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Official Worldwide VC, WiiWare, & DSiWare Thread

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Gamecocks625 said:
Real Soccer by Gameloft coming to DSiWare. Nice


I'm definitely saving some of my points for this one.


Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
beelzebozo said:
toki tori


I agree. :D

Best puzzle game on the Wii (alongside the Adventures of Lolo games) and second-best WiiWare game (behind Mega Man 9) for sure!

I seriously can't wait for Cave Story, though. Such a great game, it'll be my first WiiWare game since Mega Man 9.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Oxx said:
Did anybody post Nintendo Europe's WiiWare/DSiWare line-up for April - July?
So from no till July just 4 3rdParty Games ? You would think that more western 3rdPartys would support the plattform


Jealous Bastard
Iam Canadian said:
I agree. :D

Best puzzle game on the Wii (alongside the Adventures of Lolo games) and second-best WiiWare game (behind Mega Man 9) for sure!

I seriously can't wait for Cave Story, though. Such a great game, it'll be my first WiiWare game since Mega Man 9.

singing my tune, buddy.

and yeah, motherfucking CAVE STORY on my big screen tv. looking all beautiful. sounding even more beautiful. jesus christ. it's too much.


cw_sasuke said:
So from no till July just 4 3rdParty Games ? You would think that more western 3rdPartys would support the plattform
It's not a complete list, Square Enix announced Bubble Bobble and Rainbow Islands for release this week/next month yesterday.

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
beelzebozo said:
singing my tune, buddy.

and yeah, motherfucking CAVE STORY on my big screen tv. looking all beautiful. sounding even more beautiful. jesus christ. it's too much.

Huzzah! :D

The graphics already look fantastic. Now if they get the remixed soundtrack right, I will have no qualms.

No qualms at all.


Adventures of Lolo 1 or 2 vs. Toki Tori would be such a tough call for me. Both so awesome, and so different yet simultaneously alike.

Oxx said:
Did anybody post Nintendo Europe's WiiWare/DSiWare line-up for April - July?
Well, first of all, thanks for the information.

But second, I'd love to know why they're willing to announce WiiWare and DSiWare games three months in advance (even if it's not a full list), but not Virtual Console. :/ Japan has always had VC lists a month in advance, and it's long past time for other regions to get the same.


After fourteen months of Lolo 2 being out and not Lolo 3, at this point I want to hope that Nintendo's simply got something planned with close-proximity releases of the NES game and a new entry in the series.

But this is Nintendo we're talking about and they haven't done anything good with WiiWare since the launch window, so hey. :( Edit: Wait, no--there are the Art Style games. Hope abounds!


Jealous Bastard
PAPER MARIO and TOKI TORI is seriously the best twenty bucks i've spent in ages. CUBELLO is less impressive, but whatever--you win some, you lose some.

when i manage to snag two incredible games in one fell swoop and then get sucked into them for days at a time, it really washes away my larger complaints about virtual console or wiiware as download services. there's SO much there to play and see that when i get a couple of surprises, it makes me think i should stop wishing so much for the things i've already played and comport my attitude to trying new things more often. it's rewarding.

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
You're right, beelzebozo, the sheer quantity of great content on VC is astounding. Even I, a person who's downloaded around 80 VC and WiiWare games, can find games in the catalog that I haven't played that are worth a try. Case in point: a few days ago, I took a chance on Super Air Zonk (which I had passed on initially because of the bad taste the Bonk platformers left in my mouth) and actually really enjoyed it. There's no shortage of great games to play.

