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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Nah, so many people decide on pursuing contact based solely on the profile picture(s).

In the meantime use angle shots if you wanna prime up some dates while you fit up.


Zlatko love you in D3 thread and in here. Stay fucking undercore and all will work out man.

Undercore gaffers are the best gaffers. ;)

Yeah like I mentioned with the one I saw that was a cam model and linked to her chats to see her on cam, it made me think sites like these are just easy ways to get revenue for them. Seems I was correct lol.

As for an update on my situation we spoke a long while last night and she explained the whole getting rid of the profile story in more detail. It was two creepy ass guys doing shit like 7-8 messages a day even without replies...

Everything else played out cool and was a fun chat, and I gave her my digits at the end of it and told her to give me a text tomorrow(now today).


Since I started up my account I've been on a massive work out grind and watching my diet. If anything a site like this can be motivation to getting into better shape, plus it gives you another thing to talk about with a girl who may be into working out herself.
It's good man, funny. I would take out the "fucking" though. I think it's good for the comedy effect there but some girls aren't into profanity. Gotta feel their personality out before you start dropping lines like that.

Thanks, I kind of like the profanity, it's kind of like a girl filter. I don't want to be in a relationship with a girl I can't express myself with.

EDIT: Gee, Gaf. I woke up with 15 notifications.


Thanks, I kind of like the profanity, it's kind of like a girl filter. I don't want to be in a relationship with a girl I can't express myself with.

EDIT: Gee, Gaf. I woke up with 15 notifications.

I'm the same way with profanity. I like screening out people that I have to censor myself around. That way both of us know what to expect.


I like to pretend I don't swear like a sailor. Makes me feel better about myself until someone records me talking, then I hear my odd sounding voice and my fucking gutter mouth.


I'm not talking every other word, just enough for them know what's up. There are a lot of overly religious types and saving-myself-for-marriage types that I have no desire to waste my time with.
I'm not talking every other word, just enough for them know what's up. There are a lot of overly religious types and saving-myself-for-marriage types that I have no desire to waste my time with.

Pretty much this.
I don't want to meet a girl, throw some curse words at her and have her get offended and leave.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Thanks, I kind of like the profanity, it's kind of like a girl filter. I don't want to be in a relationship with a girl I can't express myself with.

EDIT: Gee, Gaf. I woke up with 15 notifications.

Profanity can be totally beautiful if there's a certain eloquence and spontaneity to it. A profile is something you script out, so that makes the swear words have less impact. Just my own honest, subjective opinion but do whatever works for you.

Anyhow, I'm not sure you want to mention getting stoned and playing games every Friday. It might make you seem not too social.
Profanity can be totally beautiful if there's a certain eloquence and spontaneity to it. A profile is something you script out, so that makes the swear words have less impact. Just my own honest, subjective opinion but do whatever works for you.

Anyhow, I'm not sure you want to mention getting stoned and playing games every Friday. It might make you seem not too social.

I'm just being honest V.V
Good idea though.
Exchange one or two messages. She sends me her number, we exchange a few texts and then she says she'll call me at X. She actually calls a couple of hours late, but I was in the shower so I missed it. I come out, its been 5 minutes since the call, ring back, no answer. Sent a text apologising explaining I was in the shower. No reply all night.

Normally I'd just call back another day, but I get the impression she expects me to try to call again tonight


Exchange one or two messages. She sends me her number, we exchange a few texts and then she says she'll call me at X. She actually calls a couple of hours late, but I was in the shower so I missed it. I come out, its been 5 minutes since the call, ring back, no answer. Sent a text apologising explaining I was in the shower. No reply all night.

Normally I'd just call back another day, but I get the impression she expects me to try to call again tonight

Naw man. You are playing phone tag, plus you left a text to explain what went down. Oh AND she goofed on when to call.

Ball is in her court. Sucks, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to get a hold of her if she doesn't try to get a hold of you tonight.


Naw man. You are playing phone tag, plus you left a text to explain what went down. Oh AND she goofed on when to call.

Ball is in her court. Sucks, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to get a hold of her if she doesn't try to get a hold of you tonight.


Just to back this up.


I had my first OKC date today it went awesome... It was more like a triple date in one day, we went for a walk/hike then lunch and finally went to see TED, which was funny as hell. We held hands all old fashioned like and the chemistry is there for sure, no weird pauses or anything. I cant wait to see her again.

To all those trying, keep at it, it'll happen for you.


