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Official Xbox 360 Madden '11 Online Dynasty Thread: Ball & Juice edition


Tom Brady is a playoff performer. He's good in the regular season, but something kicks in during the playoffs that boost his ability to win games.
0-2 since getting



From Pastapadre:
What Dynamic Player Performance will deliver is variation in player ratings from week to week that will be based on performance and consistency along with hot and cold streaks. There are over 20 “Roles” to define different types of players. Sadly they don’t factor into the Draft which is a disappointing exclusion. Real life has prospects being evaluated on personality and what they bring to the team rather than just personal stats or measurables….well other than the Raiders that is.


intangibles, motherfucker
FrenchMovieTheme said:
I will gladly do it once tiburon makes good on its online franchise promise from 2 years ago

We have 5 guys ready to run the league if you wont. Your not needed!


TheCrow said:
I have a feeling that none of the new changes will apply to online franchises. Hopefully, I'm wrong because I'm kinda hyped to play in the league again.
I was thinking the same thing as I was reading the article. If they still haven't gotten scouting players moved in from the offline franchise mode, I wouldn't be surprised if this didn't make it in as well.


Haggar is so dead in MvC3. He had a small moment of glory beating up on people that didn't know how to block characters with armored attacks, but he's done. DONE! Assist-less Haggar is one of the worst characters in the game.
bluemax said:

nice edit

I know you totally just said that Luke is a fanboy and begged to join bungie from 1up and that he doesn't really make games. You compared him to a cars salesman who claims that he makes cars. and that it's insulting to actual game developers

unfortunately I will never have proof of this bitchassedness from you because i foolishly clicked "back" on my browser
LukeSmith said:
I thought bluemax only showed up in threads to talk about how he lost respect for Rors.

the only time i've seen him post is to bitch about getting owned or cheated and that he's quitting the league for the 120000th time

but it's all synonymous with "being a bitch" anyways so at least he's consistent in that regard
Rorschach said:
Haggar is so dead in MvC3. He had a small moment of glory beating up on people that didn't know how to block characters with armored attacks, but he's done. DONE! Assist-less Haggar is one of the worst characters in the game.

I know =( When i have him on point, i just get up for a glass of water and hope he is dead by the time i get back
CB3 said:
i have no idea who you are but you have a michael jackson avatar which puts you ahead of most vets in my mind. Welcome Friend!
I lurk like crazy since '07. I even know most old avatars. For instance you also had mj as well as a black qb theme with vick and mcnabb for a while. Threads move too fast + no laptop.



What's the biggest gameplay change?
That's something EA has not revealed yet. We're hoping that's the focus of Madden NFL 12 at E3 2011.

Dynamic Player Performance: Player ratings fluctuate based on consistency and confidence.

Player Roles: More than 20 roles (Playoff Performer, Trench Warrior) affect player and team stats throughout the season.

The Pre-Season Matters: Start with 75-player roster and need to make cuts each week. Playing pre-season games reveals player ratings.

Scouting Reworked: Tiered scouting system reveals ratings tied to different events (college season, combine, pro day, individual workout).

Draft Class Improvements: Robust set of draftees built for 30 seasons of franchise. Teams draft based on their real tendencies.

Free Agent Bidding Wars: eBay style bidding against other GMs creates intense, rapid-fire free agent period that takes only a few minutes to complete.

Smarter General Managers: Better re-sign and cut logic. GMs make trades and sign free agents who fit their needs, with player roles factored in.

Coaches Matter: Coaches have small positive and negative impact on how players perform on the field based on their style.

Edit Any Player: Alter the ratings of any player -- rookie, created player, or established veteran.

Change Teams: In any offseason, change control of which teams you run in Franchise mode.

Numerous Tweaks: Many other small tuning and additions are coming, including retirement logic, a more accurate salary system, fixes to the injured reserve system, better simulation stats, and more.

How has Madden online changed?
EA hasn't revealed this yet, but we're told a big addition is in the works.


