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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Would change the profile pic to the "At the club suite" one. It's a nice smile, but the quality is bad. Other than that, no big problems, but not particularly exciting either. Maybe talk about what you're studying - could be a good talking point.

Yeah I had it as my profile pic but decided to switch it recently. I'll swap it back.

So, you're only looking for girls who are attending graduate school, love the Bulls, and Billy Madison?

How's that been going for you?

lol not well I guess. But even though I phrased it as "If you are any 1 (one) of the following", it still comes off as all of the below? How would you change it?

Not bad, but mostly the same advice as everyone else: you guys are too nice!

Don't think you're filling out a "this is what I'm looking for and this is what I am" dating questionnaire. Stand out from the crowd. Every lady is different, but you can generally assume that they're looking for someone who can sincerely make them laugh (not just haha funny, but actually funny) and who acts like he knows his shit.

I guess you mean the about me area? Okay I'll try to spruce it up.
I've come to the conclusion that I don't think girls read your profile. Because whenever one of them asks me a question, its always something related to what was already in my profile.

Example: I like sports

Question: are you a sports fan?


I've come to the conclusion that I don't think girls read your profile. Because whenever one of them asks me a question, its always something related to what was already in my profile.

Example: I like sports

Question: are you a sports fan?

I think they're just trying to start a conversation, buddy....


I'm sorry, but this site DOES NOT cater to black men who like to venture outside of they're own race. It's the sad truth.


I'm sorry, but this site DOES NOT cater to black men who like to venture outside of they're own race. It's the sad truth.

The opposite problem is true as well.

I'm white and I get 98% white matches. I have very little in the options of other races, yet I would actually like to pursue other races.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I can't find a white woman that loves my mexican skin goddammit.


Came back to this silly site a couple weeks ago just for the lulz, and met someone that seems too good to be true. I'm taking her out on Tuesday. Will keep you posted.

She's a fucking cute gamer vet assistant. wut.
I can't find a white woman that loves my mexican skin goddammit.

Why cant you love others regardless of their skin? So many matches in this world having many shades of beautiful colors.

Came back to this silly site a couple weeks ago just for the lulz, and met someone that seems too good to be true. I'm taking her out on Tuesday. Will keep you posted.

She's a fucking cute gamer vet assistant. wut.

Keep us posted. Youre very lucky to find a beautiful girl that could play games with you. Ill pray for you.


Came back to this silly site a couple weeks ago just for the lulz, and met someone that seems too good to be true. I'm taking her out on Tuesday. Will keep you posted.

She's a fucking cute gamer vet assistant. wut.

You don't really need your liver anyways, do you?


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Why cant you love others regardless of their skin? So many matches in this world having many shades of beautiful colors.

Because I've been dating around, but I find it kinda uncool that so far white chicks are just not that into me. It's become my personal goal to fix this. There's gotta be one... ONE. I think I've 'traveled the globe' so to speak already.


Came back to this silly site a couple weeks ago just for the lulz, and met someone that seems too good to be true. I'm taking her out on Tuesday. Will keep you posted.

She's a fucking cute gamer vet assistant. wut.

I hope things work out better with yours than it did with mine.


Are you blaming the site for this?
Nah dude, I blame the woman for not taking a chance on a brotha :p

I have no idea what these chick are looking for. Fucking Prince Charming to sweep them off their feet? I'm a nice guy, good looking too but it seems these woman (white) are looking for Brad Pitt. And I'm in fucking NYC, one of the most liberal places in the world.

It came down to me messaging woman (again, white) that mentioned things in their profile that showed that they liked black culture (hip-hop, black films). If they did, I knew I had a chance. The second thing I would look for was the question "Would you prefer to date someone of your own race". If no, I would message them, if yes, I wouldn't bother. Damn shame, right? I know, but it worked in some cases. I seriously think these woman say, "Black dude...probably ghetto..ugh...*delete message*

I gave the site a chance for four months, went on some dates. The last one being with some crazy chick of Vietnamese desent but nothing came of it. She was mad cool via email and texting but when I met her all she did was make annoying sarcastic jokes and make fun of me for not drinking with her. Seriously...who does that? Trust me, she wasn't kidding either. I'm a health nut and workout constatly. I rarely drink and on this night I preferred not to. Is it really that big a deal?

