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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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I never really got what's difficult about it, especially when most of us have no problem posting dozens of random messages per day on GAF :p

OKCupid is like GAF: each woman's profile is a thread. If you find the thread interesting, reply to it. And if you read something about religion in it, bail the fuck out!

I'm only half-joking


If I have a girls number off OKC but haven't met her, what would be the general amount of messaging I should do? Every couple of days until we meet?
I really hope you chose something indoors...

Yeah. We met up at Wild About Harrys over on Knox, then went to the Art Museum like you suggested. She's really nice. Kind of quiet but that's ok. She said she wanted to see me again, so that's a good sign.

I'm still talking to girls I meet around town, too but I'm talking to a couple girls on OKC, too and it's pretty cool.


Messaging on OKC? Zero. Texting? Eh, people have different opinions. I tend to send one or two a day.

A day? Oh man, I didn't text at all yesterday. I guess I should. I'll probably ask when she's free in a few days again(she turned my weekend meet up down because she was "busy" but still wants to meet).


all good things
A day? Oh man, I didn't text at all yesterday. I guess I should. I'll probably ask when she's free in a few days again(she turned my weekend meet up down because she was "busy" but still wants to meet).

There's no set rule, man. Some women will think you're creepy if you text too much and some love to talk. Try to feel her out. I usually try to get a phone call going.
There's no set rule, man. Some women will think you're creepy if you text too much and some love to talk. Try to feel her out. I usually try to get a phone call going.

Dumb question but do you just call her out of the blue or do you text her asking if she's free to talk?


all good things
Dumb question but do you just call her out of the blue or do you text her asking if she's free to talk?

I ask but some people are kind of weird about talking on the phone nowadays it seems.

I had someone completely stop talking to me after I said "I'm curious as to what you sound like." in a text followed by "That was my awesome way of asking if I can call you."

I thought it was pretty funny.


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
I was looking at old messages I had - I remember the time I called some girl out for posting a $500,000/yr salary. This was her response lol


Well, an update to my date Saturday.....it went ok, but we just didn't have the connection in person. That's ok though...we both had a nice time and that was that.

So Sunday I message this chick, she's 26.....and holy shit this one is an all new one for the crazy scale.
In her first reply to me, at the end of her message she included her phone number telling me I could text her if I wanted. So I did....and she has very broken english and turns out is crazy as fuck. We were texting back and forth getting to know each other a little, no biggie...then she sends me (the spelling mistakes are her's):

"ok and are you ready to serious relationship that will last forever"
then a little later...
"and are you ready to start something important with me?"
and then....
"i like you but am scared cos i dont want to get hurt again and i want something that will last forever"

Then the next day....
"i think if we have good feeling and reslly serious about each other everything will be fine and we are going to have a great future together"
and then....
"yes hun and we have to stop going back to the site so that we can be serious about each other and focus"

Then this morning....
"ok so are you really ready to start new life with me?"

I haven't met this chick yet and she wants to meet on Saturday.

I have a feeling if I were to go, I might not come back alive.

Apparently she had just signed up for her first try at online dating and I'm the one that messaged her first. She was in a 5 year relationship that ended because her ex cheated on her and she's been single for 2 years. She's scared of getting hurt again.

I personally think he left her because she's batshit insane.

I'm almost tempted to meet her for coffee on Saturday to see if she's as crazy in real life as she comes across in her text messages.


all good things
So I see a lot of women have pictures of themselves shooting guns in their profiles or as their main pic.

Do you guys ever message them? I'm kind of scared to.



That is more than creepy.

No shit.

She's still using broken English. Between how she's acting and her broken English I feel like I'm dealing with a cross between an insane woman and a special needs kid.

She's been texting me still tonight. I asked her "What kind of phone do you have?" She answered: "Verizon". ugh....

And she keeps telling me "yes hun", whenever I say "Ok" about something.

This woman is fucking insane and I'm getting some morbid enjoyment out of riding this trainwreck. I'm saving all the text messages for future generations.

I do have to admit, if she looks like her pictures she's fucking hot. I wouldn't mind hitting it and quitting it.


I had a girl who told me, within two messages, that she would move to the state that I live in so that I would give her a chance.

No shit.

She's still using broken English. Between how she's acting and her broken English I feel like I'm dealing with a cross between an insane woman and a special needs kid.

She's been texting me still tonight. I asked her "What kind of phone do you have?" She answered: "Verizon". ugh....

And she keeps telling me "yes hun", whenever I say "Ok" about something.

