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Old? Awesome new MGS3 info!


Credit goes to Daylah from N-philes:

If Snake is Shot you have to take bullets out of him, now its not nessecery but it will have its downside, Snake will get scars, need more stamina and take alot of stamina quickly.

If Snake Has broken bones you will have to go into the x ray skeleton mode and see where they are, i have no clue now you fix them but you can.

Snake has to pull leaches out if they are on him or they'll make your food bad or even affect Snake.

Same with most likely Snake bites, scorpian bites etc.

If you leave your game saved for a day or 2 Snake will use that time as rest and heel himself. You wont have full health bar but probably heeled up bones etc.

If you don't do any of this Snakes character model will change, he'll be scared, burn marks, broken bones and more. So by the end of the game Snake will look like how you treat him. The change wont be as big as fable of course but you get the idea.

Im guessing more will be revealed on this subject on TGS (September 24) along with Trap system if thats still in the game. ( Im saying yes because snake stepped on a trap in last years TGS trailer, and Id be pissed if Kojima pulled a Peter and didnt give us what he promised.


works for Gamestop (lol)
The healing over time feature seems pretty interesting. Reminds me of Animal Crossing sorta

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
none of that sounds "fun" though :/
I think that caring about your character can add a lot to the experience.

For example, I'm playing 007:EoN right now, and now the more into the game, the more I realize how 'by the numbers' and uninspired it really is. At this point it has become just one more thing to finish so that I can play something else, honestly. I can't even put exactly why I feel like that about it - I mean, on the paper, the gameplay mechanics seem good and work fine, and should be interesting, targeting system is a good idea, you can control the camera however you want, etc. but I think it's the lack of small things, lack of atention that just kill my interest. It's all bare bones, and somehow disjointed and definitely unpolished. I just want to get done with it already so that I can start seriously playing Viewtiful Joe - a game which has gameplay mechanics that sound crazy and ridiculus on the paper, but work like the smoothest butter in reality.

OK, the point of this rant is that you can't just read about the game and figure out how you are going to feel like performing this and that action. You have to play it and experience it.


being watched
I am I the only one getting sick of this micro managment in games?

It's like GTA:SA. I don't want to fuck around taking my gangstarr to the gym....to the burger joint...I wanna boot up and start pimping in my ghettomobile blowing down homies with the wrong colours.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
am I the only one getting sick of this micro managment in games?

It's like GTA:SA. I don't want to fuck around taking my gangstarr to the gym....to the burger joint...I wanna boot up and start pimping in my ghettomobile blowing down homies with the wrong colours.
Thing is - you don't have to. Either here (in MGS3) or in GTA:SA. Just don't do it if you don't like it. The game will not break or anything. You will not suffer any major conseqences.

That is of course if any of this info here is true to begin with (I know the two day pause / healing thing is true, as I've heard it being said in the Kojima interview)






Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I am I the only one getting sick of this micro managment in games?


It sounds like a chore to do most of that honestly.


Console Market Analyst
There was a presentation at the GC show, Hideo and Scott dolph showing off the game. New damage model the focus. I'm trying to get the footage.
Goreomedy said:
There was a presentation at the GC show, Hideo and Scott dolph showing off the game. New damage model the focus. I'm trying to get the footage.

In that GS interview it was mentioned they showed multiple game trailers there, i'm surprised this one never made it online.

I want more info on the broken limbs feature. In the trailer Snake clearly has a broken arm when he's laying against the tree (i'm guessing from The Boss breaking it). So it seems like you'll have to spend some time in the game playing with 1 arm.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
catfish said:

It sounds like a chore to do most of that honestly.

It's not required either! Geez!

What's wrong with addtional and OPTIONAL attention to detail?


I'm so gonna take my time with this game! I hope there's tons of hidden things to unlock!

Anyway, how come we never see any MGS3 famitsu scans?


You know how awesome it would be to take out a bullets on your own? I hope it's something like The Predator where it shows a little cut scene where Snake is screaming very loud in the jungle.
catfish said:

It sounds like a chore to do most of that honestly.

