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One Piece Manga |OT| ZEHAHAHAHA! The Name of this Age is Blackbeard!

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
That would have been




The new monster trio!


Back of the line Sanji!

Honestly, at this point I'm trying to remember the last thing Sanji did that had him deserve his spot in the top 3... I'm hoping he does something that will be amazing. And not freeze up and get his ass kicked because a woman is his opponent.
Sanji is about to light a fire on Big Mom's ship, just you guys wait! The guy swims like a fish and can walk on Air! Oda just hasn't given him a spotlight.

On the next crewmate, I don't really care who officially becomes a strawhat. Just want to see my favorite characters more which is hands down Boa Hancock, Law, and Bartholamew


get some go again
I actually wouldn't mind that too much. Since Jimbei has been in about 3 arcs. (Impel Down, MarineFord and Fishman Island)

Though I wouldn't mind another female, a Fishman would be cool too. I love Law, but he just would feel too obvious for a main stay.
bonney is totally going to join! jimbei will be the shichibukai member that joins and bonney will be the supernova member that joins.


Well gear fourth is stupid...I love it.

Starting to think that whole doffy is blind in his left eye theory is true since he apparently didn't notice luffy before he got kicked in the face from the left.


bonney is totally going to join! jimbei will be the shichibukai member that joins and bonney will be the supernova member that joins.

Yeah, it's been super long since anyone joined the crew. Which might be for the best since it seems that there is still a few problems juggling and giving the members right now enough to do in each arc.


Well gear fourth is stupid...I love it.

Starting to thing that whole doffy is blind in his left eye theory is true since he apparently didn't notice luffy before he got kicked in the face from the left.
Oh man, this still gets even more traction and I love it.


No Scrubs
It's weird how overly complicated Law's plans can be. Punk Hazard was really the only time it worked out. All his plans in this arc failed horrible to the point Law himself said fuck it and just went on the offensive.

If it hadn't been for the Tontotta and Kyros then everything would have turned out even worse, so far their plan has worked the best. The only part of it that hasn't worked is Kyros ending Donflamingo, but that's a moot point since Luffy is going HAM on him right now.


sanji just doing his usual trick of disappearing until making a maximum impact by bailing everyone out/showing up at the last minute like every other arc.

I dig the cannon shot moves. The look I'm not so sure about. Kinda looks like a sumo with the build/face paint around the eyes.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
I like Jinbei joining, since he would play the role that Law does right now. Just being in awe of how strong and stupid the straw hats are.


No Scrubs
I like Jinbei joining, since he would play the role that Law does right now. Just being in awe of how strong and stupid the straw hats are.

I can only imagine his reaction to 4th gear. The rest of the crew won't be surprised at Luffy looking so silly, but Jinbei will have an aneurysm. It'll be amazing.


Yeah, ever since birdcage started shrinking I have a feeling he still has an ace somewhere.

Now even if Luffy totally fails, eventually Sabo and/or Fujitora would kick his ass before the cage closing in. Since the cage is following him, Doffy's location is pretty clear. I believe Doffy (and Oda as a writer) took that in mind. Alltough I am not sure if he is aware that his crew is wrecked and mansherry is free. If that that tactic was still an option/took place, Doffy's current situation would look significantly less doomed.

Now that you mention it, what if Doflamingo´s objectivo is to make everyone concentrate close to him... so he could manipulate them all at close range and rebel his ultimate technique, something like the Ultimate Mastermind where he has absolute control over everyone. So far we have rarely seen him fighting by himself, usually using others to do his bidding. The more I think about it this seems a lot like the Thriller Bark arc, but I am sure there is going to be a different twist to it.


get some go again
what do you think law is going to do with doflamingo after he gets defeated? luffy isn't going to kill him and neither will fujitora. i think he will maybe take off both his arms and leave him like that so he ends up at half strength. with him like that the world government will probably order somebody to take him out or kaidou will get him for not delivering his shipment of smiles.


