Eel O'Brian said:Reparations for what? Because you didn't get to buy something? "I want this man fired, and I want extra stuff!" Did you even think about how that sounds before you posted it? Wait, what am I writing? Clearly you didn't.
And the fact that you take joy in "comeuppance" (again, because YOU DIDN'T GET TO BUY SOMETHING), and see no problem in destroying someone else's career over it, is just appalling. "Insider screwing?" Are you nuts? My friend told me about a preorder list, jackass. He didn't give me illegal stock tips. And I've known him for years, so if I was really "trading blowjobs" he would have told me I was on the list right then and there. As it was, I had to wait for him to ask the manager.
Dude, you can't even see the higher ground from the crater you're standing in. People like you make my skin crawl.
Reparations for allowing employees to get and give preferential treatment. If you're not going to read, why do you post?
If the manager is behind such shady practices, he si in it knowing full well the possible outcomes.
I am clear of wrongdoing. You sure aren't.
If you were on the list before the sign went up and they have no purchase tracking system to determine "valued customers" then I'd have all the fuel I needed to start a hell of a fire.
People like you who benefit due to insider knowledge while others are unaware are the ones that make people's skin crawl.