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OMFG!! Nintendrones are just....


LOL! That video rocks.

Sho Nuff said:
The more I watch it, the more I find it to be UTTERLY FUCKING HILARIOUS.

Exactly. I don't get these people trying to be "cool." It's just a video done by a bunch of kids with free time. That's it. No one is pushing it for release in theatres as a Nintendo saga. :p


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I'm surprised no one's said it...the girl was kinda cute. I'd hit that shit.


Tag of Excellence
That was so awesome even without sound. It is true, the video did indeed go through the comedy circle, it's so amazingly bad that it's good.


Give that Xbox an Oscar.

Indeed he was brilliant, the Xbox sounded like a manic cross between Alfred Ashford from Resident Evil Code Veronica and 343 Guilty Spark from Halo. :D

Someone needs to photoshop its good to play together on to the image of cote slashing the xboxs head ;p

It is clips like that the lead me to believe that when a person says that they could make a movie better than such and such, they are LYING!
Seriously, some of you guys need to lighten up. This is some kid just having some fun and I think it's great he won. Afterall...

cabel said:
You honestly mean to tell me you never screwed around with a camcorder as a teenager and made shitty movies? How did you avoid this critical phase of life? Trust me: when you're 15, and you have a camcorder, and you're making a random movie with your friends, you don't magically produce Citizen Kane II: Totally Rosebud. Rather, you dress up in a cardboard box costume and inexplicably use a "Polling Place" sign as a "teleporter". That's just how it works.

By the way Killbin, if you want people to think you have a sense of humor, don't admit that you like VG Cats, cuz that's sad.


Che said:
LOL!!! Now that's amusing!

Agreed! Now there's a (somewhat) clever comic :p

EDIT: After watching the guy's video, he deserves to win, that video took way more effort to produce than you would think, well, unless you actually think about it :p


Running off of Custom Firmware
That was like the best fucking thing I've ever seen.

The final screem, the "xbox head" hanging off the sword, the Zelda music. Holy fucking wow.

I think I went blind, from equal amounts of pain and laughter.


Off topic..

miyuru said:
Agreed! Now there's a (somewhat) clever comic :p

It isn't "clever."

Nintendo doesn't give a fuck about online gaming-- they don't care. They're not going around trying to make people forget about online gaming. The only ones who want to make it seem so are the ones bitter Nintendo is not doing what they-- and the industry-- want to. Whoever made that alternate reality in the comic just to put Nintendo in a bad light just to belive what he wants to is quite sad really.

What's funny here is that when the online market is profitable enough for Nintendo, they'll enter it and kick-ass with more innovation then the competition like Nintendo always does and those same people will start to bitch on how "late" they were and ignore Nintendo's almost-guaranteed success. (mario kart online, animal crossing online, advance wars/cube wars online, metroid mulitplayer online-- imagine different bounty hunters going after the same bounty in a puzzle and back-stabbing oriented map... *drool*)




What's funny is the goon pronounces his name co-tay... When it's co-tee. I had a teacher in high school with the same last name spelled the exact same way.

It's almost as bad as people who call Target tar-jay.


Chrono said:
Off topic..

It isn't "clever."

Nintendo doesn't give a fuck about online gaming-- they don't care. They're not going around trying to make people forget about online gaming. The only ones who want to make it seem so are the ones bitter Nintendo is not doing what they-- and the industry-- want to. Whoever made that alternate reality in the comic just to put Nintendo in a bad light just to belive what he wants to is quite sad really.

What's funny here is that when the online market is profitable enough for Nintendo, they'll enter it and kick-ass with more innovation then the competition like Nintendo always does and those same people will start to bitch on how "late" they were and ignore Nintendo's almost-guaranteed success. (mario kart online, animal crossing online, advance wars/cube wars online, metroid mulitplayer online-- imagine different bounty hunters going after the same bounty in a puzzle and back-stabbing oriented map... *drool*)

Uh, I just thought it was funny how they compared going online to doing a drug, it was pretty clever how that's how it seems in the real world too, lol.

That's all I meant to say, no need to rant dude ^_^


lol! That was great! Kind of corny, but in a funny kind of way.

The Xbox guy was funny, and great costume too (and voice!)

That, and the "awwww hell no!"
this is awsome,,,he is the biggest nerd ever, but still the XBOX dude RULES manl!!!


what can you win in this Nintendo competition?

i hope this guys wins
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