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Once Upon a Time Season 2 |OT| Only True in Fairy Tales

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I swear to god, they pick some of the most attractive people to play the princesses on this show.

Between sleeping bueaty, red, and Mulan.


I like this season's premise. The Sheriff and Snow White surviving in the post-curse fantasy land while the real world is left in the hands of two morally conflicted magical people.


You really should watch the entire first season.

I thought it was pretty shitty. What's her face from House is a pretty poor actress, the storyline didn't really seem like it was going anywhere, the evil mayor had some awful one-liners, the kid was so awful. Yeah, not a lot there to get excited about. I can'

But, I have to go to a friend's house and she wants to watch Once before Homeland. And I have no cable for a bit. So, I will be watching Once.
This wasn't a very good episode. Plot was pretty crap. Dialogue was horrible. Too many people crying. The destroyed fairytale world story involving Mulan, Sleeping and Phillip was not interesting at all. There's too many people making promises to people that serve no good reason whatsoever other than melodrama and shaping the story just because. I'm not seeing much of an overall arc to the show anymore either. I think this is because the villains really don't have an agenda other than to make people's lives miserable...that's not a very interesting villain as it doesn't get behind their reasons or what they want. The show doesn't go far enough on either side good/bad in doing definitive actions to beat the enemy. Who cares if Regina dies? The boy loves her adopted mom one second(don't kill her) and hates her the next...it's too much melodrama that's not explained in any deep way. I let a lot of plot holes slide first season(Emma being dumb) but man this will get pretty bad pretty soon if the story doesn't evolve into something worthwhile. Hope the show picks up. This might have been the worst episode yet.
Thought it was good enough. Not great. Not bad. Pace was rushed. Ending was good.

Will continue watching.

Also not sure about the Sleeping Beauty storyline.


The story-land plot will need some time to develop; as it stands now, it could be gold or worthless. I'm guessing the Storybrooke plot will revolve around Regina keeping power (guess she can use magic whenever now) and Rump challenging her (either for selfish or noble reasons, depending on Belle).
I love this show.

I wonder if Emma can "activate" magic in people from the fairy tale world because she is also from there and hasn't been touched by the curse. As someone mentioned: If Lancelot is in this then I wonder if Merlin or some other magical character was responsible for protecting that part of the fairy tale land.
Didn't really like the episode. "Wacky" twists, Emma Swan being Emma Swan, etc.

However, the show's new "normal" seems like a better place than the old one.


I'm not seeing much of an overall arc to the show anymore either.

I haven't watched this first episode yet, but when I watched last season's finale, I thought that
the show was actually only intended to last one season. The curse was broken, everyone was happy, etc. I remember some tweets of people involved in the show being both happy and surprised that they got picked up for a second season, so maybe it wasn't intended to happen originally? The part at the end of the finale with Belle and Mr. Gold at the well did feel somewhat tacked on to me.
Just my theory as an outside observer.


I feel like they are doing set up for the next villain (Captain Hook?) in this season.

Smart, but frustrating move to separate Snow/Emma from rest of town.

what will be interesting is later on, if Sleeping Beauty/mulan will stay in FTL or come with them back, since they have no Real word counter parts.
I feel like they are doing set up for the next villain (Captain Hook?) in this season.


Loved the season opener but it's painfully obvious that
Neverland is the area of the kingdom left untouched by the curse because Neverland is ALREADY the place where time stands still

I'm sure the next few episodes until
's reveal will be Emma, Snow, Mulan and Sleeping Beauty on their way to

Also, I think I've narrowed down my two ideas for who Dr. Whale is: Oz or Peter Pan.

I feel like they are doing set up for the next villain (Captain Hook?) in this season.

Smart, but frustrating move to separate Snow/Emma from rest of town.

what will be interesting is later on, if Sleeping Beauty/mulan will stay in FTL or come with them back, since they have no Real word counter parts.

It sounded like from the episode they wanted to get back to fairy tale world and leave Storybrooke. The preview for the season also said they wanted to
retake the kingdom as a family.
. Woopededo. Do it then. What's stopping you?


It sounded like from the episode they wanted to get back to fairy tale world and leave Storybrooke. The preview for the season also said they wanted to
retake the kingdom as a family.
. Woopededo. Do it then. What's stopping you?

That whole "everything was frozen and this was the one place was untouched" seems like a MAJOR retcon.

I need to see what they are gonna do with it, but I already kinda don't like that move.


Is this show a comedy? a drama? The OP failed to mention that.

Sounds like my kind of series but I have never heard of it.

Sorry, I'm having a lot of feels this evening. It's OUATIB syndrome










Is this show a comedy? a drama? The OP failed to mention that. Sounds like my kind of series but I have never heard of it.

Drama like no other.
Fantasy Soap Opera


That shot of Rumple is pure badassness. Thats just awesome.

I don't think there is no way to make Emile de Ravin unattractive.
Mulan is definitely the character im most interested in.

Love the casting, though as much as I like Emilie de Ravin im not to big a fan of her as Belle.
maybe im just more picky about her because Belle was always my favorite.


The only thing I could think of when they mentioned that one area of the lands was an untouched "safe haven" was
Traverse Town.
The only thing I could think of when they mentioned that one area of the lands was an untouched "safe haven" was
Traverse Town.

If they bring Neku from The World Ends with You and the cast of FF7 into Storybrooke, I think I might just explode.

Loved the season opener but it's painfully obvious that
Neverland is the area of the kingdom left untouched by the curse because Neverland is ALREADY the place where time stands still

Definitely agree that
it's almost assuredly going to be Neverland that was protected from the curse.
Either that or the season's plotline is going to revolve around figuring out why one area survived while the rest didn't, so they can restore the entire fairy tale world.

