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One in four people online has illegally downloaded a feature film

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One in four people online has illegally downloaded a feature film--and it's cutting into box-office and DVD sales, the Motion Picture Association of America said in a study released Thursday.

A survey of 3,600 Internet users in eight countries showed that as many as 50 percent had downloaded copyrighted content in the last year. Of those people who have downloaded films, 17 percent said they are going to the movies less often, and 26 percent said they bought fewer DVDs, according to online researcher OTX, which conducted the study in partnership with the MPAA.

Full Story: C|Net News.Com
1 on 4? who makes these stats up?


In my Internet life, I have only downloaded three movies: "The Matrix Reloaded," "The Perfect Score," and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre."

I still went to the movies to go see "The Matrix Reloaded" and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre."


1 in 4 my ass! Surveys in general are questionable, and especially this one because I bet their sample size is waaaaaaaaay too small compared to everyone on the net.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
In other completely unrelated news, 1 in 8 regular movie goers are selling kidneys to buy tickets.


I'm so sick of this "One person who views a downloaded movie=one lost movie ticket/dvd sale" logic. Not to mention, a couple of times when i've DLed a movie, i did it AFTER watching it in the movies(X2 and The Matrix Reloaded) just to rewatch it....bunch of anal-retentive bastids...fuck 'em.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Willco said:
3 out of 4 dentists recommend STOLENSpider-Man 2 to their patients.

Dentists are always right kids, thats why they're RICH.


OmniGamer said:
I'm so sick of this "One person who views a downloaded movie=one lost movie ticket/dvd sale" logic. Not to mention, a couple of times when i've DLed a movie, i did it AFTER watching it in the movies(X2 and The Matrix Reloaded) just to rewatch it....bunch of anal-retentive bastids...fuck 'em.

Yeah. While I'm sure industries lose money over piracy, they exaggerate how much they lose, and never take into account the smaller fraction of people (smaller I'm guessing) that through piracy discover things they never would've in the first place, and are honest enough to purchase said things :p
OmniGamer said:
I'm so sick of this "One person who views a downloaded movie=one lost movie ticket/dvd sale" logic. Not to mention, a couple of times when i've DLed a movie, i did it AFTER watching it in the movies(X2 and The Matrix Reloaded) just to rewatch it....bunch of anal-retentive bastids...fuck 'em.

You just totally contradicted yourself man.
OmniGamer said:
I'm so sick of this "One person who views a downloaded movie=one lost movie ticket/dvd sale" logic. Not to mention, a couple of times when i've DLed a movie, i did it AFTER watching it in the movies(X2 and The Matrix Reloaded) just to rewatch it....bunch of anal-retentive bastids...fuck 'em.

Um, hello, "rewatch it"? Lost sale? If piracy of movies didn't exist you would have had to pay to watch that movie a 2nd time. Jesus, talk about entitlement complexes with people these days....
Has anyone seen that stupid ad with the set builder guy before the movie talking about downloaded movies and stuff? WTF? Why are you talking shit to me when I payed for this movie.
samus4ever said:
Has anyone seen that stupid ad with the set builder guy before the movie talking about downloaded movies and stuff? WTF? Why are you talking shit to me when I payed for this movie.

If I were ever to pirate something, it'd be that ad, just for irony's sake.


DJ Demon J said:
Um, hello, "rewatch it"? Lost sale? If piracy of movies didn't exist you would have had to pay to watch that movie a 2nd time. Jesus, talk about entitlement complexes with people these days....

If piracy didn't exist, I doubt he would've. And that's what I'm saying, if there were no piracy, I'd just be a more 'sheltered' person. Nobody's losing money hypothetically in my case! :p

Seth C

DJ Demon J said:
Um, hello, "rewatch it"? Lost sale? If piracy of movies didn't exist you would have had to pay to watch that movie a 2nd time. Jesus, talk about entitlement complexes with people these days....

Or, more likely, he just would have not re-watched it at all.

Let's take Spider-Man, for example. I saw it twice in the theater, pirated it twice, and bought it on DVD TWICE. Come on, the piracy didn't change any of the money they made off me. :)


Seth C said:
Or, more likely, he just would have not re-watched it at all.

Thank you...I just wouldn't have rewatched in the theater! Let's see, if i went to the theater to watch it the first time, AS OPPOSED TO, not going to the theater and just downloading it, how does me downloading it to rewatch it equate to me bypassing any profit to them?

If i just wanted to watch the movie, i would have downloaded it from the get go
If i wanted to watch it twice in the movie, i would have went twice.

Clearly i wanted to watch the movie in the theater, but NOT watch it twice in the theater. I DLed it why? Because i could...and if i couldn't, i would have just waited for the DVD(both of which I have).

That's the thing that pisses me off about the issue...I didn't HAVE to see it again, but since i could, I did. If I couldn't, they STILL WOULD NOT HAVE GOTTEN ANY DOUBLE-DIP MONEY FROM ME.

