So I had my 3rd date with this girl last night. It was a hilarious, and slightly shitty evening, but ended amazingly. Basically, I wanted to go out to eat with her in Denver and go see Ted. Since I had driven to see her twice, this time I had her come here. I got her flowers, because I figured this date I should step it up and make it a kick ass night. So we get down there, parking in a 24 hour parking garage/ramp(this is important to the story later on), and then went to the theater. We killed about 15 minutes talking till the movie started and being touchy feely.
Movie was hilarious, and then we had to walk a few blocks to get to the place we wanted to eat. It was around 10 when we got to eating, and probably around 10:30ish when we were done. Great food.
So this is where shit gets ugly. We opted to go back up to the movie theater area then to the parking garage via a different route. Both of us never go into Denver and are from small towns, so she was fairly nervous downtown the whole night. I'm not that kind of person, but it felt bad seeing her stressed out for the next well hour. We get lostish. Then we try to retrace our steps, then we finally found the parking garage sometime later. The whole time she had to walk in flip flops, so her feet were killing her and she was definitely stressed to the max. When we found the garage we weren't sure if it was the right one, because apparently 24 hours means not 24 hours since it was locked up during night. Basically I fucked up and had no clue if you didn't park out in a lot, that at night they lock up the garage till morning. Ugh.
I had to hail a cab, and she spent the night since if I had gotten a cab to where she lives, it'd be about a 2 hour drive. I was hoping for a fairly inexpensive date, but with flowers, dinner, movie tickets, parking garage, and cab fair it was more than I had planned for.
The night back at my place was perfect though, and she told me she still had a really amazing time and it'll make a great story.
Going to wait maybe a week or two more to see how well it goes and not rush into anything, since last few g/fs I started dating them quick, and I'd rather not fuck anything up here and just let things happen naturally.