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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Alright well I think I'm fucked. I think up to now I've messaged oh 20 or so cute girls, and I've been damn clever and made some non creepy/easy/light humored jokes based off their profiles to try and kick things off.

I've had 1 reply, and that's it.

I've come to the conclusion that I am indeed one ugly mother fucker and am doomed to a life of 5 knuckle shuffles.

Seriously though...the few girls who have visited MY profile or messaged me are 100% not cuties.

Am I fugly GAF? Or is my profile in general just weak as fuck. :/

Dude, the problem isn't your looks but all that shit in your profile description. If you're not an outdoors kind of person just remove that stuff about expecting your date to teach you how to "hike and camp" and don't mention it at all. It just sounds weak.

Also, you're 24 years old and you don't drink? LOL. What kind of a girl would want to go out with a guy who doesn't drink? It's a social thing. Either you pick up drinking or you don't mention it in your profile at all and make sure they don't find that out about you on the first date.


Dude, the problem isn't your looks but all that shit in your profile description. If you're not an outdoors kind of person just remove that stuff about expecting your date to teach you how to "hike and camp" and don't mention it at all. It just sounds weak.

Also, you're 24 years old and you don't drink? LOL. What kind of a girl would want to go out with a guy who doesn't drink? It's a social thing. Either you pick up drinking or you don't mention it in your profile at all and make sure they don't find that out about you on the first date.

You're an idiot if you seriously think girls give a shit about that. Not sure what the fuck kind of girls you've been dating that would reject someone on that basis...
they're shitty people


You're an idiot. You seriously think girls give a shit about that? Not sure what the fuck kind of girls you've been dating that would reject someone on that basis...
they're shitty people

Nah that's only if you smoke too! Joe Camel told me so.

First of all, smoking and drinking are two different things entirely in a social context. I know of girls who don't like guys who smoke. But I haven't met a single girl who doesn't like a guy just because he drinks (in moderation, of course). It's two entirely different thing.

Second of all, most girls aren't going to reject you if you don't drink but their inclination to date you probably drops significantly, which makes it that much harder to secure that first date on a site like OKCupid. After all, dating sites (not that I've ever used one so I could be wrong here) are all about first impressions and a lot of stuff going on there is probably mostly very superficial. This is why I said above to not mention it and to not let his date find out about it initally.


First of all, smoking and drinking are two different things entirely in a social context. I know of girls who don't like guys who smoke. But I haven't met a single girl who doesn't like a guy just because he drinks (in moderation, of course). It's two entirely different thing.

Second of all, most girls aren't going to reject you if you don't drink but their inclination to date you probably drops significantly, which makes it that much harder to secure that first date on a site like OKCupid. After all, dating sites (not that I've ever used one so I could be wrong here) are all about first impressions and a lot of stuff going on there is probably mostly very superficial. This is why I said above to not mention it and to not let his date find out about it initally.

There's actually an option on the side that asks if you drink. So it's not something that's hidden. And seriously if a girl doesn't want to date him because he doesn't drink ... not exactly the girl he'd be shooting for. If anything it weeds those superficial girls out.


There's actually an option on the side that asks if you drink. So it's not something that's hidden. And seriously if a girl doesn't want to date him because he doesn't drink ... not exactly the girl he'd be shooting for. If anything it weeds those superficial girls out.

I don't know what kind of girl he's shooting for and I doubt you do either. But your sweeping generalization of the kind of girls who would not date guys who don't drink is laughable. I presume you don't drink either?

Also, you make it sound like these sites are all about finding the one true love. LOL. Isn't it all just a numbers game? The better he makes himself out to be, the more likely that he would have a higher number of girls to interact with. From there, he can simply do the weeding out himself and let his personality (assuming he has one but then again, he doesn't drink, lol) shine through on his dates with the girls such that the drinking part becomes a non-factor. It's all about maximizing the numbers, isn't it?
For those of you who message girls and they respond and then stop responding all of a sudden, I actually found it successful to message them back again (albeit at a later time). Every time I've done it they've messaged me back. So it definitely does not hurt to try.
Dude, the problem isn't your looks but all that shit in your profile description. If you're not an outdoors kind of person just remove that stuff about expecting your date to teach you how to "hike and camp" and don't mention it at all. It just sounds weak.