Doesn't mean I'm going to give Nintendo a pass on the quality of the updates, though. ;)


Jealous Bastard
Iam Canadian said:
Doesn't mean I'm going to give Nintendo a pass on the quality of the updates, though. ;)

i literally threw my bag and shouted expletives at them when m.m. wasn't released on monday


As far as Konami properties go, I'd like to see Goemon Rebirth. :(

beelzebozo said:
when i manage to snag two incredible games in one fell swoop and then get sucked into them for days at a time, it really washes away my larger complaints about virtual console or wiiware as download services. there's SO much there to play and see that when i get a couple of surprises, it makes me think i should stop wishing so much for the things i've already played and comport my attitude to trying new things more often. it's rewarding.
Yeah, 69.74% of my VC games--53 out of 76--are of the breed I've never played before. Granted, the ones I did play include Super Metroid, A Link to the Past, Secret of Mana, and Donkey Kong Country 2, but I've been amazed time and again by trying games new to me:

DoReMi Fantasy - You know what really confirms how much I love this game? That I wrote over 3000 posts in that Smash Bros thread before it released (in other words, before I realized I wouldn't like it much), but just slightly over a week later I told myself I'd play it just for a little bit--and then wound up unable to tear myself away for any reason other than to shill it to GAF and then shill it to GAF again after beating it.

Super Star Soldier, Soldier Blade, Star Parodier - All in the same boat, they're the three best shooters I've played that aren't Tyrian--and Tyrian wins almost entirely because of its obscene length. Their sense of speed and freedom makes them amazing breaths of fresh air compared to various more methodical shooters.

Mega Man 3 - Back in the day, I started with Mega Man 4. Little did I know how far backwards that game had gone from its immediate predecessor. :O

Sin and Punishment - Amazing stuff. Hurts my hand and looks ugly due to N64 technology, but still amazing stuff loaded with challenge and all the insane situations one could ask for. The battle over the ocean has to rank among the greatest scenes in gaming history.

Ys Book I & II - Ys I or Ys II alone would have made my list--though Ys I would have been a lot further down. Aside from the instances of voice acting here and there, it personifies what I want in RPGs: a whole lot of invisible damage formulas to estimate and solve for on the fly, and pretty much nothing except that. <3

Shining Force II - Probably the greatest strategy RPG I've played that doesn't have "Fire Emblem" or "Tactics Ogre" in the title. And frankly, it would probably beat out many of them if only the music on a map didn't loop to the beginning after each exchange of damage. Wonderful cast of characters--and I don't mean their stories, which are awesomely minimal, but their battle diversity.

Wonder Boy in Monster World/The Dynastic Hero - "What have I been missing out on?" was all I could think when I played Wonder Boy. This would have been a killer app for Genesis, had I known it existed. So great I bought it again as The Dynastic Hero, and loved that version even more.

Neutopia, Neutopia II - I don't care what anyone else says: to me, these games are Legend of Zelda 1 but better than Legend of Zelda 1. They're the sequels I wanted and never got, in terms of the simplicity that couldn't be found in any later entries of Nintendo's series.

Streets of Rage 2 - It's no Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom or Shadow Over Mystara, and maybe not Turtles in Time either, but aside from that I'd put it up there with the Simpsons arcade game for beat-em-ups. I wish you could run, but the music is awesome and the hits feel satisfying.

Lords of Thunder - I usually don't like metal music, but this game delivers on such a high scale with its combination action/collection mechanics, its choose-your-level option, and its shop upgrades that I can't do much except sit back in awe.

Adventures of Lolo, Adventures of Lolo 2 - Excellent top-down puzzle games--technically flawless, in fact. The only thing I could raise against them is that there's pretty much nil incentive to play them again, and that's not such a bad thing for games that cost me five dollars and racked up hours of playtime each.

Mega Man 2 - Like Mega Man 3, but I'm in the camp that thinks it falls just short of that greatness--if for no other reason than a couple of dodgy moments like bosses only being damaged by one weapon. I liked the revisited levels in MM3, also.

Final Soldier - Like the other Star Soldier games except, unfortunately, with worse music. :(

Shinobi III - Okay, so it's a bit easy most of the time, and the scrolling when climbing on poles or whatever is so jerky that it makes me jump constantly to avoid having to see it. But overall it's kind of like playing Kirby Super Star Ultra (my favorite action game) if I had the Ninja power as my only ability. The main character also takes up a bit much space on the screen--he's like a fighting game character, which is fine for fighting games but not so much for action platforming, where a more zoomed-out view would have benefitted. Still, great moves to use.

