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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Better just to say "no problem!" Its short, sweet, and makes it seem like you really don't mind at all. Always good to appear more casual than not.

Better just to say "no problem!" Its short, sweet, and makes it seem like you really don't mind at all. Always good to appear more casual than not.

"Not a problem, hope you have a good day as well." ??

Or just not a problem.

I think it's kind of cold for someone to say they hope I have a good day, and I don't return the favor haha.


Sure, why not. But yeah, I always do my best to be casual when an "issue" comes up. Its comforting for the girl to know that she can make a mistake and not have to deal with consequences. Of course, if said mistake is actually something significant then you should definitely let her know what's on your mind. :)


Any reason to use quickmatch or should I just use the general search and just check everyone? The match %s don't seem as important as actuality reading the content in their profile, which quicksearch cuts some out.

Also just curious but searching for girls specifically with "looking for casual sex" in their profile ever work out our should I just assume "short term" is actually the real one and just play it by ear? (Or use something else for hookups)
Any reason to use quickmatch or should I just use the general search and just check everyone? The match %s don't seem as important as actuality reading the content in their profile, which quicksearch cuts some out.

Also just curious but searching for girls specifically with "looking for casual sex" in their profile ever work out our should I just assume "short term" is actually the real one and just play it by ear? (Or use something else for hookups)
Quickmatch will tell you if you both like each other. If you rate someone highly, and they rate you highly, it will tell you. At least, I think so. It may be an A-list thing, but you'll at least get a "someone likes you" hint.
Gentlemen, I need advice.

After the date I previously mentioned on here (it ended with a mini makeout session) I went to schedule another date and we tentatively agreed on one the past Sunday.

Sunday Morning, I dont get a response. I went about my day without worry, until I received this message Monday morning:

"Mar 9, 2014 – 8:28pm
Hey I don't want you to think I blew you off, I left my phone in my friends car last night"

She had made plans to hang out with her bff that weekend.

I message back:

"Mar 10, 2014 – 8:23am
You missed the best pub crawl. I was a little upset, because I thought it was something I did.

Mar 10, 2014 – 8:31am
I thought I was a pretty kick ass date :)

I have yet to receive a response. I know she's signed on because I've viewed her profile on invisible. I sent her another message this afternoon:

Mar 11, 2014 – 2:35pm
Were you able to get your phone back or replace it?

Guys, should I just quit while I'm ahead? I swear that the date and everything went really well. I'm not sure whether to wait her out or just move onto the next one. What should I do?


Do not be the guy that messages over and over like you didn't get a response yet because she lost your other messages.

Even if she's a complete jerk, that's still creepy as fuck.



Do not be the guy that messages over and over like you didn't get a response yet because she lost your other messages.

Even if she's a complete jerk, that's still creepy as fuck.

Yep this is basic wisdom of the online dating bible. If they don't reply, don't push it. Either they're busy or they're not interested.

News Bot

Signed up the other day. Talking to one girl now and we've arranged a tentative hang out Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on St. Patrick's Day hangover.

There really aren't a lot of Belfast, Ireland folks on the site at all. Compared to say, Dublin. :(
I have been an occasional lurker of this thread for a couple months...reader of stories good, bad, and horrifying. A few days ago, I had a few hours to spare, so I finally took the plunge. Very much worth it for me.

Signed up a couple days ago, and took my time to explain and "sell" myself. Crafted a very descriptive and intricate profile, been answering the questions and providing commentary on my answers (which I've received a lot of props for).

So far, it's been a much better experience than the last several months with the public/my friends/the bar scene, there's not even any comparison.

Lucky enough to have apparently clicked with a truly amazing gal, been maintaining my composure...I certainly hope it works out, but I'm not gonna put any unnecessary pressure on things.

Taking it slow, playing it smart, just gonna let the chips fall where they may.

Only thing I really need to get used to:

OKC means OKCupid, not the Oklahoma City Thunder.
Not sure how to feel about this girl. Quick advice?

This girl's graduating early may and is leaving the town for good (I'm staying 'cause I live here). She'll go to her hometown about 3 hours away so it's not exactly "long distance", but still, not exactly in-town. Been on our third date, if we count an awkward first meeting type thing as a date. We talk quite a bit, I can think up of conversation and that kind of thing, she's receptive to hangouts/things I suggest, but I feel like I'm "hanging out with a friend" instead of dating someone. No, I'm not talking about that "omg friendzone" stupid shit. We went to the movies and she sat with her arms crossed the entire time, never even touched arms. Again, she's not standoff-ish, she just feels like a friend rather than a girlfriend.

I can't tell if I'm the awkward one or if there's no real chemistry. Then again she hasn't really dated before so she may be thinking the same thing. Or maybe not. Would it be hilariously stupid if I ask her some time if she thinks this is going somewhere? Or would that come off as me being a prick going "UM YOU INTERESTED YET??? IF NOT GET OUT"? I mean, I'm fine if she thinks it's going OK and she just wants to take it slow, I just kinda want to know.