Also, you're 24 years old and you don't drink? LOL. What kind of a girl would want to go out with a guy who doesn't drink? It's a social thing. Either you pick up drinking or you don't mention it in your profile at all and make sure they don't find that out about you on the first date.

I don't drink. You saying I don't have a shot?


The girl I was messaging and getting along well with hasn't been on since the last message 4 days ago. I asked her out in that message too and she hasn't even seen it. :(

Also, you're 24 years old and you don't drink? LOL. What kind of a girl would want to go out with a guy who doesn't drink? It's a social thing.

I drink plenty but that's a pretty dumb thing to say. If getting drunk is a make or break then that's pretty sad.


For those of you who message girls and they respond and then stop responding all of a sudden, I actually found it successful to message them back again (albeit at a later time). Every time I've done it they've messaged me back. So it definitely does not hurt to try.
Fuck that.

I always give a woman one call/text back. If I don't hear from them...fuck 'em. I don't have time to chase after woman. This is the digital age. There's no excuse not to get back to a person if they call/text/email you.


The girl I was messaging and getting along well with hasn't been on since the last message 4 days ago. I asked her out in that message too and she hasn't even seen it. :(

What kind of a girl would want to go out with a guy who doesn't drink?

I just want you to know that of the dozenish people I mentioned this quote to today (I saw it in the morning and was baffled about it throughout the day), not a single person managed to not call you bad names.

There's more than one type of girl in this world. If dude doesn't drink he probably has little chance with the partying types, but if he's not a drinker he probably didn't want any of those anyway.


all good things
I still get the occasional message from someone who's not very attractive though and I always feel like I have to message back because I don't wanna be mean.

Yeah... this wasn't such a good idea. That was three months ago and this person keeps sending me messages and views my profile every single day. I haven't replied to her in three months.

She lives in the same small town as I do too, if I ever see her in person I'm running as fast as I can in the opposite direction.


I dunno how much confidence you would get from messages like:

Holy shit I lost it at the can I lick your feet comment, man I love this thread.


Just logged into my profile as I have not used the site in like 3 months, I got 50% guys looking at my profile. WTF. I think it's all gaffers to, as this never happened before. But I remember posting my OKC profile in here a while ago. Fucking GAF man.


I'm thinking about making a new OKC account after deleting my old one about three months ago. What are some ideas for a good username? My old username was my nickname and the street that I live in which was pretty generic.

To give throw you guys a bone, I like to draw, I've done several paintings for art classes, I like to write, I live in NYC, I'm an Art and Media double major, and I speak Spanish among other things. I'm over thinking about it too much.
I'm thinking about making a new OKC account after deleting my old one about three months ago. What are some ideas for a good username? My old username was my nickname and the street that I live in which was pretty generic.

To give throw you guys a bone, I like to draw, I've done several paintings for art classes, I like to write, I live in NYC, I'm an Art and Media double major, and I speak Spanish among other things. I'm over thinking about it too much.



the piano man
would you guys say that many girls lie about their age??? I have set my profile to show me guys and girls around my age (early 30's) but the girls, damn... many could be very well over 40.

As a rule fo thumb, men are more handsome than women probably because gay men can't go asking who is gay in real life and need the site to meet likeminded fellows, whereas the good looking and nice girls must be constantly hit on in real life, way before they think about using a date site.


So thinks are looking up GAF.

Had several cute girls start messaging me back and all of them with fairly long responses in each message. I have very little issues carrying a conversation IF they reply back haha. I think every one I did send messages to at least visited my page, so probably after scoping out my profile they weren't feeling it which is no biggy.

Now I have a different situation. One of these girls I'm really feeling, but I think it might be too good to be true. I had a shitty experience once long ago where a girl was chatting me up and my friends too, then after we started hitting it off, she finally revealed she isn't the girl in her pics. Sort of frustrating since she was willing to keep up that BIG of a lie and try to form a relationship based off of a major one.

