She wasn't sure if she'd have the time for a relationship and didn't want to hurt me, but wanted to try.
This is usually an excuse. People who waste time online either want just sex or a relationship.
Anyways, we've talked about things past the first date, such as cuddling, movies, hanging out, sex (not anytime soon - wants to be in love), oral, etc. I guess setting ground rules, and because the conversation naturally went there a couple of times.
So, I have a personal rule. I don't talk about the next date on the first date, here's why. It subconsciously tells the girl that you're serious about continuously seeing her. People have a natural reaction to this, which is fear. People don't like to be tied down and want to know that they're free. Also, you want to leave a bit of mystery after the first date, you don't want to guarantee yourself. Sex is good to talk about but in a flirty way, not a "let's discuss the seriousness of it to set ground rules" way. You want to slip casual, flirty hints that you're down to bang, not have a full-on conversation about it.
We decided on a movie, plus coffee. She was going to leave it up to me, because I did mention my mental illness to be honest, and she wasn't sure of my comfort zone. However, we just did a movie.
Don't do movies as a first date. It gives the least room for conversation. Stick to coffee, drinking, bowling, etc...
Ended up meeting at the theatre just before. I got the tickets, and then we sat down. I'm shy/new to this, so it took me a while, but I eventually put my arm around her and she got close/nestled in. I was cold, so I used it to my advantage.
Smooth move, but this should be avoided. This kind of contact is what couples do. Don't place yourself in the couples zone on a first date. The first reason is the same reason you don't want to discuss a second date so eagerly (i.e. fear of commitment). The second reason is that girls will sometimes accept your move as a way to avoid awkwardness.
How do you know when you should make such a move? At least wait for the second date, that way you'll know there's legit interest. I always say that the second date is the real date, as the first date can often be meaningless. A girl can decide she's not into you right away, and then may act based on avoiding awkwardness. Its happened to me and I've also done it to other girls before.
I asked her later if she could warm my hand up, so we held hands for a while too.
Again, this is couples stuff. Avoid it on a first meeting.
In the long run, I'm also scared about how she wants kids and I don't think I do. I have a lot of issues to get over, and really don't want to pass them on to a child or know if I could support/look after one on disability.
You're thinking way too far ahead, man. You might not even see her again. Try to keep your focus on having fun, that's how all first dates should go. Strictly fun, casual, with enough intrigue to make a second date. Then, slowly escalate from there.
Good for you for doing this, man. I have read your posts before and am aware to some degree of your situation. No matter what happens don't be discouraged and keep trying. My insight above is merely something to think about for the next girl you meet. Or for the second date with this one.