Not sure how to feel about this girl. Quick advice?

This girl's graduating early may and is leaving the town for good (I'm staying 'cause I live here). She'll go to her hometown about 3 hours away so it's not exactly "long distance", but still, not exactly in-town. Been on our third date, if we count an awkward first meeting type thing as a date. We talk quite a bit, I can think up of conversation and that kind of thing, she's receptive to hangouts/things I suggest, but I feel like I'm "hanging out with a friend" instead of dating someone. No, I'm not talking about that "omg friendzone" stupid shit. We went to the movies and she sat with her arms crossed the entire time, never even touched arms. Again, she's not standoff-ish, she just feels like a friend rather than a girlfriend.

I can't tell if I'm the awkward one or if there's no real chemistry. Then again she hasn't really dated before so she may be thinking the same thing. Or maybe not. Would it be hilariously stupid if I ask her some time if she thinks this is going somewhere? Or would that come off as me being a prick going "UM YOU INTERESTED YET??? IF NOT GET OUT"? I mean, I'm fine if she thinks it's going OK and she just wants to take it slow, I just kinda want to know.

She's probably expecting you to make the move.


Just thought it was pretty funny, a girl I rated highly a week ago rated me highly this week. She messaged me and said I seemed cool, had weird hair and an interesting face. She wants to meet me too, so I'm quite baffled.


Does this still apply?

We are very pleased to report that you are in the top half of OkCupid's most attractive users. The scales recently tipped in your favor, and we thought you'd like to know...

Your new elite status comes with one important privilege:

You will now see more attractive people in your match results.

This new status won't affect your actual match percentages, which are still based purely on your answers and desired match's answers. But the people we recommend will be more attractive. Also! You'll be shown to more attractive people in their match results."

I feel like there has been a drastic change in the attractiveness of the matches I see on OKC. Wonder if a bunch of girls have rated me below 3 stars lol


But you can see anyone on OKC and also have the option to see "five star" only?

Maybe I'm not getting that message but nothing really Changed for me I always thought it was to encourage more participating

As of late I've noticed that a lot of the people that show up in quick match don't show up when I do a regular search. Also seems like no one with a body type of fit, athletic, thin, etc. ever show up in a manual search.

Makes me wonder if me rating so many girls using quick match and locals (in mobile app) has messed up my ability to see more attractive girls.

I'm in LA and the pickings have never been this slim. Everyone I see is like curvy and above. Lol which is why I think the above is legit ;|.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Reposting from the dating-age thread.

So I go to the bar yesterday after work, and I meet these two very attractive girls. Turns out they're sisters and, while they were both good looking, the older sister was significantly hotter. The older one steps out towards the end of the night to smoke and I finally get a chance to properly chat with her. We seem to be hitting it off very well until the bouncer shows up and asks me if I needed to pay my tab since they were closing. I tell her I'd be right back and go in pay and get out. By the time I came back out, she was already walking towards her car, which I didn't see as a great sign, but still, decided to catch up with her and asked her for her number. She gives me her Facebook instead and allows me to have her send a friend request from an app on her phone. We hug and I tell her I'll hit her up some time.

I go home and send her a quick message about having a fun time talking with her. She hasn't responded, and yet I still see her making updates on her page.

Am I digging too much into this? What should be my next move?


She's clearly not interested, Oblivion, forget about it.


I messaged a girl who looks and sounded great, she had "Christianity and very serious about it" under religion, I messaged anyways..


the fuck..

Going on a last minute OKC date tonight. She seems great, I'm nervous about what she looks like though. She has "A few extra pounds" listed but she looks good in her pictures. I guess we'll see


I'm in LA and the pickings have never been this slim. Everyone I see is like curvy and above. Lol which is why I think the above is legit ;|.

Yes, it's legit. OKC hides 'attractive' people from non-attractive people depending on the star rating people get. It's one of the more controversial aspects of the site.


Is there any way to see some of your profile metrics? Like your average star rating or your reply frequency? I would be curious to see some of my stats.

None. Only way is to create another profile and look at yours, but star ratings aren't visible to anyone. the only reason star ratings exist is to separate 'attractive' people from unattractive people, under premise of keeping people from only messaging the attractive ones (which happens regardless) and the idea that people will be happier with others considered in their attractiveness range, which I personally think is bullshit.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
None. Only way is to create another profile and look at yours, but star ratings aren't visible to anyone. the only reason star ratings exist is to separate 'attractive' people from unattractive people, under premise of keeping people from only messaging the attractive ones (which happens regardless) and the idea that people will be happier with others considered in their attractiveness range, which I personally think is bullshit.
I want to know if I'm one of the attractive ones! I got that "you're hot" email but I'm assuming everyone does.


