What's an Usopp tier!?
I think DTL rates characters by how much he considers them a pretty boy.
Jimbei and Usopp apparently have the same "prettyboy"-ranking.
What's an Usopp tier!?
The effects of the Hana Hana no Mi allows her to double body parts. All the other characters got better control over their powers in those 2 years, why should she be left out...
Too much boob for me
Just randomly checked this thread for no specific reason (haven't even seen One Piece :[ ) and I see this.
Holy crap, this episode covers TWO chapters!
EDIT: Actually, no it doesn't. But it looks like the next episode might just!
Sweet end to an arc
Arc had a ton of beautiful backgrounds but had the lowest production value wise arc since since I don't know when, it lacked a lot of big moments animated by the big key animators it's clear the big movies toei are working on at the same time have effect this arc since most the big animators are working on the new one piece movie filmz, new dragon ball movie and episode of nami special at the time.The early part of the arc up to the flash back looked really great then followed series of one mediocre looking eps followed by good ones then back to bad one repeat etc.
I wonder which Devil Fruit abilities they are stealing now... I guess to pimp his crew one by one?
New one piece 2 hour special announce
One Piece Episode of luffy ~ Hand Island Adventure ~
『One Piece - Episode of Luffy』 Adventure to the New World from the encounter with Shanks
airing the 15 dec 2012 at 9pm (a saturday evening like the nami special)
short teaser trailer at the start
Wow, in the english dub they pronounced aokiji as ow-kee-jee.
Isn't that how it's pronounced? Gah, waiting for that new episode. Sucks that we still don't have the Nami special though.
Wow, in the english dub they pronounced aokiji as ow-kee-jee.
Isn't that how it's pronounced? Gah, waiting for that new episode. Sucks that we still don't have the Nami special though.
My partner and I passed episode 300 last night after a very long hiatus halfway through the Skypiea arc, but we've watched some 100+ episodes within the timeframe of a fortnight or so. Intense.
I have no idea why we stopped during Skypiea. Maybe it had something to do with that stupid ordeal of balls.
Anyway. I think One Piece has hit that moment where it has become increasingly enjoyable the more I watch it, if that was even possible since I liked it from the get-go. Every time I get home from work I want to throw on an episode or three and relax with laughs.
Luffy and Usopp are still my favourite characters, but I love the whole crew in their own little ways. I thought to myself last night how it was slightly humourous that I thought Franky was the biggest and most annoying douche out there. But the past dozen or so episodes, specifically going from his past and up to the current moment where he is with Robin on the Bridge of Hesitation, has caused me to do a complete reversal. I can see him hitting the same personal tier of love that Luffy and Usopp belong to.
Looking forward to watching some more each day until we finally catch up with everything and then the plan is to read the manga.
P.S. How fucking cool was that moment in Enies Lobby when Robin breaks down in tears and pleads that she wants to live when the Straw Hats are standing on the Courthouse staring down CP9 who are in the Tower of Justice? Probably my favourite moment in One Piece yet.
One of the best moments in the series, seriously. Sparked a new era for both pirates and the Straw Hat crew.P.S. How fucking cool was that moment in Enies Lobby when Robin breaks down in tears and pleads that she wants to live when the Straw Hats are standing on the Courthouse staring down CP9 who are in the Tower of Justice? Probably my favourite moment in One Piece yet.
I had to look up episode 312 since I forgot which that was.I'm not surprised you zoomed through Water 7/Enies Lobby so quickly. That shit was the best. Also get to episode 312. Seriously.
One of the best moments in the series, seriously. Sparked a new era for both pirates and the Straw Hat crew.
I had to look up episode 312 since I forgot which that was.
then i saw that you indeed need to watch that one asap
Episode 312 eh? Well I guess we'll go through it later today.
One Piece 571: I Love Sweets! The Yonko Big Mom!
One Piece 572 Preview: Grim Prospects! A Trap that Waits in the New World
Taking over for Dr. Pangloss this week. I'm ready for that new opening soon!
Looking forward to your impressions on it and the event that precedes that episode, if you'll share it!
They were colored pink on the cover of volume 66, which is what Oda wanted.Gotta say, I was surprised by all the PINK on Big Mom's associates. They were pretty solid black in the manga, though yes you can only do so much there. I'd have expected a lighter manga coloring in general though if the intent was for pink.
Does anyone know how the colors for characters are decided? Do they actually consult Oda for every named character? Or just do whatever they feel like?
They were colored pink on the cover of volume 66, which is what Oda wanted.[IMG]
The three-eyed girl and Bobbins were improvised, though.[/QUOTE]
Oh hey there they are. I figured they pulled stuff from covers and inserts, I didn't know those guys made it onto one though.
Wow, in the english dub they pronounced aokiji as ow-kee-jee.
So basically a 2 hour recap film to summarize everything that happened in the first half of the story? Funimation you need to get on this so you can start airing One Piece post time skip on TV againin my dreams
So sad.
We pushed through to 324 and will leave it at that for another day.
Episodes like this always seem to get me excited to what's going to happen. I read the Manga but I just love the way they translate things into these episodes. It will be awesome from here on out!
todays episode...
I guess odas supply of crazy juice arrived when he wrote this
So sad.
We pushed through to 324 and will leave it at that for another day.
One Piece 571: I Love Sweets! The Yonko Big Mom!
One Piece 572 Preview: Grim Prospects! A Trap that Waits in the New World
Taking over for Dr. Pangloss this week. I'm ready for that new opening soon!
Looking forward to your impressions on it and the event that precedes that episode, if you'll share it!
Have they announced details of the new opening theme yet? I thought the past few times we've had the song, group, and date of premiere revealed before hand.
i hope the new opening song is as good as fight together.
they used the same singer from the 1st opening right? will they get the group who sang the 2nd opening for the next op?
believe is the best one piece opening so it would be cool.
Eww, We Are/We Go are the best by far