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One Piece Thread (redux)

Nobody watched Dragonball.

Except really almost none of the events that happen in Dragonball have any real reference on those in Dragon Ball Z. It seems like Toriyama intentionally designed the post time skip to work as a launch point for people who never once read a single page of Dragon Ball. Oda on the other hand seems to assume you've been around the whole time.


The point is, people have been proven to ignore things like who anyone is if they're enjoying what's on screen enough. This is where I'd normally say "but how can anyone find the One Piece anime that interesting when the pacing is so terrible?" But then I remember that Drag on Ball Z is proof that doesn't matter either.

For the record, I watched Dragonball, YEARS after Z. It's pretty good.


Unconfirmed Member
I believe 325-330 something is filler, so that was a great place to stop if you don't watch them. And yeah, one of my favorite scenes!
325 is extremely critical and marks the official start of the next (nearly 200 episode long) saga. 326-336, however, are filler.

Also seems like we're going straight to Punk Hazard no filler arc
Filler is already confirmed, beginning December 2. It's only going to be a 4 episode batch to end the year, though, then we should likely go to Punk Hazard come January.


Except really almost none of the events that happen in Dragonball have any real reference on those in Dragon Ball Z. It seems like Toriyama intentionally designed the post time skip to work as a launch point for people who never once read a single page of Dragon Ball. Oda on the other hand seems to assume you've been around the whole time.

Z was an abomination in comparison
most of the charm of Dragonball is gone, and all of those characters you loved are shelved in favor of endless yelling and powering up


Filler is already confirmed, beginning December 2. It's only going to be a 4 episode batch to end the year, though, then we should likely go to Punk Hazard come January.
b-but.. but.. dude.. what.. what are you talking about? this.. this doesn't make any sense. you're not making any sense, look

they're doing all this 1:1 business

they even did some episodes which covered less than a chapter

they've been doing it for a long time now

and you're saying.. the 1:1... doesn't mean anything?

Mr. Fix

b-but.. but.. dude.. what.. what are you talking about? this.. this doesn't make any sense. you're not making any sense, look

they're doing all this 1:1 business

they even did some episodes which covered less than a chapter

they've been doing it for a long time now

and you're saying.. the 1:1... doesn't mean anything?

It'll still be at the 1:1 ratio. It just means they'll go into 4 episodes of fillers after they arrive at Punk Hazard.


Unconfirmed Member
b-but.. but.. dude.. what.. what are you talking about? this.. this doesn't make any sense. you're not making any sense, look

they're doing all this 1:1 business

they even did some episodes which covered less than a chapter

they've been doing it for a long time now

and you're saying.. the 1:1... doesn't mean anything?

It's a 4 episode set to tie into the movie just like they did with Strong World.


Unconfirmed Member
There were 4 episodes for Strong World? Wasn't it just 1? What were they about?

426 [+]Movie-connected Special: The 'Gold Lion's' Ambition Moves Forward
Eiga Rendō Supesharu - Ugokidasu Kinjishi no Yabō (映画連動特別編 動き出す金獅子の野望) November 15
427 [+]Movie-connected Special: 'Little East Blue' is Targeted
Eiga Rendō Supesharu - Nerawareta Ritoru Īsuto Burū (映画連動特別編 狙われた小さな東の海) November 22
428 [+]Movie-connected Special: The Amigo Pirate Crew's Vicious Assault
Eiga Rendō Supesharu - Amīgo Kaizokudan no Mōkō (映画連動特別編 アミーゴ海賊団の猛攻) November 29
429 [+]Movie-connected Special: The Decisive Battle! Luffy vs Largo
Eiga Rendō Supesharu - Kessen! Rufi VS Rarugo (映画連動特別編 決戦!ルフィVSラルゴ) December 6
I still think having full filler arcs is great.

I would rather have these and the manga stuff in a faster pace than the 1:1 chapter stuff we had for a while now.

Without having had any exposure to the manga some years ago, I had no clue which episodes were filler or not. Travelling between all these islands on the grand line and now the new world just provides a good setup for them. You only notice that the arcs are usually much shorter and by now it's obvious that they don't have recurring characters or even revelations.
Most of all they are still quite enjoyable, just some more adventures that could easily be canon.

More stories and better pacing. Alternatively they could do month-long breaks but I don't think anyone wants that :p

I appreciate when they flesh out the manga chapters though.


