Ewwww! I mean, the FBI has GOTTA be paying a visit to anyone still watching this, right? Plus netflix can tell them just what parts those sickos watch over and over.Cuties
Ewwww! I mean, the FBI has GOTTA be paying a visit to anyone still watching this, right? Plus netflix can tell them just what parts those sickos watch over and over.Cuties
CutiesTell me mooorrrreeee
Let's say it's on a secondary screen at all hours, at a suitable volume so that you will hear every minute of every movie, unless something explodes nearby of course them you won't hear a part of that particular playthrough and perhaps a few playthroughs after it..Need more details on this scenario.
Is this movie just playing in the background non stop for a month?
Is it just always on when you turn on the TV and you have no other options?
Is there a quota of needing to sit down and watch it once a day?
My answer would change depending on the parameters here, but no matter how you slice it, it would have to be a good movie that you are okay with never wanting to watch again at the end of the month.
I would probably go with Shoot Em Up for most scenarios. It’s close enough to John wick without ruining John wick for me.
If it’s a background movie playing non stop I would say a foreign movie so I can tune out the words. Honestly, it would probably be that kinky Netflix movie that came out last year. Foreign. Easy to ignore, and sex scenes don’t really get old to watch the way an action scene on loop might.
Good luck searching that titleInterFellas!
NOW I ATSK YOU, WOULD YOU GIVE A FUCK WHAT KINDA PANTS THE ASSHOLE WHO SHOT YOU WAS WEARING?!?!My Cousin Vinny. I wanna memorize the dialogue but I'm really bad at that sort of thing
Only one is so hard! I'd have to go with Withnail and I, its simply a master piece!
Jacques Tati <3 i dunno if you've seen Mon Oncle but it's my favourite.. maybe Traffic is my favourite, but it's got a different flavour to itPlaytime is the perfect film for this. A fascinating experience that gets better and more fun with every rewatch.
Rocky II
Back to the future part II
The Blues Brothers
Black Belt Jones
Jackie Chan's Gorgeous
Attack of the Clones
I hadn't hear of Traffic before, but I actually watched My Uncle before Playtime! It's quite trippy lol. I still prefer the latter, though, mainly because of its complexity.Jacques Tati <3 i dunno if you've seen Mon Oncle but it's my favourite.. maybe Traffic is my favourite, but it's got a different flavour to it
It's an interesting one, it was the first of his i ever saw and i fell deeply in love with it, yeah... I'm an architect by trade and i love how ambiguous his airport is lol... he made Playtime later in his career and it got kind of lukewarm reception.. but yeah it's definitely one of my favourite films OAT.. all Tati films occupy high slots for me haha.. he had that entire city built out of giant 2D cutouts and such.. i think part of the lukewarm reception was because he was seen as a champion of folksy France but he had megabucks to sling around.. i think it came across as pretty Hollywood.. might have it slightly wrong though, been a while since i researched itI hadn't hear of Traffic before, but I actually watched My Uncle before Playtime! It's quite trippy lol. I still prefer the latter, though, mainly because of its complexity.
Jurassic Park. I already watch it regularly as it is!
god that has to be one of the worst films i've ever seen. I thought there was supposed to be some cool sex traffic story that played out, but it was like the Turkish Starwars of Fifty Shades.A foreign movie called 365. It’s really bad and easy to tune out if you are forced to torture yourself with a movie on loop for a month.
I really don’t recommend watching it outside of this setting though. We watched it because it was early in the lockdown and was trending. It was so boring and forgettable that by the time the action came around it was at an irredeemable state.
Think of porn level acting and substance while also failing to be porn.
What movie is this?
I was about to post that. Not to sound snobbish, I don't even like the movie as much as most cinephiliacs, but it's the perfect movie to have as background noise. You could even define it as background noise. You can just jump into it, notice new details here and there, skip some parts without having the feeling of missing anything, and even if you watch it in a loop for days you won't be fed up by any music or dialog lines that you'd hear again and again.Playtime is the perfect film for this. A fascinating experience that gets better and more fun with every rewatch.
That sentence is code for "search it on bing"ssni-618
It's for grown ups only.![]()