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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread

Eel O'Brian said:
Reparations for what? Because you didn't get to buy something? "I want this man fired, and I want extra stuff!" Did you even think about how that sounds before you posted it? Wait, what am I writing? Clearly you didn't.

And the fact that you take joy in "comeuppance" (again, because YOU DIDN'T GET TO BUY SOMETHING), and see no problem in destroying someone else's career over it, is just appalling. "Insider screwing?" Are you nuts? My friend told me about a preorder list, jackass. He didn't give me illegal stock tips. And I've known him for years, so if I was really "trading blowjobs" he would have told me I was on the list right then and there. As it was, I had to wait for him to ask the manager.

Dude, you can't even see the higher ground from the crater you're standing in. People like you make my skin crawl.

Reparations for allowing employees to get and give preferential treatment. If you're not going to read, why do you post?

If the manager is behind such shady practices, he si in it knowing full well the possible outcomes.

I am clear of wrongdoing. You sure aren't.

If you were on the list before the sign went up and they have no purchase tracking system to determine "valued customers" then I'd have all the fuel I needed to start a hell of a fire.

People like you who benefit due to insider knowledge while others are unaware are the ones that make people's skin crawl.


Eel O'Brian said:
I don't really know. My friend told me there was a preorder or "hold" list for valued customers. I asked if I could get on it. The next time I saw him (that weekend at another friend's house), I asked if I had gotten on it, and he said yes, I was #21 on the list. I didn't conduct any further surveys regarding the ethics of the situation.

So you didn't even learn about it from your friend and then ask a different employee while you were in the store -- your friend got you on the list.
SuperPac said:
So you didn't even learn about it from your friend and then ask a different employee while you were in the store

Why the hell would I do that? Would you?

"Hey, man, just to let you know, there's a preorder list for the 360 for valued customers."

"Really? Think I can I get on it?"

"I'll ask. You're in here spending money every week, so it should be no problem."

"WAIT JUST A MINUTE, FRIEND! Let me go around quizzing every other employee in the store first, as to whether or not this list is legitimate! I'll have to have confirmation about the fairness of this alleged list, so that I do not face a dire moral quandry and implicate my very soul in underhanded wrongdoing!"

Get real. You're just grasping at straws, now.


Eel O'Brian said:
"I'll ask. You're in here spending money every week, so it should be no problem."

That line right there explains the ethics of the list. You could get on it because you're this guy's friend and he can use the "you spend a lot of money here" line with the manager as a reason.

It's great that you find nothing morally wrong with that, but I do. Anyway, 19 days left!
krypt0nian said:
Reparations for allowing employees to get and give preferential treatment. If you're not going to read, why do you post?

If the manager is behind such shady practices, he si in it knowing full well the possible outcomes.

I am clear of wrongdoing. You sure aren't.

If you were on the list before the sign went up and they have no purchase tracking system to determine "valued customers" then I'd have all the fuel I needed to start a hell of a fire.

People like you who benefit due to insider knowledge while others are unaware are the ones that make people's skin crawl.

Why do they need a purchase tracking system when they see me in the store every week buying things - with, you know, their own eyes?

Shady practices? keeping loyal customers who put food on your table happy is a shady business practice?

Insider knowledge? I had no idea I was going to get on the list - I just asked. Get over yourself, Trump.

"Start a hell of a fire?" It's too bad you didn't spend all this righteous energy finding ways to preorder a 360.
SuperPac said:
That line right there explains the ethics of the list. You could get on it because you're this guy's friend and he can use the "you spend a lot of money here" line with the manager as a reason.

Plus the fact that, as I said earlier, the manager has personally seen me walking out of the store with a bag full of purchased items on many occasions. That might have a little something to do with it, too. Still a lot of straw-grasping going on.
Eel O'Brian said:
Why do they need a purchase tracking system when they see me in the store every week buying things - with, you know, their own eyes?

Shady practices? keeping loyal customers who put food on your table happy is a shady business practice?

