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Old ? -- FFVII (56k)

its either, very old, or illigal to post. thats why I can't find a topic about it ..

or maybe I posted a new thing for a change ?








delete if old


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Loz, Yazoo, and Kaddish sure like fighting. Looks like they are starting something with the Turks as well. Thanks a bunch, this project is still looking great.


well it's kind of old, but it's re-arranged in a new format so it's new.

:( look at tifa's sneakers.

:) at cloud's motorcycle.


neptunes said:
:( look at tifa's sneakers.
Those sneakers are pretty ugly. :p

dark10x said:
When exaclty does this officially hit?
People were asking this like a million times during the last thread. I don't think we ever got a proper answer. This movie was supposed to come out during the summer, no? What's the deal?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
is this still supposed to be short like 30 minutes or has it been expanded to be a feature length thing?


Rumor also has it that this is the biggest cock tease ever.

P.S. Tifa is hot. Way hotter than she was in FF7.


My guess on the plot:
all the white-haired characters are "children" of Sephiroth, created with his DNA. They're striking back at those who took their master down some x number of years ago. They know The Turks abandoned Sephiroth in the past, so they're angry at them, too. Cloud & co. team up with The Turks to take out these hellions and prevent them from resurrecting their master/father.

I know it's not really a spoiler if it's a guess, but I did it just in case. It seems the most obvious explanation.


good guess but here's my prediciton.

That red head child and many other people suffer from the disease called "star-scar" syndrome, or Geostigma. Which is probably the after affect of the meteor/holy event. Marlene is also sick

Cloud lives alone, with children who suffer from the disease (probably depressed) and constantly reminisces of Aeris.

The 3 white haired children Kadaj, Yazoo and the other one is trying to bring about the reunion


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Judging from the few Japanese I know, there seems to be some sort of disease going on in that movie. Hmmmm...
Is it just me or does that first picture of Tifa (the one with the shoes) look like an in-game cutscene? Seems a bit rough around the edges.


Unconfirmed Member
SolidSnakex said:
Because that's the phone that FF7 Before Crisis runs on. :)
If you look again, you'll see that that phone is being used by Cloud (and Tifa too in the magazine I was looking through earlier today) in Advent Children.

I'm very glad the Turks are back.

*minor spoilers...I guess*

That shot of Aeris that everybody flipped out over seems like it might be part of a dream sequence or something similarly weird, because the wide version of that shot has her back to back with someone who is presumably Cloud (hard to tell for sure though) in a dreamlike neverending field of flowers.

The wide shot is not in these scans, but it is in the PS2 mag that I have sitting here.
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