Anyways, after going out with all of them at least twice I never got a return call/text. Some of them I knew it wouldn't work but still wanted to keep in contact with, others just lead me on.

It was difficult at times too. I would go out with a new woman every two weeks. I think it was too much. What do you guys do? Do you talk and date multiple girls at the same time? I found it rather difficult to keep up with. I was afraid i might call the wrong name sometimes...lol. I think it prevented me from getting intimate with any of 'em because I didn't wanna get locked down with just one. I told all of them that I want take it slow and see how it goes. I think that could've been my downfall.

For the past month I havent gotten any hits (return messages). I go to the site once a week (usually Sunday night) and just send out a few messages but i havent gotten any replies. I just deleted my account tonight and noticed that 90% of the visits have been from black woman I never messaged...lol. Nothing wrong with that...just saying.

I think I'll give the site one more go around mid to late summer, but for now, I'm done. Gonna try again in the real world.

The opposite problem is true as well.

I'm white and I get 98% white matches. I have very little in the options of other races, yet I would actually like to pursue other races.
That's the thing that's weird. 90% of my matches are white woman. My white friends say I'm white washed...lol.


Also, is this a New York thing, but why does every fucking woman have a masters degree and has been to every corner of the damn world!? I wouldnt be surprised to see a woman say "I love to travel" and have a fucking picture from Outer Space.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I cant find a mexican women that loves my white skin. Trade you a family member?

My only sister is into black dudes. You're welcome to hit on all my of age cousins though. I've got like 8 aunts and they all seem to pump out more daughters than sons (minus my mother of course, she got 4 of us and one daughter).


Also, is this a New York thing, but why does every fucking woman have a masters degree and has been to every corner of the damn world!? I wouldnt be surprised to see a woman say "I love to travel" and have a fucking picture from Outer Space.

Must be a New York thing.

Here in Wisconsin, every girl "enjoys going out and having a good time, but also likes to cuddle up on the couch with a movie" and they're still in school.
Also, is this a New York thing, but why does every fucking woman have a masters degree and has been to every corner of the damn world!? I wouldnt be surprised to see a woman say "I love to travel" and have a fucking picture from Outer Space.
Ha, yes, that's a big city thing usually. Those types are turnoffs for me. Who doesn't love traveling? I just wouldn't define myself with it. It can also generally imply that the person will be emotionally unavailable if you're looking to find something long-term.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Ha, yes, that's a big city thing usually. Those types are turnoffs for me. Who doesn't love traveling? I just wouldn't define myself with it. It can also generally imply that the person will be emotionally unavailable if you're looking to find something long-term.

mmhmm, that's where I've kinda settled on those descriptions. I even put my own snarky little comment (or at least it felt snarky) at the top of my profile about traveling and people on OKC.

I get it. You went everywhere because someone was financially backing your movements across the world or went on some "build a house for poor people" trip back in junior college and you have this grand view of the world now.

I was on this site for over two years. Not only did I never get a date, but I only ever got one response out of all the messages I sent out. She said my attempts to be charming/funny were "pathetic" and that I was "remarkably unattractive".

So, if nothing else I would recommend this site to find out where you really stand on the fornication foodchain.


I was on this site for over two years. Not only did I never get a date, but I only ever got one response out of all the messages I sent out. She said my attempts to be charming/funny were "pathetic" and that I was "remarkably unattractive".

So, if nothing else I would recommend this site to find out where you really stand on the fornication foodchain.
What...the..fuck!? Are you serious?

Why even message a person if you're gonna say something like that.


I was on this site for over two years. Not only did I never get a date, but I only ever got one response out of all the messages I sent out. She said my attempts to be charming/funny were "pathetic" and that I was "remarkably unattractive".

So, if nothing else I would recommend this site to find out where you really stand on the fornication foodchain.

What kind of person would engage in conversation with you just to say those things?

Sounds like a sociopath.


I was on this site for over two years. Not only did I never get a date, but I only ever got one response out of all the messages I sent out. She said my attempts to be charming/funny were "pathetic" and that I was "remarkably unattractive".

