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Olympics ratings down, NBCU CEO predicted this and preemptively blamed millennials

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I thought with the Sports app more people would watch. All the events were LIVE.

Then again you needed a cable subscription to log in.

Thanks PS Vue.
Sports are at an all time high in terms of popularity.

It's the tape delayed bullshit that NBC insists on doing that turns people off. That and commercials every 3-4 minutes. Fuck off NBC. Fuck off. VPNd in and watched the games on CBC and BBC.


This isn't a new development, and pay TV is absolutely not a bubble, it has been going strong for 25+ years, and contrary to what many cord-cutters are saying not dieing, for the very reason of sports.

Sky Sports spent £3bn keeping the rights to the Premier League. The level of investment we are now seeing is simply not sustainable long-term.


Poet Centuriate

Where's SF?

This year was just a demonstration showcase (first day was a one nation (Brazil) showcase of competitive Smite and they second day they gave medals for Smash Bros. for Wii U in a proper multi-nation tournament).

The next two time (2016 in S. Korea and 2020 in Tokyo) will be full, proper tournaments for eSports. SF will probably be there for sure.

The Beard

Didn't watch much of anything because of NBCs decision to delay shit for the West Coast. No thanks!

Same here. Saving most of the biggest Gold Medal matches until 11pm, when the live event took place hours earlier? Seriously? WTF?

Their scheduling was unbelievably bad on the West Coast. On my days off I was like, "cool, I'll be able to watch some of the big events live today." Nope, gotta wait for that bullshit "Olympics in Primetime".


I don't have a problem with the tape delay, after all I was at work when they were airing live as were most people so it actually makes sense, but everything was shown too late. Gymnastics and Beach Volleyball were shown close to midnight. How the hell is that prime time?

The first hour of prime time, probably the hour most people would want to watch, was always the worst hour. It was never something like Phelps. It was swimming heats and diving.


So you didnt watch because NBC supports and favors their country? Or am I reading this wrong?

No. Support of a country is great. Doing that at the expense of everything else is bullshit. Not only was it tape delayed, but they also wasted time on god knows how many human interest stories and commercials. Other nations do the patriotic waving as well, but at least it was a) live and b) you could see so much more of the actual Olympics. Holy shit NBC could have thrown a bone in ONE of those departments but... whatever.

NBC chose their path and I chose mine. In my fact mine is better.


I had a blast watching as many sports as I could on the NBC Sports App even if it's a little buggy with advertisements. But I don't think they made a big enough deal advertising these sites and apps. All of the Rio news pitfalls and .gif bans might have soured younger people from checking out the online buzz and switching over to TV to watch it. Or maybe they're just not interested in full showings which is a damn shame. Gifs and highlight clips don't always do the sporting event's any justice. Especially with the opening/closing ceremonies.

Maybe partner with Youtube for live airings next time.
Beating a dead horse here, but NBC's coverage was just garbage and they deserve this. I look forward to watching the Summer Olympics every 4 years, but NBCs coverage actively discouraged me from watching. Their coverage of the opening ceremony was especially terrible, literally a commercial break every 4-5 minutes.

Also this:

- Get a better site. Trying to watch the full replays on the official site is a nightmare. Hard to find, poor player, etc.

My SO and I had to jump through multiple hoops to watch the gymnastics streams. Pretty much impossible not to get spoiled on the site trying to get there too :/
Is there a twitch.tv-like portal where I could watch a stream of the events live or am I beholden to some shitty heavy-ass website where half of the links are short clips and the other half are ads? I'm not turning on a TV for shit. I've watched the olympics every year and this is the first year when I've watched less than 5 minutes of coverage across all forms of media.


I barely watched any events in the second week. I was actually at home all of the second week with a case of shingles. So it's not like work was interfering with my viewing.

The majority of the first weeks coverage is swimming, which is super boring to watch. By the time the second week rolls around I'm bored of Olympics coverage thanks to swimming. Streaming options are pretty terrible. Allow me to watch the events I'm interested in on demand, and maybe my interest could be kept for more than 5 days.
NBC's overly sappy coverage makes it preferable to watch the games on mute.

Maybe they should do something about that instead of blaming millennials.
I'm just not interested. I can't even tell you if NBC did a good job or not. This was compounded by the fact that the Olympics chose a place like Rio. I would have been slightly more interested live.


NBC routinely spoiled results while refusing to show them live. They didn't even give you a warning that they were. This even happened on the freaking weekend. It's not surprising that people were less inclined to watch then


The primetime coverage was awful. It was basically Bob Costa, some event that already happend, ads, more Bob, rinse and repeat.
I think the millennials prefer watching live sports over delayed sports with narratives. Old people who aren't internet saavy don't care, but for millennials who are connected 24/7 I'm not going to watch Simone Biles on NBC's primetime coverage fall on beam 6 hours after it happened on the stream.
I actually enjoyed watching the USA vs Brazil women's volleyball match.