I decided to give this site a shot, mostly to see if I could derive some sort of entertainment from it (I don't have time right now to be in a committed relationship). So far so good, I think.

None. Only way is to create another profile and look at yours, but star ratings aren't visible to anyone. the only reason star ratings exist is to separate 'attractive' people from unattractive people, under premise of keeping people from only messaging the attractive ones (which happens regardless) and the idea that people will be happier with others considered in their attractiveness range, which I personally think is bullshit.

If I'm seeing pretty much the same group of women whether or not I have the "attractiveness 4+" filter on, does that mean that I've probably been rated about that level? I'm being cautiously optimistic right now.

Also, anyone know what an average level of "search results in the last day" is? It seems to fluctuate with how often I visit the site, but overall be on a downward trend.


It means you've been limited to about that 'level' of attractiveness, yeah. OKC gives the option to search for high rated profiles, but they won't actually show them to you unless you're high rated yourself. It's a very sneaky system.


It means you've been limited to about that 'level' of attractiveness, yeah. OKC gives the option to search for high rated profiles, but they won't actually show them to you unless you're high rated yourself. It's a very sneaky system.

I got the email some years back but I guess my rating has gone down.

Have a feeling they are doing this to try and push a-list subscriptions since attractiveness and body type searches are locked behind that paywall. Match.com influence maybe. Contemplating creating a new profile and asking gaf to up vote me.

Would be fucked up if you paid but were still relegated to "leper" status lol


Would be fucked up if you paid but were still relegated to "leper" status lol

Even if you become A-list you are still relegated to leper status because attractiveness is dependent on star ratings only IIRC*, haha. The only thing A-list does is remove ads, allow you to go invisible while still seeing who visits you, see whether someone has read your message, and message people whose inboxes are full. It pretty much targets males in other words.

*and apparently some wierd algorithm used to match up your facial structure against something something, according to OKC's blog.


Ok I just created a new profile and performed the same search using my old account and new one. There are definitely better looking girls in the clean slate account. Can you guys upvote me?
quote to reveal:

please don't 1-star me you jokesters.


Ok I just created a new profile and performed the same search using my old account and new one. There are definitely better looking girls in the clean slate account

Really? Hmm. That's fascinating. So a fresh account actually sees *better looking* people than an account that isn't in the top attractiveness pool...not sure what to think about that.


Really? Hmm. That's fascinating. So a fresh account actually sees *better looking* people than an account that isn't in the top attractiveness pool...not sure what to think about that.

my search was:

Who's New
Online in the last decade
Girls who like guys.

After looking at it some more it looks like my old account filters out the attractive people but the new fresh account includes everyone.


my search was:

Who's New
Online in the last decade
Girls who like guys.

After looking at it some more it looks like my old account filters out the attractive people but the new fresh account includes everyone.

Seems like it. Also using quickmatch atm as I've never tried it before and...holy shit does this thing promote two-second judgments about looks. Geeeez. That and the people who show up in it tend not to be the ones that show up in manual searches. This is all very confusing. So apparently manual searches are severely limited by your 'attractiveness level', however OKC determines it, probably through star ratings.


Seems like it. Also using quickmatch atm as I've never tried it before and...holy shit does this thing promote two-second judgments about looks. Geeeez. That and the people who show up in it tend not to be the ones that show up in manual searches. This is all very confusing. So apparently manual searches are severely limited by your 'attractiveness level', however OKC determines it, probably through star ratings.

yup. the "locals" option on mobile is even worse. they toss out the profile excerpts all together. lol

but yeah i thought it was weird why the people showing up in quick match and locals on my mobile had girls that were a lot more attractive than when i tried to actually do some manual searches.

so...yeah guys if you've been on the site for awhile and it feels like no new girls are joining up or the ones that are joining up aren;t your cup of tea...your star rating might be fucking with who you see especially if you're in a big city.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
The only time that I was asked for sex that wasn't used as an ice breaker was a fat, old couple who wanted me to have sex with the wife while the husband recorded it "for private use"


I have 115 likes on OKC. I've received 171 messages in total. I think only ONE was a straight-up invitation to have sex. Her message was even "are you big and are you looking to hook up?" Granted, I've seen some girls "looking for sex" constantly creeping my profile. Now that I think about it, I get many creepers. I assume they're all intimidated by something in my profile or just have too much pride. Meh.

Gonna keep my account closed, I like not having the urge to check my inbox every day like some addict.

EDIT: I'm only mentioning this because of the poster who's had 17 request to hook up. If hooking up is what you want, well, just continue what you're doing. I'm apparently incapable of attracting the most horny OKC has to offer, lol. :)


Lol this thread is interesting. Anyway, it made me decide to make a profile because it is free. It's interesting reading everyone else's experience in here.
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