life. I was completely suicidal, and I wrote that song in a cold bedroom on a day where it was like, “I’m either going to kill myself today, or I’m going to live because I’m sick of thinking about this.” When I played it, it was an intense, extreme feeling. Last year, I was offered heavy, heavy money to license that song. I actually turned down two huge, huge, seven-&#8203;figure-&#8203;plus deals last year for two songs.

Newsweek: For “Today” and for which other song?

Billy Corgan: “Tonight, Tonight.” That’s a fundamentally difficult position to be in. At this point, it’s just free money. Song’s already been played. It’s been exploited. The record company’s literally begging me: go ahead and take these commercials. At this point in my life, I don’t feel comfortable. Those songs are the reason I’m alive. If your music is not sacred to the point where it’s a really, really, really heavy decision about whether or not you would allow somebody else to exploit it, then what’s not for sale?

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