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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
vatstep said:
So, how would you become a "valued customer" if you don't have a friend at the store? I mean, how would they even keep track of that?

Reward zone. It keeps track of all your purchases. Plus if the cashier asks you for your phone number they can keep track that way.

I spend so much money in the store that they don't even charge me for my reward zone subscription. Plus they send me a packet of coupons every 6-8 weeks or so, so that I spend even more. :p


Best Buy does maintain sort of a VIP list and there is nothing wrong with doing that. Why shouldn't a business be able to keep track of its valued customers and offer them exclusive deals to keep them coming back?

You can forget about your reparations or getting the manager fired. It won't happen. First, they aren't going to fire anyone for catering to a valued customer; its something the company does apparently. And second, even if Best Buy did consider opening up the list early for valued customers wrong (which they probably won't) you don't have any proof as to exactly when anyone was added to the list. All that you have are allegations.

You are getting yourself all worked up and making idle threats and you haven't even been denied your Xbox 360 yet. Quit piling on Eel just because he knows somebody and/or is a valued customer. I hate to say it but a lot of times just being qualified (in this case just being a customer) isn't enough. A large part of life is centered around who you know. It plays a role in everything from getting on lists to getting jobs.

If you don't like it and you want to do something about it then start making connections/networking. Get to know the people who work at the store and maybe they'll give you a leg up when the PS3 ships.

I'm sure you'll probably get your 360 when it ships. Best Buy usually gets around 50-100 systems for a launch. Just be thankful that you can afford to get one when it comes out. Lots of people have trouble just making ends meet. It isn't worth it to get yourself worked up over the something that may or may not even happen... especially when its just a luxury item.
I have a pre-order, but my buddy and I are gonna camp walmart anyway cuz I'm in the second shipment. Assuming they start giving the systems out at midnight, what time do you reccomend getting there to feel relatively confident about getting one?


morbidaza said:
I have a pre-order, but my buddy and I are gonna camp walmart anyway cuz I'm in the second shipment. Assuming they start giving the systems out at midnight, what time do you reccomend getting there to feel relatively confident about getting one?

I would imagine that any line wouldn't start getting completely crazy until after 5 on the 21st. Though I don't think anyone will know for sure how crazy/not crazy it's going to be until then.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Baron Aloha said:
Reward zone. It keeps track of all your purchases. Plus if the cashier asks you for your phone number they can keep track that way.

I spend so much money in the store that they don't even charge me for my reward zone subscription. Plus they send me a packet of coupons every 6-8 weeks or so, so that I spend even more. :p
I have a Reward Zone card. But that's offered by the entire chain, not just specific stores. Maybe you're right, but I just don't see store managers keeping track of the RZ members who spend the most and offering them shit, let alone even caring. But hey, maybe it's different in other places; like I said before, the Best Buy I go to is in Boston, so there isn't much room for getting to know the people that work there. There are too many employees and too many customers for that.
Got to try out the 360 yesterday, I wasn't as impressed as I was with COD2 as I was of the videos posted on this board. The graphics didn't seem all that impressive.

I was impressed with King Kong, onlookers were aswell. Didn't check out Kameo wasn't very interested. Watched the PGR3 video, looks great.

For some weird reason I don't like normal mapping, the low polygon counts just erks me.


COD2's graphics are about the little details when you move in close. Looking at it from afar when you first start playing isn't likely to impress anyone. In fact, I thought it looked like an Xbox game when I first started playing.
Baron Aloha said:

Best Buy does maintain sort of a VIP list and there is nothing wrong with doing that.

You are patently wrong about how reward zone works, its relationship to the local level, suggesting that I should get to know the employees at BB to be part of their boy's club, forgetting that there is a moral issue here, saying I'm "worked" up when I was pulling Eel's chain like a damn dog.

This thread was derailed enough, without the need for apologists.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I hope other developers incoporate some of the things that Bizarre is doing with PGR3/Gotham TV. It would work awesome for shooters and especially sports games. Imagine being able to watch highlights from ranked games from earlier in the day, for example - like in Madden; seeing clips of last second comebacks, record-breaking plays, underdogs beating high rank players, etc.
vatstep said:
I hope other developers incoporate some of the things that Bizarre is doing with PGR3/Gotham TV. It would work awesome for shooters and especially sports games. Imagine being able to watch highlights from ranked games from earlier in the day, for example - like in Madden; seeing clips of last second comebacks, record-breaking plays, underdogs beating high rank players, etc.

It would put a new meaning to watching film before taking on an opponent! :)


why not make xbox live tv, a weekly 30 minute streaming video show on the xbox360 showing the last few minutes of high-ranked games from the week. game winning field goals, headshots, and down-to-the-wire race finishes from the best players in the world.


vatstep said:
I hope other developers incoporate some of the things that Bizarre is doing with PGR3/Gotham TV. It would work awesome for shooters and especially sports games. Imagine being able to watch highlights from ranked games from earlier in the day, for example - like in Madden; seeing clips of last second comebacks, record-breaking plays, underdogs beating high rank players, etc.