And that's just all the stuff I would call great. Down in "good" territory, there are dozens more games... [Edit: And there's nothing wrong with "good" games unless they cost $40-50. For $5-9? I'll be there over and again.] A few are also so recent that I can't decide where I'd rank them, namely MUSHA and Detana!! Twinbee. Although there have been a couple retail hits here and there, I'd say that by and large Virtual Console has been the salvation of Wii and the non-portable side of this generation for me.

A couple nights ago I downloaded Air Zonk and Super Air Zonk (the latter on Canadian's recommendation, the former because I hunted down its soundtrack on YouTube and was amazed by what I found). Have yet to play them due to... various circumstances... but hopefully they can join this list.

Edit: Oh yeah--looking at the below list, I forgot Gunstar Heroes. Run 'n' guns aren't really my genre, and there are none I'd say I truly loved--except this one.

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
For some reason, I have a hard time visualizing that, beelzebozo. ;)

I'm perpetually angry at Nintendo because they're never going to put EarthBound up. :(

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
Also, like Jiggy, the majority of the VC games I've downloaded are ones that I hadn't played prior to their VC release. Looking at my collection, here are a few of my favourites: [Edit: favourites that I hadn't played prior to the VC release, that is. So this list obviously doesn't include games like Link to the Past or Super Metroid since I had played those already.]

ActRaiser: Neither the action or simulation aspects are particularly strong, but they complement each other well and make the game more than the sum of its parts. The awesome music doesn't hurt, either.

Adventures of Lolo: Excellent puzzle games. Much as I love Kirby, I wouldn't mind if HAL took a break from that series to produce another Lolo title.

DoReMi Fantasy: It's one of the best platformers I've ever played. The design is incredibly imaginative, the boss battles are a nice challenge, and the game's colourful worlds are extremely appealing to look at.

Gunstar Heroes: The definitive Treasure game. The action and boss battles are the finest in action games.

Lords of Thunder: This is a really unique shooter that really takes advantage of the fact that it's on a console and not in an arcade, especially with the life meter and shop mechanics. The soundtrack is jaw-droppingly amazing to boot.

Neutopia II: For years, I wanted another Zelda game in the style of the original. Neutopia II will do. :D

Ninja Gaiden: Ninja Gaiden is an unforgivingly hard platformer, but it's reasonably fair and completing it is a true accomplishment. One of the better NES music selections, too.

Secret of Mana: Best co-op action RPG gameplay you'll find.

Shining Force II: While I haven't played that many SRPGs in my time, I know enough to understand that Shining Force II is one of the best out there. The Genesis may not have had the quantity of RPGs that the SNES did, but it had some quality titles.

Shinobi III: I just can't get enough ninja action. I love how the game becomes more and more completely insane the farther you get; you go from fighting other ninjas and samurai to battling bizarre slime mutants in a secret underground laboratory.

Sin and Punishment: The other great N64 rail shooter. I <3 Treasure.

Soldier Blade: I actually discovered the entire Star Soldier series via the VC, so consider this entry a cipher for all of them. Soldier Blade just happens to be my favourite of the bunch. :D

Super Fantasy Zone: It's a really unique shooter with great graphics and music.

Super Turrican: Ah, for the days when Factor 5 was good. I love the wide-open level design that encourages exploration. And, of course, the incredible music.

I could go on like this, but you get the idea. ;)
I still contend Secret of Mana is barely competent in terms of game design and suffers from terribly lazy mechanics. Still like it though(and bought it on the VC just a little while ago) cause the music is sweeet.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Jiggy said:
Hey, as long as you mean a megathread by this.

What the... Danthrax got banned? What happened?

(Yes, I -did- mean a megathread, I suppose, and I was going with the whole "David tends not to get randomly banned" thing... )


Iam Canadian said:
The graphics already look fantastic. Now if they get the remixed soundtrack right, I will have no qualms.
Judging from what I've already heard of this, there's no way the remix will even approach the original. The old-school videogamey synth sound is what makes it so rad in the first place. Good thing we can choose either soundtrack.


