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One Piece Manga |OT| ZEHAHAHAHA! The Name of this Age is Blackbeard!

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I'm absolutely 100% certain both Vergo and Monet are alive. We could get their cover story soon but I feel like we need to see all the Straw Hats get covers first.

Monet's heart was grazed and not fully stabbed. The angle in which that scene took place makes it easy to believe that she was stabbed directly in the heart. When we see Caesar later the ice cicle is lodged into the ground next to her heart. He didn't stab her heart with his last conscious breath, then take the ice cicle out and jam it into the ground. What he stabbed was mostly that weird gell the heart was incased in which it then went straight into the ground. I guarantee this is exactly how it will play out if the scene is revisited.

If Monet kept that smile during her "dying" moments, or succeeded in sacrificing herself for Doflamingo then there could be a decent argument for her death. This is One Piece and we all know what that means. She has a lot of mystery about her and there are details that will be expanded on. She's got more to contribute to the story dealing with her sister Sugar but I'm sure it will mostly deal with outer space.

Vergo was caught in an explosion. An explosion. Fist = Kick = Sword > bullet > explosion. We know this well. Oda went to great lengths to show us just how scary Shinokuni was and in an instant, every sad sacrifice of the petrified on Punk Hazard was instantly reversed. As cool as the thought is, Vergo did not die from an explosion or poisonous gas.

If Brown Beared did not get taken in by Smoker after the confusion with Doffy himself he will probably play a role in the recovery Monet and Vergo. If Brown Beard did go with Smoker then you can bet without a shadow of a doubt Vergo and Monet will be the ones to recover Smiley's salamander fruit.

Doflamingo assumed they were dead. He did not search them out after Aokiji arrived, he took his surviving family members and left. Why weren't they at Dressrosa the next day? The simplest answer is that they probably just didn't recover fast enough.


For what it's worth, I hope they are alive. I liked them more than Doflamingo's other family. And Monet needs to make up for that embarrassing defeat somehow.


That came out no where lol

802 spoilers so far
Shirohige has a son.
- His wanted is 480,000,000 Berries and he's a Shichibukai.


Oda's got some 'splainin to do if that is true.

Big One

If he is real, him being the Seventh Warlord suggests he has no hatred for the Marines or the WG for killing his father. Perhaps he's like a bastard son or something.


If he is real, him being the Seventh Warlord suggests he has no hatred for the Marines or the WG for killing his father. Perhaps he's like a bastard son or something.

Maybe Whitebeard joined the proud shonen tradition of abandoning your child for ADVENTURE!!!


If he is real, him being the Seventh Warlord suggests he has no hatred for the Marines or the WG for killing his father. Perhaps he's like a bastard son or something.

What if
he's an imposter, posing as being Whitebeard's biological son just for the position?


No Scrubs
Maybe Whitebeard joined the proud shonen tradition of abandoning your child for ADVENTURE!!!

I feel like he may not have even known. Given the way Whitebeard cared about family, it's all he ever wanted, there's no way it's gonna be that. Something happened.
Part 1
Huge hails each the size of a human head falls from the sky, piercing holes in Barto's ship.
Luffy tries to help out, while Franky demands directions from navigator to steer the ship

Barto tells him they are originally gangs on land, and have no navigator lol.
Gambia is calling his grandma up with the denden mushi, asking for advise.
It seems Barto's crew always calls up grandma when they need help when they're in trouble.
But the granny keeps giving housewife tips instead of anything helpful for the situation.

Straw Hats have to save the day, and Law is in disbelief.
The ship sails through the giant hails, attacks from chameleon sea king, straight falls (in middle of the ocean!?) thunderstorms....

Meanwhile at Marine HQ, Kizaru receives a report.
A.O Pirates under the banner of Whitebeard has been annihilated by Shichibukai Edward Weeble
This is now the 16th captain under Whitebeard to fall. It seems Weeble always gets into quarrel with the captains and blows them up along with a city.
There are now 600 casualties (both dead and injured) and counting.

It seems Weeble leaves such a path of destruction and harm to civilians, the marines are wondering if they should allow him to continue with such aggression. His "claim" to be son of Edward Newgate is a strong title, but many doubt its credibility.

Calls his Grandma lmfao
Lol that gif
Part 2
Kizaru tells the marine he's not really too concerned with the truth. Regardless of his heritage, there's one thing of certain of his value... he is a very powerful pirate!
Kizaru continues that he's just like Whitebeard when he was young. Only in his strength though.

Self-claimed Whitebeard Jr
Edward Weeble (former bounty 480 million)

Weeble seems to have the mind of an immature child.
"Dey always say da same thing! Dat ritebeard's sons are the ritebeard pirates! Mommy! Mommy! I'M the song of ritebeard rite? I'm so rite!(white)"
(I'm just localizing... he says "Shiroshige" instead of Shirohige because he talks like a little child and can't pronounce words right)

Miss Bakkin, self-claimed lover of Whitebeard replies to her son that Whitebeard pirates are nothing but pretend-family. The only true child of Whitebeard is you, my son.
She claims to be loved by Whitebeard, and shows her son Edward Newgate's picture. You couldn't possibly be anything other than his son, you look just like him!

She tells her son they need to find Marco and rest of whitebeard's men and rob them of Whitebeard's fortune. You are the true heir to his wealth!
But Weeble seems to be more interested in taking revenge on Blackbeard for killing who he believes to be his father. But Bakkin tells him there's no profit in revenge, money is what they should go after.

She reads a newspaper and learns about fall of Doflamingo, defeated by Garp's grandson.
She remembers a rumor that Marco and others protected him during the war.
Weeble says then he might know about Marco, should we go beat him up?