Insider knowledge? I had no idea I was going to get on the list - I just asked. Get over yourself, Trump.

"Start a hell of a fire?" It's too bad you didn't spend all this righteous energy finding ways to preorder a 360.

This is rough for you.

Tracking system is better than "seeing people" as then you know its fair. How about those people who aren't very talkative but shop there more than you?

You got put ont he list before it was made public. Insider treatment.

I pre-ordered right after E3. Its about principle. (there's that word again)
krypt0nian said:
This is rough for you.

I can see that you're not much into self-awareness.

krypt0nian said:
Tracking system is better than "seeing people" as then you know its fair. How about those people who aren't very talkative but shop there more than you?

Again - the list already existed before I was ever on it. There are 20 other people ahead of me. As far as I know, these non-talkative people are those 20.

krypt0nian said:
You got put ont he list before it was made public. Insider treatment.

If at least 20 other people (and those were just the ones who said "Yes, put me on it") were told before me, then it's hardly insider treatment.

krypt0nian said:
I pre-ordered right after E3.

Good for you! What's your gamertag, so that in the future I might avoid these backwards-assed moral lectures over Xbox Live?

krypt0nian said:
Its about prinicple. (there's that word again)

I'm getting an Xbox 360, paying for it in cash I earned through hard work and sacrifice, and I didn't hurt anyone else to get it. Get off your soapbox before it collapses under the weight of your righteous indignity.

The End.


Eel O'Brian said:
Would you get someone fired over it?

I would elevate the situation to however far it needed to go until I was satisfied as a customer. If Best Buy follows their policies with previous hardware launches, employees and "friends" will not be getting preferential treatment above those waiting in line. So if a store were breaking that then sure someone might get fired. And I'd be A-OK with that.
Good to see all you could come up with was a spelling mistake - which I corrected before you posted, speedy.

No tracking system exists. You found out about the list before the sign was up. You see no moral problems here, or why anyone who was left out in the cold would be upset.

SuperPac said:
I would elevate the situation to however far it needed to go until I was satisfied as a customer. If Best Buy follows their policies with previous hardware launches employees and "friends" will not be getting preferential treatment above those waiting in line. So if a store were breaking that then sure someone might get fired. And I'd be A-OK with that.

Okay, just asking to be sure if i should add you beside kryptonian on my ignore list.


Is there a sign about the LIST, or a sign about "Coming Nov. 22nd"? I was at Best Buy tonight. If there was a sign about a list I sure as hell would've seen it.
Eel O'Brian said:
Okay, just asking to be sure if i should add you beside kryptonian on my ignore list.

You funny lady. Ignore me, bitch. Only those on the run use ignore anyway. :lol

Now get running.

Oh and its spelled "krypt0nian" so get it right. I wouldn't want you to fuck up an ignore as well.


Eel O'Brian said:
Okay, just asking to be sure if i should add you beside kryptonian on my ignore list.

Well now I kind of hope you walk out of Best Buy on the 22nd and do what I saw happen to one guy during the PS2 launch. He was the first one out of the store with his system and he raised the bag up to show everyone and the system promptly fell through the bottom and hit the ground.

Anyway, let's be done with this. You're on some preferential list and we're not. That's great. Seeing as you're not in the same city as krypt or me, it's not going to affect us one way or the other. Now please add me to your ignore list.
SuperPac said:
Well now I kind of hope you walk out of Best Buy on the 22nd and do what I saw happen to one guy during the PS2 launch. He was the first one out of the store with his system and he raised the bag up to show everyone and the system promptly fell through the bottom and hit the ground.

Anyway, let's be done with this. You're on some preferential list and we're not. That's great. Seeing as you're not in the same city as krypt or me, it's not going to affect us one way or the other. Now please add me to your ignore list.

