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OMG the "Hardcore Home Coming" show sounded fuckin awesome...The ECW PPV..Not so much

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The unofficial ECW reunion event is EXACTLY what my original vision for the WWE's official ECW reunion show was..If this doesn't release on DVD, or somehwere on the net very soon I will commit kill someone...

In related news the "Final Card" for the ECW PPV is confirmed as:


-- WWE has just confirmed Masato Tanaka vs. Mike Awesome for Sunday's ECW One Night Stand PPV. Here is what the current card looks like:

- Lance Storm w/ Dawn Marie vs. Chris Jericho
- Rey Mysterio vs. Psychosis
- Super Crazy vs. Tajiri vs. Little Guido
- Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit
- Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman vs. The Dudley Boys
- Masato Tanaka vs. Mike Awesome

There is also a shoot promo by Rob Van Dam scheduled, as well as some sort of big moment with Sabu.

My god, I've seen better Raw/Smackdown cards....After just reading the Hardcore Homecoming results, I know I'll be disappointed by this crap.


Axl took the mic and asked the crowd if it had been too long since they had seen "the violence". Axl talked about his feud with Ian, and said they were going to "beat the s***" out of someone Bad Breed-style. They attacked Kronus, with Ian dropkicking a chair into Kronus' face in a corner. Kronus was soon busted open, and the Bad Breed gave him Conchairto.

"Natural Born Killaz" then blared, and New Jack hit the ring to a huge pop. Jack, armed with a chain and garden shovel, attacked the Bad Breed, and the bloody brawl was on

That Moment>>>>>>>Anything that will possibly go down at one night stand.
Nameless said:
My god, I've seen better Raw/Smackdown cards....After just reading the Hardcore Homecoming results, I know I'll be disappointed by this crap.

You can keep your hardcore trash matches. The One Night Stand card is perfect, and every match represents a different style that ECW made famous in America.

evil ways

Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:

You can keep your hardcore trash matches. The One Night Stand card is perfect, and every match represents a different style that ECW made famous in America.

But, but it's by WWE so we have to hate it by default, it's the cool and rebellious thing to do to stand up againt the establishment and instead praise a shitty booked jealous attempt by Dean Douglas.

EC Dub!! H@rk0re 4 liFe!!!
Masato Tanaka vs. Mike Awesome
will be worth the price of my ticket!
Is anyone else from the board gonna be there?
I'll be in balcony 104.
Cant wait.


There are a lot of things planned that haven't been announced plus Heyman and Dreamer are writing the show so it should be as close to the ECW format as it gets.


I'm the biggest Christian fan on these boards, yet i'm trying to "rebel" against the WWE.. I'm nto one of those non-conformist pricks so don't try to make it seem that way. I'm a huge fan of the WWE but I also was/am a huge fan of ECW and I just want an event paying homage to the company to be done right. If you are going to have an ECW event, I expect it to be an ECW style event, I mean it defeats the purpose to make it like an "In Your House" card with hardcore rules which is the direction it seems to be heading.

I'm sure Eddie vs Benoit would be a great match, but not only have we been there 535 times but I'm sure they will have 583 more matches over the next several months. Nunzio vs watered down Tajiri vs Super Crazy=ehhh.. Rey vs Psychosis will probably be the match of the night...And unless someone goes through a flaming table you can keep the tag match. I'm routing for Storm to impress WWE officials. He was the man in ECW, the man in WCW, but when he went to the WWE he was utter crap.

Just think about it...There are 6 scheduled matches, we all know RVD is going to be given a good bit of in ring time to cut a promo, as is Sabu, and probably Heyman. You know the last 15-20 mins will be dedicated to finishing off the WWE crusaders vs ECW angle..Its not possible to have "ECW Style" matches while condensing all of that into 2 hours.

Despite all of the shit i've been talking, I'll probably end up odering the damn thing anyway.
Hardcoming Homecoming sounded pretty cool. Hopefully they made some cash off of it, and they'll continue doing shows. I'd love to see a dvd released.

As for One Night Stand. I started to get scared when all of the rumors that WWE were taking control of the ppv, and bringing in non-ECW talent started. But the latest news has me hopeful again. I'm very happy with the matches announced so far, and the fact that they finally got Joey Styles onboard restores some faith. OH MY GOD! I'm going to mark out hard for Buh Buh Ray and D-Von. I'm psyched to see Lance Storm also. It's just too bad Jerry Lynn won't be there =( In the end I know I would buy the ppv no matter what. I just hope it's good.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:

You can keep your hardcore trash matches. The One Night Stand card is perfect, and every match represents a different style that ECW made famous in America.

For once Liu, I actually agree with you.

ECW was nto about JUST Hardcore. But a blend of every style, something for everyone.

Besides Heyman is booking ONS, something that Hardcore Homecoming didn't have in it's favor.

Hey man is a GENIUS when ti comes to talent handling, and he has my faith in this.

BTW, Nameless... the show is 3 hours.


Cerebral Palsy said:
Hardcoming Homecoming sounded pretty cool. Hopefully they made some cash off of it, and they'll continue doing shows. I'd love to see a dvd released.

They are and it's going to be a rush release. It's suppose to be out like in 2-3 weeks.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I am thinking the WWE PPV will be pretty good, I am hoping Raven makes an apperance. Austin appearing could be cool to, though he is total WWE, he is ECW alum.

The Hardcore Homecoming was filmed for DVD production. That was the main reason for the show.