"I'm just a simple girl"

Or the always amusing, I'm not like any girl you've ever met, haha

Also every girl hates mind games, then how do they still happen all the time?

And at least by me, every girl loves the outdoors, lot of very similar profiles on both


How many of them have you dated exactly?



Just updated mine a bit. Please let me know what you guys think!


I would recommend putting up a picture of you smiling, preferably as your main profile pic. It can help make you seem more inviting and warm. Also, maybe change the line about "typical Friday night" from the blurb about the dwindling friend circle and say something like "goof around with my close friends" or some such. Otherwise it's very good.

Edit: You also look really good with short hair (your last pic, in the sweatshirt) maybe combine a new haircut with the smiling picture for bonus points.


I would recommend putting up a picture of you smiling, preferably as your main profile pic. It can help make you seem more inviting and warm. Also, maybe change the line about "typical Friday night" from the blurb about the dwindling friend circle and say something like "goof around with my close friends" or some such. Otherwise it's very good.

Edit: You also look really good with short hair (your last pic, in the sweatshirt) maybe combine a new haircut with the smiling picture for bonus points.

Thanks for the feedback, very much appreciated!

I submitted my photos through My Best Face and that helped me determine which photo to use based on the ratings received. You're not the first to tell me I look better with shorter hair, but there are also many others that claim I look better with longer hair, too. I feel very conflicted!

And about the dwindling social circle... well, it's true so I can't even lie and say I spend time with any close friends (I don't really have that many). But, I can see where you're coming from so I just took that out.


Alright! Got a phone number.

Bit of an age difference but I don't care I'm happy.

If there's grass on the field... play ball!

No, seriously, ask for ID right after you say, "Hello". If she balks at all, run out of there screaming.

You don't want to meet Chris Hansen.


Well the weekend came and passed. Didn't hear shit from her at all. Left her my digits last time we spoke and she wanted them, and told her to give me a text to see what's up. Never did, but no big deal.

I think I'll just play this one cool here on out. I've made the right moves, made myself available and tried to set up a hang out time this weekend, or tomorrow if she wants to hit up Spiderman which she was up for, but at this point who knows?

Extremely cool girl, but odds are I'm just into her more than her into me. I'll see if she gets a hold of me at all this week, or if I bump into her on IM to see what's shakin.

Otherwise, I feel I might as well just ask out this other girl who has been chatting me up to see Spiderman tomorrow if girl #1 doesn't get back to me.

*dusts off his shoulder* Ain't no thang.


Good point. Try to confirm her actual age. Some of my female friends dated men who were in their 30s when they were sixteen.

Is there a non...super forward way to confirm the age that he could try?

Generally people don't lie on facebook about it right? So if he adds her on there he can confirm/deny. Even if she was clever enough to say change her bday year, he could still follow the photograph trail and dates. Odds are she has senior year pictures still up if she's that young, and you can just check when they were uploaded and deduce if she's full of it or not.

I'd be way too damn nervous to just say, "Let me some ID." Seems sort of like the wrong foot to get off on lol. :p



A girl just asked me on a date in her first message. I don't even think I have much in common with her and she's two years older, I don't know what to do, hahaha. This is weird.



A girl just asked me on a date in her first message. I don't even think I have much in common with her and she's two years older, I don't know what to do, hahaha. This is weird.


Is she hot?

If so, why not? If not, then be like I'd be up for that, but maybe we could talk a little more to see if it's worth our time.


She is attractive yeah. It's just I haven't been on a date for like 2 years, since I started going out with my ex, and never like this before.

I'm nervous, haha.
I'm going on a date with a girl from OKC in about an hour.

Whatever goes, goes. I'll make sure we have a good time. The only thing that is weird/nervous about the whole thing is I've never gone on a date with a girl I've never seen in person!


I'm going on a date with a girl from OKC in about an hour.

Whatever goes, goes. I'll make sure we have a good time. The only thing that is weird/nervous about the whole thing is I've never gone on a date with a girl I've never seen in person!

Careful there's gonna be a slight shock when you first see her since in your mind she's only been in pictures and probably those that make her look her best, not that this is bad at all just be prepared and have fun!!


I'm going on a date with a girl from OKC in about an hour.

Whatever goes, goes. I'll make sure we have a good time. The only thing that is weird/nervous about the whole thing is I've never gone on a date with a girl I've never seen in person!


2 in the pink, 1 in the stink.

;) Have fun man.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Just have fun man... Can't sweat these kinds of things. She's just a new person that is coming into your life and hopefully she comes out a friend (if something else comes from it then even better).
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