All I can tell you Darklord (and others in this thread) is that patience is key.
Well that's my point dude. You just met her and now you're moving in together and marrying? Why not several years?
I honestly don't believe you can know someone is "the one" after several months. Well, perhaps after several months of spending a lot of time together, physically - not just talking on the phone and seeing each other a couple of times like Ashodin.
Of course, I hope it works out.
Every single day I wake up feeling like the luckiest man alive. Every single day.
All I can tell you Darklord (and others in this thread) is that patience is key. Waiting and not giving up on finding someone who is wholly compatible with you is just a waiting game. (Or a grind, in zlatko's case). Where my boy at!?
Plenty of people feel like that at the start. When the euphoria wears off and it's not a new, fresh adventure, when you see her true self warts and all and not the image she wants you to see. Will you still feel that way? Will you really want to wake up next to this person in 30 and 40 years time? Every single day, every night, right there. That's impossible to tell in such a short time. It's like judging a movie after watching 5 minutes. At LEAST make it a long engagement, like a year then you have time to bail without dragging yourself through a pile of shit to do it.
That's all well and fine for other people who think they need that time. It's not a rule, it's a recommendation (and well thought out, as well). However, both her and I don't really need to take all that time to realize how happy we can be together, and how it will last for a long, long time. To each their own.
I'd also like to point out that "just met her" being about three months ago almost. If you had said this after only a week or two of meeting her, I'd agree that I was going overboard. As it is, we're not even going to be living together until the end of May. That's nearly half a year of being together.
EDIT: How old are you?
Plenty of people feel like that at the start. When the euphoria wears off and it's not a new, fresh adventure
This is exactly what I was thinking. It's great to like her and think she's "the one" and all, but that initial "oh my god this is so freaking perfect" feeling WILL wear off.
Best of luck though.
This is exactly what I was thinking. It's great to like her and think she's "the one" and all, but that initial "oh my god this is so freaking perfect" feeling WILL wear off.
Best of luck though.
I think the most useful thing i've learned over these past... Week of getting back into dating, is that OKC-GAF is so much better/more useful/nicer/more helpful than Dating-GAF.
Lol dating-gaf is all about tough love, and to be honest, a lot of times that's better. Still though, I prefer it here.
Yah, and that's what worries me too a little bit about what Ashodin is doing. Granted, it's like he said. He didn't exactly set a wedding date or anything. It's just an engagement and so I'll pray for his success and happiness.
No doubt, and the fact that she wants to chill tomorrow on top of her sending pics and all that so there's a good thing going on.Dude, she sounds awesome. You should totally keep on that. Having someone dream about you is pretty serious (and she even told you, which is awesome). Some women take dreams about who they fancy to mean they really want to be with them. So you might luck out in that regard
I've noticed that girls don't read profiles that much. I always get asked questions that are answered in my profile. So I guess it's all about pictures and good message. In my experience anyway. POF is kinda creepy man, so many teenagers wanna "meet" me it seems. I've got 1 good convo going on POF, about 4 on OKC, 1 text. But really, I'm not even sure which ones I'm legit interested in.
edit. oh shiet. I posted a few days ago about one particular girl that I really liked on OKC but she'd been busy with school. So I messaged her today, it's been 2 weeks since our last, and we picked up right where we left off, I thought she found another dude or something. I'm most definitely breaking the cardinal rules of online dating with this one. Putting all my eggs in one basket, and putting the pussy on the pedestal. Must meet this one or I'll regret it FOREVER. ok not really, but I'd like to meet her.
My problem with the site isn't not getting messages or dates, it's the fact that I can't, for the life of me, get a second date. I feel like I am doing something wrong. I always think the dates go really well, and then I never get a second one. There is a disconnect there that is really starting to bother me.
Completely off-topic but I've noticed you always have your mustache shaven in your pics. Why's that?
Sorry to hear that man, but it sounds to me like you're going down the path of "what's wrong with me... I need to do better... etc. etc."
I used to have a similar problem where for every first date, I would say to myself in my head "am I good enough for her?" And that's terrible, because it informs your whole vibe. Next time you're on a date run this question through your mind, "is she good enough for me?" This will change your whole attitude and you'll be more relaxed and you'll end up having a better time. And so will she.
A girl doesn't need a guy to constantly impress her.
So much trolling that you don't even know you did it. yep.
doesn't grown in well, looks like public hair. btw, you stalking me bro? checkin out all my pics. that's cool
girl with incredibly boring profile sends an incredibly boring message, so I try.
in her profile it says she's not into "playing games" lol
wooooo baby! i dont come in here for a while and am treated with Ashodin's return story. amazing.
How old are you, if I'm allowed to ask?
The circle of life baby
How old are you, if I'm allowed to ask?
I joined around this time in february but was hesitant to send out messages, only responding to girls who messaged me as I got used to the site/online dating world.
So the first girl I was going to meet had to cancel the morning before we met, we continued messaging for a bit but then she just stopped responding, kind of annoying as she had approached me and was hot but oh well.
Took a week break and then decided I would try messaging some girls first about 4 days ago and it looks like I will now be meeting this cute girl, just need to sort out the logistics of timings - which is something that took forever to do with the girl above, hopefully it isn't as drawn out as then.
Yeah, it's free.
doesn't grown in well, looks like public hair. btw, you stalking me bro? checkin out all my pics. that's cool
girl with incredibly boring profile sends an incredibly boring message, so I try.
in her profile it says she's not into "playing games" lol
Can someone help me with my profile? I'm new to online dating.
Take out the part about working at a pizza joint (not that there's anything wrong with that) keep the navy thing.
Is there a reason you're only looking for New Friends?
Dude, she sounds awesome. You should totally keep on that. Having someone dream about you is pretty serious (and she even told you, which is awesome). Some women take dreams about who they fancy to mean they really want to be with them. So you might luck out in that regard.
On my way to my first OKC "date" right now. This morning has been shitty, so let's hope things get better.
doesn't grown in well, looks like public hair. btw, you stalking me bro? checkin out all my pics. that's cool
girl with incredibly boring profile sends an incredibly boring message, so I try.
in her profile it says she's not into "playing games" lol
On my way to my first OKC "date" right now. This morning has been shitty, so let's hope things get better.
So... I have a date tomorrow for Tea. Good lord. Let me know how it goes vatstep, for tomorrow I'll be you.
EDIT: I have to say, the whole process went so smooth though. Numbers exchanged on the 3rd/4th message, texted back and forth for the day, asked out in the evening of that day (yesterday), date for Sunday. Figured might as well meet up IRL so we both know if it's worth it.