If we don't hear about changes to OF at E3 I'm going to hunt someone down at the EA booth and go Jack Bauer on their ass.


Somnia said:
If we don't hear about changes to OF at E3 I'm going to hunt someone down at the EA booth and go Jack Bauer on their ass.

One day you guys will realize when it comes to Madden, we Online Franchise fans are like the Joss Whedon fans of Madden modes. Sure we're loud, but theres like 9 of us.

I've accepted it, and it's made me a better person.


Somnia said:
If we don't hear about changes to OF at E3 I'm going to hunt someone down at the EA booth and go Jack Bauer on their ass.
According to the release schedule, they won't be saying anything 'till late July. It's bullshit!
on one hand, i understand why EA doesn't go all-out on a mode like online franchise. on the other hand, how hard is it? NCAA does it. it honestly can't be that hard.

if EA wants to come up with a "chart" that shows how often people use online franchise why don't they just make singleplayer and multiplayer OF the samething? then, when you login to singleplayer online franchise you can put a "free join" button so people can search for your franchise and join it if you have an open spot. or you can disable it and make it exclusively single player.

i know it's "cheating" to get a good number to justify supporting it, but it never stopped them from doing that with gameflow or whatever else



There has always been some criticism toward EA’s Madden NFL franchise in respects to catering to the casual fan. We all know these “casual” fans and what they look like. It’s the dad that throws the football with his son outside but has never played Madden. It’s the guy who is a diehard Steelers fan but has never seen Troy Polomaulo hit stick a running back in Madden. It’s the boy who watches football every Sunday with his dad but plays Pokemon White on his DS instead of playing Madden. It’s these fans that EA has always tried to get to play their virtual gridiron football game by coming out with a new “Sexy” feature. You know what I mean by sexy feature right? It’s that one feature that will get the casual fan interested in playing Madden. So in Madden 08 it was the “Ring of a Champion”. In Madden 09 it was the “Virtual Training Center” and the “Backtrack and Rewind”. In Madden 10 it was “fight for the fumble” and “Chain Gangs”. Notice how all those “Sexy” features have been removed from the game. So when I participated in last weeks Madden NFL 12 Community Day and Madden’s Executive Producer, Phil Frazier started giving his opening presentation; I asked him one thing. What’s the new “Sexy” feature in Madden NFL 12? Phil took a couple of seconds and said “There is no sexy feature”. He later said, “This year it’s really about focusing on the hardcore.” And that’s exactly what EA has done with their feature set especially when it came down to Gameplay in Madden NFL 12.

Suction Removal

The first thing I was looking for when I turned on the game was the removal of sliding and most importantly suction in the game. This has been a point of emphasis of many “hardcore” Madden players. I am happy to say that not only is the suction gone but it’s a “Game Changer”. Until you play the game you won’t realize how much the removal of suction plays a part in the overall makeup of the game. I’m going to break down some ways in which no suction makes a difference.

No Suction in the Run Game

In previous versions of Madden when a hole would open up for the runner you would sometimes get sucked in by a blocker that is already being blocked and it was so frustrating. There would also be times when you are running and you put a spin move in the open field and because the defender “hitsticked” it will suck you in. No more do things like that happen. Now you can not only run through the hole, but you can be dangerous and electric in the open field. There were many instances where I would run the ball with a guy like the Eagles’ McCoy and it was a nightmare for my opponent if I was able to make it to the open field. Spins, jukes, and just plain old manual stick will leave your defender in the dust if he used to suction tackling.

No Suction in the Passing Game

Usually when you are talking about suction, you don’t even think about this in the passing game but this was a huge problem in previous Maddens. For instance, let’s say you are a QB and you snap the ball and roll out of the pocket to your right. The DE should break away (disengage) from that OT and have a straight line to your QB. This happens in Madden 12 and it looks great.