So I'm sort of hoping this isn't take 2 of that. Now I know first hand there are actually extremely good looking girls who are super nerdy and heavily into games as I'm friends with one of them. If you ever saw this girl on the street you'd be like woah, model, but she's a total nerd. However, I don't think I have that kind of luck lol.

Basically it's like almost 30 messages in and each one has been 5000 to 7000 characters in length. We really click, it's crazy how well. So we maaaay be hanging out on the 3rd to see Spiderman and hit up dinner. Up until now she has mentioned she wants to add me on AIM and facebook, but now she's saying she rarely uses facebook. Hmm. I gave her my AIM twice( I don't even use it, I made one just to make it easier to chat lol), but nothing there. She also said she'd add my battle net id next time she's on Diablo 3, was on D3, but didn't add me hmmm.

So should I wait it out and see if she is who she says she is at the movie theater when she shows up, OR should I save some possible fiasco from occurring and ask for a skype convo or maybe even just a pic of her with like the date written on a paper or my name or something.

I totally want to give her the benefit of the doubt, because the conversations are really great and it makes me wonder where a girl like this has been hiding lol.

So thinks are looking up GAF.

Had several cute girls start messaging me back and all of them with fairly long responses in each message. I have very little issues carrying a conversation IF they reply back haha. I think every one I did send messages to at least visited my page, so probably after scoping out my profile they weren't feeling it which is no biggy.

Now I have a different situation. One of these girls I'm really feeling, but I think it might be too good to be true. I had a shitty experience once long ago where a girl was chatting me up and my friends too, then after we started hitting it off, she finally revealed she isn't the girl in her pics. Sort of frustrating since she was willing to keep up that BIG of a lie and try to form a relationship based off of a major one.

So I'm sort of hoping this isn't take 2 of that. Now I know first hand there are actually extremely good looking girls who are super nerdy and heavily into games as I'm friends with one of them. If you ever saw this girl on the street you'd be like woah, model, but she's a total nerd. However, I don't think I have that kind of luck lol.

Basically it's like almost 30 messages in and each one has been 5000 to 7000 characters in length. We really click, it's crazy how well. So we maaaay be hanging out on the 3rd to see Spiderman and hit up dinner. Up until now she has mentioned she wants to add me on AIM and facebook, but now she's saying she rarely uses facebook. Hmm. I gave her my AIM twice( I don't even use it, I made one just to make it easier to chat lol), but nothing there. She also said she'd add my battle net id next time she's on Diablo 3, was on D3, but didn't add me hmmm.

So should I wait it out and see if she is who she says she is at the movie theater when she shows up, OR should I save some possible fiasco from occurring and ask for a skype convo or maybe even just a pic of her with like the date written on a paper or my name or something.

I totally want to give her the benefit of the doubt, because the conversations are really great and it makes me wonder where a girl like this has been hiding lol.


Well, using someone else's photo is altogether insane, so I think it's unlikely for that to happen twice to the same dude. Don't ask for the photo with a date, that's some weird kidnapped hostage type shit when someone asks for proof of life. Asking for a Skype conversation isn't a bad idea, as long as you don't let her know that you're being paranoid or think she's a liar. Requesting a conversation on Skype should flow organically.

Though, maybe you should just take the dive, if you really like her, and just meet her at the theater. Don't let creeping self-doubt and paranoia mess you up.

She is acting a bit odd, I'll give you that. But then again, she's female, so.............
So thinks are looking up GAF.

Had several cute girls start messaging me back and all of them with fairly long responses in each message. I have very little issues carrying a conversation IF they reply back haha. I think every one I did send messages to at least visited my page, so probably after scoping out my profile they weren't feeling it which is no biggy.

Now I have a different situation. One of these girls I'm really feeling, but I think it might be too good to be true. I had a shitty experience once long ago where a girl was chatting me up and my friends too, then after we started hitting it off, she finally revealed she isn't the girl in her pics. Sort of frustrating since she was willing to keep up that BIG of a lie and try to form a relationship based off of a major one.

