Just messed around the new patch for a couple of minutes.
I think I'm being generous when I say that they really half-assed putting the Madden 10 controls back in, as that's not really an accurate description of what they've done. They simply made certain buttons act as shortcuts for the same strategy pad functionality. There's no UI indication for Y to bring up hot routes/coverage switches, etc. At times you can literally see the game first bring up the strategy pad menu, then quickly go into the proper area as though you had just hit Up-Up yourself.
As a result, certain functionality has still not been transferred in from Madden '10. For example, on defense you can never use the left joystick for adjustments. Press coverage cannot be done by hitting Y, then down on the stick, you still have to use the d-pad for the direction. Same for D-line/linebacker shifts.
In addition, they didn't even bother mapping some functions. LT does not bring up protection shifts while on offense and I couldn't find any shortcut button at all to bring it up. Seems like they simply left it out.
So basically it's better than nothing, but it's also clearly a shitty band-aid.
Also, Madden Moments that are free and included? Put them in some sub-menu. New Madden Moments Live that costs money? NEW MAIN MENU ITEM.