Also, perhaps this would make it possible to watch events like EA's Madden Bowls live, where you could watch real players playing the game / talking over XBL. That would turn events like that into something people might actually care about instead of something you read about in a magazine two months after it happens.

Or when Bungie was hosting those Hump Day Challenges... with the next game we'll probably all get to watch those live.

My frothing demand is increasing...


butthole fishhooking yes
Kabuki Waq said:
Guys for some reason i cant get into the my xbox section on xbox.com in IE can someone help me out?

Try the enter key.

Probably going to need more information, d00d. :)
urk said:
Try the enter key.

Probably going to need more information, d00d. :)

lets see ...well xbox.com works fine but when i click on the myxbox link i get a "The page cannot be displayed" error. I dunno why. Its only for any links related to MYXBOX.


Might be old news, but, Kameo and PDZ I guess are Code Complete as my local EB had real copies of both games today...........So no PDZ delay I guess. :(


Helznicht said:
Might be old news, but, Kameo and PDZ I guess are Code Complete as my local EB had real copies of both games today...........So no PDZ delay I guess. :(

Wow, really? Are they selling them both right away or putting them in their 360 kiosk to play?

I'm surprised your EB got the games in considering EBGames says Kameo doesn't ship till Nov 7 and PD0 Nov 16.


OG_Original Gamer said:
Got to try out the 360 yesterday, I wasn't as impressed as I was with COD2 as I was of the videos posted on this board. The graphics didn't seem all that impressive.

I was impressed with King Kong, onlookers were aswell. Didn't check out Kameo wasn't very interested. Watched the PGR3 video, looks great.

For some weird reason I don't like normal mapping, the low polygon counts just erks me.

tried it out at the 'best of stuff' show in London today (runs over the weekend if anyone is interested)

Its OK, but I was a little disheartened by it. The guide is almost too comprehensive - hopefully its quick to get used to.

There were three playable demos - COD2, King Kong and Kameo. I played COD2 and King Kong, and watched someone play Kameo.

Kameo does nothing for me. Some nice textures here and there, but the overall style leaves me cold.

COD2 is nice, but very sharp, with lots of jaggies. It was the level where you arrive on the back of a truck. Seemed fun, with lots of stuff going on, and I think thats where it scores. But graphically only OK from what I could tell.

King Kong was rubbish. Didn't help that the first demo level 'chased' starts with the camera looking straight at a block of rock so you can't see anything. I had no idea what I was supposed to do, and the camera made it look like I was on stilts and twice the size of the other characters in the game.

Only redeeming bit was the T-rex. When I tried to distract it and it turned towards me, the lighting and wetness was really nice.

Basically all three games looked like really sharp Xbox games. Maybe they'd benefit more from a larger screen (the demo pod samsungs looked like 26" or even smaller?)

BTW, if anyone goes to the show, be sure to head up to Sony's suite to see the Qualia 004 demo. Absolutely amazing.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Helznicht said:
Might be old news, but, Kameo and PDZ I guess are Code Complete as my local EB had real copies of both games today...........So no PDZ delay I guess. :(


for sale or...?

Didnt Ask, as I have my games pre-ordered at Gamerush. They just had em setting on the cashier counter, 4 copies of PDZ and 3 of Kameo. They let me look em over, they were the real deal.


mrklaw said:
There were three playable demos - COD2, King Kong and Kameo. I played COD2 and King Kong, and watched someone play Kameo.

There are four! Hexic HD is playable, but over on the Live blade (orange) instead of the Games blade (green). Okay, it may not be as interesting as the retail demos, but it may help convince your wife / girlfriend / mom that you really do need a 360 ;)


Helznicht said:
Didnt Ask, as I have my games pre-ordered at Gamerush. They just had em setting on the cashier counter, 4 copies of PDZ and 3 of Kameo. They let me look em over, they were the real deal.

So they were shrinkwrapped, anti-theft-sticker sealed, and clearly had DVDs and manuals inside?


Jesiatha said:
There are four! Hexic HD is playable, but over on the Live blade (orange) instead of the Games blade (green). Okay, it may not be as interesting as the retail demos, but it may help convince your wife / girlfriend / mom that you really do need a 360 ;)

Do you know if there are plans to update those demo discs? They are quite lackluster considering the available media. I mean, stick some recent good videos of Madden, NBA2K6, NBA Live, PGR3, etc. and watch the sales go boom. As it is, it's not that enticing.


So they were shrinkwrapped, anti-theft-sticker sealed, and clearly had DVDs and manuals inside?