So I'm sort of hoping this isn't take 2 of that. Now I know first hand there are actually extremely good looking girls who are super nerdy and heavily into games as I'm friends with one of them. If you ever saw this girl on the street you'd be like woah, model, but she's a total nerd. However, I don't think I have that kind of luck lol.

Basically it's like almost 30 messages in and each one has been 5000 to 7000 characters in length. We really click, it's crazy how well. So we maaaay be hanging out on the 3rd to see Spiderman and hit up dinner. Up until now she has mentioned she wants to add me on AIM and facebook, but now she's saying she rarely uses facebook. Hmm. I gave her my AIM twice( I don't even use it, I made one just to make it easier to chat lol), but nothing there. She also said she'd add my battle net id next time she's on Diablo 3, was on D3, but didn't add me hmmm.

So should I wait it out and see if she is who she says she is at the movie theater when she shows up, OR should I save some possible fiasco from occurring and ask for a skype convo or maybe even just a pic of her with like the date written on a paper or my name or something.

I totally want to give her the benefit of the doubt, because the conversations are really great and it makes me wonder where a girl like this has been hiding lol.


I have gone out with ten different girls via dating sites, and none of them ever looked really different from their actual pictures. The likelihood of this girl not being the person who she describes in her pictures are low.


Alright guys I'll dive in then.

I asked two friends too, and they told me to just think positive and not be paranoid as well.

It's funny how one shitty experience can sully the whole prospect of this.

Thanks gang. I'll let you know how it pans out later on.

...seriously though I have more visits from GAFfers than girls at this point though. :p
Alright guys I'll dive in then.

I asked two friends too, and they told me to just think positive and not be paranoid as well.

It's funny how one shitty experience can sully the whole prospect of this.

Thanks gang. I'll let you know how it pans out later on.

...seriously though I have more visits from GAFfers than girls at this point though. :p

I got like twenty Gaffers who checked out my profile in the last week or so. Several of them being super cute women.

Alright well I think I'm fucked. I think up to now I've messaged oh 20 or so cute girls, and I've been damn clever and made some non creepy/easy/light humored jokes based off their profiles to try and kick things off.

I've had 1 reply, and that's it.

I've come to the conclusion that I am indeed one ugly mother fucker and am doomed to a life of 5 knuckle shuffles.

Seriously though...the few girls who have visited MY profile or messaged me are 100% not cuties.

Am I fugly GAF? Or is my profile in general just weak as fuck. :/

i didn't read your profile but i looked atthe pics and you need to delete those pics with the goofy faces, maybe just keep 1. It makes you look like a dork and it's trying too hard. also remove the ones that are you alone taking it by yourself in the hallway. but mostly delete all the stupid face pics

*disclaimer: i don't have any experience with these sites nor do i have success with girls but you need people to be honest and the faces need to go. it's dorky and not funny and not the good kind of dorky
Let me ask another question because this will probably help steer more towards what I want.

Is OkCupid a good place for alternative girls? The ones who dye their hair different colors, have a lot of piercings, tats, like metal, etc.

That's more my type of thing. Should I mention that? I'm leaning towards yes.


What happened, dude? Last I saw you in this thread, things were going well.

Well she had a family reunion thing for a week and when she got back she was busy that week too but we planned to see each other (she'd come down to my place, watch a few films/TV shows on Netflix or something, play some games. Just something casual) but then didn't reply to any text I sent on the day she was coming down (asked her what time I should meet her and then if she was still coming down a while later).
Said that her dad had visited (for fathers day weekend) and was still down and she left her phone with him.
Then we made plans for the next day. I had an appointment that made it awkward to meet up so I told her I'd get it moved later and she could come down earlier and she seemed up for it, even promising she'd make it. I texted her in the morning and she seemed up for coming down, then I told her to text me when she was on the train and then nothing.
Then she ignored me (texts like, 'are you coming down?' a few hours after asking her to text me on the train, and a text the following days asking what was up with her). Nothing from her until I texted her again on Sunday asking what was up and what I did to her. Turns out she gets nervous at 'this' part and is always 'awkward with everything' and that I didn't do anything.
I thought it was good at first, her being nervous, like, she was nervous at getting more serious or something but then she said that 'we should be friends' =/
She was 'nervous' about telling me she didn't want to see me any more so instead of just being upfront and honest decided to be a bitch and make me worry and confuse me. And to be even more of a bitch I said we should talk about this, get everything straight, and she said 'can't talk now. I'll text you later' which she obviously didn't.