No Suction Tackling

By far the biggest thing with no suction is the way you tackle in Madden 12. Now there is no tackling animation until you collide with the ball carrier. This is part of the new collision detection system in the game. There were times last year where you would have an angle on the running back but if there was a blocker nearby even behind you at times, it would suck you into the block and you would not tackle the player. This was very frustrating at times, but just because that suction is no longer there does it make it easier to tackle. This means that no longer can you depend on just getting close to the ball carrier to take him down. You have to literally run into the ball carrier to get him on the ground. Like I said earlier where you could hitstick while a guy was spinning and suck him into the hit, that is gone. This will take some getting used to as I was missing tackles after tackles because I was so used to getting close, but by the end of Community Day I was able to tackle pretty good. It was really hard to make a hitstick on players and when you did, you earned it.

Speaking of tackling, there is a new tackle button. Now you can press X (360) and Square (PS3) to make a wrap up tackle. It looks really good too. There was a moment when I was trailing a defender and instead of diving for the player, my player actually went for the feet and clipped the running back up and made him stumble and fall.

Collision Detection

One of the other gameplay addition I was looking forward to seeing in person was this all new collision detection system. Like I was explaining when I was talking about no suction, you have to really tackle someone. Not only that, but a running back or ball carrier is not down until he is all the way down. What this means is that those times where a back breaks a tackle and stumbles, you can still hit him. Before you could be right in front of him and he would stumble right through you for another 3 yards. The double hits collisions look good and the momentum of a player plays a big role in what happens at the point of collision. Big backs went forward and small backs didn’t go anywhere but backwards if hit by a bigger defensive player. The interaction between the offensive line and defensive line was done very well where you actually saw the offensive line punch and shove the defense on pass protection. I can’t wait to show you guys some videos of how it all looks.
Improved Zone Defense

The other very noticeable improved gameplay was definitely the improvement in zone defense. Any hardcore Madden fan will tell you that playing defense was a chore last year. If you played zone there was so many holes that it just wasn’t beneficial and made it very hard to stop the offense this year. In Madden 12 the zone is “sooo good” that I’m declaring the Cover 3 is going to be a dominant defense in the game. Not only does the defender stay with the WR longer as they pass through the individual zone, but the zone is smart also. Let’s say you are playing a Cover 2 defense. Your DB who is supposed to bump the WR will bump him and immediately look to see if someone is coming out to the flat. If there is no flat responsibility the DB will ride that WR up the field longer making it hard for you to fit that ball in between him and the safety. So the next time you cancel your RB in the flat, remember that the DB is going to stay with the WR longer on that fly route. That’s not it though. Linebackers in yellow zones play the drag route even better.
Defensive Shading

If you were like me you got sick and tired of guys just going 4 wide and doing drag routes all over the field and you got tired of guys coming out in Snugs or a Bunch set and not being able to defend those quick flat routes to the outside, well EA has decided to bring back defensive shading and it’s working great. Using defensive shading on individual WR is a great way to foil someone who is constantly beating you to the outside on the same play or inside slants.

You will also be able to individual play off or bump a WR. That’s one thing that I’m very happy to see in the game. The fact is there are some guys you want to bump and some guys you don’t want to bump and now EA has given you back that choice.
No Auto Dropback

One of the biggest news of day one at Community Day was the removal of the auto dropback. This has been a hot topic in the Madden Community and especially among the Sim guys and the Tournament guys. Now before you go and think this will just ruin the game let me first explain how the no auto dropback works. What this means as in years past when you snap the ball, there would be an automatic dropback. This was sometimes frustrating when you saw where a blitz was coming from and you were unable to get out of the way. Now with this out of the way you can take control of your QB right away. So I know what the sim guys are thinking because I was thinking it to – “Now people are just going to do QB draws all day long and it’s going to be harder to stop.” Well EA has made it so that you can not go forward immediately. You still have movement side to side and backwards at anlges you just can’t go forward unless you call a QB sneak. I’m very interested to see what the community has to say about this and how this will be received as a whole.