No Scrubs
Now that you mention it, what if Doflamingo´s objectivo is to make everyone concentrate close to him... so he could manipulate them all at close range and rebel his ultimate technique, something like the Ultimate Mastermind where he has absolute control over everyone. So far we have rarely seen him fighting by himself, usually using others to do his bidding. The more I think about it this seems a lot like the Thriller Bark arc, but I am sure there is going to be a different twist to it.

Well Zorro is on the way to the cage's bars so he can cut them and there's nothing he cannot cut. Just telling him he can't cut something means he's gonna cut it. The big thing with this arc is Donflamingo is a puppet master, from his powers to the toys to how he fights. The way everything has been stacking up is that each of the strings that holds his plans together have been cut, one by one. Expect the bird cage to go down soon. Before the fight is through all his various plots and plans, all his strings, will be cut down and Luffy will be there to deal the finishing blow and cut the final string.

what do you think law is going to do with doflamingo after he gets defeated? luffy isn't going to kill him and neither will fujitora. i think he will maybe take off both his arms and leaves him like that so he ends up at half strength. with him like that the world government will probably order somebody to take him out or kaidou will get him for not delivering his shipment of smiles.

All Law has to do is leave him for Kaido at this point, Donflamingo has literally been loosing everything. After this is all over he'll have nothing left and nowhere to run.


get some go again
All Law has to do is leave him for Kaido at this point, Donflamingo has literally been loosing everything. After this is all over he'll have nothing left and nowhere to run.
it's too dangerous to leave him and his crew in tact though. he's only really lost a couple of people on his crew. law had also made his plan before he found out doflamingo was a descendant of the tenryuubito. the world government probably won't want doflamingo once he's defeated as he will lose a ton of his reputation after people find out he was defeated. they sent doflamingo to take down moria but i don't think any of the other warlords can easily take him out. maybe the new warlord is the one that does it.


No Scrubs
it's too dangerous to leave him and his crew in tact though. he's only really lost a couple of people on his crew. law had also made his plan before he found out doflamingo was a descendent of the tenryuubito.

Kaido is going to be breathing down Donflamingo's neck after this arc is done, Mingo isn't going to be able to stay in one place long enough to heal up let alone do any real damage. He's going to have an emperor out for his blood and he's all out of places to hide and allies. The WG will probably just let Kaido vs Donflamingo play it's course, there's no benefit in it for them in keeping Mingo around. If anything, they'd be happy he's gone. Law and Luffy don't have to kill him, there's a pretty long line of strong guys behind them waiting for the chance.


Surprised he got bigger but it makes sense, I wonder if he could make it more efficient for smaller fights, but going up against shit like "Kaido of the Beasts" this will do. Never liked the nightmare Luffy design though so it still comes across as silly to me, but I like how this helps bring back his rubber/balloon quality than the normal hardening armament.

I actually get the vibe that Jinbei will be another main character to die in one piece.

He's getting a pretty lengthy light hearted side adventure story like Ace did. He's also supposedly going to leave big mom and deal with things before joining the straw hats, so I just get the vibe that there'll be something harsh waiting for the dude and he'd never get to join.

Metal B

sanji just doing his usual trick of disappearing until making a maximum impact by bailing everyone out/showing up at the last minute like every other arc.
I have the crazy idea, that the next arc will be about murder mysteries. What ever the next destination is and how it connects with defeating there first Yonko, Sanji will be declared death! The story is at first about Luffy and the others try to figure out what happened, while the crew was separated.

The point oif this crazy idea is a even bigger one. Sanji can change his gender! This is the ultimate technique, he learned in the Kamabakka Kingdom and it's the same as strange Inazuma's abilitie, which was never explained. The power of this technique comes from a extreme desire for the other gender. The user can use this feelings to power up and change his/her gender. It works either if you want to be a woman/man or have strong feelings for woman/man in general. Imagine if Sanji could be using his burning desire for woman as a weapon. Making his weak point into a strong one. With the drawback, that he becomes a female for a some days (a drawback only in his head).

Of course, Sanji never wanted to learn this technique and Ivankov tricked him into it. He swore to never use it and would rather die (which kind of did in the arc)! But as he and the others were separated and Nami, Chooper and Brook almost got killed by Big Mom crew, he finally used his power. After that the now the female Sanji declared himself as dead, while the others believe her, since they don't recognize him as a woman.


