I still need to talk to Best buy about the midnight thing.SuperPac said:Clerk at the local Best Buy told me that they're doing a midnight launch the night of the 21st. I'll probably make that my first stop and if they sell out before getting to me I'll do Target / Circuit City in the morning (since they are a minute's walk away from the front door of my apt.).
Kabuki Waq said:Rejoice!
The second confrimed Launch day title has been announced!
krypt0nian said:Gotta post this from the IGN forums...
King Kong PC demo - LCD screen photographed
Now the 360 build also photographed on a LCD screen
vatstep said:Where are you getting this info, Kabuki?
krypt0nian said:Gamercards are ridiculously specific...
I've been watching Major Nelson's pop from:
Playing Kameo
Kameo - "Returning to The Mystic" to "Leaving the Mystic" to Rescuing Pummel Weed"
It updates your game position in real time.
krypt0nian said:Gamercards are ridiculously specific...
I've been watching Major Nelson's pop from:
Playing Kameo
Kameo - "Returning to The Mystic" to "Leaving the Mystic" to Rescuing Pummel Weed"
It updates your game position in real time.
Nintendo X said:I still need to talk to Best buy about the midnight thing.
neptunes said:I just think they're waiting until the very last minute to release this list, giving time for devs to recompile their code for xbox games and have as many titles backwards compatible as possible.
Eel O'Brian said:My Best Buy is opening at Midnight, as well. They were also taking unofficial "no money down" preorders from valued customers
SuperPac said:If true, that is such BULLSHIT. You either open it up to everyone equally or you don't do it at all. What, I have to have a friend who works there or be buddy-buddy with the clerks to get on the list? I hope Best Buy corporate has the wherewithall to demand that stores offer machines to customers who get in line outside before employees or friends of employees get a crack at them.
So, how would you become a "valued customer" if you don't have a friend at the store? I mean, how would they even keep track of that? Best Buys aren't exactly small stores. It's not like knowing the manager at an EB/Gamestop because you shop there a lot. You don't get "noticed" by shopping at Best Buy a lot.Eel O'Brian said:Notice I wrote "valued customers." Besides having a friend who works there, I do spend a LOT of money at that store, so of course I should be given more consideration than some random joe who may or may not ever shop there again. They even took a survey amongst the pre-order people to decide whether or not to open at Midnight.
Bottom line - it's the individual store manager's decision. He'll run his store the way he sees fit. I doubt they'd open at midnight if there weren't going to be plenty available for people walking in the door.
vatstep said:So, how would you become a "valued customer" if you don't have a friend at the store? I mean, how would they even keep track of that? Best Buys aren't exactly small stores. It's not like knowing the manager at an EB/Gamestop because you shop there a lot. You don't get "noticed" by shopping at Best Buy a lot.
Admittedly, I'd be all over this if I had the chance, but it really is bullshit.
Eel O'Brian said:Bottom line - it's the individual store manager's decision. He'll run his store the way he sees fit. I doubt they'd open at midnight if there weren't going to be plenty available for people walking in the door.
Eel O'Brian said:You're already being a mega-asshole about it. You've had how long now to plan your purchase, and you're giving me shit because I actually planned ahead?
Yeah, honestly, I can't even fathom that. The store I go to is in Boston, and while I'm in there at least a couple of times per week, I barely even notice the same employees, let alone customers. And I have a very good memory for people.Eel O'Brian said:We may not know each other's names, but we recognize teach other's faces enough to say hello.
SuperPac said:I'm not giving *you* shit about it. I'm giving Best Buy shit about it. There's a difference. If there're enough 360s to take care of everyone in line at launch plus employees and their friends, that's fine. I have no problem with that. But if they're allowing employees and their families/friends to purchase the product out from under customers who are going to be waiting in line, that I do have a problem with.
vatstep said:Yeah, honestly, I can't even fathom that. The store I go to is in Boston, and while I'm in there at least a couple of times per week, I barely even notice the same employees, let alone customers. And I have a very good memory for people.
Eel O'Brian said:Let me ask you something, then:
If your local chain game store employee or manager refused to hold a game for you for a few hours on release day because of a corporate "first come first served" policy - even though you shop there regularly, spend lots of money, and know them on a friendly basis - are you going to be cool with that? Or would you be a mega-asshole about it? Does your policy apply to situations like that in your own life, or are you just pissed because you have to stand in a line this one time?
Eel O'Brian said:If you actually got someone fired over not being able to buy what you wanted at the exact moment you wanted it, and throwing a tantrum like a purple-faced screaming baby, you're a pathetic human being.
Eel O'Brian said:Is that an example of the kind of fist-pounding, rolling-around-on-the-floor crying tantrum you'd throw on the sales floor? I'm sure your parents must be quite proud.
Eel O'Brian said:And if anyone has planned ahead enough to be able to spend two or three hours of their life standing outside a store (at 5 am, 12 am, pick a time) waiting for it to open just to buy a video game system, then that means they knew the system was coming and would be in great demand, and I cannot for the life of me understand why they couldn't have just put down a few bucks somewhere and preordered it. Or taken the five seconds it took me to ask about being placed on a preorder list.
SuperPac said:If the preorder list is some kind of official thing open to anyone who asks then hey -- I have no problem with that. But that's not what this sounds like to me based on your description. It sounds like an employees' friends and family list. Am I wrong in thinking that?
If they don't post this policy and I got screwed by it, I would literally get the manager fired for this if serious reparations weren't offered.
I've done it before over preferential treatment. Its fun.
krypt0nian said:He says now that its posted. But he still got on the list before anyone outside of the store knew about it.
Eel O'Brian said:And fighting to uphold those morals includes getting someone fired just because you aren't able to buy a video game system on the day it's released, regardless of whether or not they have a family to feed?
Also, apparently those moral lessons included:
Accepting bribes, and:
Taking enjoyment in the misfortunes of others, especially when you've caused it.
Morals? I think you need to change your avatar to Bizarro Superman, because everything you've been posting is backwards.
SuperPac said:If the preorder list is some kind of official thing open to anyone who asks then hey -- I have no problem with that. But that's not what this sounds like to me based on your description. It sounds like an employees' friends and family list. Am I wrong in thinking that?
Eel O'Brian said:I don't really know. My friend told me there was a preorder or "hold" list for valued customers. I asked if I could get on it. The next time I saw him (that weekend at another friend's house), I asked if I had gotten on it, and he said yes, I was #21 on the list. I didn't conduct any further surveys regarding the ethics of the situation.
You guys act as if Best Buy is some sort of social experiment. It's a business. And most businesses will keep their loyal customers happy over the casual customers, because the loyal customers buying the $50 new games keep the bread on the table when the casual customers run back to Gamestop to buy the $44.95 used games.
krypt0nian said:Getting proper reparations is part of quality customer service. Its not a "bribe" dimwit.
It is fun causing others to get their comeuppance once they've slighted others. I see no problem with this.
Your morals include insider screwing of other paying customers all for traded blowjobs with the BB staff. And calling someone a pathethic human being for wanting fair treatment.
I think I can take the higher ground here.
krypt0nian said:Which would be fine if they tracked loyal customers and contacted all of them at the same time about their pre-order opp. You just have an "in" and are exploiting it over people who would wait outside on Nov 21st thinking they had the same chance as you.