I don't know where I went wrong tbh. I think it was the whole family reunion thing and then being busy, that time and she decided she didn't want to see me anymore. She still goes on OKC though and I even had her profile on POF show up (and she uploaded a new pic a few days ago) so she is still looking for someone I guess. It's just annoying because I thought we got on so well, had tons in common (seriously loads) and seemed good together. Like, I don't get why she wouldn't want to keep seeing me.

Bah... that ended up longer and more whiny than it should have. I'm tired though so don't care =/


Let me ask another question because this will probably help steer more towards what I want.

Is OkCupid a good place for alternative girls? The ones who dye their hair different colors, have a lot of piercings, tats, like metal, etc.

That's more my type of thing. Should I mention that? I'm leaning towards yes.

Just be careful you don't typecast them when mentioning that. Try to make it seem like you think those characteristics are independent.


Man, this is my third conversation that I thought was going well that abruptly ended.

It's the one from last week that I'm the most disappointed about though. Not sure what is going wrong. It can't be my profile, because they've been looking at it and talking back and forth with me for a while somewhat extensively.

I must be saying something stupid or something else is going on.


i didn't read your profile but i looked atthe pics and you need to delete those pics with the goofy faces, maybe just keep 1. It makes you look like a dork and it's trying too hard. also remove the ones that are you alone taking it by yourself in the hallway. but mostly delete all the stupid face pics

*disclaimer: i don't have any experience with these sites nor do i have success with girls but you need people to be honest and the faces need to go. it's dorky and not funny and not the good kind of dorky

This is pretty good advice.

Zlatko do you have any pics of you doing a physical activity? Your profile describes you as fit. Some kind of sports action shot is usually a good second picture choice if you look like you're having fun and not a complete try-hard.

Other than that your profile is 'holy-fucking-hell' long. Needs to be reduced by at least half.

That is all the advice you need for now. The rest of the advice you got about drinking is retarded. Why would you hide not drinking? To find a girl who drinks often, so that the relationship will inevitably fall apart?

OKC is generally a shit show compared to POF, but IIRC from when I used to use it, you can sort searches by certain criteria, right? From now on, ONLY search for girls who don't drink. ONLY. Use that as a conversation starter. "I can't believe I finally found the only other person on this site who doesn't drink, haha! My name's Zlatko. Really like the part in your profile about .........."
...seriously though I have more visits from GAFfers than girls at this point though. :p

Your profile needs work. Delete the obvious self shots. You've got a ton of pics that look like they were taken from a laptop camera and you reference not being able to live without videogames and the internet a couple of times...that and your dream job being a videogame company. Nothing wrong with that, but it's going to give some chicks the wrong idea about your priorities.

A couple of things I thought might offend/push away women: The line about working out here and there not to look like a "blob". Not sure what type of women you want, maybe you don't like curvy women but a lot would bail after that. It's also kind of a rambling sentence to begin with about your knee injury and what not. TMI. I'd also never say I hate country music. Most women who love country music take it personally when you come out with that. A lot of country music lovers are also hot. No reason to step on toes for no reason and eliminate a potential base.

In general try to avoid saying you're unsure about a major or anything as big as that with your future. Women tend to want guys who know what they want. As much as it sucks a lot of women want someone who can potentially provide, so try to show a measure of alpha male as best you can.

The whole streaking across the football field thing and naked jumping jacks isn't going to be attractive to anyone other than the horniest of women at that moment and the attempt at comedy there isn't worth the net negative.

Man, this is my third conversation that I thought was going well that abruptly ended.

It's the one from last week that I'm the most disappointed about though. Not sure what is going wrong. It can't be my profile, because they've been looking at it and talking back and forth with me for a while somewhat extensively.

