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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Girls who do that have low self esteem. That's pretty much the bottom line. Camwhores are literally modern day prostitutes. Yeah they might not be taking in a dick for money, but they are spreading their pussy apart for hundreds of guys to jerk off to. Yeah if you're not really into doing anything serious, this could be a cool thing for you. But if you're looking for love, you can probably figure it out.



I don't see why so many people are shocked by that. I have had so many personal friends who have taken that road and that's exactly what it's turned into. Not good for dating.


Never heard the term cam model. Just reading this... someone who posts nudes of themselves online and charges money?? So like softcore porn?


Never heard the term cam model. Just reading this... someone who posts nudes of themselves online and charges money?? So like softcore porn?

Various porn sites have them too at this point.

You join a live stream with a chat, and a lady will most likely be pleasuring herself on camera for the viewers for $. Want a private chat/stream with just her? Well pony up more dough.

Some even have one of their "friends" over for fun. Boy or girl friends.

Either way, I have absolutely nothing against it, but I'd rather not date someone who has that as a job currently. Sort of feel her bits should be for my viewing alone and vice versa.
Lol... well, shit. I've been texting back and forth with this girl who messaged me, and she's starting to freak me out because instead of trying to make plans for a date, she keeps asking me where I work (as if she wants to come and visit). Uncomfortable.

I don't really care that she's the only girl who's actually messaged me in any way (lol online dating), but I don't want her coming and fucking around at work. I would go have a drink with her, but I wouldn't rate her high enough to allow her to come creep around at my work place. If she was a hottie then hell yea, but... some girls I'd rather not come around my friends. :p

Any ideas gaf? Red flag? Suck it up? Lmao @ this. XD

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I take it by the dozen dudes who just visited my profile that there's nothing really to improve? It just feels boring to me somehow.

Lol... well, shit. I've been texting back and forth with this girl who messaged me, and she's starting to freak me out because instead of trying to make plans for a date, she keeps asking me where I work (as if she wants to come and visit). Uncomfortable.

I don't really care that she's the only girl who's actually messaged me in any way (lol online dating), but I don't want her coming and fucking around at work. I would go have a drink with her, but I wouldn't rate her high enough to allow her to come creep around at my work place. If she was a hottie then hell yea, but... some girls I'd rather not come around my friends. :p

Any ideas gaf? Red flag? Suck it up? Lmao @ this. XD

Just tell her you have to set some boundaries on your personal life when it comes to getting to know people online. Then suggest to go somewhere to walk and talk.

There is no way I would let a hot girl that I barely know drop by my work/home.
So the date with the cute vet tech yesterday went absolutely fantastic.

One little shitty snag was that due to the tropical storm in Florida, the bridge from me to her was closed, so a 35 minute drive turned into a 90 minute drive. But luckily it was worth it. We saw Prometheus since she hadn't seen it yet, had a blast, then went for a beer afterwards. We sat outside in this cute little courtyard and drank some imported lagers, had some incredible conversation, and before we knew it 3 hours had passed and we went home. Planning the second date very soon.

Bravo, mate. Glad to hear this girl seems to have vast potential for you!


all good things
Same here. I'm not upset that it's black women, it's just the fact that they all look like they made that Sittin' On Tha Toilet video.

Lol none of the ones I've gotten have looked like that.

Some of the white women have though and they usually have kids.

Edit: A few have lived in Baltimore and don't own a car... yeah no thanks.


GAF... I am confused out of my god damn mind.

So, the girl I was chatting up, as mentioned before we clicked like crazy. Our messages were super long and super deep. I was on a roll because when we talked on AIM she was telling me how great I am, was always flirting hard, complimenting me, and letting me know I was so good at making her laugh.

Rewind to about 3 days ago. She mentions she couldn't talk that much that day, was sorry, and that her grandma was in the hospital. Which is true, because she mentioned it the day before that in detail, etc.

I messaged her it's no biggy. Is her grandma okay, etc. Simple not too long 2 paragraphish message.

So I made sure not to visit her profile during these times so that I don't come off as a creep obviously, and was playing it cool till she got back to me. People got lives, shit is going on, no problem.

I get on tonight and check my messages from other people when I notice that the ones from her...are missing a picture. I click the message and it says the profile was deleted.



She deleted her profile probably because she's going through shit with her grandma in the hospital and the fact that she found someone great (you) already, so no need to keep the profile up.

Keep your eyes peeled on AIM and see if she logs on and sends you a message.