So, if nothing else I would recommend this site to find out where you really stand on the fornication foodchain.
Goddamn. What a cold-blooded bitch. :|
Haha yeah, thanks for the support gafbros, rest assured that I totally reported her to the admins for breaking the message civility clause in the TOS, and sent her another reply that was intended to be just as scathing without actually breaking any of those rules. Im so cool
I was on this site for over two years. Not only did I never get a date, but I only ever got one response out of all the messages I sent out. She said my attempts to be charming/funny were "pathetic" and that I was "remarkably unattractive".

So, if nothing else I would recommend this site to find out where you really stand on the fornication foodchain.

Man you shouldve equaled her nasty message with one of your own. She probably felt like the shit after she said that, I would never let her have that "victory"

Edit: just read your last post, good for you!


I'm having a really hard time pepping myself up in my profile. Also, all my photos that I use in my profile are at least 2 years old, some 5.

I tried taking some new pictures today with some of the artwork I've been doing over the years in the background, but it was just not possible to do it alone or without a tripod.


Also, I HATE HATE HATE sending a message to a girl, see that she visited my profile shortly afterwards and not receive a single reply. Hurts the spirit, mang.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Said screw it and sent a bunch of messages out last night and finally got a conversation going with a soon to be doctorate student here. She seems very interesting, here's hoping something works! Site has not been kind to me yet.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Aw man you cant let little electronic "interactions" hurt your spirit. Keep it up!


I will go ahead and throw some message advice to anyone who cares. I've had an incredibly high message response rate, and I accredit it to sending short and cryptic messages to people that don't even invite a response. Examples:

Bad: "Hello! I'm Ryan and I was checking your profile and you sound like you have great taste in music! Also I see you're from Whateverville, do you like it? Were you born and raised there? Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and hopefully we get to talk soon! And I almost forgot to mention, you are so beautiful!"

Good: "Your cat looks like a monkey."

Trust me, you will be far more likely to get a response, and from there you can add the typical shit little by little.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Youre also like pretty above average good looking ryan not that that really relates to your post i think i just wanted to say that.


Youre also like pretty above average good looking ryan not that that really relates to your post i think i just wanted to say that.

I'm basing it on my experience sending both types of messages. When I first used the site a couple of years ago, I tried the bad kind of messages, and had VERY few responses. However since I started just saying "fuck it" and sending the weird short ones, the responses have been absolutely staggering. And I am convinced it will have the same effect with anyone regardless of appearance.


So, idk if you guys will really be able to help me with my profile without really knowing me, but I feel the lack of "me" in my profile is what is not hooking many messages back my way.

I'll probably regret sharing my identity with most of GAF, but whatevs, you guys are some of my closest friends, haha

There was a URL here. It's gone now.

Since I'm not able to think of things to elaborate on about myself I tried to keep it short and to the point, which is probably only doing me a disservice... along with my old old pictures.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Well, no one really wants to read a paragraph you know
(although some do, I recently wrote this really long passage because this girl wrote this amazing profile and I was just in awe of her prose, so I felt like I had to match it somehow), but yeah, short and succinct is the key.

So, idk if you guys will really be able to help me with my profile without really knowing me, but I feel the lack of "me" in my profile is what is not hooking many messages back my way.

I'll probably regret sharing my identity with most of GAF, but whatevs, you guys are some of my closest friends, haha


Since I'm not able to think of things to elaborate on about myself I tried to keep it short and to the point, which is probably only doing me a disservice... along with my old old pictures.

This is actually not that bad of a profile. It's very skimpy, but your sentences are intriguing. I want to know more. So either, pump up the profile a bit more (change your favorites sections into a dialogue and not a list) and fill something in that message me if section. You have a writing style that should be used more. Or maybe you're just using your natural voice which you should do more of.

A funny caption on your first two pics would be great as well.


This is actually not that bad of a profile. It's very skimpy, but your sentences are intriguing. I want to know more. So either, pump up the profile a bit more (change your favorites sections into a dialogue and not a list) and fill something in that message me if section. You have a writing style that should be used more. Or maybe you're just using your natural voice which you should do more of.