Wanna make out?
krypt0nian said:
You funny lady. Ignore me, bitch. Only those on the run use ignore anyway. :lol

No, I'm putting you on ignore because you're a repugnant jackass who would get someone fired over not being able to buy a video game system, and I'm tired of this moral roundabout in which you've somehow deluded yourself into thinking that doing that and laughing about it is a fine, upstanding accomplishment.

krypt0nian said:
Oh and its spelled "krypt0nian" so get it right.

You spell with zeroes? Another shining example of your firm grasp on reality.

Adios, bizarro crusader for justice.
Eel O'Brian said:
No, I'm putting you on ignore because you're a repugnant jackass who would get someone fired over not being able to buy a video game system, and I'm tired of this moral roundabout in which you've deluded yourself into thinking that doing that and laughing about it is a fine, upstanding accomplishment.

You spell with zeroes? Another shining example of your firm grasp on reality.

Adios, bizarro crusader for justice.

I LOL'd.


And someone else has a 360...



More: http://thesmartmarks.com/artman/uploads/3602.jpg
Sweeet. So since I haven't found a single thing to get me sold on PD:Zero.
I want to know from you wether or not I should get it. (I'm easily amused so you won't have to worry about telling me yes, then me being dissapointed because I won't since you said yes.) :)


Apparently some Best Buy locations know how many units they will get. Someone over at Team Xbox says they've confirmed that a store near them is getting 300 systems for launch day.


iceDragon7 said:
Sweeet. So since I haven't found a single thing to get me sold on PD:Zero.
I want to know from you wether or not I should get it. (I'm easily amused so you won't have to worry about telling me yes, then me being dissapointed because I won't since you said yes.) :)

Oh that's not me in those pictures. I would imagine that they're from someone in the UK/EU since they've got the huge GAMEStm poster.



My 2 hours with the Xbox 360 demo's at Gamestop #1

So after bringing lunch to my sons Elementary school today i had a few hours to kill before heading home to wait for him to get off the school bus. I was on my way home and that's when the #'s 360 popped into my head. I drove right to the nearest gamestop and started to smile when in the back of the store there it was a brand new Xbox 360.

The kiosk is very nice looking. the box itself really does give the illusion that it is small. I never would have thought that just a little bit of concaved edges would make such a difference in appearence. The TV appeared to be pretty nice to on 1st glance.

As i settled in and got hold of the control i noticed it felt much smaller then the S or the Duke. all the buttons seemed to be located in easy to access areas and moving the black and white to the shoulders was a great move. i hated those especially on the S controller. The only issue i had with the controller was the angle i felt i was holding it. I always preferred the angle of the Dukes grips over the S controller grips and i think it felt more S shaped then Duke shaped. This however could just be because it was hard strapped into the kiosk making it feel stiff.

The Games...

King kong was already loaded when i walked up so i went with that 1st.
with no interface on screen i was not sure at 1st if i was watching a cut sceen still or if it was gameplay. It was gameplay. i played both parts of the king kong demo. the part as jack was pretty great and seemed to control pretty well. although i could not seem to get a gun from anyone even though my partner kept telling me to take his so we kept getting eaten before getting the gate open. The rain and rocks in the moonlight looked great. Playing as kong looked like it would be fun as well. was a bit aggrivating at 1st trying to decipher what buttons do what as i died. seeing him get battle scarred as i took on damage was a nice touch. The rex model and kong model look fabulous.

Kameo was next, after reading so much hear about it i was pretty excited to try it out. My 1st impression was that Kameo's evil sister is just plain HOT! after that the edges of all charecters and objects started looking a bit off to me. if you are familiar with photoshop then thing of the sharpen edge filter being over used. It was not to bad in this game but it was something that appeared in almost every game on the screen (i am hoping it's the HDTV and not the actual game design). As far as game play goes it felt ok. controls seemed ok but nothing about it really made me go wow except the art direction. I really enjoyed the art in this game but that stange fuzzy crisp blend on the troll edges just killed it for me. i do however think this could be a fun adventure game maybe a gamefly rental if nothing else?