Master of the Google Search
Have they announced details of the new opening theme yet? I thought the past few times we've had the song, group, and date of premiere revealed before hand.

Yep. The weekly manga chapter usually reveals the existance of a new opening a week or two beforehand. Though there has been exceptions.

However, it should be noted that Kaze wo Sagashite began with the 1st Strong World/Little East Blue filler episode, so the same could happen this time. In fact, that new opening wasn't announced ahead of time either...


Saw this thread and it reminded me that I've been meaning to buy the first volume of the manga. I've just ordered it but it is a little daunting as to how many volumes there already are.
Saw this thread and it reminded me that I've been meaning to buy the first volume of the manga. I've just ordered it but it is a little daunting as to how many volumes there already are.

The manga volumes is why I went with getting the anime instead. (though I do read it, viz sj alpha etc). Already buying too many other >20volume ongoing manga series...

You could have got the 3 in 1 manga volumes.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.

*sighs* I would love to recommend the manga to people if stuff like that wasn't there. Stupid 4Kids and stupid Viz for not fighting the changes.
Viz is also stupid for not licensing Assassination Classroom, and for having dubs that are too literal.
218 - 229

So glad to the end of the Foxy Pirates arc and then that dull memory loss filler arc, was painful. Anyway, moving on Aokiji sounded nothing like I expected though oddly fitting in english. Even more seeing the whole event animated was far better than the manga. It seemed more intense and pressing though oddly more lively thanks to the VA chosen for Aokiji.

This seemed to signify to me that One Piece will definitely be firing on all cylinders now and probably not letting anything go, staying at some high pace, filled with the goodness that gives me the same sense of action and adventure that Alabasta prided itself on and that Skypeia forgot. I hope Water 7 is done real well and I already started getting somewhat into the emotions just by all the tiny hints and stuff of one of the most memorable events in the manga for me and probably the only other major event from this arc that I remember from when I read it three years ago, I think.
so many hints towards the Going Merry condition from the crew, shes all broken and stuff and will get repaired but you know, and then the Ussop Luffy thing

Water 7 looks so colorful, large, and well, filled with more water than I imagine. Rather one of the more creative places in the universe.


the arc with the rookie 9 was amazing. maybe the best anime arc yet. but for all u people who think that u can catch up with the anime, read the manga, itll take less time, ull get a better story, and itll explain more.


the arc with the rookie 9 was amazing. maybe the best anime arc yet. but for all u people who think that u can catch up with the anime, read the manga, itll take less time, ull get a better story, and itll explain more.
Personally i find the anime 10x better just for the voice acting and music alone (japanese).


Has problems recognising girls
We (my partner and I) finished off the small arc (or is it filler? I don't know, we watch every episode anyway) containing the moments between the Water 7/Enies Lobby arc and up until they meet Brook and begin the Thriller Bark arc proper.

So now we're up to 337 and going to sit down for a while tonight to watch an episode or five. My partner is excited about Brook the most.
She seems to think the idea of a musician who is a living skeleton is hilarious.

I'm looking forward to meeting Brook and getting to know his idiosyncrasies as well. Franky has already become a favourite of mine, as I had envisioned earlier despite my initial impressions, and I find a lot of enjoyment when he is on the screen - almost as much as I do when Usopp and Luffy are fooling around with Chopper. There isn't a day that goes by when I bellow out a "Franky" with a rolled r, or randomly scream out "SUPER!"

To think that we're 200-odd episodes away from catching up is a little disheartening. I don't want to get to the point where we begin waiting each week. Alas, there have to be times when we wait for One Piece and I fear that it may come sooner rather than later. At least I am having fun watching it.

Personally i find the anime 10x better just for the voice acting and music alone (japanese).

I'm a bit the same, though I wouldn't be surprised when I do get around to buying and reading the manga that I'll gain much more attachment to the characters and story as a whole. That generally happens due to the manga "lite" literature approach, but I cannot deny that the voice work and the music are more than enough to gain a thorough attachment to One Piece overall.


I'm a bit the same, though I wouldn't be surprised when I do get around to buying and reading the manga that I'll gain much more attachment to the characters and story as a whole. That generally happens due to the manga "lite" literature approach, but I cannot deny that the voice work and the music are more than enough to gain a thorough attachment to One Piece overall.