Unconfirmed Member
I have the crazy idea, that the next arc will be about murder mysteries. What ever the next destination is and how it connects with defeating there first Yonko, Sanji will be declared death! The story is at first about Luffy and the others try to figure out what happened, while the crew was separated.

The point oif this crazy idea is a even bigger one. Sanji can change his gender! This is the ultimate technique, he learned in the Kamabakka Kingdom and it's the same as strange Inazuma's abilitie, which was never explained. The power of this technique comes from a extreme desire for the other gender. The user can use this feelings to power up and change his/her gender. It works either if you want to be a woman/man or have strong feelings for woman/man in general. Imagine if Sanji could be using his burning desire for woman as a weapon. Making his weak point into a strong one. With the drawback, that he becomes a female for a some days (a drawback only in his head).

Of course, Sanji never wanted to learn this technique and Ivankov tricked him into it. He swore to never use it and would rather die (which kind of did in the arc)! But as he and the others were separated and Nami, Chooper and Brook almost got killed by Big Mom crew, he finally used his power. After that the now the female Sanji declared himself as dead, while the others believe her, since they don't recognize him as a woman.

Yes it was explained. Inazuma's gender is changed when he gets a hormone therapy shot from Ivankov.


Why is everybody so excited about Doffy being half blind? Zoro is too for example. I honestly think that is not too limiting due to haki and how other senses work in OP.

I still, don't get how. Did we see it?
And yes Water 7 was murder mystery. Dammit =/

Well, move along folks nothing to see here ...

Ivankov has been shown to alter genders more than once, so I think that explaination makes sense.

I expect the next arc te be at least a bit more personal and aimed at the strawhats. This arc builds up Luffy's ability to confront the emperors, with introducing many strong allies and showing his new abilities against strong opponents.
Well gear fourth is stupid...I love it.

Starting to think that whole doffy is blind in his left eye theory is true since he apparently didn't notice luffy before he got kicked in the face from the left.

Oh, that's interesting. I've seen people speculate that he might be fully blind before, but what's the other evidence for him just being blind in his left eye?


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Oh, that's interesting. I've seen people speculate that he might be fully blind before, but what's the other evidence for him just being blind in his left eye?
Uh... He can't be fully blind. Otherwise he wouldn't be able to laugh at how stupid G4 Luffy looked or determine that he was sent to the middle of the city, etc.

The evidence of him being blind in his left eye is a) his flag/Jolly Roger has a scar going right through his left eye and b) numerous instances in which an opponent coming from his left side gets the drop on him, lands a hit, etc.

There are theories with images and stuff. Seems like it's probably true at this point.



OK, a little something a friend pointed out to me: If you look at Zoro's shirt in the color spread you can see a typical skull with bones and some words: "...E ULTIMO", "E MEJOR". This is a typical spanish saying that goes "El que ríe último, ríe mejor", that translated means something along the lines "He/She who laughs last, laughs best".

Make of that what you will.
Uh... He can't be fully blind. Otherwise he wouldn't be able to laugh at how stupid G4 Luffy looked or determine that he was sent to the middle of the city, etc.

The evidence of him being blind in his left eye is a) his flag/Jolly Roger has a scar going right through his left eye and b) numerous instances in which an opponent coming from his left side gets the drop on him, lands a hit, etc.

There are theories with images and stuff. Seems like it's probably true at this point.


Sanji didn't really get the drop on him though. He clearly blocked And I'm sure Dofla can use observation Haki, so that's probably not relevant anyways


Sanji didn't really get the drop on him though. He clearly blocked And I'm sure Dofla can use observation Haki, so that's probably not relevant anyways
Observation Haki couldn't help him with the Red Hawk he ate, or the dropkick in this last chapter since both of those basically came out of nowhere.
Observation Haki couldn't help him with the Red Hawk he ate, or the dropkick in this last chapter since both of those basically came out of nowhere.

I feel like sight is probably less useful than observation haki in any situation though. If he CoO isn't helping, seeing it won't help either
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