GAF... I am confused out of my god damn mind.

So, the girl I was chatting up, as mentioned before we clicked like crazy. Our messages were super long and super deep. I was on a roll because when we talked on AIM she was telling me how great I am, was always flirting hard, complimenting me, and letting me know I was so good at making her laugh.

Rewind to about 3 days ago. She mentions she couldn't talk that much that day, was sorry, and that her grandma was in the hospital. Which is true, because she mentioned it the day before that in detail, etc.

I messaged her it's no biggy. Is her grandma okay, etc. Simple not too long 2 paragraphish message.

So I made sure not to visit her profile during these times so that I don't come off as a creep obviously, and was playing it cool till she got back to me. People got lives, shit is going on, no problem.

I get on tonight and check my messages from other people when I notice that the ones from her...are missing a picture. I click the message and it says the profile was deleted.


Over what period of time was this?


Yeah keep your AIM on for a while and see if she logs on.

Yeah I've had it on regularly since we haven't chatted these past few days. No sign of her on there.

I guess my bad for not trying to give her my digits. I DID let her know my facebook, but she said she never uses hers but would add me the next time she was on. Yeah there's people without facebooks sure, but it seemed kinda odd she wouldn't just add me while we were talking online that night either way lol.

This all happened over the course of a week.

It's just super frustrating and weird. Yeah I'm a little bummed, but only because it'd be nice to know if I had done something, there was some other dude, whatever the case. Left wondering WTF and why is waaaaay worse than whatever the truth is.

Edit: Also, if she deleted it because she was dealing with her grandma and was comfortable with me as someone she wants to pursue, then why wasn't I informed so as to not get super creeped out like I am now.
Just tell her you have to set some boundaries on your personal life when it comes to getting to know people online. Then suggest to go somewhere to walk and talk.

There is no way I would let a hot girl that I barely know drop by my work/home.
That may work. I just kind of left her text hanging earlier because I wasn't sure htf to respond to her inquiry. XD


GAF... I am confused out of my god damn mind.

So, the girl I was chatting up, as mentioned before we clicked like crazy. Our messages were super long and super deep. I was on a roll because when we talked on AIM she was telling me how great I am, was always flirting hard, complimenting me, and letting me know I was so good at making her laugh.

Rewind to about 3 days ago. She mentions she couldn't talk that much that day, was sorry, and that her grandma was in the hospital. Which is true, because she mentioned it the day before that in detail, etc.

I messaged her it's no biggy. Is her grandma okay, etc. Simple not too long 2 paragraphish message.

So I made sure not to visit her profile during these times so that I don't come off as a creep obviously, and was playing it cool till she got back to me. People got lives, shit is going on, no problem.

I get on tonight and check my messages from other people when I notice that the ones from her...are missing a picture. I click the message and it says the profile was deleted.

If she deleted her OKC profile, that could mean she likes you enough that she's not interested in meeting anyone else right now.


If she deleted her OKC profile, that could mean she likes you enough that she's not interested in meeting anyone else right now.

Yeah and I edited just now that wouldn't she idk...tell me? We have no other means to communicate other than AIM, and I haven't spoken to her on that since the same time I left her my last message...


all good things
Grrr.. I switched from OKcupid to plenty of fish and even though I'm getting like 10 times as many views everyone's profile is so short so I have no idea what to say to anybody.

OKcupid has all the different sections and questions in profiles but plenty of fish profiles give you like nothing to work with the majority of the time.

I don't really get why I'm getting more views either. Same exact pictures of myself and on OKcupid I would go days without getting one view.


Yeah and I edited just now that wouldn't she idk...tell me? We have no other means to communicate other than AIM, and I haven't spoken to her on that since the same time I left her my last message...
I wouldn't expect someone to tell me that honestly.

Just give it time, she could be going through a tough time right now and may need some time. Don't overthink it, even though it's hard for anyone not to. :_)


I wouldn't expect someone to tell me that honestly.

Just give it time, she could be going through a tough time right now and may need some time. Don't overthink it, even though it's hard for anyone not to. :_)

LMAO. Yeah totally true.

I'm still confused, started to get pissed, now I'm just mega bummed.

I don't think online dating is for me hahaha. My guard was up a massive amount for women due to past relationships, but I was stupid enough to get my hopes up with her.

Grrr! Damn yous women! Spawn of Satan I tell ya. ;)


I highly doubt it's that since they never actually met.