I usually like anime a lot more than the manga, but I find the pacing in the One Piece anime to be absolutely terrible. Starting with about the Enis Lobby arc, it started to become unwatchable for me. 7 minute recap and intro with about 5 minutes in the show being wasted with pointless, drawn out shots just ruins it for me
So I take it that is the end of the Fishman Island Arc?

I might take a break, come back in a year or so and watch the next arc in one sitting.

I will have this to say though regarding filler, the first time I watched the Foxxy Pirate episodes I swore it was filler. I mean, Luffy in an afro? Has to be filler.
Then Aokiji showed up...
So I take it that is the end of the Fishman Island Arc?

I might take a break, come back in a year or so and watch the next arc in one sitting.

I will have this to say though regarding filler, the first time I watched the Foxxy Pirate episodes I swore it was filler. I mean, Luffy in an afro? Has to be filler.
Then Aokiji showed up...

Half the episodes were filler. Only three events happened in the manga.
Don't hate the Afro
Nice to see post time skip Smoker and Tashigi animated, I really can't wait to see the hilarity on Punk Hazard.

So I take it that is the end of the Fishman Island Arc?

I might take a break, come back in a year or so and watch the next arc in one sitting.

I will have this to say though regarding filler, the first time I watched the Foxxy Pirate episodes I swore it was filler. I mean, Luffy in an afro? Has to be filler.
Then Aokiji showed up...

Event 1, 2, and 6 are the ones that happen in the manga. Event 1 is changed so that all of the Straw Hats can participate, the end result is the same though. Event 2 is the same only there is no sub plot with the horse so the Straw Hats just pick Chopper. Event 6 plays out mostly the same, difference being that there is no deal to take multiple crew (as neither Robin or Chopper are taken) and Luffy simple takes Foxy's jolly roger when he wins.
So I take it that is the end of the Fishman Island Arc?

I might take a break, come back in a year or so and watch the next arc in one sitting.

I will have this to say though regarding filler, the first time I watched the Foxxy Pirate episodes I swore it was filler. I mean, Luffy in an afro? Has to be filler.
Then Aokiji showed up...

Yeah it was pretty needlessly filled with filler fluff for no reason and pretty difficult to watch beyond the zoro sanji stuff. Taking a few weeks off here and there to watch One Piece usually works well, though I would at least wait and see how this next arc starts off, I think at least manga wise, it definitely is one of the better arcs in One Piece.
Done with Skypiea. Three things.

1) I liked how the last Enel fight was handled. Considering how powerful Enel was shown as, I really wouldn't have liked to see Luffy jump in and easily gomu gomu him to death. Having him win firstly because of the rubber-electricity thing and secondly by using the gold ball that Enel himself gave him was great. If you're not writing the story where everything goes horribly, I like when there's at least the implication that things were very, very close to not working out.

2) I really loved G-8 because I FINALLY got Luffy, Zoro and Sanji teaming up against a common enemy instead of them conveniently being miles from each other whenever fights break out.

3) Kind of getting tired of the Sanji-Nami thing. It was funny at first, but he just has to comment on his love for Nami after seemingly every single thing she ever does. It's getting to "the cake is a lie" levels of idiotic overuse.


3) Kind of getting tired of the Sanji-Nami thing. It was funny at first, but he just has to comment on his love for Nami after seemingly every single thing she ever does. It's getting to "the cake is a lie" levels of idiotic overuse.

He is a コック. It's probably intended as a double entendre, he is the ship's cook, and a cock, and has a raging hard-on for any attractive female. Best to get used to it, it's here to stay.

Mr. Fix

Yeah it was pretty needlessly filled with filler fluff for no reason and pretty difficult to watch beyond the zoro sanji stuff. Taking a few weeks off here and there to watch One Piece usually works well, though I would at least wait and see how this next arc starts off, I think at least manga wise, it definitely is one of the better arcs in One Piece.

Water 7's the best arc. Luffy's flashback is a snoozefest up to the point where Dragon comes in.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Water 7's the best arc. Luffy's flashback is a snoozefest up to the point where Dragon comes in.

Luffy's second flashback is so much better in the manga. Less padding. Then again, same can be said for every arc since the 1:1 pacing started.

