ive got my 3rd date next wednesday... she's a super lady.
This I like!
It does suck I had to grind so hard, but it'll play out differently for everyone. I'm a decent looking dude, and I grinded hard for 2 months straight. My profile was probably not the best either.
If you can get:
Solid pics with variety(Face pics/smiling, out and about pics, if you are in shape you doing athletic things, pics with friends/family)
Profile that is not too short, but not too long.
And you message somewhere around 3-5 woman a night, then you should start to see results.
Don't question yourself in who you message. If she is attractive, even if you think out of your league, fuck it message her. Your personality could be JUST what she wants and that'll go far. I had girls I messaged on here for quite a while that I felt were a few steps above me, but I still kept at since I know I'm a cool dude worth any chick's time if she gives me the chance. Go in with that mind set.
As always messages should say hello, say something interesting or funny about their profile, and always try to have 1-2 questions per message to keep conversations going.