This woman is fucking insane and I'm getting some morbid enjoyment out of riding this trainwreck. I'm saving all the text messages for future generations.

I do have to admit, if she looks like her pictures she's fucking hot. I wouldn't mind hitting it and quitting it.



Haha, no pics. She insisted that she wasn't "like other girls" (no shit), and really clung onto the fact that I ride a motorcycle - she told me that if I were lucky, I could give her a ride. When I didn't respond to that, she sent me another message saying that she noticed I was online, but didn't respond to her first message, and asking if I wasn't interested in her. Her third message was her telling me that she would close the 400+ mi between us by moving where I was.

Haha, no pics. She insisted that she wasn't "like other girls" (no shit), and really clung onto the fact that I ride a motorcycle - she told me that if I were lucky, I could give her a ride. When I didn't respond to that, she sent me another message saying that she noticed I was online, but didn't respond to her first message, and asking if I wasn't interested in her. Her third message was her telling me that she would close the 400+ mi between us by moving where I was.


No pics. Willing to move 400 miles.

Nothing strange there at all.


No pics. Willing to move 400 miles.

Nothing strange there at all.

Sorry, meant no pics for you guys. She had pics, but her profile is now gone. From what I remember though, she was, ah, homely. Going back over her messages, she called herself a "true legit bro ho", and "not a poser like most gurlz."

Also, ever since posting my profile here on GAF looking for advice, my male views have shot up dramatically. :lol
Sorry, meant no pics for you guys. She had pics, but her profile is now gone. From what I remember though, she was, ah, homely. Going back over her messages, she called herself a "true legit bro ho", and "not a poser like most gurlz."

Also, ever since posting my profile here on GAF looking for advice, my male views have shot up dramatically. :lol

Still, if anyone uses the term "true legit bro ho" run for the hills.


I don't know what is happening but I am scared as fuck. Two girls whose accounts I am pretty sure are fake since both have different attractive girls you can find on google, contact me day and night, each one in different time. Both are absolutely different in their language and both insist that they are in the picture, despite multiple attempts to prove my point they still insist they are in the picture, until I just gave up and said "ok, this is you."

and since then they have just been looking at my profile and writing to me, no matter what I say. One of them lost a nan 6 months ago and is grieving and constantly talks about how her life is ruined "ok xxx my life is ruined xxxx u shuld help me xx :("

and the second is more laid back. She's online only for two minutes and just writes a response and goes offline, everyday.

GAF, what the fuck is going on?


I joined yesterday to see what the fuss is all about.
Sadly it will probably not help me as it's not popular at all in my country. (10 girls online lol).

I love it that all the girls reply very selectively while the guys either reply often or haven't been contacted this week. What a fucked up society we live in...


I joined yesterday to see what the fuss is all about.
Sadly it will probably not help me as it's not pouplar at all in my country. (10 girls online lol).

I love it that all the girls reply very selectively while the guys either reply often or haven't been contacted this week. What a fucked up society we live in...
girls reply selectively because they are hammered with 40 messages a day in there. fucked up indeed.
I need to get back on this site

My problem at some points I was dating a few girls at once and I was broke as a joke after it. I then put all my eggs in one basket but 2 girls I REALLY liked turned crazy on me and the other we dated for like half a year but I wasnt feeling it too much

It just takes so much time sometimes that I wish there was a fast forward button..

Seen a few nice girls and one I'm about to message now. Hope I remember how to do this!
I have a really weird situation going on.. last week i messaged a girl who seemed nice, she linked me her blog etc and we msged back and forth for a few days then she stopped replying.

A few days later another girl messaged me, we chat a bit that night, i check out her blog, she is really quite attractive and very smart, BUT i notice she is good friends with the girl i was messaging earlier in the week, there's no way that can be a coincidence. I havent mentioned anything yet but its really weird. Also the first girl has suddenly started messaging me again out of nowhere.
I have a really weird situation going on.. last week i messaged a girl who seemed nice, she linked me her blog etc and we msged back and forth for a few days then she stopped replying.

A few days later another girl messaged me, we chat a bit that night, i check out her blog, she is really quite attractive and very smart, BUT i notice she is good friends with the girl i was messaging earlier in the week, there's no way that can be a coincidence. I havent mentioned anything yet but its really weird. Also the first girl has suddenly started messaging me again out of nowhere.

This is THE most annoying thing on OKC..When everything is going A OK them BLAM no reply.