In other One Piece news, I had a disturbing revelation. The 4Kids massacre premiered eight years ago, the unfortunate kids that started on that show have grown up a bit. It's no wonder I see so many 4Kids fans out there! Like people claiming Funi's dub sucks because there's "not enough emotion", even though "lack of emotion" was one of the biggest problems with the 4Kids dub. All Luffy did was scream, Sanji's voice was as monotone as it was horrid to listen to, and the less said about Vivi the better (it was also pronounced similarly to Vivian... yeah)

Nostalgia is a dangerous thing.


Has problems recognising girls
Almost done with the Thriller Bark arc. I've enjoyed it despite the infuriating laughs that echo out of Hogback & Gekko Moriah. It's definitely not as enjoyable as Water 7 & Enies Lobby, but at least it hasn't been a true waste of time.

Mr. Fix

Almost done with the Thriller Bark arc. I've enjoyed it despite the infuriating laughs that echo out of Hogback & Gekko Moriah. It's definitely not as enjoyable as Water 7 & Enies Lobby, but at least it hasn't been a true waste of time.

I thought the animation for Thriller Bark was up there. The whole arc is heavily focused around working together as a team. I didn't actually realize till after. Watching the crew cooperate and coordinate together to take down a single foe was awesome. Moria in contrast, lost everything and relied solely on others to do his work for him. A pretty neat, and simple contrast, and if you're at the part with Oars, then holy shit you're gonna love how this arc wraps up. I only started liking the arc once the Oars battle started. Oh, and Docking.


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah, things piddled along a bit at the start. Luffy pushing the zombie back in to the ground had me in stitches. But everything opened up once Oars woke up and the Straw Hats battled against him. That and Kuma.
So good. But as you mentioned it's great to see them working as a big team for the first time rather than the typical 1v1 or 2v2 battles.
So recently i decided to watch some of the One Piece filler that i skipped when trying to catch up to the series, i'm currently watching that arc where the merry is taken by the marines in that base after skypeia. I saw this drawing of nami and oh no. What is Toei doing?!?!? I dont care if this is a filler arc or whatever, there's no excuse for this.


Mr. Fix

Sure, but if it replaces I Will Surpass You as the Jet Gatling theme, then head will roll.

They need to preserve all those tracks from the key moments. Also, I just realized that most of the themes originate from the movies, then transfer over to the anime. I have faith that the Z film will introduce some more awesome ones.


They need to preserve all those tracks from the key moments. Also, I just realized that most of the themes originate from the movies, then transfer over to the anime. I have faith that the Z film will introduce some more awesome ones.

The nami special screwed with the walk to arlong park, so nothing is safe.


it is, and it deserves the best possible movie adaptation when it eventually happens

Now that is a really horrible idea, they couldn't manage to fit the entire alrong park arc in a 2 hour movie, movie 8 alabasta arc was screwed & chopped to hell like a mixtape completely fell flat and you expect them to make a movie of the longest arc in one piece (what was it like 100 episode long?).

Making a movie of water 7 is impossible what your going to end up with will resemble an AMV video on youtube.

Personally I wish toei would stop making movies and those tv specials, cause the animators used to make those movies are the tv animators so animators are pulled from the tv to work on the movie then you end up hurting the tv series like fishmen arc (animators got pulled to work on op film z,new dragon ball z,episode of nami,episode of luffy and romance dawn psp game).


So recently i decided to watch some of the One Piece filler that i skipped when trying to catch up to the series, i'm currently watching that arc where the merry is taken by the marines in that base after skypeia. I saw this drawing of nami and oh no. What is Toei doing?!?!? I dont care if this is a filler arc or whatever, there's no excuse for this.


oh shit

Now that is a really horrible idea, they couldn't manage to fit the entire alrong park arc in a 2 hour movie, movie 8 alabasta arc was screwed & chopped to hell like mixtape completely fell flat and you expect them make a movie of the longest arc in one piece (what was it like 100 episode long?).

Making a movie of water 7 is impossible what your going to end up with will resemble an AMV video on youtube.

Personally I wish toei would stop making movies and those tv specials, cause the animators used to make those movies are the tv animators so animators are pulled from the tv to work on the movie then you end up hurting the tv series like fishmen arc (animators got pulled to work on op film z,new dragon ball z,episode of nami,episode of luffy and romance dawn psp game).

honestly, the pacing is so horrible in the TV show that im pretty sure they could do it in one long movie or two standard ones
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