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Oilmageddon - WTI Crashes To $7 Handle, Canadian Oil Prices Negative


Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
Wow, I hope to see cheaper price per gallon at gas stations.


When Goldman's crude oil analysts turned apocalyptic last month, writing that "This Is The Largest Economic Shock Of Our Lifetimes", they echoed something we said previously namely that the record surge in excess oil output amounting to a mindblowing 20 million barrels daily or roughly 20% of the daily market...
... the result of the historic crash in oil demand (estimated by Trafigura at 36mmb/d) which is so massive it steamrolled over last week's OPEC+ 9.7mmb/d production cut, could send the price of landlocked crude oil negative: "this shock is extremely negative for oil prices and is sending landlocked crude prices into negative territory."
We didn't have long to wait, because while oil prices for virtually all grades have now collapsed below cash costs...

Lucky all of you Canadians

Current price: $1.5 :O


Price -$54 (yes, NEGATIVE $54)

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Tin foil hat time.

Everyone knew Oil was going to collapse, so they came up with these lock downs so even when its super cheap we will buy very little of it. Once the price jacks up they will lift the lock downs and start making profits again.

Were through the looking glass people. Alex Jones and Lee Harvy Oswald told me this was the truth. Wake Up Sheeple.


Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
Just for history researches - here take a look! Oil for $1.5!


It may be time to slurp up some faltering energy stocks.

any good suggestions?

We should make a GAF corona comeback fund and buy up some stocks so we can all be filthy rich when this is over and then in wave 2 we can break quarantine from our mansions and laugh at the poor pleebs.
april's contracts expire tomorrow, we'll find out the real price then but I don't see how this won't be devastating for ME/North African countries.

the thread that is debt-based global trade is about to get pulled hard and we will see what becomes unraveled.


any good suggestions?

We should make a GAF corona comeback fund and buy up some stocks so we can all be filthy rich when this is over and then in wave 2 we can break quarantine from our mansions and laugh at the poor pleebs.
i went with FLR from this article


Reporting on this is atrocious so let me explain. What happened today was a result of speculators being caught naked as the tide rushed out. No producers is going to pump oil at a negative sales price and no producer did. The oil futures market has producers, customers (refiners mostly), and traders derogatorily known as speculators. There may actually be more traders in in the market than producers and customers.

Here is an example. So a trader signed a futures contract back in January to take delivery of April oil at $45. He was hoping oil would be $55 and so he would pocket the spread between 55 and 45. He isn't a refiner so he basically plans to pass on his futures contract to a refiner at some point before he takes delivery of oil. Worst comes to worst, he takes delivery and rents storage for a month at about 10c a barrel until he decides to sell it. He has a long track record of doing this.

Along comes COVID19 and demand craters in March. The trader really doesn't want to offload his futures contract to book the loss when it is selling for $15. He would lose $30/bbl, that might actually make his company insolvent. So he keeps the futures contract open praying for a rebound. It becomes April, he has to take delivery 4/21 so he is getting nervous. WTI contracts aren't looking any better, and he still doesn't want to book the loss. Well, time to start booking storage....but everyone else is booking storage so storage is full in Cushing. Well, he can pay to transport it to the gulf coast and put it on a tanker...except everyone else is doing that too and he can't find pipeline capacity. So his only option is to sell the oil to a refiner. Well the refiners have all the cheap oil they can want so they have no incentive to buy April dated oil at $20, so he offers 15. No takers, he keeps dropping the price until it becomes 4/20. He has no storage, he has no buyer, and he is about to be in breach of his contract. (I don't know exactly what the penalty for this is but I imagine it would involve losing your ability to trade futures.) So he offers a negative price.

So lets look at what happened in this scenario. The producer made $45/bbl, the refiner got paid $35/bbl to bail out the middleman, and the dumb middleman who didn't think about the worst case got screwed.

So the oil price for futures dated in April went negative because of storage constraints, not because the market balance price is negative.

Don't get me wrong, lack of storage is a huge problem and when it becomes completely full oil prices will continue to fall. But production will be shut in and the oil price will remain positive except for a few trades like I describe above. I expect contract expiration dates to be very interesting until storage opens up again.

This is a scary time for speculators. Their security blanket of storage is almost gone. Yet they have to take delivery of oil. Mexico for example has 1.8 million bbls/day hedged in the $40s for the rest of the year. Whoever is on the other side of that hedge has to be freaking the fuck out.


People gonna get tricked tomorrow when the June contracts come in and oil price shoots up 1700 to 2500 percent. I don't think it'll last though.

Stocking capacity down to 21 million barrels in the States. It'll fill up by Friday, so you might see this again. ENBL might be interesting to some of you.


I wonder when all these companies who think they are hedged are going to discover the meaning of counter party risk.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
People gonna get tricked tomorrow when the June contracts come in and oil price shoots up 1700 to 2500 percent. I don't think it'll last though.

Haven't folks been saying that about contracts for a few months now? I don't see demand going up any time soon. Economies are going to open slowly, and industries like airlines that gobble the stuff up won't be in full swing for quite some time.
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