Nice try though *cough*


The piracy still lowers your chance of returning to the movie theaters. You still didn't go and got to watch the movie a second time. Regardless of what you would do without piracy, there is obviously a greater chance that without piracy you'd go again if that was your only option. To make that your only option would make more money for the companies, and that's what they want.
Its still viewed as a crime, and any of your theories do nothing more than make it easier for you to sleep at night. If you really care about it, you'd do a lot more than download a movie and say "Fuck the man!"
Regardless, I did download a version of Wizard of Oz with the sound track set to Dark Side of the Moon.


OmniGamer said:
Thank you...I just wouldn't have rewatched in the theater! Let's see, if i went to the theater to watch it the first time, AS OPPOSED TO, not going to the theater and just downloading it, how does me downloading it to rewatch it equate to me bypassing any profit to them?

If i just wanted to watch the movie, i would have downloaded it from the get go
If i wanted to watch it twice in the movie, i would have went twice.

Clearly i wanted to watch the movie in the theater, but NOT watch it twice in the theater. I DLed it why? Because i could...and if i couldn't, i would have just waited for the DVD(both of which I have).

That's the thing that pisses me off about the issue...I didn't HAVE to see it again, but since i could, I did. If I couldn't, they STILL WOULD NOT HAVE GOTTEN ANY DOUBLE-DIP MONEY FROM ME.

Nice try though *cough*

miyuru said:
Yeah exactly! I'm the same way.

I love piracy, it's exposed me to so many new things!

... Still doesn't make it right though. You don't have the right to watch that movie even if you're only watching it "because you could." And yes, I guess it does mean the company that made it isnt losing any money that should be in their bank account.

However, exactly how would you know how much more money you would spend on movies without piracy?

Let's assume you watched 10 movies in total this month; half were pirated and the other half were seen in the theatres. Now, if there was no piracy, you could say that you just won't watch those pirated 5. But you don't know that. Maybe you would've seen 6 movies in the theatres if there was no piracy?

Also, how many people do you think only pirate stuff that they normally would not pay for anyway? Couldn't a gamer buy ONLY pirated games? how many do you think do? Is it ok because "he shelled out cash for that Zelda collector's edition" so he buys the "good" stuff but not the games he pirated? where would he draw the line between a game he would buy and another he would pirate?
They waste money on those retarded piracy ads, yet the ads for the movies suck gigantic ass. So to the I say, stop bitching and make movies worth paying for, or at least trick me into thinking the movie might be good, you'll get money that way at least.


*drowns in jizz*
This is ridiculous. How many people would have actually gone to see a movie in theatres, but did not due to having downloaded the movie in question? I'd wager an incredibly small percentage. I've downloaded my fair share of movies, and not once did I forego an outing because of a shitty divx version. I dl after seeing them. or long after they are in theatres.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Anyone remember those early stories where the media thought a pirate copy of Harry Potter 3 was on the net before the movie's release or whatever? lol, the movie didn't even get pirated at that time. They were just basing their facts by a filename titled as Harry Potter on P2P networks or some crap. Probably some porn movie named Harry Potter 3


Hollywood Square
I am downloading Spider-Man 3 right now as we speak. Oh shit, this isn't Spider-Man 3. ARGH OH NO! UGH! DELETE! DELETE!


The only "real" movie I've ever downloaded was Goodfellas, but only because I couldn't fucking find it on tape or DVD freaking anywhere. I didn't feel bad when I did it. :p


Hollywood Square
jett said:
The only "real" movie I've ever downloaded was Goodfellas, but only because I couldn't fucking find it on tape or DVD freaking anywhere. I didn't feel bad when I did it. :p

... but God did. I hope you like Hell!


Chrono said:
... Still doesn't make it right though. You don't have the right to watch that movie even if you're only watching it "because you could." And yes, I guess it does mean the company that made it isnt losing any money that should be in their bank account.

However, exactly how would you know how much more money you would spend on movies without piracy?

Let's assume you watched 10 movies in total this month; half were pirated and the other half were seen in the theatres. Now, if there was no piracy, you could say that you just won't watch those pirated 5. But you don't know that. Maybe you would've seen 6 movies in the theatres if there was no piracy?

Also, how many people do you think only pirate stuff that they normally would not pay for anyway? Couldn't a gamer buy ONLY pirated games? how many do you think do? Is it ok because "he shelled out cash for that Zelda collector's edition" so he buys the "good" stuff but not the games he pirated? where would he draw the line between a game he would buy and another he would pirate?

Spare the the waaa waaa waaa "but it's still not right" stuff because i'm not talking about right or wrong. I'm talking about this "and it's cutting into box-office and DVD sales". Because not only did I pay to see the movies I mentioned in the theater, I ALSO bought both of them on DVD, within 3 days of their release at that. And I still have my ticket stubs for those movies. Right/wrong is of no concern to me in regards to this thread, what i'm talking about is that they didn't lose one bloody red cent from me due to me downloading them.