Yup. Pics were exchanged. A date was about 80% set up, was going to confirm it here this weekend/end of week. Plus, she offered to want to skype me, but the night I said let's do it she said she had a horrible cough that she had to see the doctor for. I respected that since I doubted any girl wants her first impression of seeing someone with her coughing/sick.She apparently was sick 2 weeks ago the cold went away but the cough didn't.

Idk I think I got played :p


I don't think online dating is for me hahaha. My guard was up a massive amount for women due to past relationships, but I was stupid enough to get my hopes up with her.

Grrr! Damn yous women! Spawn of Satan I tell ya. ;)

I wouldn't sweat it much man, you're going to have to go through a few chicks just to get to a date, you'll have to go through a few first dates just to get to a second date, and then so-on-and-so-forth until you finally land the right one that you actually want to begin a relationship with. It's all about perseverance good sir.


You're online... TALK TO ME DAMMIT. Our conversation ended abruptly! TALK TO MEEE




etc etc. :p

So to my surprise GAF was right. I just woke up here a little bit ago, and checked AIM on the off chance she left a message on there while I was offline. Total shock she actually did, let me know she was legit busy with her grandma, deleted her profile because it was getting filled up with messages/spam. She said she has this whole weekend free and we can talk if I'm still interested.

I made a semi slip up though. I left her a message while she was offline on there before that.

"So I doubt you'll ever get this message, but uuuh what happened? I got on okcupid checking messages and saw yours no longer had a pic? Says your profile was deleted? ... Kinda weird I won't lie. I mean if there was another guy, or I did something, whatever the case, it would've been nice to know.

And for whatever it was worth I thought you were amazing, and someone I was genuinely interested in getting to know more and try to spend time with. Sorry if I did anything.

Hope you're okay, and your granny too. :( "

I feel red in the face big time! This site definitely brought out the worst in me in terms of being a desperate looking douche canoe.

Hopefully I can recover. I mean she saw this message and was still wanting to talk and shit, and I made a recovery message to smooth it over.

So, here's hoping GAF.
She might have read that message and then decided to contact you, because you are genuine. Anyway she's obviously into you so just keep on what you're doing !


I made a semi slip up though. I left her a message while she was offline on there before that.

I feel red in the face big time! This site definitely brought out the worst in me in terms of being a desperate looking douche canoe.

Hopefully I can recover. I mean she saw this message and was still wanting to talk and shit, and I made a recovery message to smooth it over.

So, here's hoping GAF.

You're all clear kid, wahoo...she seems like she is into you, just did what most of us would have done, it's hard to hold back if you want to know the deal.

On my side, I have a date Saturday and this other really insanely hot/interesting got back to me, said she was sorry but she was away..I had figured she just wasn't interested but lo and behold.



etc etc. :p

So to my surprise GAF was right. I just woke up here a little bit ago, and checked AIM on the off chance she left a message on there while I was offline. Total shock she actually did, let me know she was legit busy with her grandma, deleted her profile because it was getting filled up with messages/spam. She said she has this whole weekend free and we can talk if I'm still interested.

I made a semi slip up though. I left her a message while she was offline on there before that.

"So I doubt you'll ever get this message, but uuuh what happened? I got on okcupid checking messages and saw yours no longer had a pic? Says your profile was deleted? ... Kinda weird I won't lie. I mean if there was another guy, or I did something, whatever the case, it would've been nice to know.

And for whatever it was worth I thought you were amazing, and someone I was genuinely interested in getting to know more and try to spend time with. Sorry if I did anything.

Hope you're okay, and your granny too. :( "

I feel red in the face big time! This site definitely brought out the worst in me in terms of being a desperate looking douche canoe.

Hopefully I can recover. I mean she saw this message and was still wanting to talk and shit, and I made a recovery message to smooth it over.

So, here's hoping GAF.

Some ladies will see a douche canoe some ladies will see a real person.


Poet Centuriate
I keep consider getting an OKC but I know I'd probably just be another face in the crowd and I'm not sure how young is looked down upon on dating sites. I asked this in the dating-age thread like a week ago or so, but (other than the technical allowed age by the site) at what age would you deem "appropriate" of online dating. Are you looked down upon for being below a certain age, or above a certain age?


I keep consider getting an OKC but I know I'd probably just be another face in the crowd and I'm not sure how young is looked down upon on dating sites. I asked this in the dating-age thread like a week ago or so, but (other than the technical allowed age by the site) at what age would you deem "appropriate" of online dating. Are you looked down upon for being below a certain age, or above a certain age?

what? there are people of every age on OKC, so just sign up and limit your searches to your age range.