What's the chore? You switch off your game console, you come back and all healed, well apart from health. It's just another level of detail for people who like that sort of thing to appreciate.


hmmm i dunno. I like the idea of leaving your game for a few days to allow snake to heal etc

But im not too sure about the whole camoflauge, breaking bones thing. Just seems to slow down MGS alot, i know its a stealth game, but i can see myself becoming frsutrated with having to change suits, putting on face paint, avoiding falls etc

Im pretty confident that its going to be awesome, MGS is a my #1 game. I just dont like this extra layer of complecation.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Prine said:
But im not too sure about the whole camoflauge, breaking bones thing. Just seems to slow down MGS alot, i know its a stealth game, but i can see myself becoming frsutrated with having to change suits, putting on face paint, avoiding falls etc

that's what I meant by the chores. Between doing those and watching hour long cut scenes.....
Prine said:
hmmm i dunno. I like the idea of leaving your game for a few days to allow snake to heal etc

But im not too sure about the whole camoflauge, breaking bones thing. Just seems to slow down MGS alot, i know its a stealth game, but i can see myself becoming frsutrated with having to change suits, putting on face paint, avoiding falls etc

Im pretty confident that its going to be awesome, MGS is a my #1 game. I just dont like this extra layer of complecation.

As dark mentioned earlier, this stuff is optional. Like the camo for example. For each area you're going to have a camo that'll keep you atleast 50% covered, so you'll be fine sneaking around like that as long as you're careful. They aren't going to make you stop every few steps to put on a new camo suit. As he mentioned in that video interview, you can leave bullets in Snakes body if you want, its not completely required that you stop and remove each bullet everytime you're shot. They're just giving you alot of different options, whether or not you want to use those options is your own choice.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Celicar said:
So how many times can Snake get shot before he dies? Sounds fake.

That info is 100% real, it came from the mouth of Dolph and Kojima. I just finished watching that video fo the GC conference and they said basically the same thing while showing off the Skeleton Viewing Mode. Snake still dies if he recieves too much bullet damage.

Taking the bullets out will prevent scars and allow Snake to retain his stamina longer. There has been a lot of confusion about all these features, but people don't seem to really get it. You don't have to make Snake eat, he won't die because of that. But he might get ill and his stamina won't be as great. So climbing, hanging, and aiming might be a lot harder on him. His hand will tremble in first person if he hasn't eaten in a long time, he would easily catch a cold if you don't feed him and walk him around without a shirt.

I love the sound of all these features, gives me more stuff to mess around with. :p
Grizzlyjin said:
That info is 100% real, it came from the mouth of Dolph and Kojima. I just finished watching that video fo the GC conference and they said basically the same thing while showing off the Skeleton Viewing Mode. Snake still dies if he recieves too much bullet damage.

Taking the bullets out will prevent scars and allow Snake to retain his stamina longer. There has been a lot of confusion about all these features, but people don't seem to really get it. You don't have to make Snake eat, he won't die because of that. But he might get ill and his stamina won't be as great. So climbing, hanging, and aiming might be a lot harder on him. His hand will tremble in first person if he hasn't eaten in a long time, he would easily catch a cold if you don't feed him and walk him around without a shirt.

I love the sound of all these features, gives me more stuff to mess around with. :p
it' like a racing game where you have to take pit stops for gas... but you dont HAVE to fill up with gas, you can hop out and push the car from the back around the track...
The Faceless Master said:
it' like a racing game where you have to take pit stops for gas... but you dont HAVE to fill up with gas, you can hop out and push the car from the back around the track...

It's nothing like that. You have to take pit stops in racer, if you don't you won't win. You can go through the entire game without removing a bullet, and as Kojima said you'll end up with a scar in the end. You're never actually forced to do this stuff though, its up to you. There are benefits for doing, but if you choose not to the game won't end and you'll still be able to complete it.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
SolidSnakex said:
It's nothing like that. You have to take pit stops in racer, if you don't you won't win. You can go through the entire game without removing a bullet, and as Kojima said you'll end up with a scar in the end. You're never actually forced to do this stuff though, its up to you. There are benefits for doing, but if you choose not to the game won't end and you'll still be able to complete it.

