Doffy said it takes the birdcage ~1 hour to collapse... that means only 3 more episodes to go, wow!

oh and Trebol just watching his boss getting tag-teamed?
btw. is or will there be an explanation for how Doffy can be so strong? It seems so effortless and he doesn't seem like the type to undergo years of hard training. Rather the opposite actually as his shtick is arranging things behind the scenes.
I guess one could see him as not actually a skilled fighter but having super powerful haki due to his strong will + years and years of perfecting his DF ability.
oh and Trebol just watching his boss getting tag-teamed?
btw. is or will there be an explanation for how Doffy can be so strong? It seems so effortless and he doesn't seem like the type to undergo years of hard training. Rather the opposite actually as his shtick is arranging things behind the scenes.
I guess one could see him as not actually a skilled fighter but having super powerful haki due to his strong will + years and years of perfecting his DF ability.