Yes, wrapped and stickered. Box seemed wieghty enough to be loaded, but I didnt shake like a little kid at xmas to be sure. :lol . Plus they told me they were real. :lol


IJoel said:
Do you know if there are plans to update those demo discs? They are quite lackluster considering the available media. I mean, stick some recent good videos of Madden, NBA2K6, NBA Live, PGR3, etc. and watch the sales go boom. As it is, it's not that enticing.

There are definitely plans to update them, but I would guess it won't happen until after launch. I don't know for sure though. It's a shame that there is such a huge lag time on the demos.


Helznicht said:
Yes, wrapped and stickered. Box seemed wieghty enough to be loaded, but I didnt shake like a little kid at xmas to be sure. :lol . Plus they told me they were real. :lol

Hehe. LE version of PDZ, or regular?


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Helznicht said:
Yes, wrapped and stickered. Box seemed wieghty enough to be loaded, but I didnt shake like a little kid at xmas to be sure. :lol . Plus they told me they were real. :lol
Damn, as if I wasn't excited enough. I wonder what all that "Rare is still tweaking PDZ" stuff was all about, then?




Well it makes sense Kameo was in this afternoon, recieved today, ships Monday, the 7th.

Dont know what the deal with PDZ is though.


vatstep said:
Damn, as if I wasn't excited enough. I wonder what all that "Rare is still tweaking PDZ" stuff was all about, then?

Lies, probably. But the build might've been old, or locked to easy difficulty for demoing sake, or somehow neutered in other ways. It's just easier to say that they're "still tweaking" than explain any of that other stuff. :D


FYI to the faithful who have not preordered: The shortage, at least for launch day/week, is very real. There will be less than 400,000 units in North America for launch. Original estimates to retailers was double this, and these forecasts were given in early Oct, around X05. Canada, for those interested, will be getting 30,000 units only, with the lions share going to big box....Walmart and Future Shop/Best Buy.

This is why EB is having to call customers and cut off their guaranteed launch pre-orders, and they, along with other retailers, are pissed, naturally.

Again, this is not marketing hype, this is a real shortage. I am not fucking with you, I work for a Video Games distributor, and I'm not going to tell you where or which one, so don't ask. But write it down, cuz it's the real deal.


snatches said:
FYI to the faithful who have not preordered: The shortage, at least for launch day/week, is very real.

Would you say it's time for GAF Xbots to crack each other's heads open and feast on the goo inside?


snatches said:
FYI to the faithful who have not preordered: The shortage, at least for launch day/week, is very real. There will be less than 400,000 units in North America for launch. Original estimates to retailers was double this, and these forecasts were given in early Oct, around X05. Canada, for those interested, will be getting 30,000 units only, with the lions share going to big box....Walmart and Future Shop/Best Buy.

This is why EB is having to call customers and cut off their guaranteed launch pre-orders, and they, along with other retailers, are pissed, naturally.

Again, this is not marketing hype, this is a real shortage. I am not fucking with you, I work for a Video Games distributor, and I'm not going to tell you where or which one, so don't ask. But write it down, cuz it's the real deal.

Pretty big screw up on MS part. Especially if they were forecasting twice that as soon as early October. Oh well.

I still don't think they'll sell out on day one even with 400K. Probably be gone by the weekend though.


Mrbob said:
Pretty big screw up on MS part. Especially if they were forecasting twice that as soon as early October. Oh well.

I still don't think they'll sell out on day one even with 400K. Probably be gone by the weekend though.

Yeah, I would bet that out of the way/small town targets, best buys and walmarts might still have stock on Friday, but it will be pretty rare. What remains to be seen is if MS will keep their promise of shipping more product weekly into the channel as Peter Moore and J Allard have said on several occasions. My bet, their will be some product on week 2, but that will be about it until late '05, maybe mid december if we're lucky.


snatches said:
Yeah, I would bet that out of the way/small town targets, best buys and walmarts might still have stock on Friday, but it will be pretty rare. What remains to be seen is if MS will keep their promise of shipping more product weekly into the channel as Peter Moore and J Allard have said on several occasions. My bet, their will be some product on week 2, but that will be about it until late '05, maybe mid december if we're lucky.

Publishers probably aren't too happy either. You'll have 15 launch titles spread out over 400K systems? With MS selling their games at 10 bucks less too.

It isn't going to look pretty. X360 isn't going to be a moneymaker for anyone this xmas except perhaps ebayers.

Dude, I hope so. I'm going to be one sad guy if I can't find one on the 22nd.

It will help if you live in a smaller town or near one. Tuesday is still a school day and most people not in school have to work early the next morning. Think about what your local Walmart and Best Buy received for PSP units, then cut the number into a little less than half and you can guestimate the number of 360s the stores will get.


400,000 is still a lot of consoles, especially with the current economic climate, current generation not being dead, and lots of cool techno-gadgets vying for people's $$$. The system is a $300-400 investment on day one. 400,000 is a good number to start with.

Better to ship 400,000 and sell out of them than a million and only sell half.
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