Yeah, Snake will just end up looking like a burnt, shot up, scar covered bastard when you finish the game.
SolidSnakex said:
It's nothing like that. You have to take pit stops in racer, if you don't you won't win. You can go through the entire game without removing a bullet, and as Kojima said you'll end up with a scar in the end. You're never actually forced to do this stuff though, its up to you. There are benefits for doing, but if you choose not to the game won't end and you'll still be able to complete it.
you can win, just make sure to look in the rear view and let the other cars smack into your backside... and there IS a difference between a benefit for doing something and a detriment for NOT doing something... decreasing the stamina threshold for NOT taking a bullet out is a detriment for not doing something...
"And you don't necessarily have to heal treat yourself, with enough stamina eventually you'll heal. So if you want to deliberately keep that bullet in your body you'll have that scar later on".

You're making this out to be much bigger than it really is. It's not in anyway forced upon you. This game will heal you over time, in a racer if you've got a flat the only way you're getting a new tire if by going to a pit stop. The comparison doesn't work.
So if you don't eat, don't take out bullets, and don't worry about keep Snake warm....his reduced stanima (resulting in wobbly aim, slower tree climbing, less hanging time, catching a cold, ect) will eventually go back to normal? Without the player doing anything at all?
We're referring to injuries not the eating aspect. But if you're taking damage from either broken limbs or bullet wounds, you're obviously eating to get your energy back so your stamina would heal those injuries you've gotten. So you don't have to ever go through the options to take bullet out or fix a limb (although going from that video all it seems like you have to do is go into the options and press a button and you're healed).
SolidSnakex said:
We're referring to injuries not the eating aspect. But if you're taking damage from either broken limbs or bullet wounds, you're obviously eating to get your energy back so your stamina would heal those injuries you've gotten. So you don't have to ever go through the options to take bullet out or fix a limb (although going from that video all it seems like you have to do is go into the options and press a button and you're healed).

So, from what i understand, if you get shot you not only lose health, but you also recieve additional status damage which effects your aiming/climbing speed/whatever. You can get rid of this additional status damage immediately (or atleast a lot faster) by removing the bullet, though the prerequisite for doing so is that you have to find a relatively safe place to do so (so no pulling bullets out in the middle of a gunfight, obviously). If you choose not to remove the bullet, and instead just use a normal ration/food to heal yourself then the additional status damage will affect Snake for a temporary period of time.

If you get shot once, don't heal, don't remove the bullet, don't do any type of stanima regeneration (whatever else that is...not moving, or something) then this status damage will continue to ail your character for a longer (indefinate?) period of time. Right?

That doesn't seem bad at all, unless I am still misunderstanding how this system works.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Even more new info:

"Snake must wash his ass every time after taking a poo, if he doesn't do it often enough the smell from his ass might give him away to the enemy soldiers!!!!"

Quadrophenic said:
So, from what i understand, if you get shot you not only lose health, but you also recieve additional status damage which effects your aiming/climbing speed/whatever. You can get rid of this additional status damage immediately (or atleast a lot faster) by removing the bullet, though the prerequisite for doing so is that you have to find a relatively safe place to do so (so no pulling bullets out in the middle of a gunfight, obviously). If you choose not to remove the bullet, and instead just use a normal ration/food to heal yourself then the additional status damage will affect Snake for a temporary period of time.

If you get shot once, don't heal, don't remove the bullet, don't do any type of stanima regeneration (whatever else that is...not moving, or something) then this status damage will continue to ail your character for a longer (indefinate?) period of time. Right?

That doesn't seem bad at all, unless I am still misunderstanding how this system works.

That's basically it. Kojima didn't mentioned how long it'll take before it heals though. If you don't want to be bothered with removing leaches and bullets from yourself you don't have to. You'll heal up eventually without ever going into the options. It's kind of the same when you eat something thats poisonous, you can go into your option screen and spin Snake around real quick and he'll vomit, or you can just keep playing and he'll eventually vomit to get rid of it.

If you think back to MGS2 it even had something similar to this. If Solid Snake took too much damage you could bandage his wound to keep from losing health (and dripping blood which would draw attention to your location), but you didn't have to. This stuff is really more of adding onto what's already been into the series.


Chili Con Carnage!
If Snake is Shot you have to take bullets out of him, now its not nessecery but it will have its downside, Snake will get scars, need more stamina and take alot of stamina quickly.

I thought that 90% of the time they just left the bullet in (unless its near a major organ or something lke that)....just sayin' :D

All this Micromanagement stuff is nice, i guess, but i wont be doing any of it (if i can avoid it)
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