Perfect Dark Zero was just a video as well as PGR3. the city scapes in PDZ look wonderfull they almost in a strange way remind me of bladerunner. the charecter models look good but again the sharpen edge effect i mentioned was noticable and a bit off to me. PGR3 just looked great all around in it's video. i'm not normally a big realistic gamer but damn i think this would be in my must have buy list just because. if the cars function half as good as they look this will be a blast to play.

Gears of war video was easily the most advanced in graphics of the demos but also again that strange shapened edge look was there. if the gameplay is even a 1/4 of what this looks like it should be a blast to play.

There was one more playable Demo (a war game) i can not recall the name off hand.
It played pretty well. It however had the worst edges like i had mentioned.

by this point i had decided it must be the TV and not the console and games. I assume this is what HDTV does. If crispening all the edges to this extent is what a nice plasma HDTV will do to my games then i plan to continue to play them on a regular set were the edges of the models are a bit softer so that things that look angled or round appear as they should instead of having all kinds of odd jaggies making the shape.

I spent about 2 hours playing these checking out the arcade demo as well and just playing with the interface. if you have a question about it that i skimmed over i'll do what i can to fill ya in .

So you TV techies in here. explain what i was seeing. is it the TV? or the games?


Last Tuesday I went to my local game store and talked to the clerk.
My concern was after reading lot of info telling that MS will have a difficult task to deliver the goods. So Dec the 2nd with a empty hands even with a preorder kit. . ..
The clerk ensure me, that I Definitely will get one, because I was the first guy of the preorders (3.5 months ago).
So far : E340 saved..

I envy you guys/gals.. have the Opportunity to play some demo so early at Wal-Mart etc....
Here in Holland we don't have such as thing.

Ok maybe over a couple of weeks with the game convention (Utrecht jaarsbeurs) --3 days for buy play PC + console heaven.


I can't for the big day this Dec.. although I looking forward for the firsthand experience for the final hardware from you guys/gals (experimental rabbits :) )


butthole fishhooking yes
Agent Icebeezy said:

So he didn't get the memo about next gen not starting until the PS3 launched? I thought I emailed him. :)

I hit Wal-Mart today to put a crink in my neck. Wish they had more playable stuff, but the High Def was nice and the two games I played (Kameo and COD2) looked great for lauch titles.

The controller, as everyone says, is very nice.

Oddly enough, they had the system off when I walked in and I suspected they were having issues with the Wi-Fi as was reported earlier, but it turned out that the demo disk had read error and they had to swap it for a spare that was sitting on top of the unit.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
FoxhoundNL said:
First 360 games to be reviewed? Sorry if old..

Gun 9.0
TH: Amercan Wasteland 9.0

Both reviewed by Gamepro.

EDIT: Okay, old :p

Still the worst launch lineup evar. That fireworks game on teh PS2 owned this shit.


I recorded last night's attack of the show. They had an interview with the producer and that guy from Alias who voiced the main character. Even at the crappy res and pixelation I get from G4TTV the game looked really good, particularly the lighting. Also, he confirmed that there are multiple endings, so if the rumors of it being short are true, at least there's some replayability.


I just called gamestop and im back in the first shipment. I was also told that paying off the system in full if you pre-ordered will put you in the VIP list.


Does MS already release the compatible list yet?
Today, I have borrowed my brother's xbox to try out my broadband connection, and yes it has connection with Live..., but have to wait for the xbox360.

Is it possible to play on Live against to peoples from US? or just Europe is just for Europe zones etc...
Like WOW Europe serves just for the Europeans...you can't play on US servers..

It would be nice to have a GAF clan from all over the world..

A 9 for Tony Hawk & Gun? :lol
Gamepro?? Amateur magazine then...


swordsman said:
Is it possible to play on Live against to peoples from US? or just Europe is just for Europe zones etc...
Like WOW Europe serves just for the Europeans...you can't play on US servers..

