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OMG RUMOR: Chapelle converts to ISLAM1!!

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anyone else hear of this? apparently its in newsweek or something. can anyone confirm that its fake or true?

most likely fake.


Cerebral Palsy said:
This is news?

yes cause season 3 is in question and this might be the nail in the coffin.

anyway if he is muslim finally maybe the media can replace bin laden as our icon and make us cool.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
What do his religious beliefs have to do with his television show???


muncheese said:
Yeah...wtf? That's the first time I've heard that about talib/mos. Doesn't seem true.

not sure about mos def but talib is a devout muslim, unlike many rappers who call themselves muslim but dont really practice or follow anything in islam. from what i know the following are muslim rappers supposedly:

Mos Def
Busta Rhymes
Eric B
Neef (Young Gunz)
Beanie Sigel
Ice Cube
Jim Jones (from The Diplomats)
Jedi Mind Tricks
Jurassic 5
Napoleon (Tha Outlawz)
Styles P
Talib Kweli

chapelle's fav rappers seem to be on that list so it might have had some influence.

anyway the reason i say it might stop the 3rd season from happening is cause he was debating it heavily cause he was gettin too popular and if he becomes religious all of a sudden he might shy away from some of the stuff he did on his show. dont know how far this has taken him. i mean he is muslim by name like most the rappers i posted or a devout folllower?


I was under the assumption that Season 3 wasn't happening because Comedy Central wouldn't fork over the dough Chapelle was demanding.
Since I like to hijack other peep's threads, let make this thread the semi official
"Make a new Muslim name for Dave thread"!

I'll go first. Ahem.

Muhammad Chappelle.

OK, that sucked. Can anyone do (much) better? Pleeze?
Dan said:
What do his religious beliefs have to do with his television show???
The Jews who own the network will have his balls! Just you wait....or not.

I doubt they will cancel his show if it's doing as well as it seems to be.


Bad Art ™
I have Q-Tip first solo album (don't know if he made a second one) it's a good album

BREATHE ..... and Stop, for real and give it what you got


Dont forget Q-Tips best line anywhere

"sex isnt wrong, but you gotta play right. If you're hittin' the sheets then wrap it up tight"

RIP CHappelle's Show :(
Shogmaster said:
Since I like to hijack other peep's threads, let make this thread the semi official
"Make a new Muslim name for Dave thread"!

I'll go first. Ahem.

Muhammad Chappelle.

OK, that sucked. Can anyone do (much) better? Pleeze?

Are you insinuating something?


I don't blame him for not wanting to do a season 3. Look at all the shit he gets from walking in the streets and that one incident when he was doing stand up.

Gantz said:
Dave Chapelle said he doesn't want to do a third season.

Probably for the best. Season 2 wasn't very good. And the few decent skits he did were ran into the ground. I'll shank the next fucker I hear say, "I'm Rick James, Bitch!"
Cerebral Palsy said:
Probably for the best. Season 2 wasn't very good. And the few decent skits he did were ran into the ground. I'll shank the next fucker I hear say, "I'm Rick James, Bitch!"

I'm Rick James, Bitch!

Yeah, we're on the Internet.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
funny this is "news" or even a topic when no one has mentioned or perhaps even knows what religion he has converted from. I sure don't know, nor do I care.


What was this? Someone yelling his catch phrases at him?

I think he was doing stand up and everyone in the crowd wouldn't shut up, because they were yelling catch phraises, as you said, from his show. He walked off the stage, came back and said to everyone, and correct me if i'm wrong "You people are morons!"


AssMan said:
I think he was doing stand up and everyone in the crowd wouldn't shut up, because they were yelling catch phraises, as you said, from his show. He walked off the stage, came back and said to everyone, and correct me if i'm wrong "You people are morons!"

