That's true as long as you're counting Law as a main character.Senor pink has by far the most tragic backstory of any non-main character.
He even surpasses some of the main characters like zorro or sanji imo
That's true as long as you're counting Law as a main character.
Does anyone has any idea how long this dressrosa arc will still last? Has been saving around 30 episodes already (One Piece is so much better as a binge watch) and thought that I will hold One Piece marathon when the arc is done. Is the arc even done in manga yet?
It finished up in the manga.
The latest episode covered Chapter 776. Dressrosa ends around Chapter 800.
There's still quite a bit to cover.
So basically something like July 2016. Has this been the longest story arc yet? At least the longest within the same place.
I hope after this Oda will do a few smaller plots. I miss the island hopping with more focus on the crew shenanigans. Especially now that half of them are MIA.
It has certainly been the longest Arc in the Manga yet.
1/8th of the entire One Piece Manga took place on Dressrosa alone.
One Piece will get a TV anime special on December 19 titled One Piece ~Adventure of Nevlandia~. The special will be the anime's first winter special.
The special with a completely original story will take place on a "Devil Fruit blocking" fog island in the New World that keeps Devil Fruit users from being able to use their powers. The Straw Hat crew find themselves in a desperate crisis on the island. The crew will also again meet and have a rematch with the Foxy Pirates from the Davy Back Fight arc. Foxy now has three new subordinates: Dōjack, Kanshō, and Kōmei, the latter of whom is a genius tactician. will Chopper and brook work exactly?
Kônosuke Uda (One Piece episodes 1-278, One Piece: Dead End, One Piece: Mega Mecha Soldier of Karakuri Castle) will direct the special
Konosuke uda also directed Galaxy Express 999: Eternal Fantasy,lovely complex,Ginga e Kickoff!, Niji-Iro Hotaru ~Eien no Natsu Yasumi~ movie and majine bone.
Luffy can probably body people even without his Devil Fruit. He's still got Armament Haki, Observation Haki and Conquerer's Haki.Brook and Chopper aside. Wouldn't Sanji and Zoro just body everyone and arc over?
Robin looking exactly like Viola
France is getting One Piece 11 Movies Collection on DVD and Bluray.
never seen any anime with pacing this bad
Naruto takes the cake over One Piece
It could be worse, at least the plot is progressing at a glacial pace. In Naruto the plot is progressing at an even more glacial pace and they haven't gone back to the main plot for any significant amount of time. THE MANGA IT'S ADAPTING IS FINISHED. Like, seriously.naruto is the only other anime I can compare this shitty pacing to, but the latest OP episode breaks records with its shittiness
It could be worse, at least the plot is progressing at a glacial pace. In Naruto the plot is progressing at an even more glacial pace and they haven't gone back to the main plot for any significant amount of time. THE MANGA IT'S ADAPTING IS FINISHED. Like, seriously.
I heard about this last night during Toonami.
Pierrot are severely milking the Infinite Tsukiomi dreams. Something that was 1 or 2 panels in the manga and making mini-arcs out of them.
Can you imagine what Toei will attempt when One Piece gets close to the end?
I would be actually happy with long filler arc in One Piece if it would allow faster than 1 chapter per episode pace for canon material.
I can see a substantial filler arc happening after Dressrosa ends. It will allow Oda to work at his own (company-mandated) pace, and thethe ending of Dressrosa provides some interesting opportunities for filler
It could be worse, at least the plot is progressing at a glacial pace. In Naruto the plot is progressing at an even more glacial pace and they haven't gone back to the main plot for any significant amount of time. THE MANGA IT'S ADAPTING IS FINISHED. Like, seriously.
Yeah I know it's unrealistic to hope for it. Though I think the times have also changed a bit and OP is now simply too big for people not to tune it.They generally avoid that because episodes without the Strawhats get less viewers.