Big One

Lol Weeble is basically a little baby being manipulated by his mother. Still where is his power coming from?

Return of Marco and crew is going to be SO hype though.
Last part
One week later...

Barto's ship is lost in the mist, and the crew sick from seasick.
Zoro can't believe these guys are pirates lol.

They see what appears to be a mountain or a giant monster n the mist, and it seems to be moving slightly.
Luffy immediately goes Let's go see this moving mountain! but Usopp stops him saying right now we need to figure out how to get out of this maze of mist, before hitting a boulder

Law tells "God" to hold it, as the vivre card of his crewmates point towards the mountain.
Usopp seems happy to be called "God" and boasts his 200million bounty while Franky glares at him, but instantly shuts up when Law mentions the Admirals have eyes on him now.

Law tells them this island is covered in deep mist and strong current bars entering it.
As they get closer, Luffy and others are astonished. How can this be an island!? this.... this is literally a gigantic elephant! (zou)!

Law explains Zou, like it's name, is an island on the back of a massive elephant.
It constantly moves and is never in one spot. Because it's not an actual land, Log Pose cannot guide you to it. He says it's the first time for him here.

The Elephant is slowly moving away, so Sanji and others must have arrived much earlier.
The samurais mention they heard race of people who despises humans live on Zou.
Law acknowledges, and tells them the Mink tribes live on the island for the past 1000 years.

Which means... this elephant is at least a thousand years old!

End of chapter


get some go again
guess that chopper looking girl that appeared some chapters back was a mink. maybe chopper and bepo will be the ones who brings them together.


OK, what's happening, my head is exploding

So we have a little manchild who's manipulated by his mother to think that he's Whitebeards son. He should also be the last Warlord who supposedly cut off Zephyrs arm? What.

Then it's one week later? OK? What happened at the tea party? What have the Twirly Hats done in fucking 10 days time?

The Mink tribe is living on a giant elephant that's been living for at least 1000 years. AND the Whitebeard pirates have fighting with the manchild?




Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16

The mom is totally lying about him being whitebeard's kid. She's using the position for money.

Say... what if he's not the one causing all the destruction? What if it's the mom? :O

The mom is totally lying about him being whitebeard's kid. She's using the position for money.

Say... what if he's not the one causing all the destruction? What if it's the mom? :O
She probably went naked and BAM! Insta kill.

Serious note: She looks a little like Lola as well.



So we've got half of Luffy's crew on Zou, Law's crew, Kaido subordinates, Minkmen, and getting on the elephant to deal with, and then we'll need to catch up with the Kidd alliance eventually. I imagine whatever happened with Kaido there is done with since it's been over 10 days now. Also Weeble's mom reminds me of the Nico Robin impersonator. Oh, I'm willing to bet the "hole" in the sea that they fell into is a hole in the sense that the water was displaced as a result of the elephant lifting one of it's legs up.


Finally leaving Dressrosa for good is so refreshing. The chapter was great, classic One Piece as they start a new adventure. I've heard that Zou meant elephant but I didn't expect it to be an elephant. Oda really likes to surprise. And Barto Club keeps being great.

Also, Edward Weeble reminds me so much of the fake SHs. It's kind of a shame that he's the new Shchibukai but he may prove interesting. The fact that he's stupid and seems to hate Blackbeard may make him an ally in the future.
I don't believe for a second that this is Whitebeards real son xD BUT if that woman isn't Lola's mom, I'm going to eat crow. Weeble even has the same braids as Lola and the mother's hat is the same, too.
Plus, whats with all the weird scars that cover his body? He looks like a zombie from Thrillerbark. May turn out that he and Lola are actually the children of Hogback or something.

And whats with the Barto Club? Could they be any greater? I love how they act like punks when they are on land but call their granny when they run into trouble. And she then just gives them some useful household tips lol


Weeble and Shiki have the same hairstyle hahaha. I wonder if Oda did that on purpose to troll us.

Kind of disappointed that this guy is the new Warlord. His appearance is the least badass out of them all and his only crew member is his mom. :/

But we finally get to see Kizaru after the timeskip. Yay

Wait. Why did we not get an explanation for Sanji? WHAT THE F


Weeble and Shiki have the same hairstyle hahaha. I wonder if Oda did that on purpose to troll us.

Kind of disappointed that this guy is the new Warlord. His appearance is the least badass out of them all and his only crew member is his mom. :/

But we finally get to see Kizaru after the timeskip. Yay

Wait. Why did we not get an explanation for Sanji? WHAT THE F

I think we wont get a real explanation for some time regarding sanjis poster


I think that he is a strong, but obvious gag character that get punched out of his joke persona and maybe then gets his own personality. I don't like him much though, felt like there too many pages dedicated to him when wr have so much else going on.


They say elephants have good memories. Maybe we get a little bit of a history lesson in this Arc?

Maybe Chopper's been put on a bus with the other off-screen Straw Hats because his ability to talk to animals would
kill a lot of the plot of whatever's going to happen on Zou from the get-go.

If Chopper was a round to talk to the Island Elephant we might end up with a Labyrinth-style "That way would have taken her straight to that horrible castle!" moment.
How does everyone feel about

It obviously is a gag design, isn't it? I don't particularly like him as a serious foe, but I don't think he will be. I think his design is quite amusing as apparently it may be based on an old WB design. There is zero chance this guy is actually WB's son though. Oda better not put out a 'surprise' that he actually is. Well, I doubt he will on that account.


I mean come on. The dialogue makes it clear that he isn't, this shouldn't be a discussion. However he is indeed taking out Whitebeards men. He has skme strength at the very least.
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