Furthermore, I know damn well that i wouldn't have gone to seen it again in the movies. How do I know that? Oh i don't know, maybe it stems from the fact that i'm just ME. I know my movie going habits, which haven't changed at all since having the means to download a movie or watch a bootleg....I don't go all that often, and i've NEVER paid TWICE OR MORE to see a movie in the theaters more than once(if i've seen a movie more than once in the movies, the first Matrix for instance(seen 3 times in the theaters), i was treated)...i know what i'll watch and i know what categories movies go into for me "Gotta go to the movies to see this" "Hmmm, plan to check out the dvd" "...eh, it can wait for cable"..."i'm not seeing this shit".

If i don't want to see a movie, i just flat out won't see it. One of my brother's is always buying some cheap ass tape or copied dvd of movies from off the street, and will come by with them, and i can count the number of movies i've seen on one finger. Just because it's "free" to me doesn't mean i want to see it. So just because i saw that one movie doesn't mean i would have bothered to go see it in the theaters(it was Bruce Almighty btw, which goes into the "eh, it can wait for cable" category for me).

And lastly, i don't care if my DL habits are the norm or the exception, because I speak for myself only.


If I didn't download Kill Bill, I wouldn't have seen Vol. 2 twice in the theater within three days of its release. Piracy isn't always bad...


OmniGamer said:
Spare the the waaa waaa waaa "but it's still not right" stuff because i'm not talking about right or wrong. I'm talking about this "and it's cutting into box-office and DVD sales". Because not only did I pay to see the movies I mentioned in the theater, I ALSO bought both of them on DVD, within 3 days of their release at that. And I still have my ticket stubs for those movies. Right/wrong is of no concern to me in regards to this thread, what i'm talking about is that they didn't lose one bloody red cent from me due to me downloading them.

Furthermore, I know damn well that i wouldn't have gone to seen it again in the movies. How do I know that? Oh i don't know, maybe it stems from the fact that i'm just ME. I know my movie going habits, which haven't changed at all since having the means to download a movie or watch a bootleg....I don't go all that often, and i've NEVER paid TWICE OR MORE to see a movie in the theaters more than once(if i've seen a movie more than once in the movies, the first Matrix for instance(seen 3 times in the theaters), i was treated)...i know what i'll watch and i know what categories movies go into for me "Gotta go to the movies to see this" "Hmmm, plan to check out the dvd" "...eh, it can wait for cable"..."i'm not seeing this shit".

If i don't want to see a movie, i just flat out won't see it. One of my brother's is always buying some cheap ass tape or copied dvd of movies from off the street, and will come by with them, and i can count the number of movies i've seen on one finger. Just because it's "free" to me doesn't mean i want to see it. So just because i saw that one movie doesn't mean i would have bothered to go see it in the theaters(it was Bruce Almighty btw, which goes into the "eh, it can wait for cable" category for me).

And lastly, i don't care if my DL habits are the norm or the exception, because I speak for myself only.

Dude, I d/l One Piece which is a licensed show. I watch several licensed anime actually. Inuyasha is one and that's only cuz I'm not going to wait 3 years for the U.S. to reach where the fansubs are at now, and only get to see the dub (and the DVDs are at 3 episodes a pop for about a 200 episode series that I don't like that much*). I missed FLCL and Trigun several times on CN (which I have) so I didn't feel bad downloading them. Also buy A LOT of anime. On the last DDD sales I ordered 280 dollars worth of anime.

My point was, that even though I do these things, I admit they're wrong. :)

*I'm watching it cuz I could. Just like you and miyuru watch some other pirated stuff. But it is still wrong. It doesn't matter whether the series is good or bad, Viz only gives you 3 episodes a DVD and that's it. Like it, buy it. Don't like it, don't buy it. I can tell you that judging by the other anime I watch/want to see and how much I like Inuyasha, I would never spend 1, 200 (if they hit 60 volumes which is expected) dollars on the series. So yes, Viz isn't loosing money when I watch the fansubs. STILL, those are just excuses. ;)

Slurpy said:
This is ridiculous. How many people would have actually gone to see a movie in theatres, but did not due to having downloaded the movie in question? I'd wager an incredibly small percentage. I've downloaded my fair share of movies, and not once did I forego an outing because of a shitty divx version. I dl after seeing them. or long after they are in theatres.

uh, do you know how many people download stuff like the sopranos or curb your enthusiasm? a lot. I really doubt they prefer the "shitty divx version" over their TVs.


samus4ever said:
Has anyone seen that stupid ad with the set builder guy before the movie talking about downloaded movies and stuff? WTF? Why are you talking shit to me when I payed for this movie.

I don't know... It's certainly a better campaign than what RIAA has been doing.

I like these ads a lot.
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