That's a damn shame.


something like that. he was in sacramento doing a stand up and the crowd wouldnt let him go on with his show cause they kept yelling his catchphrases. and then he mentioned how he fights tv execs everyday to make sure his show is the way it is and that the people arent stupid and can take it but obviously he was wrong. he then proceeded to call them stupid.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Milhouse31 said:
I have Q-Tip first solo album (don't know if he made a second one) it's a good album

I pray that you are not talking about that R&B album Q-Tip did. That was a very bad career move.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Dave lost points with me w/ that whole thing... I mean, any good comedian can shut up the most unruly attendee. They teach that in "Oh, you think your funny huh? 101" in comedy school.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Huh, sounds like he reached a breaking point that night.

I often go to this comedy club in NYC, the Comedy Cellar, where Chappelle used to frequent before his show, but anyway, it's a small place, real intimate you know? There was a table of drunk guys having their own conversation in the middle of someone's bit, and the comedian just went ape. He just went off and bitched them out, and then kept sorta asking for their removal. He didn't make good on his threats to have them removed, which I thought was a real shame. Didn't really solve much, the guys just started being a little quieter, but were still ignoring the comedians' jokes and doing their own thing. You have to know how to handle that stuff. Other comedians I've seen just have vaguely generic lines like what was mentioned, "oh, you think you're funny" or whatever.
effzee said:
chapelle's fav rappers seem to be on that list so it might have had some influence.

anyway the reason i say it might stop the 3rd season from happening is cause he was debating it heavily cause he was gettin too popular and if he becomes religious all of a sudden he might shy away from some of the stuff he did on his show. dont know how far this has taken him. i mean he is muslim by name like most the rappers i posted or a devout folllower?

Yes, like all the devoute Christans and Jews on tv that shy away from the stuff they do because of their religion. Muslims have secularists just like Christans and Jews.


Yes but converts to a religion are rarely very secular.

Edit: Except of course those who convert just for the heck of it, and Islam has plenty of those.
I have a recording of one of his recent concerts (not the Sac one) and not maybe 10 minutes into his set, the "WHAT!" and "I'm Rick James BITCH!" quotes came out and didn't stop. He cracked on them, but they were relentless.

Basically anytime he was trying to transition into another joke and there was a pause in the routine, someone would shout something out.

He didn't snap, but he said:

"When I started, audiences use to actually, like, listen to the show. Then, it was around when MTV half hour comedy hour started, this whole thing came out where the audiences would be like 'WOOOOOOOOOOO!' 'OWWWWWWWWWW!" Which is good, if you're a rock musician."

"...these guys think they're helping me out. They think that I'll come here and don't know what I'm gonna do, like 'Man, I hope somebody in the audience screams some shit out to give me ideas."

"Not to say I don't appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm just being real. Its fuckin...annoying."

I can fully understand the situation. Of course a comic is supposed to run with it, but within a week of the Rick James skit, I was already tired of corny ass dudes saying it, and it was ran into the ground. Imagine how many times he hears it in his daily life, and then when he's trying new material out, people try to take over your show.

He said during the routine that he wasn't going to quit, but he was sick of it.

BTW, his set was fucking hilarious.


Then again, if he didn't want people ruining his shows with the Rick James stuff, he could have just tried to think of something even funnier immediately after the skit was invented to counteract its popularity instead of just venting onstage...
I doubt that would have worked, as he said he used to get "I smoke crack!" and people asking him to do Tyrone, which was before Rick James, and after Rick James he started the Lil Jon stuff.
belgurdo said:
Then again, if he didn't want people ruining his shows with the Rick James stuff, he could have just tried to think of something even funnier immediately after the skit was invented to counteract its popularity instead of just venting onstage...

Then they would just go with that. I think the thing is that he is a comedian and he wants to do comedy. The pubic wants him to be a star.


One time in java class, we got onto our friend Ross's account and changed all of his public classes and methods to pubic ones. hahah, he didn't know how to use the replace all method so he went and fixed each instance individually.
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