Thanks. I feel like If I were to go expository on the interests section it would get bloated to all hell. I find myself skimming that section for most matches anyway, just to make sure Eternal Sunshine and some other mandatory things are listed. haha

Yeah, the message me section is the only other one that I really want to fill out, but don't know how to go about it, because it kind of feels trite.

A funny caption on your first two pics would be great as well.

This I can do.
I'm basing it on my experience sending both types of messages. When I first used the site a couple of years ago, I tried the bad kind of messages, and had VERY few responses. However since I started just saying "fuck it" and sending the weird short ones, the responses have been absolutely staggering. And I am convinced it will have the same effect with anyone regardless of appearance.

Certainly a stellar plan if someone is using a PoF account. A good number of women tend to leave those profile barren, so a bizarre first message approach is probably the best strategy.


Been modifying my profile a bit. Will add better pictures (and obviously real pictures down the road) but I have seen this thread and I figure I ask for advice.

So here goes...


Your profile could get taken down if you don't put real pictures up ASAP. Just letting you know. Other than that, you don't really say what you're looking for, and if you're being sarcastic about "a relationship for hire" you don't make that very clear. I just don't know where to start to give advice.
How do I get vaccinated against HPV?

I just asked my doctor and his secretary said that yes he does. I made the necessary appointments and that was that. You get the first shot, the second one a month later, and the third one four months after that.

Your profile could get taken down if you don't put real pictures up ASAP. Just letting you know. Other than that, you don't really say what you're looking for, and if you're being sarcastic about "a relationship for hire" you don't make that very clear. I just don't know where to start to give advice.

Yeah I'm not too worried since I can always make another down the road. Although my thing is, I'm not too sure what I'm looking for. I'm really just winging it and seeing what happens. I'm not really being sarcastic about the "relationship for hire" and solicitation is probably a TOS violation of their site but I figure I try things out and see what happens.


First, I would ditch all talk about prostitution and how you would visit a whore.

I would also not mention anything about STD's, regardless of vaccinations. It implies that you're open to banging whores some more.

Mix up the "what i'm doing with my life" so it's not so "I'm putting this here to fill every blank."

Eliminate all middling language, such as "somewhat good", "trying to have fun", and the probably's, any's, fairly's, etc.

the interest section (movies, music, etc.) is really hard to read through with all the parentheses. either line break to eliminate those or do paragraph form.

Overall, give your profile the sense that you have a concrete direction in your life, you have grounded interests, and make no mention of topsy-turvy, flippant feelings. Also, please don't talk about whores.

And If you don't have a picture of you, draw one of you in MSPaint.


I will go ahead and throw some message advice to anyone who cares. I've had an incredibly high message response rate, and I accredit it to sending short and cryptic messages to people that don't even invite a response. Examples:

Bad: "Hello! I'm Ryan and I was checking your profile and you sound like you have great taste in music! Also I see you're from Whateverville, do you like it? Were you born and raised there? Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and hopefully we get to talk soon! And I almost forgot to mention, you are so beautiful!"

Good: "Your cat looks like a monkey."

Trust me, you will be far more likely to get a response, and from there you can add the typical shit little by little.

It depends on the girl, some people like specific things and having an intellectual conversation.

But anyway I feel like the phrasing in the first message is too fawning.


I'm sorry, but this site DOES NOT cater to black men who like to venture outside of they're own race. It's the sad truth.

The only girl i met on OKCupid was a white girl. She told me that she thinks that black guys she dated said black girls are more frigid and they don't get down as frequently as white girls....
I hope things work out better with yours than it did with mine.

What happened, dude? Last I saw you in this thread, things were going well.

I was on this site for over two years. Not only did I never get a date, but I only ever got one response out of all the messages I sent out. She said my attempts to be charming/funny were "pathetic" and that I was "remarkably unattractive".

So, if nothing else I would recommend this site to find out where you really stand on the fornication foodchain.

That's... fucked up. What a bitch.
Used to be ok a few years back. Now I have to scroll through like 100 profiles just to find a girl that isn't fat and/or hideous. Too much work. Might just be my area though.

Good luck on your date!

Disallow "other" religion option, should clear out 95% of the fatties.

But yeah the site works, I've met some rad chicks on there. If you have no success, it's probably a personal problem. The site isn't going to do everything for you.
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