Just remembered, I'll always be fond of this particular piece of hardware:
PC1640, 8MHz 8086, 640Kb RAM, ECD screen and an AdLib soundcard. Obviously dated now, but back in the day it was the absolute shit. So many good games, most in high(er) res... I remember holidaying when I was a kid, begging to go home with my parents (when they made a trip back to the city) just so I could play the computer while they did washing or whatever. Musty house smell, closed curtains, parents busy and me playing away on Duke Nukem, Dangerous Dave 2 or any of the multitude of Sierra AGI games I had (Space Quest 2 was a favourite).
Seriously fucking loved that machine... even when it was well and truly outdated by things like extended memory, math coprocessors and MMX, I still loved it. It was a foray into geekdom that I'm still trying to weasel my way out of (and failing miserably :lol ).