I'll post my OKCupid success story here, originally posted in the "Show off your wife..." thread:
I met my wife about a year ago via OKCupid. In fact the date of our first "contact" was 7/5/2011. Anyway, we dated for about three months until mid-September when she very suddenly broke up with me to date an ex. She explained that she felt that relationship was "unfinished," etc...
She's awesome so I decided to remain friends with her. Plus, I knew that the relationship with the ex wouldn't last so I'd be around to pick up the pieces. We talked everyday and ended up becoming best friends. We'd hang out on occasion but everything was platonic, even though things weren't going well with her and the ex.
During this time we had a running joke about my having to marry for tax purposes. I said it was either going to be her or a Russian bride.
On the Tuesday before Christmas we were talking on the phone (she had just had a fight with the guy she was dating and the writing was on the wall that she was done with that relationship) and at the end of the conversation she said to me "One day really soon we're going to have to talk about how serious you are about that marriage thing" and then she hung up the phone. The next day we IMed while we were both working (she's a teacher) and it was a very awkward conversation because she made it clear that:
1) She was very serious
2) I couldn't ask her via IM or phone
and I made it very clear that:
1) I couldn't ask her at all until she dumped the dude.
So, she broke up with the dude that night and we met up for dinner the next day where we proceeded to propose to each other over a basket of sweet potato fries (how romantic?). Evidently she had been thinking about marrying me for several weeks and had talked to a couple of friends and her mom about it. All of them supported the decision, even her mom who had never met me and had only heard about me through her.
We went ring shopping the next day and decided to get married right after Christmas. We wanted to do it in Maryland but couldn't because they have a waiting period after you apply for a marriage license. We ended up getting married in Michigan, where her family lives.
She met my family for the first time on Christmas Day and I met her family for the first time the day after Christmas.
I literally left my office the Thursday before Christmas totally single - not dating anyone, etc... and came back week later married. Everyone was shocked, even though everyone knew I had been totally heartsick over this girl since she broke up with me.
So yeah, it was a spur of the moment thing but it's been great. We bought and settled on a house less than two months after getting married as well.
One other thing. Her parents are separated and while she's close with her dad she's not *that* close so she didn't tell him we were dating when we were actually dating. She just told him she was going to marry me and his response was "Who the fuck is this guy?" So meeting him was awkward but he came around very quickly. It probably helps that he's engaged to someone younger than my wife (his daughter).