Update: If you do not press anything the QB will automatically drop back by itself.

Other things to note about gameplay:

The QB movement is so fluid. No longer does it feel jerkey when you are transitioning from a QB stance to a running stance.
Kicking seemed to easy to me but I feel like with the new camera angles depending on what stadium you are playing in makes it a little tough. I just don’t know what things they could do to make kicking a little harder.
With the new collision detection making catches over the middle with someone waiting was a great interaction.
The offense creates a nice pocket for the QB and running out of that pocket is very dangerous, especially if you are not playing with someone names Vick. What I mean is that when you scramble, those DE get after you.
QB spy is much improved. In years past you could juke out a CPU player that was in QB Spy assignment. This year it’s incredibly hard to shake him free or even out run him if your QB is not faster.
In routes and Out routes are back. No more mirroring DBs that anticipate your WR’s before they make the cut. But if you are late making that throw or that DB is shaded in the direction of your out, well you are in trouble and will get picked.
Pass rushing doesn’t looked to have changed as far as new moves. You can still get pressure if you send more guys or overloads one side of the line.
I didn’t see a lot of tipping of passes by linebackers but I didn’t see a change to the the trajectory of the ball either.

EA still has a couple of weeks to continue to improve the game. Those that attended Community Day gave tons upon tons of feedback for the dev team and I can’t wait to play the game in a couple of months to see how far they have come.


I hope their online blog focuses on something other then "online communities". If only they teased that we might see one or two of the many franchise improvements coming online, but something tells me that they wouldn't just leave it the same. Right guys??? T.T


TheCrow said:
I hope their online blog focuses on something other then "online communities". If only they teased that we might see one or two of the many franchise improvements coming online, but something tells me that they wouldn't just leave it the same. Right guys??? T.T

If they did, they'll get 5 maybe even 7 angry emails.

Depends on if Rors has internet that day.


Online and Offline franchise should simply be the same thing, with joinability dictated by the Commissioner (the player who establishes the Franchise).

That way if people wanted to, they could join DCX offline franchise where somehow the Falcons acquired Patrick Willis, some 99-rated user-created corner back named Deion Sanders and Barry Sanders chose to unretire at the prospect of playing under DCX.


intangibles, motherfucker
LukeSmith said:
Online and Offline franchise should simply be the same thing, with joinability dictated by the Commissioner (the player who establishes the Franchise).

That way if people wanted to, they could join DCX offline franchise where somehow the Falcons acquired Patrick Willis, some 99-rated user-created corner back named Deion Sanders and Barry Sanders chose to unretire at the prospect of playing under DCX.

You forgot about trading a 7th round pick to the Eagles so Vick can run the WildFalcon


LukeSmith said:
Online and Offline franchise should simply be the same thing, with joinability dictated by the Commissioner (the player who establishes the Franchise).

That way if people wanted to, they could join DCX offline franchise where somehow the Falcons acquired Patrick Willis, some 99-rated user-created corner back named Deion Sanders and Barry Sanders chose to unretire at the prospect of playing under DCX.
Stay out of my dreams!



I feel like every year I'm reading that suction blocks/tackles are gone, then I play DM or Rors and my guys get pulled into their massive hit stick suction fields. :p


Ramirez said:
I feel like every year I'm reading that suction blocks/tackles are gone, then I play DM or Rors and my guys get pulled into their massive hit stick suction fields. :p
Don't blame me. I was the number one victim of suction blocking. Lost me the SB! ..and every game vs FMT!

I didn't even have a good OL.
Rorschach said:
Don't blame me. I was the number one victim of suction blocking. Lost me the SB! ..and every game vs FMT!

I didn't even have a good OL.

hey bro don't blame suction blocking for gore never fumbling and running everyone over! suction or not that was happening!

i just hope EA keeps my O-line rating like it was last year!

p.s. rors i just got back from vacation and the 12 month XBL card is here. should i PM the code to you now or are you going to wait until mid july approaches?
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