Other than that though most olympic sports are just boring to watch for me and always have been. Gymnastics, swimming, and track events just don't do anything for me as a viewer.


No wonder since according to people here watching the Olympics on NBC sounded like a complete nightmare.

Meanwhile our public broadcasting had 9 streams available without any ads interrupting the games. Felt good.


BBC meanwhile had good ratings during the whole thing. 11 million watched the cycling, 10.4 million watched the gymnastics, 5 milllion watched the womens hockey. Over 2 million people stayed up until 2.30 in the morning to watch mo run. Everyone was talking about it. The paralympics will also get some good viewing figures for Channel 4.
Overall viewing figures for Rio were down on London but the time difference played a part. Over 20 million people watched the 100 meters final in 2012 as that was on during prime time. However it has been the most watched Olympic games on the BBC that wasn't in London.
The fact is if a broadcaster gives people what they want then they will tune in. The BBC allowed you to watch any sport at any time with no adverts.


At Tokyo we gonna have the swimming finals at 6 am (or something like that), NBC will wait to show the results at 8 pm and will complain that the problem is that people don't like sports anymore


Honestly, I don't watch much tv as is and don't really care about sports as is (and even less about the ones that are in the Olympics). Listening to announcers drone on and on about sports, people, and places that I don't even care about quickly turned me off of watching them when I wanted to tune in to see what the fuss was about.
Ridiculous that NBC has the contract until 2032. They have no competition to fear so they screwed the viewers with lots of ad breaks and delayed feed events.


NBC routinely spoiled results while refusing to show them live. They didn't even give you a warning that they were. This even happened on the freaking weekend. It's not surprising that people were less inclined to watch then

Okay... wow.

You know the worst thing about all this is? NBC is going to take exactly the wrong message from this Olympics and double down on everything the did wrong because it's all they know.

Because everybody needs to know the life story of that one dude who's furiously scrubbing ice with a broom (not a dis on curling, that's awesome, just don't need the biography yeah?).
I didn't want to watch because of all the politics and scandals about Rio with the dead bodies and other bad stuff. Only caught the tail end on BBC and when the muslims competed.


41 > 38
My favorite part of NBC's shit coverage was when they would break into the tape delayed table tennis qualifiers, or whatever they were showing, with live updates of an event that was actually in progress.

Just show that! Stop telling me that Kerri and April are about to lose the match that you're going to wait six hours to actually show. Show the match!


Dudes people search the content they want, adapt, I'm not gonna see Olympics passively. If I'm not interested in watching gymnastics, for example, I'll just go find another thing to do. In my country during the Beijing games they used to show famous commenting on the games and delaying sports, in the end they lost viewers. In London given that we share the same time zone they couldn't put that people in studio, guess what, ratings went up and now in Rio they just show sports, and the ratings went up, so they learn the lesson, I guess NBC has to learn too in America.
I don't care about sports at all. The world was smaller 20 years ago when I did care. There were less options for entertainment.


Nbc only shows the big 3 on primetime, swimming, gymnastics and track. With volleyball sprinkled snd other sports that we have a big presence.

Like the shit has over 2 dozen sports and they barely cover more thrn 5. Also tape delay which wasn't as bsd since I think Brazil was an hour ahead of us in the east coast

Now Tokyo? Thst will be ugly


Nope, watched what I wanted on BBC and other online sources. Fuck NBC's sacchrine sweet against all odds USA BEST 4EVAR coverage.

living in the UK and the BBC's coverage has been just as saccharine.

It's meant to be a balanced unbiased broadcaster and yet in the standard news reports they're saying oh how fantastic it has been and how everyone in the country will be happy about our great haul. No room for any other opinion allowed


All the stuff I wanted to watch was locked behind paid channels and the few times I tuned into the main NBC channel, I got annoyed because of the content they showed was stupid. It's the night before the closing ceremonies, there are at least 5 or 6 live events going on, and you're showing (1) man-baby Lochte's interview where he doesn't say anything new, and (2) a mini-doc on herding cattle? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU


I tried watching NBC live coverage and it was horrible. If that was my only exposure I'd think the Olympics was swimming, running, female gymnastics/volleyball and the same 20 commercials. The fucking golf commercial for beer was so annoying I'd go back to commercial free Netflix and Hulu as soon as I saw it.
I don't have cable. You mad I can't watch you, NBC?

I did see about a half hour of it while staying at a friend's house for an evening, and there were way too many commercials to actually sit and watch it and not get into something else.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't watch anywhere near as much of the summer olympics as I do the winter olympics, but I caught a few events on CBC which from what I can find is showing about an 18% increase in viewership over the London games. Stay losing NBC.


Maybe it's because I'm a millennial that barely watches TV and doesn't have as much interest in live sports as my parents but I don't really disagree.

Live sporting events drawing fewer viewers than previous years is hardly a surprising headline to me.
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