Jealous Bastard
games i bought on v.c. that i hadn't owned previously:

solomon's key. someone drew some comparison when this was initially released to lolo or puzzle games like it, which was essentially like stealing five dollars out of my wallet. i enjoy it very much, but i get stuck with the twitch movement requirements in later stages. still, excellent way to start off my v.c. purchases. hope they put up FIRE & ICE soon.

kid icarus. this was a mistake.

mario: the lost levels. i'd technically played this back on snes, but not to the extent that i played it here. after playing the star road stages in s.m.w., i wanted really challenging mario levels, and boy did this ever deliver. "be careful what you wish for."

super castlevania 4. catches a lot of flak for being not quite as good as rondo of blood (or some other more "hardcore" castlevania) but i had such a blast with this game. i think it's visually really nice to look at, i love the music, and i think the challenge is just right for someone who likes a decent challenge but doesn't feel compelled to torture themselves with difficulty.

kirby's dream course. awesome and inventive.

paper mario. again, one i played briefly when i was young but never wholly absorbed. now, i am a bounty paper towel, and it is the aftermath of a bad kool-aid spill.

sin and punishment. not really my kind of game, but amusing enough. i still like star fox 64 quite a lot better.

wonder boy in monster world. awesome platformer-action metroidvania game. i can't believe i'd never even heard of these before.

bomberman 93. i'd played previous bomberman games, but never with a big group of friends. me and three of my buddies got hooked on this for about two months and had a blast making up lyrics to go with the melody of the bomberman music. incredible multiplayer.


In Europe you can gain 50 Star Points for some of the WiiWare (not sure)/Virtual Console/DSiWare that you bought in the past :D

You have to go to the official Nintendo website and search in your account for the list with your downloaded games.



beelzebozo said:
games i bought on v.c. that i hadn't owned previously:

With the exception of The Lost Levels (even then though I hadn't played the original Famicon version before VC), Kirby's Dream Course (which I bought the SNES version of the week it went on VC!) and Paper Mario, those are also games I bought on VC without owning previously. The service is great in that way, for all its faults there's bound to be a lot of great stuff on there that even the most avid retro fan hasn't played. Nothing beats downloading a VC game you've heard good things of but have never experienced before, only to have a blast with it :D

EDIT: Woah, really magiustra? :O That's something I'll have to check out!


Jazzem said:
EDIT: Woah, really magiustra? :O That's something I'll have to check out!

Yep, a lot of Commodore 64 games, the DSiWare games and some of the Virtual Console games worth 50 Star Points (you have to answer some questions about the games). The only WiiWare game that worth 50 Star Points is Pop (stranger than strange...).


Yeah, the selection does seem a bit random...alternatively it'd be nice to have all of them offering 50 stars :p

Also be careful of opening more than one link for "Claim 50 stars for this game", I've had problems where after completing a survey for one game, it's claimed the stars but for a game I opened in a second link instead, which has made things somewhat confusing. Looks like this hasn't been tested too well =/


Oh man, I have like 60 games to fill out surveys for :lol

DSiWare games have them too, WarioWare Snapped! and Art Style: CODE for sure.
Hey, wait a minute...

I haven't gotten any survey's for the Wiiware/DSiWare games I've boughten. I have both accounts linked to my ClubNintendo account...

what gives?


MisterAnderson said:
Yeah it is. I came so close to beating to last level today....arrghh!!

Someone earlier in the thread was talking about the levels being too long, but I like the length of them. They're long enough to trigger that nice "in the zone" trance feeling, and they give me a sense of movement and progression, like i'm braving a little pong-block quest. The game's paced like rez; It's so very nice.

Bit.trip's made me more interested in finding one of those vibrators for rez because the vibration when the balls hit the stick is betta zan mama. Have you tried it with the rumble off? Paradise lost.

Ranger X

beelzebozo said:
i see no good reason why lolo shouldn't get a wiiware game if toki tori does.

i mean, it's only fair.

How come it took you ages before playing one of the best Wiiware games ever? (toki tori)

And hell yeah with the Lolo wish. I could play a new Wiiware Lolo game right after refusing sex i'm sure.

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