You can play with people anywhere providing the game doesn't segregate you (I think PSO does this). I think in the past week I've gave out 500 odd screaming, threats and harrasment and swearing and lewdness feedback on Halo 2, simply because there are so many morons who will say shit because of where you are from. It gets draining after a while :(

Does MS already release the compatible list yet?

I think theres been a few mentions of titles being BC, but nothing official from MS yet.


The new Live system will deliberately try to match you with people that can at least speak the same language as you.


So who's got predictions on what we'll be saying about the launch / talking about on Nov. 23? Anyone care to speculate?

My picks:

- Chaos ensues as someone already finds a way to cheat the Gamerscore

- Shortage news a great big fat lie

- Menu button on wireless controllers accidentally also turns off some models of TVs

- 15 games backward compatible

- Hexic HD becomes most-played game on XBL in first 24.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
For one, I do hope that the "shortage" is all bullshit. It very well could be a scare tactic. The only actual proof we have that there IS a shortage is that one report (claimed there would only be 1 million units between the three launches, as opposed to two million), and the fact that EB shipments have basically been cut in half (people who pre-ordered in May/June getting pushed to second shipment). Of course, MS never once even indicated how many would shipped, shortage or not, so who really knows anything?


SuperPac said:
So who's got predictions on what we'll be saying about the launch / talking about on Nov. 23? Anyone care to speculate?

My picks:

- Chaos ensues as someone already finds a way to cheat the Gamerscore

- Shortage news a great big fat lie

- Menu button on wireless controllers accidentally also turns off some models of TVs

- 15 games backward compatible

- Hexic HD becomes most-played game on XBL in first 24.

Games will look much better in person and people will create "ZOMG 360 is teh next-gen!!!" posts.

PD0 will rock more than anyone thought and all of us who didn't buy it will be kicking ourselves in the ass (although reviews would negate this as a possibility).

THAW and GUN will be the killer apps of the launch.


Party Pooper
KingJ2002 said:
I just called gamestop and im back in the first shipment. I was also told that paying off the system in full if you pre-ordered will put you in the VIP list.

i hadnt heard anything to that effect. nevertheless, i preordered mine the first day they opened up, and have had it paid off for quite awhile now.

i really can't imagine not getting it day 1.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
newsguy said:
Games will look much better in person and people will create "ZOMG 360 is teh next-gen!!!" posts.
Considering that MS reps have actually been setting the units to output at 480p, even with the HD displays being used, this is almost definite.


newsguy said:
PD0 will rock more than anyone thought and all of us who didn't buy it will be kicking ourselves in the ass (although reviews would negate this as a possibility).

Won't it be hilarious if PDZ turns out to be the better Rare game after all that punditry?

Wall Guy +1


SuperPac said:
Won't it be hilarious if PDZ turns out to be the better Rare game after all that punditry?

Wall Guy +1

I think it will be. I just played through the Kameo demo at Walmart and it felt kind of meh. The game looks great, but it really wasn't too exciting battling out trolls in other forms. Perhaps I need to get further in the game or play it when I'm not straining my neck but early thoughts are the game is a little boring.

Call of Duty 2 on the 360 doesn't have a lean function. Surprised me. The game really doesn't look much better than what I'm running on my 9800PRO either. Yeah the lighting is better and some of the models and backgrounds are more detailed but it isn't a huge difference. With a SM 3.0 card I bet the differences are negligible. I still would rather play the game with a keyboard and mouse.

Looks like I'm still just sticking with Madden and PD0 as my must have 360 games at the moment. I may pick up Condemned too depending on whether I want to wait for the PC version or not.

I didn't play King Kong because the 360 system locked up.


Yeah PDZ is my only launch game for me so far.
Hope that Xbox360's will not cause any trouble or anything bad PR. the like Disc scratching from Japan...etc It will definitely hold the peoples from buying it.
- Menu button on wireless controllers accidentally also turns off some models of TVs
Any other bad things????
If so MS should fired the testers that they haven't do their homework properly...
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