The last chick was checking my profile daily and still didnt reply lol.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I have a really weird situation going on.. last week i messaged a girl who seemed nice, she linked me her blog etc and we msged back and forth for a few days then she stopped replying.

A few days later another girl messaged me, we chat a bit that night, i check out her blog, she is really quite attractive and very smart, BUT i notice she is good friends with the girl i was messaging earlier in the week, there's no way that can be a coincidence. I havent mentioned anything yet but its really weird. Also the first girl has suddenly started messaging me again out of nowhere.

My sensors are picking up a possible threesome.

Jokes aside talk with them and see how it goes. Be ready for anything and don't expect anything.
This is THE most annoying thing on OKC..When everything is going A OK them BLAM no reply.

The last chick was checking my profile daily and still didnt reply lol.

Yeah i know what you mean, i guess some people get cold feet or maybe theyre just bored going through the whole "where do you work?" "what do you study?" bullshit. I can't complain when it happens to me because i've done it to a girl after a dozen or so messages back and forth, i felt like an asshole but what are you supposed to say?
I have a really weird situation going on.. last week i messaged a girl who seemed nice, she linked me her blog etc and we msged back and forth for a few days then she stopped replying.

That's pretty much why I ask for their number fairly quickly. No dice and I move on.

With that said, had a girl today, chatted back an forth for a little bit 10ish msgs in a short time span. I forgot to ask her name at the start, so I ask. Get "it's a secret" as a reply. Huh. That's not cute, its just annoying.
Yeah i know what you mean, i guess some people get cold feet or maybe theyre just bored going through the whole "where do you work?" "what do you study?" bullshit. I can't complain when it happens to me because i've done it to a girl after a dozen or so messages back and forth, i felt like an asshole but what are you supposed to say?

For me most recently I think it was 3 messages. She sent some SUPER long one, I replied and got nothing back.

It was just weird she kept looking at my profile like I hadn't messaged her in the first place


No shit.

She's still using broken English. Between how she's acting and her broken English I feel like I'm dealing with a cross between an insane woman and a special needs kid.

She's been texting me still tonight. I asked her "What kind of phone do you have?" She answered: "Verizon". ugh....

And she keeps telling me "yes hun", whenever I say "Ok" about something.

This woman is fucking insane and I'm getting some morbid enjoyment out of riding this trainwreck. I'm saving all the text messages for future generations.

I do have to admit, if she looks like her pictures she's fucking hot. I wouldn't mind hitting it and quitting it.

You are already dead.
You are already wed.


Situations turning oddly for me. That first girl I contacted on okcupid still wants to hang out and still sends me text messages every few days, but our schedules are just so massively incompatible (plus she's hosting a friend for the moment). The other girl I contacted didn't respond, and I'm not liking the idea of playing the numbers game.

On the other hand… one of the girls I know from geek kink events and the like messaged me last week out of nowhere saying that we should hang out some time. And then over the weekend, I met two girls who seemed rather interested in me.

One is a cute tomboy who climbs mountains and other fun stuff -- we spent a lot of time together on Saturday teaching people how to stiltwalk, and after I woke up on Sunday she told me she had come back later and was trying to find me in the hopes of using my tent. Lost opportunity, doubly so because she lives in the Carolinas, but I'm definitely going to keep in touch with her.

The other is what I think people here refer to as a "waifu" -- a young, thin Asian girl with a really pleasing smile. She was not hesitant to tell me what she finds hot about me (largely that I wear a dog tag that sports a false colour 3D model of an MRI of my brain) and that a particular act I did turned her on, and she seems really interested in getting together this weekend.

I'm still having fun with okc, but it seems less effective than real life as a meeting tool unless you try to massively game the system. POF still sucks major balls so far, though.
Found a cute girl who lives in town today on OKC. Messaged her as we had some definite similar interests.

No reply. And it's not as if the local dating pool is that deep anyways. Ugh, dammit, it's frustrating because it seems every girl here in town is like this.


I've done it to a girl after a dozen or so messages back and forth, i felt like an asshole but what are you supposed to say?

This is applicable for you and everyone else who have had issues of conversations abruptly stopping.

Messages need to be thought out and needs to be looked as a method of creating meeting up. Generally 3-4 messages should be looked at maximum number of correspondence you want to have with a girl before initiating meeting.

Anything more you are running high risk of loosing a lot of tension of excitement and honestly do you really want to know someone's life story before meeting?

Messaging needs to be looked at as a litmus test of potential compatibility.


the piano man
okc is teasing me that some people rated me high and wants me to pay to see it....

has anyone paid for that????? is it worth it?
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