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One Piece Manga |OT| ZEHAHAHAHA! The Name of this Age is Blackbeard!

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Time to not visit the thread until chapter is out!

A monkey comes falling down, crying Etetetetetete
Kanjuro explains that Raizou is a Tetetete, a running ninja.
(Ete-kou is an insulting way of calling a monkey)

Luffy & co dodges the ape, but Kin and Kan is fooling around with pretend ninjutsu and is knocked off the dragon.
Robin originally mistakes the ape for a child stabbed by knives, lol

Luffy and others wants to go back down to the ocean to pick up the samurais, but they yell out that they're fine, and will catch up later.
Luffy insists on helping them, but feels sorry for the dragon who struggling to climb the elephant's leg, panting heavily from the work. (Robin is almost in tears from pity)
Luffy yells down to the samurai that they'll go on ahead, and we'll meet up later.

Although they hear the samurai answer in acknowledgement, they also hear an unfamiliar voice yelling he won't allow them to enter the country without permission. (perhaps the voice of the ape ninja)

The dragon finally makes it to the top, as Luffy & co cheers on Ryuunosuke (they gave him a name)
The dragon smiles and slowly reverts to a painting as Luffy & co tearfully calls out his name. Franky cries.
Zoro & Law is uninterested, calling this a farce and just a terribly drawn painting.

They head to a large castle wall arch with a carving that reads "Mokomo Dukedom" to enter the nation, while Robin puts a flower on Ryuunosuke's drawing.

Luffy climbs up the wall and on the watch tower to get a good view of the nation.
The nation is large and well developed, with massive blocks of buildings that resemble thin cliffs, large cities around a ruin, vast forests, river, etc. Despite being on an elephant, it's completely an island nation.

They walk through the arch, as Zoro mentions the gates are open.
But Law points out that the gates didn't just open... it's missing, someone had forced themselves in.

Inside the gate, the party finds massive destruction through the forest. And the destruction is still new.
The road is hard to walk on, as they're treading on the skin of an elephant.

Meanwhile a few mink people are spying on the group, wondering what happened to Bariete (presumably the person on watch). He/she may have been taken out...

Luffy reaches the city, but it looks abandoned. Buildings are destroyed.
Luffy yells out his friends names "Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Brook! Gas... well nevermind I don't care about gas. "
Franky notes the smell of gun powder and gas, while Usopp is frightened to know what happened to this place.

Zoro and Law notices someone approaching, and Zoro readies his sword.
A small bunny girl rushes towards Zoro, and Zoro slashes at her, but she changes her direction in mid air, easily dodging Zoro's sword and counter attacking.
Zoro unsheathes his other sword with free hand, catches her claws, but upon contact is electrocuted!

Another mink woman riding on back of an aligator (or crocodile) tells the bunny girl Carrot to stop, those are not the men they're after.
The woman wears Nami's clothes, and tells Carrot intruders are at the Whale Forest.

Law confirms they are the Mink tribe, while Usopp notices the woman wearing Nami's clothes....

End of chapter


I'm getting excited for One Piece again. Well actually I thought the last later part of dressrosa was also pretty good and exciting.
Chapter is out. Good stuff.


Not that eventful of a chapter, but it's cool. So Nami had to change clothes for some reason since she had a different outfit in her latest appearance.


Perhaps this is the reason why we saw Nami in different clothes last time or because she changed them or the Minks infiltrated the Sunny and stole all Strawhats clothes.


Take a look at the alligators legs. There might be some connection with how long the the elephants legs seem to be.

Would you believe me if I said that Robin tearing up over Ryu whatever made me tear up a little? First the Dressrosa face fault and now this. Robin is still steadily opening up even after all this time. I honestly think it's going to lead into something significant for her. The 6th Person perhaps?

Bunny girl seems to be wearing a gauntlet or something that gives her the use of electricity. Glad she was able to dodge and get a hit in on Zoro. There might be some really promising Mink fighters to be seen! And wonderful! Confirmation that they aren't all the same animal!

That start of a new adventure is always so wonderful!

Oh last observation. Let's imagine that the Thriller Bark monsters were Elephant legs. What could be those beadie eye things sparkling in the mist? Well I can't imagine Kin & Kan fell all the way down to the bottom. Maybe there is something set up around the midway point where sentinals watch for intruders or something? Maybe with lights or torches or something.

Of course the hole there is why didn't the crew see these sentinals on the way up? Of course even if my reasoning doesn't hold up we do have to wonder why they didn't see anything on the way up if it's NOT the monkey talking to the Samurai about intruding.

That make any sense?


So Nami might be naked somewhere? I really hope that Oda hides her for some time and make this a joke

Very entertaining chapter.
Holy shit, a new chapter after what feels like ages.



ZOU! We doin' this!

Also I just wanna point out that there's a Lapin in the cover art, because you know. Lapins.


The crew getting so attached to the dragon gave us some adorable moments but I didn't really care about the rest of this chapter.

Holy shit, a new chapter after what feels like ages.



ZOU! We doin' this!

Also I just wanna point out that there's a Lapin in the cover art, because you know. Lapins.
That's pretty funny, gotta give you that
For a moment I thought that WAS Nami, it's been so long.

Anyway, was that monkey Raizo? Did he eat the monkey fruit? Gonna wait for the MS translation but it seemed like the samurai wanted to fall off? Hmm.


For a moment I thought that WAS Nami, it's been so long.

Anyway, was that monkey Raizo? Did he eat the monkey fruit? Gonna wait for the MS translation but it seemed like the samurai wanted to fall off? Hmm.

doesn't seem that it is,since the bunny girl called him differently and it was hell bent on stopping unauthorized trespassing..something that someone of the island might be concerned about,not a ninja from wano
doesn't seem that it is,since the bunny girl called him differently and it was hell bent on stopping unauthorized trespassing..something that someone of the island might be concerned about,not a ninja from wano
Didnt kanjuro say something like the Monkey's cry is the sound of a ninja?

So confused :s
Robin putting flowers on the drawings "grave" was hilarious i love her timeskip personality.

LawxZoro bro moments lol

Carrot seens pretty competent as a fighter that's cool

Kinemon and kanjuro..eh that scene seems fishy to me

Lastly namis clothes...i would get excited at the thought of her running around zou naked with brook and sanji(and to see veelks reaction) but we already saw they changed clothes
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