I must be saying something stupid or something else is going on.

You should be talking to hopefuls on the phone within a few days of going back and forth on OKC with conversation that has depth. I'd always be like okay can I get your number so we can talk? If they said they wanted to talk a little more on email I'd just bail. What the fuck are we going to do? Tell our life stories via IM? Lets chat and meet up ASAP instead of wasting each others time.

Women are surprised when I tell them how many messages I never got responded to on OKC or on internet dating sites. Truth is that over 50% of those women would have went out on a date with me if I'd approached them in person instead of online. The window shopping aspect of the site really kills everyones chances.
Your profile needs work. Delete the obvious self shots. You've got a ton of pics that look like they were taken from a laptop camera and you reference not being able to live without videogames and the internet a couple of times...that and your dream job being a videogame company. Nothing wrong with that, but it's going to give some chicks the wrong idea about your priorities.

A couple of things I thought might offend/push away women: The line about working out here and there not to look like a "blob". Not sure what type of women you want, maybe you don't like curvy women but a lot would bail after that. It's also kind of a rambling sentence to begin with about your knee injury and what not. TMI. I'd also never say I hate country music. Most women who love country music take it personally when you come out with that. A lot of country music lovers are also hot. No reason to step on toes for no reason and eliminate a potential base.

In general try to avoid saying you're unsure about a major or anything as big as that with your future. Women tend to want guys who know what they want. As much as it sucks a lot of women want someone who can potentially provide, so try to show a measure of alpha male as best you can.

The whole streaking across the football field thing and naked jumping jacks isn't going to be attractive to anyone other than the horniest of women at that moment and the attempt at comedy there isn't worth the net negative.

You should be talking to hopefuls on the phone within a few days of going back and forth on OKC with conversation that has depth. I'd always be like okay can I get your number so we can talk? If they said they wanted to talk a little more on email I'd just bail. What the fuck are we going to do? Tell our life stories via IM? Lets chat and meet up ASAP instead of wasting each others time.

Women are surprised when I tell them how many messages I never got responded to on OKC or on internet dating sites. Truth is that over 50% of those women would have went out on a date with me if I'd approached them in person instead of online. The window shopping aspect of the site really kills everyones chances.
This is some pretty fucking solid advice, good job.

::edit:: And you're a sneaky little shit, Timo. XD


You should be talking to hopefuls on the phone within a few days of going back and forth on OKC with conversation that has depth. I'd always be like okay can I get your number so we can talk? If they said they wanted to talk a little more on email I'd just bail. What the fuck are we going to do? Tell our life stories via IM? Lets chat and meet up ASAP instead of wasting each others time.

Women are surprised when I tell them how many messages I never got responded to on OKC or on internet dating sites. Truth is that over 50% of those women would have went out on a date with me if I'd approached them in person instead of online. The window shopping aspect of the site really kills everyones chances.

Conversation almost always stops after like two days, right when I'm thinking about skyping or seeing if they want to meet up.
girl story

This sounds a lot like what happened to me, although we didn't meet up. She messaged me first, said she wanted to meet up etc, then totally changed her mind. Obviously well within her rights, but it bummed me out because we had so much in common and she was really pretty. We're still messaging and stuff through Facebook so maybe in the future something might come of it but we'll see.

And speaking of POF, my account on there is essentially a joke, I only have two sentences in my description "my brother once said that I'm weird, but not good weird, hobo weird. Thats all that needs to be said really", and I got a girl messaging me saying she 'thinks she loves me a bit', so yeah maybe that approach works haha.


Conversation almost always stops after like two days, right when I'm thinking about skyping or seeing if they want to meet up.

lol same with me.

It's like some kind of phenomenon.

I recently disabled my profile for a few weeks while I was dating a girl but decided to put it back up. Ironically within 48 hrs of enabling it again, I received more attention seeking ME than I ever did in the year before... I received 4 messages in this 2 day period that girls initiated with me.

Now, 2 of them were rubbish, and a third one was only interested in a long distance pen pal sort of thing, but the 4th was a solid catch. She hasn't replied yet but we'll see.
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