From Dave Meltzer's site. -
--To follow up from yesterday, the impression we've been given is Juventud Guerrera is expected to be brought to TV this week. C.W. Anderson is also booked for TV and I'd think a few of the guys in town for the ECW show could have dark matches

Seeing Juvi on Raw is going to be GOOD
I just hope tomorrow night they use their original ecw theme music ....that would really suck if sandman came out to some generic wwe theme.I think it will be the best ppv of the year.ECW!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Nameless said:
I'm the biggest Christian fan on these boards, yet i'm trying to "rebel" against the WWE.. I'm nto one of those non-conformist pricks so don't try to make it seem that way. I'm a huge fan of the WWE but I also was/am a huge fan of ECW and I just want an event paying homage to the company to be done right. If you are going to have an ECW event, I expect it to be an ECW style event, I mean it defeats the purpose to make it like an "In Your House" card with hardcore rules which is the direction it seems to be heading.

I'm sure Eddie vs Benoit would be a great match, but not only have we been there 535 times but I'm sure they will have 583 more matches over the next several months. Nunzio vs watered down Tajiri vs Super Crazy=ehhh.. Rey vs Psychosis will probably be the match of the night...And unless someone goes through a flaming table you can keep the tag match. I'm routing for Storm to impress WWE officials. He was the man in ECW, the man in WCW, but when he went to the WWE he was utter crap.

Just think about it...There are 6 scheduled matches, we all know RVD is going to be given a good bit of in ring time to cut a promo, as is Sabu, and probably Heyman. You know the last 15-20 mins will be dedicated to finishing off the WWE crusaders vs ECW angle..Its not possible to have "ECW Style" matches while condensing all of that into 2 hours.

Despite all of the shit i've been talking, I'll probably end up odering the damn thing anyway.

Fuck man, these are the DUDLEYS. they're going to have tables. Whether they're on fire on the other hand is yet to be seen. :p
Every Heyman quote I'm posting is coming from an interview here.
Nameless said:
I'm a huge fan of the WWE but I also was/am a huge fan of ECW and I just want an event paying homage to the company to be done right. If you are going to have an ECW event, I expect it to be an ECW style event, I mean it defeats the purpose to make it like an "In Your House" card with hardcore rules which is the direction it seems to be heading.
"It can't just be a nostalgia show. You have to have some current events involved. If it is just a look back with, 'Hey here is this guy five years later,' or, 'Here is Balls and Axl. Remember them.' At least now there is a current storyline going into the show. There is a new rivalry in ECW versus the Crusaders. It's something new, something different, something fresh. It's not going to affect the integrity of the actual matches that are taking place. It's actually a match within itself. You're going to see Rey versus Psychosis. You're going to see Sabu, but we're not going to tell you how you'll see him. It's not going to be affected by the Crusaders. There are other matches on this show that are just as important as the advertised ones. Obviously you know we're going to get it on with these guys. We're going to fight it out, but we're not telling you when or how."

"Old ECW fans can expect to have a real emotional outpouring. I don't mean standing on top of your chair and chanting E-C-W. There is going to be a lot of tears. We're going to move them to tears. Some of the things I want to say and the things Rob Van Dam wants to say, and I know some of the moments that we have planned are complete surprises to even people here at WWE. It's really a cool thing."
I'm sure Eddie vs Benoit would be a great match, but not only have we been there 535 times but I'm sure they will have 583 more matches over the next several months.
"Benoit and Guerrero is a Japanese style match. They're not going have a WWE style match. They're going to implore the style that made them popular in ECW."
Nunzio vs watered down Tajiri vs Super Crazy=ehhh..
"We have the three-way dance match with Guido, Tajiri and Super Crazy which was a style that became popular in ECW and is unique to ECW. It incorporates the cruiserweight style, the lucha style and the Americanized style."
And unless someone goes through a flaming table you can keep the tag match.
"The Dudleyz versus Dreamer and Sandman is a weapons style match with the chairs, the barbed wire and all the insanity involved."

evil ways

Well he did wrestle at Hardcore Homecoming on friday so my guess is that he'll either be in one of those unannounced surprise matches that Heyman talked about, or he'll come running to the ring during the main event and dive into everybody and maybe put a Dudley or The Sandman through a table with a flying legdrop.
Sabu is confirmed for ONS, as they've ran promos featuring him being there.

Hard t say what we'll see out fo the human highlight reel tonight.


evil ways

Just ordered it a few minutes ago and a few friends are coming over with chips and drinks. Man, I feel like it's 1998-1999 when we used to watch Raw, Nitros and PPVs on a nearly religious basis. In fact it's the first PPV since Wrestlemania X7 where we've done this.

It was only $34.99 so if the PPV turns out not so good, which I hope not, it won't hurt my wallet that much.


My friend is getting it, but I wouldn't get home until 1...and I have to be up for 5:30. So, I'll get him to tape it and watch it next weekend. Here's hoping for a good show. I like that it features many styles of wrestling, because the "hardcore" stuff bored me.


evil ways said:
Just ordered it a few minutes ago and a few friends are coming over with chips and drinks. Man, I feel like it's 1998-1999 when we used to watch Raw, Nitros and PPVs on a nearly religious basis. In fact it's the first PPV since Wrestlemania X7 where we've done this.

It was only $34.99 so if the PPV turns out not so good, which I hope not, it won't hurt my wallet that much.
Ahh Wrestlemania X7... I'd say that was the last great PPV.


I still dont know if I want to order this. Can someone sway me one way or the other. I havent watched wrestling since around the time ECW died.
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