I really liked the episode, although I'm worrying there may be too much to focus on if there's stories in Storybrooke, in the current fairy tale land, AND a flashback story. My guess is Emma and Snow will end up returning by the mid-season finale or sooner. I also agree there needs to be some sort of villainous motivation. Regina as the villain in the first season was her getting revenge on the entire kingdom with the curse, but now that the curse has broken, we need some new villain or some new motivation.
Regina as the villain in the first season was her getting revenge on the entire kingdom with the curse, but now that the curse has broken, we need some new villain or some new motivation.

And in comes Captain Hook, especially if the protected area is
. He can control the entirety of fairy tale world if he controls the one unaffected portion.
I really don't want a new Villain yet. I really don't feel like the story lines of Rumpelstiltskin and the Queen are done yet.

Especially not Hook.


Belle said
that Mr. Gold twists words. Then later on when she discovered the cup, he said it was the only thing in the store that he cherished. She was in the store at this time.

just a thought.
I like the show...damn if they don't make the male characters wimpy or emotionally weak. Charming is ALWAYS fucking ballin' about something. It's kinda comical.


I dunno I liked this opener

But this ep gave me a lot of Harry Potter feeling to it, right down to the Dementor styled Wraith

Setting up a new big bad

Not quite sold on Mulan yet

The constant switching between real world persona and fairy tale one was kinda frustrating

Now we have an idea of a portion of the Fairytale universe that was untouched by the curse, and that Emma and Snow fell through the Mad Hatter's hat to that untouched world, where other dangers lie

Regina has her powers back because Emma touched her arm, lol

This could be interesting, and I am glad I decided to keep watching


I haven't watched this first episode yet, but when I watched last season's finale, I thought that
the show was actually only intended to last one season. The curse was broken, everyone was happy, etc. I remember some tweets of people involved in the show being both happy and surprised that they got picked up for a second season, so maybe it wasn't intended to happen originally? The part at the end of the finale with Belle and Mr. Gold at the well did feel somewhat tacked on to me.
Just my theory as an outside observer.

No chance. They were the #2 rated drama on ABC, they knew they were coming back for months before they wrote the finale.


This was a pretty good episode. I am kind of intrigued by Emma and Snow ending up back in Fairy Tale Land. Could be good. We shall see.

Emma needs to stop looking confused and skeptical
Her character fought a fucking Dragon

Deal with it /shades

This is so true. I literally thought that while watching the episode, "Didn't she just get done fighting a dragon?!?"


I'm kind of interested in this season. There's a lot of under-the-radar things that I picked up on that need to be resolved. One of them being from last season when Regina said
she had a score to settle with a certain mermaid. How the hell is she involved with Ariel, of all people?
Not to mention all of the possibilities of just how far that curse actually got. Who's all not in Storybrooke?
And who was that guy at the beginning of the episode? I'd guess it's Rumple's kid, but who could say for sure?


Morrison looked even better than usual, it boggles the mind.

The episode strangely matched the season premier of Fringe. I don't think it was a strong return, but I think the premise of this season is stronger than the last, I prefer this dichotomy, at least conceptually. The last one was a consistent frustration, because it felt like the show could never progress, because they couldn't break the spell until the show ended, but if they're going to have seasonal switch ups as Lost did every time, I could see it holding my interest for years, instead of fading within this season, which I imagine was likely to happen.
It'd make sense for the
untouched land to be neverland. If we're getting Captain Hook then what about the others from the story like Peter Pan?


Of course he is. It'd be anti-climatic if
Henry's dad was just some random guy and not a character tied into the mythos of the show

Also, why do we have to use spoiler tags about season 2 in the season 2 thread?
I thought the episode was great. I think Emma should be over the whole fairy tail part by now, I also think it's dumb that she seems mad that her parents sent her away. They had no clue what the curse was going to be and that they could possibly still be with her, how can she blame them? :lol

The guy at the beginning can really only be Baelfire, but with the card saying 'broken' does that mean he knew of storybrooke all along?

I also like the idea of Emma and Snow in fairy tail land. It will be interesting to see who the curse didn't touch and how it will effect the story.
Watched this while working tonight.

The first few episodes were so good. Then it just got bad.

But out of curiosity, and needing background noise to stimulate the old noggin, I put it on Hulu.

Yeah, no.
They had such a great concept of putting magic into the real world, and... they make a standard episode as if nothing had changed. That was not a season premiere. And the dialogue was just awful ("I am mad at you for saving me!", "You love him, I see it"). I'm not even going to get started on the ridiculous "we're now in Fairy Tale land this season" and "we're in an untouched part of the Forest" tomfoolery).

I did enjoy the beginning, though.


Loved it. Though the wraith seemed like a rip off from those things in harry potter. They basically do the same thing. :p
Did they just pull off a LOST flashforward?

Didn't see the "twist" coming.

Also, the set-up seems to have overshadowed the "Magic is Coming" tease leading up to this premiere.

Loved Mulan. Didn't like Aurora.


Thought the premiere was OK. I think part of it was that I'd forgotten over the summer how over the top cheeseball the show can be so it was a bit jarring. Generally the wife and I watch it the next day via iTunes but we watched it live last night. The commercial breaks made some of the jumps between Gold/Belle and Storybrook and FTL/Sleeping Beauty hard to stay invested in along with the "let's kill her!" "no let's not!" "oh no she's been marked let's save her!" jumps. Felt meh.
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