FYI to the faithful who have not preordered: The shortage, at least for launch day/week, is very real. There will be less than 400,000 units in North America for launch. Original estimates to retailers was double this, and these forecasts were given in early Oct, around X05. Canada, for those interested, will be getting 30,000 units only, with the lions share going to big box....Walmart and Future Shop/Best Buy.
This is why EB is having to call customers and cut off their guaranteed launch pre-orders, and they, along with other retailers, are pissed, naturally.
Again, this is not marketing hype, this is a real shortage. I am not fucking with you, I work for a Video Games distributor, and I'm not going to tell you where or which one, so don't ask. But write it down, cuz it's the real deal.