Well, I tried eHarmony when I was about 18 and people my age were just needy, ugly, fat girls. Joining OKC at 23 and looking for people around my age has yielded a handful of hopefuls.

If anything, age only correlates to the desperation and neediness. Personally, it seems like "normal" people at least get a couple years outta high school before they realize they should try different avenues of meeting new people via dating sites.

I would assume 30 year olds have quite the selection when it comes to these things.
Well, I tried eHarmony when I was about 18 and people my age were just needy, ugly, fat girls. Joining OKC at 23 and looking for people around my age has yielded a handful of hopefuls.

If anything, age only correlates to the desperation and neediness. Personally, it seems like "normal" people at least get a couple years outta high school before they realize they should try different avenues of meeting new people via dating sites.

I would assume 30 year olds have quite the selection when it comes to these things.

I'm 25 and there are a lot of attractive women on Match around my age group. But of course the problem is there is no way to tell who cannot reply back to you.


Grrr.. I switched from OKcupid to plenty of fish and even though I'm getting like 10 times as many views everyone's profile is so short so I have no idea what to say to anybody.

OKcupid has all the different sections and questions in profiles but plenty of fish profiles give you like nothing to work with the majority of the time.

I don't really get why I'm getting more views either. Same exact pictures of myself and on OKcupid I would go days without getting one view.

I use both, but I definitely get way more views and unsolicited messages on POF, and the girls on POF seem to be better looking and more interesting overall, but that could just be my area, who knows.

If they viewed you, that's a good sign that they are at least intrigued by you, and they may not want to message you first, since most girls think they shouldn't.

Try asking the ones that viewed you a random question, or if there is something in their profile that you think is interesting.
I use both, but I definitely get way more views and unsolicited messages on POF, and the girls on POF seem to be better looking and more interesting overall, but that could just be my area, who knows.

If they viewed you, that's a good sign that they are at least intrigued by you, and they may not want to message you first, since most girls think they shouldn't.

Try asking the ones that viewed you a random question, or if there is something in their profile that you think is interesting.

It's the complete opposite for me. I cant get girls to view my POF profile, even after sending a message I get no views. As opposed to OKC then its the complete opposite.



etc etc. :p

So to my surprise GAF was right. I just woke up here a little bit ago, and checked AIM on the off chance she left a message on there while I was offline. Total shock she actually did, let me know she was legit busy with her grandma, deleted her profile because it was getting filled up with messages/spam. She said she has this whole weekend free and we can talk if I'm still interested.

I made a semi slip up though. I left her a message while she was offline on there before that.

"So I doubt you'll ever get this message, but uuuh what happened? I got on okcupid checking messages and saw yours no longer had a pic? Says your profile was deleted? ... Kinda weird I won't lie. I mean if there was another guy, or I did something, whatever the case, it would've been nice to know.

And for whatever it was worth I thought you were amazing, and someone I was genuinely interested in getting to know more and try to spend time with. Sorry if I did anything.

Hope you're okay, and your granny too. :( "

I feel red in the face big time! This site definitely brought out the worst in me in terms of being a desperate looking douche canoe.

Hopefully I can recover. I mean she saw this message and was still wanting to talk and shit, and I made a recovery message to smooth it over.

So, here's hoping GAF.
Damn dude, what did we tell you?

Your mind is your own barrier to success here. Don't drop that confidence again!


I'm talking to this girl right now, she msg'd me first, and I'm kinda turned off cause she got no job and only AA degree.

I guess i'm still talking to her cause i'm bored. :\

should i continue or just bail.
I'm talking to this girl right now, she msg'd me first, and I'm kinda turned off cause she got no job and only AA degree.

I guess i'm still talking to her cause i'm bored. :\

should i continue or just bail.

Does that really matter so much to you? A lot of wonderful people happen to not have a job right now, and college is incredibly expensive (to the point where you would need to have that aforementioned job in addition to borrowing massive amounts of money to attend). If you're not interested in her, that's one thing. But don't run off because her life isn't going as well as other peoples' might be.

"she has no job", college-boy ;)
So that cam model IM'd me on OKCupid and eventually invited me to join her webshow for $10. I respectfully declined.

But I guess I can cross off "Got solicited for a cam show on OKCupid" from my bucket list.
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